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[en] Development of a Cyclotron manufacturing facility begins with a business plan. Geographics, the size and activity of the medical community, the growth potential of the modality being served, and other business connections are all considered. This business used the customer base established by NuTech, Inc., an independent centralized nuclear pharmacy founded by Danny Allen. With two pharmacies in operation in Tyler and College Station and a customer base of 47 hospitals and clinics the existing delivery system and pharmacist staff is used for the cyclotron facility. We then added cyclotron products to contracts with these customers to guarantee a supply. We partnered with a company in the process of developing PET imaging centers. We then built an independent imaging center attached to the cyclotron facility to allow for the use of short-lived isotopes
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17. international conference on the application of accelerators in research and industry; Denton, TX (United States); 12-16 Nov 2002; (c) 2003 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Weinreich, R.
Targetry '91: Proceedings of the 4. international workshop on targetry and target chemistry1992
Targetry '91: Proceedings of the 4. international workshop on targetry and target chemistry1992
[en] New approaches in the production of longer-lived radionuclides have occurred, and in the ten last years some excellent progress reports have been updated and published. Because of the growing number of data, however, it becomes more and more difficult to present general overviews, consequently the trends is towards specialization. (author) 18 refs
Primary Subject
Weinreich, R. (ed.); Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland); PSI-Proceedings 92-01; 286 p; 1992; p. 50-51; 4. international workshop on targetry and target chemistry; Villigen (Switzerland); 9-12 Sep 1991; ISSN 1019-6447;
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Conference; Numerical Data
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[en] Generally, short-lived medical isotopes and/or their generators are produced in nuclear reactors and cyclotrons. During the last decade, the rapidly increasing number of the studies on the photonuclear method of production of these isotopes has been observed. Experimental data on the production of ten radiometals (99Mo/99mTc, 47Sc, 67Cu, 225Ac, 177Lu, 44Ti/44Sc, 111In, 105Rh, 68Ge/68Ga, 188Re) in electron accelerators is presented in this review. The advantages of the photonuclear method for several isotopes were demonstrated, its future was discussed. (author)
Primary Subject
72 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry; ISSN 0236-5731; ; CODEN JRNCDM; v. 328(2); p. 493-505
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[en] The decision to go ahead with the construction, by ANDRA, of a second storage centre for short-lived radioactive waste was made public in June 1984. This had been approved by the national authorities in 1983. Site selection began right after this announcement at a number of pre-selected sites, and it was decided that the Aube site was the post appropriate from all those aspects considered. As soon as the Aube site had been selected, and during this still preliminary stage a large public information campaign was started by ANDRA. This campaign included contacts with the local press and the public, organised visits to nuclear power plants, exhibitions and active participation in local information commissions. The paper discusses the steps taken by ANDRA, that had little experience in communications at that stage, at the Aube site, in order to build confidence in the project, and points out the positive and negative aspects of public information and involvement. There is no universal recipe for acceptance of a project at a given site in a given context at a given time. Confidence is he key word: confidence in the 'product', confidence in the people and confidence in the fact that managing radioactive waste is a way to protect the environment. (authors)
Original Title
Un exemple francais: l'implantation d'un stockage en surface dans l'Aube
Primary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); 330 p; ISBN 92-64-04860-X; ; 1996; p. 229-236; NEA International Seminar; Rauma (Finland); 13-15 Oct 1995
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[en] Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) differs from other types of lung cancer in its more aggressive clinical course and superior responsiveness to chemo- and radiotherapy. Median survival of patients with unresectable limited disease was reported only 3 months by supportive care alone. SCLC was treated by surgery in 1950s, but results were disappointing. In a British study in the 1960s, radiotherapy proved superior to surgery in survival. However, most patients treated with thoracic radiotherapy alone died of instant metastases with median survival of 5-9 months, indicating a need for primary systemic treatment. In the 1970s, combined chemotherapy came to be the main treatment for SCLC; high response rate and improved survival led to the idea that thoracic radiotherapy added only toxicities with no therapeutic advantage in chemotherapy-treated patients. Considering the fact that 80% of patients treated with chemotherapy alone relapsed in primary sites, and that radio-therapy achieved response in 90% of limited disease patients, it is reasonable to attempt to combine systemic chemotherapy and thoracic radio-therapy to improve therapeutic results for this disease. In 1980s, several randomized trials comparing chemotherapy alone versus chemotherapy with thoracic radiotherapy were conducted to clarify the role of thoracic radio-therapy in combination with chemotherapy for limited SCLC. (author). 20 refs., 3 tabs
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Kimura, Kiyoji (ed.) (National Nagoya Hospital (Japan)); Saito, H. (Nagoya Univ. (Japan)); Carter, S.K. (Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, New York (United States)) (eds.); Bast, R.C. Jr (ed.) (Duke Univ., Durham, NC (United States). Medical Center); International Congress Series; v. 1022; 332 p; ISBN 0 444 89806 9; ; 1992; p. 179-183; Excerpta Medica; Amsterdam (Netherlands); Nagoya International Symposium on Cancer Treatment; Nagoya (Japan); 29-30 Sep 1991; Available from Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam (NL)
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No abstract available
Original Title
Tormozhenie radioaktivnogo raspada izomera 119mSn
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5 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Pis'ma v Zhurnal Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki; ISSN 0370-274X; ; CODEN PZETAB; v. 70(9-10); p. 638
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Proceedings of the specialist research meeting on solid state physics with short-lived radioisotopes
Nasu, Saburo; Kawase, Yoichi; Maeda, Yutaka
Kyoto Univ., Kumatori, Osaka (Japan). Research Reactor Inst1995
Kyoto Univ., Kumatori, Osaka (Japan). Research Reactor Inst1995
[en] This issue is the collection of the papers presented at the title meeting. The 23 of the presented papers are indexed individually. (J.P.N.)
Mar 1995; 130 p; 2. KUR symposium 'solid state physics with short-lived radioisotopes'; Kumatori, Osaka (Japan); 24-25 Nov 1994
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Cetin, S. A.; Hikmet, I.; Balkan Physical Union; Turkish Physical Society (TR); Istanbul University (TR); Yildiz Technical University (TR). Funding organisation: Bogazici University (Turkey); Dogus University (Turkey); European Physical Society (France); Governorship of Istanbul (Turkey); Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (Turkey); Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (Turkey); The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (Turkey); UNESCO (United Nations (UN)); Nel Electronic (Turkey); 1218 p; 2007; p. 105; 6. International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union; Istanbul (Turkey); 22-26 Aug 2006; Available from President of Turkish Physical Society, Prof. Dr. Baki AKKUS, e-mail:
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[en] The advantages and disadvantages of using short-lived isotopes in biological research are enumerated and explained
Primary Subject
Minchin, P.E.H. (ed.); DSIR bulletin; no. 238; 119 p; ISBN 0-477-06779-4; ; 1986; p. 3-5; DSIR Science Information Publishing Centre; Auckland (New Zealand); International Workshop on Biological Research with Short-Lived Isotopes; Lower Hutt (New Zealand); 26-30 Aug 1985; ISSN 0077-961X; ; 8 refs; 1 table.
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[en] A survey is given on the utilization of radiopharmaceuticals in metabolic and organic diagnostics. The advantages of short-lived radio-nuclides, especially the cyclotron-produced positron emitters, are pointed out and their use in the functional analysis of organs and in metabolism is described. (AJ)
Es wird eine Uebersicht ueber die Verwendung von Radiopharmaka als Stoffwechsel- und Organdiagnostika gegeben. Dabei werden die Vorteile der kurzlebigen Radionuklide, vor allem der zyklotronerzeugten Positronenstrahler herausgestellt und ihr Einsatz bei Funktionsanalysen der Organe und im Metabolismus beschrieben. (AJ)Original Title
Entwicklung neuer Radiopharmaka; Stoffwechseluntersuchungen am Herzmuskel durch markierte Fettsaeuren
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
AGF (Arbeitsgem. Grossforschungseinrichtungen) Mitt; (no. 9); p. 22-25
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