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[en] An usual fatigue device is expanded by an ultrasonic resonance emitter. Operation by choice and controlling is done by a common electronic unit. Consumption of time, compared with well known device is about two hours. (J.K.)
Es wird eine herkoemmliche Dauerschwingpruefmaschine durch einen Ultraschallresonanzgeber erweitert. Wahlweiser Betrieb und Steuerung erfolgt durch eine gemeinsame elektronische Einrichtung. Der Zeitaufwand gegenueber bekannten Anlagen betraegt etwa zwei Stunden. (J.K.)Original Title
Anordnung zur zeitsparenden Durchfuehrung ein- und mehrstufiger Ermuedungsversuche; Combination of a low-frequency fatigue testing device with an ultrasonic resonance emitter
Primary Subject
27 Dec 1979; 21 Jun 1976; 4 p; AT PATENT DOCUMENT 354146/B/; AT PATENT APPLICATION 4520/76; Available from the Oesterreichisches Patentamt, Kohlmarkt 8-10, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; Application date: 21 Jun 1976
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Iskhakov, I.; Ribakov, Y.; Shah, A., E-mail:
[en] Most modern seismic codes use ductility as one of the basic design parameters. Actually, ductility defines the ability of a structure or its elements to absorb energy by plastic deformations. Until the end of the previous century ductility was defined qualitatively. Most research works related to ductility are focused on structural elements' sections. This study was aimed at complex experimental and theoretical investigation of flat slab-column joints ductility. It is one of the first attempts to obtain quantitative values of joint's ductility for the case of high strength concrete columns and normal strength concrete slabs. It was shown that the flat slab-column joint is a three-dimension (3D) element and its ductility in horizontal and vertical directions are different. This is the main difference between ductility of elements and joint ductility. In case of flat slab-column joints, essential contribution to joint's ductility can be obtained due to the slab's confining effect. Based on experimental data, the authors demonstrate that flat slab-column joint's ductility depends on the joint's confining effect in two horizontal and vertical directions. Furthermore, the influence of slab load intensity and slab reinforcement ratio on the joint's ductility is performed in this study. It is also demonstrated that the effect of the ratio between the slab thickness and the column's section dimension on the ductility parameter is significant. Equations for obtaining a quantitative value of a flat slab-column joint's ductility parameter were developed.
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
S0261-3069(08)00560-8; Available from; Copyright (c) 2008 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Novel testing methods to determine the mechanical properties of materials by using miniature samples
Janča, Adam; Siegl, Jan; Haušild, Petr, E-mail: adam.janca@fjfi.cvut.cz2016
[en] The assets and pitfalls of mechanical tests on miniature specimens are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the small punch test method. (orig.)
Original Title
Nové metody zkoušení mechanických vlastností materiálů za pomoci miniaturních vzorků
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
15. St. Nicholas meeting of the Young Generation of the Czech Nuclear Society; 15. mikulášské setkání Mladé generace České nukleární společnosti; Brno (Czech Republic); 2-4 Dec 2015; PROJECT TA02020811; GRANT SGS13/222/OHK4/3T/14; 10 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Bezpecnost Jaderne Energie; ISSN 1210-7085; ; v. 24(7-8); p. 225-229
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Langford, W.J.
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario. Chalk River Nuclear Labs1978
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario. Chalk River Nuclear Labs1978
[en] Fracture tests are conducted usually out of a conviction (sometimes only vaguely defined) that they will guarantee a certain level of protecton from metal failure. Qualitative tests, such as the Charpy V-notch, produce results which cannot be rigorously related to a measure of fracture tolerance: rather, they indicate metal quality so that fracture tolerance may be inferred. Quantitative tests on the other hand provide parameters which may be used directly in equations to determine the likelihood of fracture. Both types of tests have limitations which should be understood: the paper tries to provide guidance on the relative merits of either approach for a particular purpose, and gives an insight into near-future test methods which will extend the range of usefullness of quantitative tests. (author)
Primary Subject
May 1978; 23 p; Seminar on failure analysis and fracture control; Kingston, Ont., Canada; 8 - 9 May 1978
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Buegers, W.; Crutzen, S.; Pisoni, A.; Violin, F.; Di Piazza, L.; Lock, D.; Sargent, T.
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg1984
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg1984
[en] The evaluation of NDT exercises results has been based on destructive examination of the plates or test blocks used during the exercise. The PISC I Programme has shown that in all cases the indications given by the NDT instrumentation were corresponding to some particular defects or structure aspects in the steel or were explained by particular positions of reflectors. Generally the introduction of defects using techniques such as: - implantation of modules, - introduction of non metallic material, - introduction of poison in the weld, do not produce a final ''detective zone or area'' which is strictly corresponding to the intended defect. The DDT exercise management has thus decided to perform a complete destructive examination of the four plates involved in this exercise because of its experience (the PISC I exercise) and independance of commercial interest, the JRC of the CEC, Ispra Establishment, has been asked to do the work in collaboratione with the Risley Nuclear Power development Laboratories (RNL). A collaboration agreement has been signed between RNL and JRC. Operating Agent of the PISC II programme, is interested in having a direct access to data to be added to those furnished by PISC. The present report describes the results of the destructive examination of the DDT plates 3 and 4
Primary Subject
1984; 46 p
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Wu Gaoping
Academic papers on ten anniversary of Qinshan III staring construction and five anniversary of Qinshan III completing construction2008
Academic papers on ten anniversary of Qinshan III staring construction and five anniversary of Qinshan III completing construction2008
[en] The characteristic of the quality examination in the process of cobalt Adjuster absorber rod manufacture is that most of the quality examination items are destructive. Under the precondition that the technical specification of the production has been satisfied, the reasonable setup of the sampling and acceptance criteria of the quality examination items will be beneficial to the manufacture process. The effective way to ensure all examination items are accredited is effective qualification action and the strict control of product quality during the process of manufacture. (author)
Primary Subject
Third Qinshan nuclear power company Company Limited; 438 p; ISBN 978-7-5022-4264-0; ; Oct 2008; p. 82-91; 1 figs., 1 tabs., 10 refs.
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Lemos, F.L. de.
Minas Gerais Univ., Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Escola de Engenharia1984
Minas Gerais Univ., Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Escola de Engenharia1984
[en] The study of two stress measurements techniques is presented showing experimental results that allows to evaluate its reliability. These two methods are 'The Center Hole Drilling Method' and 'The Overcoring' and they are considered semi-destructive methods. (E.G.)
Apresenta-se o estudo dos metodos de medida de tensoes residuais, apresentando tambem resultados experimentais que permitem avaliar a sua confiabilidade. Utilizam-se os metodos do 'Furo Central' e do 'Nucleo do Anel' por se tratarem de metodos semi-destrutivos e portanto aplicaveis a casos reais. (E.G.)Original Title
Analise de tensoes residuais em juntas soldadas
Primary Subject
1984; 75 p; Tese (M.Sc.).
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[en] A fractographic method for estimating the fatigue life of IKhI3, IKhI3Sh, EhI415, 30KhMA steels in corrosive medium in the course of cyclic loading by testing the laboratory samples for fatigue and drawing fatigue curve sigma=f(N) and the dependence Ksub(1c)sup(sc)=F(N) is proposed
Original Title
Opredelenie tsiklicheskoj vyazkosti razrusheniya v usloviyakh dejstviya korrozionnoj sredy
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Sov. Mater. Sci.
Record Type
Journal Article
Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov; v. 11(4); p. 3-7
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[en] Within the scope of a cooperative test programme (Round Robin Test) NDT temperature was determined and notched bar impact bending tests were performed in 10 different laboratories in total. The specimens for this test were centrally taken from a work piece of the material 20 MnMoNi 55. The results show large scattering. The causes for it are discussed. (HJ)
Im Rahmen eines Vergleichsversuches (Ringversuches) wurden in insgesamt 10 verschiedenen Laboratorien die Nil Ductility Transition Temperatur bestimmt und der Kerbschlagbiegeversuch durchgefuehrt. Die Proben hierfuer wurden zentral aus einem Werkstueck aus dem Werkstoff 20 MnMoNi 55 entnommen. Die Ergebnisse weisen eine grosse Streuung auf. Ursachen hierfuer werden diskutiert. (HJ)Original Title
Vergleichsversuche in verschiedenen Laboratorien (Round Robin Test) zur Beurteilung des Zaehigkeitsverhaltens der Werkstoffe im Forschungsvorhaben Komponentensicherheit
Primary Subject
Staatliche Materialpruefungsanstalt, Stuttgart (Germany, F.R.); Sicherheit der druckfuehrenden Umschliessung von Leichtwasserreaktoren; 367 p; 1979; p. 1-29; 5. Seminar of the Materialpruefungsanstalt; Stuttgart, Germany, F.R; 11 - 12 Oct 1979
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Barrie, J.N.
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa, Manitoba. Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment1977
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa, Manitoba. Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment1977
[en] A simple-beam diameter transducer was developed for tensile testing of round specimens at constant true strain rates. The design adopted consists of a pair of thin beams of spring steel bent across the specimen mid-point and hinged at their extremities. A strain gauge is bonded to the outer surface at the mid-length of one of the beams. If the hinge points and vertical centre line of the specimen lie in the same plane, the strain measured on the beam will vary linearly with the diameter of the specimen. In practice, this geometric requirement is satisfied by the method of construction, and linearity was confirmed by experiment. (author)
Primary Subject
Jun 1977; 13 p
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