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Napoles, M.; Yanes, Y.; Ascencion, Y.; Alfonso, R.; Calderon, C., E-mail:
International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO). Book of extended synopses2009
International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO). Book of extended synopses2009
No abstract available
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Human Health, Vienna (Austria); American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD (United States); American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Reston, VA (United States); American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), Fairfax, VA (United States); European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), Brussels (Belgium); International Association for Radiation Research (IARR), Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku (Japan); International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Inc. (ICRU), Bethesda, MD (United States); Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP), Osaka University, Suita-city (Japan); Asociacion Latinoamericana de Terapia Radiante Oncologica (ALATRO), Cancun (Mexico); European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Vienna (Austria); European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), Udine (Italy); International Network for Cancer Treatment Research (INCTR), Brussels (Belgium); International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP), Kogarah, NSW (Australia); Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG), Department of Radiation Oncology, Calvary Mater Newcastle, NSW (Australia); International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Geneva (Switzerland); 353 p; 2009; p. 237-238; ICARO: International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology; Vienna (Austria); 27-29 Apr 2009; IAEA-CN--170/181P; No abstract provided; 2 refs, 1 fig., 1 tab
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[en] The Building Permit for the Temelin NPP with four VVER units was issued in 1986, which is a long time ago. Since then, however, was taken a route that is very different from what anybody imagined. Described are the legislative and design changes and given is a current condition of the power plant
Primary Subject
Jencic, I.; Tkavc, M. (Nuclear Society of Slovenia (Slovenia)) (eds.); Nuclear Society of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia). Funding organisation: Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Slovenia); European Nuclear Society, Brussels (Belgium); Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Agency for Radwaste Management, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Ljubljana (Slovenia); Graduate Program Nucelar Engineering, Univ. of Ljubljana (Slovenia); Inst. of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Inst. of Metal Constructions, Ljubljana (Slovenia); NPP Krsko (Slovenia); Framatome, Paris (France); Westinghouse Electric Systems Europe S.A., Brussels (Belgium); Canberra-Packard Central Europe, Schwadorf (Austria); Elmont, Krsko (Slovenia); ENCONET International, Zagreb (Croatia); Inetec, Zagreb (Croatia); NUMIP, Krsko (Slovenia); Q Techna, Krsko (Slovenia); SIAP, Maribor (Slovenia); [602 p.]; ISBN 961-6207-20-2; ; 2002; [2 p.]; International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2002; Kranjska Gora (Slovenia); 9-12 Sep 2002; Also available from Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, Zelezna cesta 16, Ljubljana (SI) or Nuclear Society of Slovenia, Jamova 39, Ljubljana (SI)
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Derij, V.P.; Shestakov, N.B.
The Ninth International scientific and technical conference Safety, efficiency and economy of atomic energy. Book of abstracts2014
The Ninth International scientific and technical conference Safety, efficiency and economy of atomic energy. Book of abstracts2014
No abstract available
Original Title
Optimizatsiya podkhodov k vvodu ehnergoblokov AEhS v ehkspluatatsiyu
Primary Subject
Otkrytoe Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo Rossijskij Kontsern po Proizvodstvu Ehlektricheskoj i Teplovoj Ehnergii na Atomnykh Stantsiyakh, Ehlektrogorsk Moskovskoj Obl. (Russian Federation); 284 p; 2014; p. 200; 9. international scientific and technical conference on safety, efficiency and economy of atomic energy; Devyataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya Bezopasnost', ehffektivnost' i ehkonomika atomnoj ehnergetiki; Moscow (Russian Federation); 21-23 May 2014
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Gilchrist, Paul
WM Symposia, Inc., PO Box 27646, 85285-7646 Tempe, AZ (United States)2017
WM Symposia, Inc., PO Box 27646, 85285-7646 Tempe, AZ (United States)2017
[en] In the UK, nuclear skills and qualifications have been the subject of several studies in higher levels of Government, including one by UK Cabinet Office. The newly formed UK Nuclear Skills Strategy Group (NSSG) has been tasked with addressing the current skills and people gaps for the UK nuclear industry. The NSSG is working with several key organisations in the UK: The National Skills Academy for Nuclear, (NSAN), which covers skills interventions, training and workforce development and experience, and the newly forming National College for Nuclear (NCfN) which will become a nuclear qualifications awarding body, regulating educational qualifications and curriculum in the nuclear sector. The NSSG has published its own UK Nuclear Skills Strategy in December 2016, aligned to the UK Cabinet Office study. It is the intent that, in the near future, nuclear qualifications and experience will be directly transferable across different organisations and nuclear sites in the UK, enabling the maintenance of high standards of behaviours and improved mobility throughout the sector. The UK needs to maintain and grow a diverse workforce and nuclear Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) people. The 2015 UK Nuclear Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) report, produced by Cogent for the Nuclear Energy Skills Alliance (NESA), concluded that the total nuclear workforce demand for the UK Nuclear Civil and Defence sector needed to grow by 33,000 people in the next five years, which includes replacement and expansion demand. This involved all disciplines and grades, with for example, higher level skilled workers needing to increase by 2200 FTEs every year. The main discipline pinch points were in, for example, Mechanical; Electrical; Project Management; Safety Case Specialists; Commissioning Engineers. Of the overall workforce, around 10% is over 60 years old and around 38% is over 50 years old. Jacobs in the UK is widely involved in many aspects of skills and competence development, with active involvement in local and national training programmes, and driving new methodologies to accelerate our staff's journey to nuclear competence. As well as looking at the immediate future, there is a risk in the UK that, over the 120-year plus clean-up mission, there won't be enough people with the right skills. Jacobs is developing sustainable solutions to this in our skills and development strategy for the nuclear sector. Jacobs has developed a variety of approaches to help us maintain and grow our diverse workforce and nuclear 'SQEP' people. This includes: - Identifying and developing our employees' technical and personal skills and capabilities, particularly the requirements of our millennials in both technical and social aspects of their working lives. - Identifying and planning for our future skills needs to meet our projected business requirements. - Our programme to transfer skilled employees from other sectors into the nuclear industry. - Our extensive school student placement scheme, aligned to the UK's 'Industrial Cadet' scheme, which has helped to bring school-aged students into Jacobs on workplace experience. - Our collaboration with our customers to develop UK national level Trailblazer Apprentice programmes. - Our involvement at a UK national level in the work of the National Skills Academy for Nuclear (NSAN), the Nuclear Energy Skills Alliance (NESA) High Level Skills Committee and the newly forming UK National College for Nuclear (NCfN). - Our work to ensure diversity is valued in our workplace, for example in our involvement in 'Women in Nuclear'. (authors)
Primary Subject
2017; 9 p; WM2017 Conference: 43. Annual Waste Management Symposium; Phoenix, AZ (United States); 5-9 Mar 2017; Available from: WM Symposia, Inc., PO Box 27646, 85285-7646 Tempe, AZ (US); Country of input: France; 4 refs.; available online at:
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Stefanovic, P.; Klucarova, K.; Cernicka, J.; Toth, L.
Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Nuclear Energy in Central Europe2000
Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Nuclear Energy in Central Europe2000
[en] Paper is focused on responsibilities and position of VUJE Trnava Inc. in process of commissioning of new NPP units. It describes the order of activities during commissioning from the preparation of measurements to evaluation of measured data. Paper's scope is on the commissioning the 1st and 2nd units of the NPP Mochovce, which has been commissioned in the years 1998 and 1999. Basic characteristics of the NPP Mochovce design are also included in this paper. (author)
Primary Subject
Mavko, B.; Cizelj, L.; Kovac, M. (Nuclear Society of Slovenia (Slovenia)) (eds.); Nuclear Society of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Slovenia). Funding organisation: Ministry of Science and Technology of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Ministry of Economic Affairs of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia); European Nuclear Society, Brussels (Belgium); American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY (United States); NPP Krsko (Slovenia); Westinghouse Electric Systems Europe S.A., Brussels (Belgium); CAE, Toronto (Canada); Siemens AG, Erlangen, Offenbach (Germany); Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Univ. of Ljubljana (Slovenia); Framatome, Paris (France); Inetec, Zagreb (Croatia); SIAP d.o.o, Pesnica pri Mariboru (Slovenia); IBE d.d. Consulting Engineers, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Inst. of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana (Slovenia); NUMIP d.o.o, Krsko (Slovenia); Q Techna d.o.o., Krsko (Slovenia); Elmont d.o.o., Krsko (Slovenia); Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Agency for Radwaste Management, Ljubljana (Slovenia); ENCONET Consulting GmbH, Vienna (Austria); The Inst. of Metal Constructions, Ljubljana (Slovenia); The Milan Vidmar Electroinstitute, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Welding Inst., Ljubljana (Slovenia); 13.8 Megabytes; ISBN 961-6303-29-5; ; 2000; [8 p.]; International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000; Bled (Slovenia); 11-14 Sep 2000; Also available from Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, Zelezna cesta 16, Ljubljana (SI) or Nuclear Society of Slovenia, Jamova 39, Ljubljana (SI); 4 refs., 2 tabs., 6 figs.
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[en] The Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe (TLK) has been designed to handle relevant amounts of tritium for the development of tritium technology for fusion reactors. This paper describes the tritium technology development and experience gained during the upgrade of facilities, interventions, replacement of failed components and operation of the TLK since its commissioning with tritium in 1994. (authors)
Primary Subject
8. international conference on tritium science and technology; Rochester, NY (United States); 16-21 Sep 2007; Country of input: France; 15 refs
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Fusion Science and Technology; ISSN 1536-1055; ; v. 54(1); p. 143-148
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Larraga-Gutierrez, J.M.; Garcia-Garduno, O.A.; Ballesteros-Zebadua, P.; Galvan de la Cruz, O.; Celis Miguel, A., E-mail:
International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO). Book of extended synopses2009
International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO). Book of extended synopses2009
No abstract available
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Human Health, Vienna (Austria); American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD (United States); American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Reston, VA (United States); American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), Fairfax, VA (United States); European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), Brussels (Belgium); International Association for Radiation Research (IARR), Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku (Japan); International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Inc. (ICRU), Bethesda, MD (United States); Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP), Osaka University, Suita-city (Japan); Asociacion Latinoamericana de Terapia Radiante Oncologica (ALATRO), Cancun (Mexico); European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Vienna (Austria); European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), Udine (Italy); International Network for Cancer Treatment Research (INCTR), Brussels (Belgium); International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP), Kogarah, NSW (Australia); Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG), Department of Radiation Oncology, Calvary Mater Newcastle, NSW (Australia); International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Geneva (Switzerland); 353 p; 2009; p. 179-180; ICARO: International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology; Vienna (Austria); 27-29 Apr 2009; IAEA-CN--170/149P; No abstract provided; 2 refs, 1 fig., 1 tab
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Kallionpää, Jukka
International Conference on Enhancing the Operational Safety of Nuclear Power Plants. Presentations2024
International Conference on Enhancing the Operational Safety of Nuclear Power Plants. Presentations2024
[en] Commissioning inspection - basics: • After the tests are completed, the license holder applies for a license to use the system. This phase is called KOT2. • The result report of the commissioning testing is submitted to STUK for processing. • After the commissioning tests (KOT2) of the systems, tests between the systems are carried out • Cross-system tests are an important step.
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); vp; 2024; 22 p; OS2024: International Conference on Enhancing the Operational Safety of Nuclear Power Plants; Beijing (China); 15-19 Apr 2024; Also available on-line:
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Gardner, C.
Brookhaven National Laboratory Electron Beam Ion Source (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office Of Science (United States)2011
Brookhaven National Laboratory Electron Beam Ion Source (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office Of Science (United States)2011
[en] During the commissioning of EBIS beams in Booster in November 2010 and in April, May and June 2011, it was found that the transverse emittances of the EBIS beams just upstream of Booster were much larger than expected. Beam emittances of 11π mm milliradians had been expected, but numbers 3 to 4 times larger were measured. Here and throughout this note the beam emittance, πε0, is taken to be the area of the smallest ellipse that contains 95% of the beam. We call this smallest ellipse the beam ellipse. If the beam distribution is gaussian, the rms emittance of the distribution is very nearly one sixth the area of the beam ellipse. The normalized rms emittance is the rms emittance times the relativistic factor βγ = 0.06564. This amounts to 0.12π mm milliradians for the 11π mm milliradian beam ellipse. In (1) we modeled the injection and turn-by-turn evolution of an 11π mm milliradian beam ellipse in the horizontal plane in Booster. It was shown that with the present injection system, up to 4 turns of this beam could be injected and stored in Booster without loss. In the present note we extend this analysis to the injection of larger emittance beams. We consider only the emittance in the horizontal plane. Emittance in the vertical plane and the effects of dispersion are treated in (2).
Primary Subject
10 Oct 2011; 45 p; KB0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:; doi 10.2172/1029589
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Mayles, Philip
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Human Health, Vienna (Austria); American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD (United States); American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Reston, VA (United States); American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), Fairfax, VA (United States); European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), Brussels (Belgium); International Association for Radiation Research (IARR), Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku (Japan); International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Inc. (ICRU), Bethesda, MD (United States); Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP), Osaka University, Suita-city (Japan); Asociacion Latinoamericana de Terapia Radiante Oncologica (ALATRO), Cancun (Mexico); European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Vienna (Austria); European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), Udine (Italy); International Network for Cancer Treatment Research (INCTR), Brussels (Belgium); International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP), Kogarah, NSW (Australia); Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG), Department of Radiation Oncology, Calvary Mater Newcastle, NSW (Australia); International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Geneva (Switzerland)2010
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Human Health, Vienna (Austria); American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD (United States); American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Reston, VA (United States); American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), Fairfax, VA (United States); European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), Brussels (Belgium); International Association for Radiation Research (IARR), Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku (Japan); International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Inc. (ICRU), Bethesda, MD (United States); Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP), Osaka University, Suita-city (Japan); Asociacion Latinoamericana de Terapia Radiante Oncologica (ALATRO), Cancun (Mexico); European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Vienna (Austria); European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), Udine (Italy); International Network for Cancer Treatment Research (INCTR), Brussels (Belgium); International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP), Kogarah, NSW (Australia); Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG), Department of Radiation Oncology, Calvary Mater Newcastle, NSW (Australia); International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Geneva (Switzerland)2010
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Proceedings CD Series; Dec 2010; 41 p; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); 2009 International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO); Vienna (Austria); 27-29 Apr 2009; STI/PUB--1485; IAEA-CN--170/009(PPT); ISBN 978-92-0-161710-1; ; ISSN 1991-2374; ; Also available on-line: and on 1 CD-ROM from IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit: E-mail:; Web site:; Presentation Slides
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