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Crooks, W.J. III.
Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Funding organisation: Department of Energy (United States)1999
Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Funding organisation: Department of Energy (United States)1999
[en] 'Existing plant flowsheets are insufficient for complete dissolution of unirradiated Mark 42 targets. One option being considered by Nuclear Materials Stabilization and Storage (NMSS) is to dissolve the aluminum components of the Mark 42 targets, allow plutonium solids to settle, transfer some of the aluminum-laden liquid out of the dissolver tank, and recharge the dissolver tank with fresh solution to achieve dissolution of the plutonium solids. The core problem associated with this two-step dissolution procedure is that, after the initial digestion of Mark 42 material, one to two micron-sized PuO2 particles settle from the mixture. Those particles are of concern because they may generate additional nuclear criticality safety requirements, and because they may be transferred out of the dissolver tank and disrupt the efficacy of downstream processes, such as solvent extraction. NMSS asked the Chemical Technology Group (CTG) to evaluate a decanting process in the presence of settled micron-sized particles using a one-fifth-scale mock-up of a canyon tank.'
Primary Subject
16 Jul 1999; [vp]; CONTRACT AC09-96SR18500; Available from OSTI; NTIS; URL:; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Burrill, G. (ed.); 16 p; Aug 1980; p. 11; South African Stainless Steel Development Association; Johannesburg; Short note.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Auchapt, P.; Sauvage, H.; Tarnero, M.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1985
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1985
[en] The centrifuge include a bowl cylindrical at the top and with an inclined internal wall at the bottom the two parts are joined by a conical surface calculated for the particles at the bottom to climb-up in the annular space for a determined rotation speed. Application is made for the separation of residues obtained after dissolution of spent nuclear fuels in the reprocessing
La centrifugeuse comporte une partie superieure cylindrique et une partie inferieure dont la paroi interne laterale est inclinee. Le raccordement entre les deux parties est assure par une surface conique. L'inclinaison de la partie inferieure du bol et la conicite de la surface de raccordement sont telles qu'a une certaine vitesse de rotation, le liquide et les particules contenus initialement dans la partie inferieure remontent dans l'espace annulaire de ''clarification''. Application au retraitement du combustible nucleaire pour separer les residus de dissolution des elements combustiblesOriginal Title
Centrifugeuse pendulaire de decantation; Nuclear fuel reprocessing residues
Primary Subject
30 Aug 1985; 19 Dec 1978; 15 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2560071/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 7835666; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 19 Dec 1978
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Robatel, M.; Fraux, A.; Davier, J.P.
Robatel-S.L.P.I., 69 - Lyon (France)1994
Robatel-S.L.P.I., 69 - Lyon (France)1994
[en] The invention concerns a machine used to decant nuclear products in the aim of reducing the threshold of criticality of the solid to be decanted
Original Title
Decanteuse continue pour le traitement des produits nucleaires
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
16 Dec 1994; 7 Jun 1993; 13 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2706216/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 9307020; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 7 Jun 1993
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Makhkambaev, R.S.; Mirpochaev, Kh.A.; Ashurov, A.A., E-mail:
Conference 'X IV Numanov's readings' Proceedings2017
Conference 'X IV Numanov's readings' Proceedings2017
[en] Present article is devoted to flowsheet of processing of carbon-graphite waste. On the base of conducted researches the two stage method of processing of carbon-graphite wastes with pure graphite output has been elaborated. The flowsheet of processing of carbon-graphite waste has been elaborated and proposed.
Original Title
Tekhnologicheskaya skhema pererabotki uglegrafitovikh otkhodov
Primary Subject
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry (Tajikistan); [225 p.]; 2017; p. 39-41; 14. conference on Numanov's readings; Dushanbe (Tajikistan); 22 Nov 2017; Also available from the library of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
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[en] A method of reducing the radioactivity found in naturally occurring kaolins to about 40% below its native value, and the leachable radiogenic components to less than 20% is described. This reduction is achieved by removing from the kaolin particles of a size less than 0.5 microns. This removal may be carried out by gravitational settling, flocculation of non-colloidal particles, or acid leaching
Original Title
Primary Subject
7 Mar 1978; 10 p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 4,077,874/A/
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[en] The design claimed avoid clogging the extractor by solids which are collected in a conical decantation chamber. Application is made to the separation of the aqueous nitric solution, the organic phase of TBP diluted by an aliphatic hydrocarbon and heavy solid particles during spent fuel reprocessing
Cet extracteur permet l'evacuation des depots solides contenus dans les phases liquides a separer grace a une chambre de decantation conique. Application a la separation des phases aqueuses d'acide nitrique et organique de TBP dilue dans un hydrocarbure, au cours du retraitement des combustibles nucleaires, les depots solides etant eliminesOriginal Title
Extracteur centrifuge pour l'extraction liquide-liquide en presence de particules solides, et installation faisant intervenir plusieurs de ces extracteurs
Primary Subject
1 Aug 1986; 25 Jan 1985; 15 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2576525/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8501065; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 25 Jan 1985
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[en] An improved multiple sample handling system, including a fully machine-compatible multiple sample support assembly, sample vortexing apparatus, and sample radioactivity sensing apparatus, is disclosed which enables performance of a complete radioimmunoassay or competitive binding procedure on the samples in the support assembly, generally without the need to remove and handle individual samples, and which greatly increases processing speed and error avoidance. The support assembly includes an apertured tray and sample retainers cooperating therewith and supporting the sample tubes by radially inwardly acting gripping portions. The retainers fit loosely within the tray apertures, but displacement control means are defined on the retainers and tray permitting the retainers together with tubes to smoothly move angularly relative to the tray within a small predetermined solid angle. The assembly with tubes is self-supporting upon the tubes for storage and optionally during sample operation. For mixing sample and reagents, the tubes are simultaneously vortexed in apparatus in which the tray is supported while a surface applying orbital forces contacts the lower tube portions. Mass centrifuging and decanting is readily performed by handling the tray assembly only. The radioactivity of one phase of each sample is sensed by a counting device in which the sample support assembly cooperates with a multiple counting chamber sensing head which accesses the samples from below to enable a plurality of samples to be counted simultaneously, without removing the samples for their support assembly
Original Title
Primary Subject
8 Nov 1977; 14 p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 4,057,148/A/
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Determination of the distribution of grain size in a material having dimensious below 325 mesh is presented. Sedimentation technique is used for such determination. The material whose grain size distribution is to be determined is irradiated in a reactor and can be detected by a radiation detector mounted externally to the sedimentation cylinder. The detector counected with a counter and a registerer gives the concentration of particles in function of time
Apresenta-se uma determinacao da distribuicao de tamanho dos graos de um material de dimensoes abaixo de 325 mesh, utilizando-se o processo da sedimentacao. O material do qual se deseja determinar a distribuicao de granulometria e levado a um reator se tornando radioativo, podendo ser detetado por um detector de radiacao montado externamente ao cilindro de sedimentacao. O detector conectado a um contador e a um registrador fornece a curva da concentracao de particulas em um ponto em funcao de tempoOriginal Title
Emprego dos radioisotopos na analise granulometrica
Primary Subject
Apr 1974; 14 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kolodnikov, I.A.; Kladiev, S.N.
Technology and automation of atomic power engineering and industry. TAAPEI-2009. Materials of branch scientific and technical conference covers the fiftieth anniversary of the Seversk State Engineering Academy2009
Technology and automation of atomic power engineering and industry. TAAPEI-2009. Materials of branch scientific and technical conference covers the fiftieth anniversary of the Seversk State Engineering Academy2009
No abstract available
Original Title
Sistema upravleniya osaditel'noj tsentrifugoj
Primary Subject
Goskorporatsiya Rosatom, Moscow (Russian Federation); Administratsiya ZATO Seversk, Seversk (Russian Federation); Severskaya Gosudarstvennaya Tekhnologicheskaya Akademiya, Seversk (Russian Federation); Sibirskij Khimicheskij Kombinat, Seversk (Russian Federation); Tomskij Atomnyj Tsentr, Tomsk (Russian Federation); 156 p; 2009; p. 50; TAAPEI-2009: technology and automation of atomic power engineering and industry; Tekhnologiya i avtomatizatsiya atomnoj ehnergetiki i promyshlennosti. TAAEhP-2009; Seversk (Russian Federation); 18-22 May 2009; 2 refs.
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