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[en] Existing and planned axial injection systems are reviewed. Centre region design, types of inflectors, beam guiding and bunching systems are discussed. Specific problems of beam transport and matching between the external source and the cyclotron centre are exposed. Axial injection for superconducting cyclotrons is considered. The axial injection system for CYCLONE is briefly described
Primary Subject
Gendreau, G. (ed.); 885 p; 1982; p. 241-248; Les Editions de la Physique; Les Ulis (France); 9. International conference on cyclotrons and their applications; Caen (France); 7-10 Sep 1981
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[en] The operating principles of a cyclic accelerator are presented based on the IBA Cyclone 30 negative ion cyclotron, selected for the Australia's first medical cyclotron. Its main features are: acceleration with variable energy of between 15-30 million electron volts, the capability of extracting two beams simultaneously, low power consumption, easy maintenance. Other aspects not directly related to the principle of operation discussed include the vacuum and the radio-frequency systems as well as the complex computerized control system used to automatically control start-up and shut-down operations. ills
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Mukerjee, B.; Cochrane, P.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, NSW (Australia)1992
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, NSW (Australia)1992
[en] The design philosophy of the Australian Medical Cyclotron safety features is presented. The main features include shielding against prompt neutron and gamma radiation, operational safety and safe handling of radioisotopes and waste. The results of the safety monitoring to date show that the cyclotron operation causes no significant increase of radiation dose level. ills
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Van Duppen, P.; Dendooven, P.; Decrock, P.; Huyse, M.; Reusen, G.; Wauters, J.
Biennial studies of nuclear physics1989
Biennial studies of nuclear physics1989
[en] Low energy radioactive ion beams are produced at the Leuven Isotope Separator On Line (LISOL) facility in Louvain-la-Neuve. The beams are used for standard nuclear spectroscopy studies and for Nuclear Orientation On Line measurements. A project to put a He-jet target system coupled with a single stage E.C.R. ion source on line with the mass separator will be presented. In september 1987 an other project was started to accelerate radioactive beams to higher energies. This will be done by coupling the two existing cyclotrons. A beam of 13N will be produced in the summer of this year
Primary Subject
Bedjidian, M.; Lyon-1 Univ., 69 - Villeurbanne (France). Inst. de Physique Nucleaire; 392 p; 1989; p. S.12.1-S.12.3; 10. Biennial studies session of nuclear physics; Aussois (France); 6-10 Mar 1989
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Bol, J.L.; Chevalier, A.; Conard, E.; Jongen, Y.; Lacroix, M.; Ryckewaert, G.; Zaremba, S.
Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE particle accelerator conference: Accelerator engineering and technology1987
Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE particle accelerator conference: Accelerator engineering and technology1987
[en] Cyclone II is the prototype of a new kind of high intensity low power consumption cyclotron for radioisotope production. Its construction began in September 1985. A first H- beam was accelerated to the maximum energy of 31.5 MeV in December 1986 and variable energy extracted beams were obtained in February 87. During the initial tests, with pulsed R.F., the total power consumption was as low as 42 kW. Operation at full intensity (500μA) is scheduled for July 87 after the installation of the prototype in its final shielding vault currently under construction
Primary Subject
Lindstrom, E.R.; Taylor, L.S; 2030 p; 1987; p. 1988-1990; IEEE Service Center; Piscataway, NJ (USA); Particle accelerator conference; Washington, DC (USA); 16-19 Mar 1987; CONF-870302--
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[en] The 7Be + p elastic cross section has been measured at the Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron RIB facility at Louvain-la-Neuve in the c.m. energy region from 0.3 to 0.75 MeV by bombarding a proton-rich target with a radioactive 7Be beam. The recoil protons have been detected in the angular range θc.m. = 120.2 deg. - 131.1 deg. and θc.m. = 156.6 deg. - 170.2 deg. using the LEDA system. From a R-matrix analysis of the cross section data, we extract the energy and the width of the 1+ resonance. The scattering lengths α01 = 25 ± 9 fm (channel spin I = 1) and α02 = -7 ± 3 fm (channel spin I = 2) are deduced. Implications on the low energy S-factor of the 7Be(p, γ)8B reaction are discussed
Primary Subject
S0375947403009369; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Croatia
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Avila, M.J; Bustos, Rosario; Pinto, Luis; Ahumada, Luis
Symposium 2003 of the Latin American Section - American Nuclear Society: nuclear technologies for the development of priority areas in Latin America. Extended abstracts2003
Symposium 2003 of the Latin American Section - American Nuclear Society: nuclear technologies for the development of priority areas in Latin America. Extended abstracts2003
[en] The Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN) Cyclotron's Laboratory has begun to produce short-lived positron's emitter radionuclides need for positron emitter tomography (PET) and intended for clinical prognosis. Production trials took place back on February 2003 to calibrate the only existing camera PET in the country at the Hospital Militar. Subsequently, a complex stage of adjustment, corrections and optimizations on the camera itself, as well as, on the accelerator were performed with solely intention to introduce PET technique as clinical tool in the more efficient way as possible. The reported advances on production are linked to the increasing availability of high radionuclidic and radiochemical purity 18FDG. Because of demand and nuclear medicine declared necessities on this radiopharmaceutical imposes Cyclotron Laboratory to make available 18FDG as soon as possible, from the earliest production trials. This was accomplished simultaneously with preliminary beam optical and modular synthesis adjustments. During April the availability of 18FDG for clinical imaging was acceptable to satisfy demand, whereas May actually initiates routinely production (au)
Original Title
Avances del programa de produccion de 18F y 18FDG del Laboratorio de la Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear
Primary Subject
American Nuclear Society. Latin American Section, Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear, Santiago (Chile); 306 p; Aug 2003; p. 75-82; Symposium 2003 of the Latin American Section - American Nuclear Society: nuclear technologies for the development of priority areas in Latin America; Simposio 2003 de la Seccion Latinoamericana de la Sociedad Nuclear Americana: las tecnologias nucleares para el desarrollo de areas prioritarias en America Latina; Santiago (Chile); 25-28 Aug 2003; Available from Library of CCHEN
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Zhang Tianjue; Chen Yong; Fan Mingwu
China Nuclear Information Centre, Beijing, BJ (China)1992
China Nuclear Information Centre, Beijing, BJ (China)1992
[en] The main magnet that represents the feature of the cyclotron is the most important part in a cyclotron construction. Though there are many codes devoted to solve magnetic field computation problems, the results from them depend on the user's skill and experience very much. To help cyclotron magnet designer to get acceptable results, an intelligent CAE (computer aided engineering) system for CYCLONE type cyclotron magnet design and machining has been developed. A reasonable good results in the design could be got even if the designer is a beginner, because of the help from an expert knowledge library installed in the program
Primary Subject
Jul 1992; 9 p; IAE--0107; ISBN 7-5022-0735-X;
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Loiselet, M.; Barue, Ch.; Berger, G.; Breyne, D.; Colson, J.M.; Daras, Th.; Gaelens, M.; Goffaux, H.; Lannoye, E.; Postiau, N.; Ryckewaert, G.; Jacobs, L.
Cyclotrons and their applications 19981999
Cyclotrons and their applications 19981999
[en] CYCLONE44 is a compact cyclotron dedicated to the acceleration and isobaric separation of unstable ions. It will cover an energy domain between 0.2 and 0.8 MeV per nucleon, and will be used for experiments in nuclear astrophysics. The design features of the machine, which has to combine a high acceleration efficiency and a high mass resolving power in order to provide pure radioactive beams in the presence of intense isobaric contaminants, is presented. The status of CYCLONE44, which has accelerated its first stable beam a few days before the conference, is reported. (authors)
Primary Subject
Baron, E.; Lieuvin, M. (Grand Accelerateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL), 14 - Caen (France)); 880 p; ISBN 0-7503-0663-7; ; 1999; p. 305-310; 15. international conference on cyclotrons and their applications; Caen (France); 14-19 Jun 1998; 5 refs.
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[en] The main magnet that features the cyclotron is the most important part in a cyclotron construction. Though there are many codes devoted to solving magnetic field computation problems, the results depend on the user's skill and experience very much. To help a cyclotron magnet designer get acceptable results, an intelligent CAE system for CYCLONE type cyclotron magnet design and machining has been developed. Reasonable good results could be got even the designer with the help from an expert knowledge library installed in the program
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