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Mandal, Rajeev Kumar; Kumar, Sumit, E-mail:
Proceedings of the 28th national symposium on cryogenics and superconductivity: book of abstracts2022
Proceedings of the 28th national symposium on cryogenics and superconductivity: book of abstracts2022
[en] The present article discusses the effect of nanoparticles on the performance of cryosurgery. In cryosurgery, the cancerous cells have been destroyed by freezing them with the help of cryoprobes. The major challenge during cryosurgery is to minimize/eliminate the cryoinjury to the surrounding healthy tissue. So, it is essential to understand the thermal behavior of biological tissue during cryosurgery. Researchers suggested that injecting nanoparticles into biological tissue can protect healthy tissue from cryoinjury. So, different types of nanoparticles such as Au, Fe3O4, and Al2O3 have been considered in the present study. This problem has been simulated using the ANSYS Fluent 18.1 version of the CFD software package. The three-dimensional cubical shape of biological tissue with a single cryoprobe has been considered in the present study. First, the current numerical results have been verified with the results available in the literature under the same operating conditions. Then, the grid-independent study was performed to select the optimum grid size. After that, the effect of earlier mentioned nanoparticles on the iceball formation and temperature distribution inside the biological tissue have been investigated to select suitable nanoparticles. The effect of the volumetric concentration of nanoparticles is also studied. A comparative study between the biological tissue with and without nanoparticles has been conducted. The present study may help to improve cryosurgery's efficacy. (author)
Primary Subject
Cryogenic Engineering Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur (India); 188 p; Oct 2022; p. 86; NSCS-28: 28. national symposium on cryogenics and superconductivity; Kharagpur (India); 18-21 Oct 2022; Article Id 249
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[en] The present work proposes a practical level of γ-Ray to lower the molecular weigh of chitosan irradiated in solid state and water. The molecular weight reduction is up to 80% at γ-ray amount of 50 kGy. The same level of reduction can be achieved by only 20 kGy in the presence of initiator (K2S2O8 or H2O2). The structure is significantly changed in the case of chitosan-acetic acid solution or chitosan dispersed in water with 2% aq. K2S2O8 solution
Primary Subject
Jun 2003; 11 p; 9. Nuclear Science and Technology Conference; Bangkok (Thailand); 19-21 Jun 2003; Also available from Office of Atomic Energy for Peace, BK(TH)
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
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No abstract available
Brief item.
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry; ISSN 0022-1902; ; v. 39(10); p. 1852-1854
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Haranczyk, H.; Nowak, P.; Bacior, M.; Marzec, M.; Olech, M.A, E-mail:
43. Polish Seminar on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and its Applications. Cracow. Abstracts2010
43. Polish Seminar on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and its Applications. Cracow. Abstracts2010
No abstract available
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Secondary Subject
The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow (Poland). Funding organisation: AMX-ARMAR AG, Lodz (Poland); BRUKER POLSKA SP. Z O.O, Poznan (Poland); AGILENT USA (Poland); Commitee of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland); 77 p; Dec 2010; p. 13; 43. Polish Seminar on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and its Applications; Cracow (Poland); 1-2 Dec 2010; Also available at; 9 refs.
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No abstract available
Original Title
Otsenka teploty plavleniya na osnove krioskopicheskikh dannykh
Primary Subject
Published in summary form only; for English translation see the journal Mosc. Univ. Chem. Bull.
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Ser.II. Khim; v. 14(6); p. 738-740
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Radjabov, U.R.; Imomov, R.B.; Yusupov, Z.N.; Yormamadova, S.G.
Tajik State National University, Dushanbe(Tajikistan)2002
Tajik State National University, Dushanbe(Tajikistan)2002
[en] In this article investigated the homo- and heterovalent coordinating combinations of Fe(III)-Fe(II) dibazole
Original Title
Gomo-i geterovalentnie koordinastionnie soedineniya Fe(III)-Fe(II) dibazolom
Primary Subject
Available from Tajik State National University
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. IV; p. 99-102
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Apelblat, Alexander.; Manzurola, Emanuel, E-mail:
[en] Freezing temperature lowerings of aqueous solutions of tartaric acid, sodium hydrogen tartrate, sodium dihydrogen citrate, potassium dihydrogen citrate, disodium hydrogen citrate, sodium citrate and potassium citrate were determined. These values and those taken from the literature for potassium tartrate were used in the determination of the osmotic and activity coefficients in the studied systems, via the numerical integration of the Gibbs-Duhem equation
Primary Subject
S0021961403000168; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Martin, Dominique
Universite de Paris (France); CEA, CEN-S (France)1967
Universite de Paris (France); CEA, CEN-S (France)1967
[en] This work is a study of the reactions within liquid bromine trifluoride, between an alkaline fluoride and uranium tetrafluoride. It uses conductimetric and cryoscopic measurements. Our work is in five parts: 1. General information: methods of analysis and preparation of BrF3; 2. Conductimetric measurements in BrF3; 3. Cryoscopic study in BrF3; 4. Solid-state study of the precipitates obtained by the mutual reaction of M[BrF4] and UF4; 5. Summary and conclusions. (author)
Ce travail est une etude sur les reactions au sein du trifluorure de brome liquide, entre un fluorure alcalin et le tetrafluorure d'uranium. Il procede par mesures conductimetriques et par mesures cryoscopiques. Notre travail comporte cinq parties: 1. Generalites: Methodes d'analyse et preparation de BrF3; 2. Mesures conductimetriques dans BrF3; 3. Etude cryoscopique dans BrF3; 4. Etude dans l'etat solide des precipites obtenus par reaction mutuelle de M[BrF4] et UF4 5. Resume et conclusionsOriginal Title
Sur les uranium-fluorures alcalins: etude en solution dans le trifluorure de brome. Etude de quelques-uns de ces composes solides
Primary Subject
16 Jan 1967; 39 p; 21 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Sciences Physiques
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Sol'vatatsiya khlorida uranila tributilfosfatom
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Progress Report
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoj Khimii; v. 16(3); p. 772-775
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The solubility problems raised by certain components of the polymeric residue of irradiated polyphenylic coolants, which make it necessary to operate with very small samples, have been solved by means of a differential cryoscopic technique, with which have been associated an automatic device and a thermoelectric thermometer (a group of thermocouples joined in series) as sensitive element. The method is based on the direct measurement of the difference between the freezing points of the solution being investigated and of a reference solution whose concentration may be varied at will. The variation of ΔV (mV) versus c(moles/1000 g solvent) is linear, the point of equivalence being determined either analytically or graphically depending on the accuracy required. The method has been checked experimentally on pure polyphenyls and other substances of high molecular mass, using diphenylic ether as solvent. The method has been applied to the main possible coolants for the DON reactor. (author)
Original Title
Determinacion de masas moleculares medias de refrigerantes organicos por crioscopia diferencial en eter difenilico
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 154 p; Jan 1967; p. 139-140; Panel on the use of organic liquids as reactor coolants and moderators; Vienna (Austria); 9-13 May 1966; PL--194/8
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