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Pawelczyk, Jacek; Steinacker, Harold, E-mail:, E-mail: harold.steinacker@physik.uni-muenchen.de2002
[en] We propose an algebraic description of (untwisted) D-branes on compact group manifolds G using quantum algebras related to Uq(g). It reproduces the known characteristics of stable branes in the WZW models, in particular their configurations in G, energies as well as the set of harmonics. Both generic and degenerate branes are covered
Primary Subject
S0550321302005357; Copyright (c) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Colombia
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Journal Article
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Malbouisson, AP.C.; Svaiter, N.F.
Proceedings of the 15. national meeting on particle physics and fields. Abstracts1994
Proceedings of the 15. national meeting on particle physics and fields. Abstracts1994
[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 85 p; 1994; p. 61; 15. national meeting on particle physics and fields; 15. encontro nacional de fisica de particulas e campos; Angra dos Reis, RJ (Brazil); 4-8 Oct 1994; Available from the Library of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro
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No abstract available
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Record Type
Journal Article
J. Math. Phys. (N.Y.); v. 13(6); p. 850-862
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[en] Some renormalization group approaches have been proposed during the last few years which are close in spirit to the Nightingale phenomenological procedure. In essence, by exploiting the finite sized scaling hypothesis, the approximate critical behavior of model on finite lattice is obtained through the exact, computation of some thermal quantities of the model on finite clusters. In this work some of these methods are reviewed, namely the mean field renormalization group, the effective field renormalization group and the finite size scaling renormalization group procedures. Although special emphasis is given to the mean field renormalization group and the finite size scaling renormalization group procedures. Although special emphasis is given to the mean field renormalization group (since it has been, up to now much more used to study a wide variety of different systems) a discussion of their potentialities and interrelations to other methods is also presented. (author)
Primary Subject
213 refs., 1 fig., 9 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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Ramos, Rudnei O.
Proceedings of the 15. national meeting on particle physics and fields. Abstracts1994
Proceedings of the 15. national meeting on particle physics and fields. Abstracts1994
[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 85 p; 1994; p. 62; 15. national meeting on particle physics and fields; 15. encontro nacional de fisica de particulas e campos; Angra dos Reis, RJ (Brazil); 4-8 Oct 1994; Available from the Library of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro
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[en] We present the results of the first direct determination of the gD*Dπ coupling using lattice QCD. From our simulations in the quenched approximation, we obtain gD*Dπ = 18.8 ± 2.3-2.0+1.1 and g-circumflex = 0.67 ± 0.08-0.06+0.04. It is in agreement with a recent experimental result from CLEO
Primary Subject
20. international symposium on lattice field theory; Cambridge, MA (United States); 24-29 Jun 2002; S0920563203016116; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Colombia
Record Type
Journal Article
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Coutinho, F.A.B.; Perez, J.F.; Wreszinski, W.F.
Proceedings of the 15. Brazilian national meeting on particles and fields1994
Proceedings of the 15. Brazilian national meeting on particles and fields1994
[en] The issue of (non) triviality of (λ0φ4)s+1 where s denotes the space dimension, and λ0 the 'bare' coupling constant, remain as one of the most important conceptual questions in quantum field theory. In this note we summarize some of the ideas in two recent papers. Unfortunately, there are no rigorous results on triviality for 3 = 3. It is also important to compare this case, which is conventionally renormalizable with s = 2, which is super renormalizable. Folklore predicts triviality in the former-case, and non triviality in the later. Our basic result concerns the so called Lee approximation
Primary Subject
Alves, M.S. (Rio de Janeiro Univ., RJ (Brazil)); Araujo, M.E. (Brasilia Univ., DF (Brazil)); Bonato, C.A. (Paraiba Univ., Joao Pessoa, PB (Brazil)); Chinelato, C.D. (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil)); Dias, S.A. (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)); Foerster, A. (Rio Grande do Sul Univ., Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)); Marques, G.C. (Sao Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica); Novaes, S.F. (Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)); Thomaz, M.T. (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil)) (eds.); Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 329 p; 1994; p. 101-102; 15. Brazilian national meeting on particles and fields; 15. Encontro nacional de fisica de particulas e campos; Angra dos Reis, RJ (Brazil); 4-8 Oct 1994; Available from the library of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro; 5 refs.
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Ananos, G.N.J.; Svaiter, N.F.
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)1996
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)1996
[en] The thermodynamics of the massive λ φ 4 + σ φ 6 model is analysed at finite temperature in the two-loop approximation. The behavior of the thermal mass and coupling constant is discussed. We demonstrate in the two-loops approximation the existence of a tricritical point. (author). 23 refs., 4 figs
Primary Subject
Jul 1996; 21 p; ISSN 0029-3865;
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Report Number
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Newman, C.M.
Princeton Univ., N.J. (USA)1971
Princeton Univ., N.J. (USA)1971
No abstract available
Primary Subject
1971; 145 p; University Microfilms Order No. 72-14,160.; Thesis. (Ph.D.).
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications; v. 38(2); p. 276-311
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