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[en] The radiographic methods are important in the scientific inquiry of the art and archaelogic works throughout the world. In Brazil, this study has been realized at a few biological research groups and no more development can be recognized. By the radiographic analysis of six oils on canvas assigned to Ataide (Manuel da Costa Ataide), an impressionist painter of the 18th century, the authors try to determine his main technical pattern (distribution of heavy metal pigments, application of thick layers of pigment, etc.). The basic compositional elements were evaluated along with chemical tests and analysis by ultraviolet and infrared radiations, representing a historic document about Ataide's style. Each technique will be related to the purpose of the inquiry, affording the authors the opportunity to offer comments upon restoration, conservation and authentification of paintings. (author)
As tecnicas radiograficas constituem um metodo importante na investigacao cientifica das obras de arte e objetos arqueologicos, sendo amplamente utilizadas em outros paises. Por meio da analise radiografica de seis pinturas atribuidas a Ataide (Manuel da Costa Ataide), pintor mineiro do seculo XVIII, responsavel por obras de estilo barroco presentes nas igrejas mineiras, procuramos documentar suas principais caracteristicas tecnicas (uso de pigmentos de chumbo, padrao de pinceladas, etc.). Esses dados foram associados a informacoes obtidas do estudo bioquimico dos seus elementos componentes e da analise com radiacao ultravioleta e infravermelha, constituindo um documento historico do estilo proprio de Ataide. A correlacao com o padrao tecnico utilizado na construcao de outras obras conhecidas do autor (em numero restrito) possibilitou a devida autenticacao. Obtivemos, tambem, informacoes que possibilitaram a realizacao de um adequado processo de restauracao das pinturas e de uma imagem em madeira policromada de autor desconhecido. A originalidade deste trabalho consiste na adaptacao e aplicabilidade de um estudo dessa natureza as condicoes do nosso meio. O estudo radiologico das telas de Ataide faz parte de um projeto de pesquisa, coordenado por profissionais da Escola de Belas Artes da UFRJ, com o objetivo de construir um relato historico do seu estilo artistico. Este importante pintor mineiro deixou poucas obras 'assinadas', dificultando, assim, a caracterizacao mais detalhada do seu padrao tecnico. Varias telas sao consideradas de sua provavel autoria, nao havendo, porem dados cientificos que permitissem a autenticacao. (autor)Original Title
Analise radiografica de obras-de-arte - aplicacao nos processos de restauracao, conservacao e autenticacao
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] 18 contributions on application of natural science methods in tand conservation of cultural objects. One contribution is of INIS interest. (G.Q.)
Original Title
Wiener Berichte ueber Naturwissenschaft in der Kunst. Doppelband 2/3 (1985/1986)
Primary Subject
1986; 390 p; Verlag Orac; Vienna (Austria); ISBN 3-85368-781-4;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Schaudy, R.; Wendrinsky, J.; Kalteis, H.; Grienauer, W.; Slais, E.
Oesterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf G.m.b.H1986
Oesterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf G.m.b.H1986
[en] As a continuation of the work described in the reports OEFZS Ber. No. 4165 and No. 4195, impregnating agents curable by ionizing radiation such as polymerizable monomers or artificial resins have been investigated. Specific weight and viscosity of the liquid mixtures have been as well determined as the specific weight and gel content of the gamma radiation-cured samples. Hardness and elastic behaviour have been estimated only, the shrinkage during hardening has been calculated. In continuation of OEFZS Ber. No. 4198, conservation experiments have been performed with selected impregnating agents by applying these agents to intact and chemically decayed wood samples, whereby the monomer uptake, the alteration of dimensions and volume and the deformation of the samples have been taken for the evaluation of the impregnating agents. (Author)
Original Title
Strahlungshaertbare Impraegniermittel fuer die Konservierung archaeologischer Holzfunde (Teil 3) und weitere Konservierungsversuche an intakten und kuenstlich abgebauten Holzproben
Primary Subject
Jan 1986; vp; CH--357/86
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The paper reviews briefly the application of gamma radiation to preservation of cultural objects for disinsectization, disinfection and strengthening of materials such as wood or stone by impregnation with a liquid resin and in situ polymerization. As heavy equipment is required two facilities are specialized a 1000 T Bq cobalt 60 source at Grenoble (France) and 100 T Bq one at Rostoky (Czechoslovakia). Examples of treated objects are given
On passe en revue l'application du rayonnement gamma a la conservation des biens du patrimoine culturel pour la desinsectisation, la desinfection et: - la consolidation des materiaux degrades tels que la pierre, ou le bois, par leur impregnation avec une resine liquide radiopolymerisee in situ. La mise en oeuvre de ces techniques necessitant des equipements lourds, il y a deux installations: a Grenoble (ARC-Nucleart) et a Rostoky (Tchecoslovaquie) de 1000 T Bq et 100 T Bq respectivement. On donne des exemples d'objets traitesOriginal Title
Conservation et irradiation gamma
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Tereshchenko, E.Yu.; Kovalenko, E.S.; Podurets, K.M.; Svetogorov, R.D.; Murashev, M.M.; Yatsishina, E.B.; Koval'chuk, M.V., E-mail:, E-mail:
International conference on neutron scattering in condensed matter research (RNIKS-2021). In memory of B.N. Goschitsky. Thesis of reports2021
International conference on neutron scattering in condensed matter research (RNIKS-2021). In memory of B.N. Goschitsky. Thesis of reports2021
No abstract available
Original Title
Sinkhrotronno-nejtronnye metody issledovaniya ob''ektov kul'turnogo naslediya
Natsional'nyj Issledovatel'skij Tsentr «Kurchatovskij Institut», Moscow (Russian Federation); Ural'skoe Otdelenie Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Inst. Fiziki Metallov imeni M.N. Mikheeva URO RAN, Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Ural'skij Federal'nyj Univ. imeni Pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B.N. El'tsina, Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Rossijskoe Nejtronograficheskoe Obshchestvo, Sankt-Peterburg (Russian Federation); Rosatom, AO «Institut Reaktornykh Materialov», Zarechnyj (Russian Federation); 339 p; ISBN 978-5-9500855-7-4; ; 2021; p. 32; RNIKS-2021: International conference on neutron scattering in condensed matter research; Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po ispol'zovaniyu rasseyaniya nejtronov v issledovanii kondensirovannykh sred (RNIKS-2021); Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); 27 Sep - 1 Oct 2021; 6 refs.
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Ponta, C.C.; Havermans, J.B.G.A.; Boutaine, J.L., E-mail:
Uses of Ionizing Radiation for Tangible Cultural Heritage Conservation2017
Uses of Ionizing Radiation for Tangible Cultural Heritage Conservation2017
[en] The disinfection, or decontamination, of cultural heritage artefacts by means of irradiation has been discussed extensively in the previous chapters. In this chapter, more pragmatic information is given to help choose the right methods for disinfection. Some fundamental aspects are discussed briefly in the form of questions and answers so that the reader may become more familiar with the terminology.
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Vienna (Austria); 264 p; ISBN 978-92-0-103316-1; ; Nov 2017; p. 93-103; ISSN 2220-7341; ; Also available on-line:; Enquiries should be addressed to IAEA, Marketing and Sales Unit, Publishing Section, E-mail:; Web site:; 1 ref., 1 tab.
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[en] A brief introduction into the title topic, concentrating on the history of the efforts worldwide and, in particular, in Czechoslovakia (or today's Czech Republic). Specifically named are the Nuclear Research Institute at Rez, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, Central Bohemian Museum at Roztoky with its irradiation facility, and the Central Institute for Isotope and Radiation Research in Leipzig, Germany. (P.A.)
Original Title
Vyuziti ionizujiciho zareni k zachrane umeleckych predmetu a pamatek
Primary Subject
National Technical Museum, Prague (Czech Republic); Rozpravy Narodniho technickeho muzea; v. 200; (no.14) 152 p; ISBN 80-7037-158-7; ; 2006; p. 59-63; Narodni technicke muzeum; Prague (Czech Republic); Available from: The publication can be purchased from National Technical Museum, Kostelni 42, CZ-17078 Praha 7, Czech Republic, fax: +420 220 399 200, e-mail:; see also; 22 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Petrick, Susana
IAEA Workshop on Innovative Approaches of Accelerator Science and Technology for Sustainable Heritage Management. Book of Abstracts2022
IAEA Workshop on Innovative Approaches of Accelerator Science and Technology for Sustainable Heritage Management. Book of Abstracts2022
[en] Peru is a country worldwide recognized for its rich cultural tradition and heritage, spanning from monumental architecture as ancient as several thousand years to historical building, objects and documents corresponding to the colony and republican periods (XV to XIX centuries). In this context archeologists, historians and conservators face a hard work dealing with a large variety of materials, manufacturing techniques and degradation agents that must be identified and characterized to rescue and adequately conserve this invaluable cultural heritage, which includes materials as raw earth, straw, textiles, human and animal mummies, pottery, metals and jewelry, wood, paintings and documents. Approximately twenty years ago, with the help of IAEA, we started an ambitious plan to develop nuclear analytical techniques to give support to other characterization techniques generally used in the field and in the conservation workspace, giving emphasis to capacity building in students and professionals working in this marvelous field. In this presentation we summarize the work, achievements and difficulties faced in the last two decades, relevant to the themes proposed to the workshop, and the most outstanding necessities to manage with the huge work to properly characterize and identify materials and techniques used by ancient crafters as well as to conserve our cultural heritage. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Physics Section, Vienna (Austria); 59 p; 2022; p. 30; IAEA Workshop on Innovative Approaches of Accelerator Science and Technology for Sustainable Heritage Management; Vienna (Austria); 13-16 Jun 2022; Also available on-line:
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[en] Thermoluminescence is a measure for the external archeological dose received and can be used for age estimation. Examples are given of Egyptian objects where the age is known independently and thereby the accuracy of the method can be evaluated. (G.Q.)
Original Title
Thermolumineszenz als Entscheidungshilfe fuer Museen beim Ankauf von keramischen Kunstgegenstaenden
Primary Subject
Vendl, A. (Hochschule fuer Angewandte Kunst, Vienna (Austria)); Banik, G. (Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, Vienna (Austria)); Grasserbauer, M. (Technische Univ., Vienna (Austria). Inst. fuer Analytische Chemie und Mikrochemie) (eds.); Bundesministerium fuer Wissenschaft und Forschung, Vienna (Austria); 389 p; Nov 1985; p. 54-63; Information meeting on natural science and technology in the arts; Vienna (Austria); 22-23 Nov 1985
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De Beer, Frikkie, E-mail:
International Atomic Energy Agency Coordinated Research Project on Application of 3D Neutron Imaging and Tomography in Cultural Heritage Research. Report of the first Research Co-ordination Meeting2012
International Atomic Energy Agency Coordinated Research Project on Application of 3D Neutron Imaging and Tomography in Cultural Heritage Research. Report of the first Research Co-ordination Meeting2012
[en] South Africa has a rich cultural history with ample opportunities for Neutron Imaging to be applied in Archaeological and Palaeontological studies as depicted in the references. Through this collaboration the NI and CH communities are united to introduce neutron induced Autoradiography of paintings as new analytical technique to South Africa. The outcome is foreseen to be a database on NI techniques and applications in CH as well as and exhibition at a museum to showcase the scientific collaborations
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Vienna (Austria); 78 p; 2012; p. 46-47; 1. Research Coordination Meeting on Application of 3D Neutron Imaging and Tomography in Cultural Heritage Research; Vienna (Austria); 7-11 May 2012; Also available on-line:; ill.
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