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Makhkambaev, R.S.; Mirpochaev, Kh.A.; Ashurov, A.A., E-mail:
Conference 'X IV Numanov's readings' Proceedings2017
Conference 'X IV Numanov's readings' Proceedings2017
[en] Present article is devoted to flowsheet of processing of carbon-graphite waste. On the base of conducted researches the two stage method of processing of carbon-graphite wastes with pure graphite output has been elaborated. The flowsheet of processing of carbon-graphite waste has been elaborated and proposed.
Original Title
Tekhnologicheskaya skhema pererabotki uglegrafitovikh otkhodov
Primary Subject
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry (Tajikistan); [225 p.]; 2017; p. 39-41; 14. conference on Numanov's readings; Dushanbe (Tajikistan); 22 Nov 2017; Also available from the library of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
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Vayenas, C.G.
Rochester Univ., NY (USA)1977
Rochester Univ., NY (USA)1977
[en] High-temperature solid electrolyte electrochemical cells permit a direct measurement of the oxygen activity on catalytic metal surfaces or in catalytic melts during a reaction. This technique was used to study the SO2 oxidation on Pt and in V2O5 based melts. An electrochemical cell of the type air, Pt[ZrO2(+Y2O3)]Pt, air-SO2-SO3 was used to study the SO2 oxidation on Pt at temperatures above 4000C and at 1 atm total pressure. By measuring the open-circuit emf of the cell, the oxygen activity on the catalyst was monitored, while the products of the reaction were being simultaneously analyzed by means of a sampling system and a mass spectrometer. It was found that the oxygen activity on the catalyst surface a/sub O2(Pt)/ is much lower than p/sub O2/ and that the product p/sub SO2/ . a/sub O2(Pt)//sup 1/2/ is a function of T only over wide ranges of temperature and gas phase composition. A mechanism to explain this observation as well as the kinetic data is proposed. Similar experiments were carried out with Ag and Au electrodes. On Ag the oxygen activity was much lower than on Pt and on the basis of the proposed mechanism this explains why Ag is not a catalyst for this reaction. On Au, however, the oxygen activity was not much lower than on Pt and based on the emf data it was predicted that Au must possess weak catalytic properties which was verified from the kinetic data. The rate of the forward reaction on Au is first order with respect to SO2. By means of an electrochemical cell of the type air, Au[ZrO2(Y2O3)]Au, melt the oxygen activity was measured in V2O5-K2SO4 and V2O5-K2S2O7 melts during the SO2 oxidation. Similar experiments were carried out with Pt electrodes and the emf data were the same within the experimental error. However, when Ag electrodes were used, significantly lower oxygen activities were measured due probably to Ag being attacked by the melts
Primary Subject
1977; 138 p; University Microfilms Order No. 77-25,488; Thesis (Ph. D.).
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The main development trends in Russia concerning fuel cells and electrolyzers operating with alkaline, polymer and oxide electrolytes, are presented. The various types of electrocatalysts, electrodes, fuel cells, power plants and electrolyzers are considered and discussed. The perspectives of using fuel cells and electrolyzers in power systems are analyzed. 8 figs., 2 tabs., 28 refs
Primary Subject
Veziroglu, T.N.; Derive, C.; Pottier, J. (eds.); 645 p; 1993; p. 1385-1394; Societe des Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France; Paris (France); 9. World Hydrogen Energy Conference; Paris (France); 22-25 Jun 1992
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[en] The plan of breakdowns elimination is presented. The possible breakdowns and their elimination were studied.
Original Title
18. Plan likvidatsii avariy
Primary Subject
Ivanov, A.V. (Tajik Aluminium Plant (Tajikistan)); 264 p; 1993; p. 120-121
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[en] The arrangement of electrolytic cells service including general provisions were studied.
Original Title
9. Organkizatsiya raboti po obsluzhivaniyu electrolizyorov
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Ivanov, A.V. (Tajik Aluminium Plant (Tajikistan)); 264 p; 1993; p. 47-49
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[en] The experiment confirmed that polarography is desirable for the determination of oxidation state of samarium with reliable results. The amount of SmI3 involved in SmI2 can be directly determined, and purity of SmI2 obtained simultaneously. The lowest concentration of Sm(III) ion detected is 2 x 10-4 M. The wave height of Sm(II) ion gives a linear response in the range of 2 x 10-4 to 1 x 10-3 M. Samarium diiodide is easily oxidized by oxygen as well as the trace quantity of water contained in organic solvents. Therefore anhydrous and oxygen-free THF can be used as a solvent and NaB(C6H5)4 as a supporting electrolyte
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Analytical Chemistry (Changchung); CODEN FHHHD; v. 13(3); p. 184-187
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Cyclic voltammetric studies on the reduction of Eu(III) in various support electrolytes at HMDE have indicated that the reduction is irreversible. Hetrogeneous rate constants of the electron transfer process occuring in different media have been evaluated. (author)
Primary Subject
11 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Trans. SAEST (Soc. Adv. Electrochem. Sci. Tech.); CODEN TSETA; v. 20(1); p. 5-8
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The design documentation regarding all technological processes of electrolysis was considered.
Original Title
16. Tekhnologicheskaya dokumentatsiya
Primary Subject
Ivanov, A.V. (Tajik Aluminium Plant (Tajikistan)); 264 p; 1993; p. 110-111
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Tribout, M.
Societe de Travaux en Milieu Ionisant (STMI), 75 - Paris (France)1985
Societe de Travaux en Milieu Ionisant (STMI), 75 - Paris (France)1985
[en] The device includes an open case that can be adapted to the surface to be treated to make a leakproof box. Inside facing the surface is placed an electrode, pipes for electrolyte circulation and electrical connections are provided
Le dispositif comprend un boitier ouvert capable de s'adapter par sa partie ouverte sur la surface de la piece a traiter de facon a constituer avec cette surface un boitier etanche. Une electrode est disposee a l'interieur du boitier en face de la surface de la piece a traiter et le dispositif comprend une conduite pour amener un electrolyte dans l'espace compris entre la surface a traiter et l'electrode, une conduite pour evacuer l'electrolyte et des connexions pour relier la surface a traiter et l'electrode aux deux poles d'un generateur de courant electriqueOriginal Title
Dispositif d'electrolyse, utilisable notamment pour la decontamination radioactive de surfaces metalliques
Primary Subject
27 Sep 1985; 21 Mar 1984; 18 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2561672/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8404392; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 21 Mar 1984
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The electrolytic cells service by complex anode crane was considered. The complex anode crane was described as well its operational functions.
Original Title
28. Obsluzhivanie elektrolizyorov kompleksnim anodnim kranom
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Ivanov, A.V. (Tajik Aluminium Plant (Tajikistan)); 264 p; 1993; p. 152-154
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