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Kayama, M.E.; Boeckelmann, H.K.; Sakanaka, P.H.; Machida, M.
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro; 135 p; 1987; p. 105; Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 17-21 Aug 1987; Published in summary form only.
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Kayama, M.E.; Boeckelmann, H.K.; Sakanaka, P.H.; Machida, M.
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
[en] The formation of field reversed configuration, FRC, in one meter mirrorless linear theta-pinch device Tupa-I was observed. This configuration was studied during the first half magnetic cycle of ringing main bank discharge using magnetic probes. The separatrix radius by the exclude flux probe and the ion temperature by visible spectroscopy were measured. The plasma dynamics was observed by the image converter camera. A clear indication of the formation of FRC due to reconnection of the antiparallel bias to the main field and a fast reconnection, less than 0.2 microsec, that is explained in terms of forced reconnection driven by the Kruskal-Schwarzschild instability, are also observed. (author)
Observou-se a formacao de configuracao invertida de campo (FRC) no aparelho teta-pinch linear sem espelho de 1 metro, Tupa-I. Esta configuracao foi estudada durante a primeira metade do ciclo magnetico da descarga do banco condutor em anel fechado. Mediram-se o raio da separatriz atraves de sonda de fluxo excluido, e a temperatura do ion atraves de espectroscopia visivel. A dinamica do plasma foi observada por uma camara conversora de imagens. Uma clara indicacao da formacao da FRC devido a reconexao da eficiencia antiparalela do campo principal, e uma reconexao rapida menor que 0,2 μs, que e explicada em termos do direcionamento de reconexao forcada atraves da instabilidade de Kruskal-Schwarzschild tambem foram observadas. (M.C.K.)Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 892 p; 1987; p. 493-503; Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 17-21 Aug 1987; Available from the Library of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro; 135 p; 1987; p. 103; Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 17-21 Aug 1987; Published in summary form only.
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Maqueda, R.; Sobehart, J.; Rodrigo, A.B.
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
[en] The formation phase of field reversed configurations (FRC) produced using a theta pinch has received considerable attention lately in connection with the possibility of developing formation methods in time scales longer than the Alven radial time, which would permit the use of low-voltage technology and represent an important engineering simplification in the trend towards larger scale machines sup (1)). The mechanisms leading to the loss of trapped reversed flux during the preheating2) and formation sup (3,4)) stages, looking for maximization of this quantity in order to improve on the stability and transport properties of the configuration in its final equilibrium state are investigated. As a result, semi-emperical scaling laws have been obtained relating the reversed flux loss with experimental operating parameters during the early stages of the formation process1). (author)
A fase de formacao de configuracoes revertidas de campo (FRC) produzidas num teta pinch tem recebido consideravel atencao ultimamente em coneccao com a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de metodos de formacao em escala de tempo maior que o tempo radial de Alfven, que permitira o uso da tecnologia de alta voltagem e representa uma importante simplificacao da engenharia para maquinas de maior escala. Investigam-se os mecanismos que conduzem a perda do fluxo revertido aprisionado durante os estagios de pre-aquecimento e formacao, procurando a maximizacao desta quantidade para melhorar as propriedades de estabilidade e transporte da configuracao em seu estado de equilibrio final, como um resultado leis de escala foram obtidas relacionando perda de fluxo revertido com os parametros experimentais de operacao durante os estagios anteriores do processo de formacao. (M.C.K.)Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 892 p; 1987; p. 25-33; Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 17-21 Aug 1987; Available from the Library of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
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Magueda, R.; Sobehart, J.; Rodrigo, A.B.
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro; 135 p; 1987; p. 28; Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 17-21 Aug 1987; Published in summary form only.
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[en] Silicon photodiode detectors, which have nearly flat energy response from 1 eV to 6 keV [R. Korde and L. Randall Canfield, Proc. SPIE 1140, 126 (1989)], were used as bolometers in the field reversed theta pinch experiment LSX. Plasma escaping from the field reversed configuration is naturally diverted to the ends of the vacuum enclosure. There it affects the bolometer measurements either by direct energy deposition or by emission of low energy photons. These two particle effects can be avoided by optimizing the location of the bolometers and restricting their field of view. Good agreement is observed between the silicon bolometers and a gold foil calorimeter
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Clemente, R.A.; Sakanaka, P.H.; Mania, A.J.
Plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research 1988. V.21989
Plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research 1988. V.21989
[en] The Grad-Hogan theory for slowly diffusing plasmas is applied to FRCs. Within this context, assuming uniform but time dependent plasma temperature, it is possible to show that the time evolution of FRCs can be described as a continuous sequence of equilibrium states, satisfying proper boundary conditions, in which the functional dependence of the pressure on the poloidal magnetic flux remains fixed. The time evolution is found by requiring that the diffusion velocity does not become singular at the 0-point. The method is applied to the Hill vortex model. (author). 11 refs, 3 figs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nucl. Fusion; Suppl. 1989; 763 p; ISBN 92-0-130189-8; ; 1989; v. 2 p. 713-719; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); 12. international conference on plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research; Nice (France); 12-19 Oct 1988; IAEA-CN--50/C-V-14
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Kuehnapfel, M.; Stampa, A.; Tabersky, R.; Tuczek, H.
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
[en] The generation of compact torus configurations by rotating magnetic fields and linearly polarized r.f. fields is studied. In contrast to present theoretical models the investigations show that there are electron density and r.f. power thresholds where nonlinear phenomena determine the direction of d.c. current flow. (author)
Estuda-se a geracao de configuracoes torus compactos por campos magneticos rotativos e campos r.f. linearmente polarizados. Ao contrario dos modelos teoricos presentes, as investigacoes mostram que existe densidade de eletrons e limiares de potencia r.f. onde os fenomenos nao lineares determinam a direcao do fluxo de corrente d.c. (M.C.K.)Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 892 p; 1987; p. 504-507; Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 17-21 Aug 1987; Available from the Library of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
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[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Caracterizacao do FRC-TC-I da UNICAMP
Primary Subject
40. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 10-16 Jul 1988
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Journal Article
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[en] The halo plasma, which is a thin plasma surrounding the Field Reversed Configuration (FRC), was observed in the Staged Theta Pinch-Linear (STP-L) experiment. The experimental results show that the ion flow in the halo plasma increases in opposite directions at the vicinity of the separatrix and at the edge of the halo, when the end effect is reduced by the guide field. This double structure of ion flow may be explained by the proposed model that halo plasma is formed by energetic ions shuttling between the FRC and the open field region, and the numerical results is in a good agreement with the experiment. The proposed model also suggests that the FRC has a good confinement ability for the energetic particles in the plasma does not connect with the discharge tube. (author)
O plasma aureolar, que e um fino plasma envolvendo a configuracao de campo reverso (FRC), foi observado numa experiencia de teta-pinch linear. Os resultados experimentais mostram que a vazao ionica no plasma aureolar aumenta em direcoes opostas na vizinhanca da separatriz e na borda da aureola, quando o efeito fim e reduzido pelo campo guia. Esta estrutura dupla da vazao ionica pode ser explicada pelo modelo proposto, de que o plasma aureolar e formado por ions energeticos lancados entre o FRC e a regiao de campo aberto. Os resultados numericos estao em boa concordancia com os resultados experimentais. O modelo proposto sugere que o FRC possue uma boa capacidade de confinamento para as particulas energeticas se o plasma nao estiver conectado ao tubo de descarga. (M.C.K.)Primary Subject
Apr 1987; 35 p
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