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[en] Cadmium severely embrittles Zircaloy-2. The phenomenon was observed to occur with solid cadmium at 300/degree/C, liquid cadmium at 340/degree/C, and cadmium dissolved in liquid cesium over a range of temperatures. In liquid cesium alone at 300/degree/C, high reduction of area and only ductile fracture morphology was observed. The effect of texture was briefly evaluated using tensile samples machined from cross-rolled plate in different orientations. The results are presented in terms of fractography, and stress-elongation data obtained by constant extension rate tensile tests. 23 refs
Primary Subject
Anon; p. 295-304; 1977; p. 295-304; American Nuclear Society; Chicago, IL; ANS topical meeting on water reactor fuel performance; St Charles, IL, USA; 9 - 11 May 1981
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Literature Type
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[en] There are cases in surface fracture investigations in which one cannot use a direct micrographic surface fracture evaluation in the laboratory. The following work describes a technique enabling these evaluations indirectly via impressions. The quality of the impressions can be vastly improved when using 'lacquer matrixes' (dry-in matrixes), where the lacquer film is filled with technovite to strengthen it. This form of preparation with thin, technovite strengthened lacquer films which on the one hand, wet the fracture structures well in liquid state and on the other hand, can be removed in the solid state without too much sticking, enables evaluations to resolutions of approx.= 1 μm in the SEM investigations of the negative impressions. The characteristic microstructures for e.g. honeycombed fracture, cleavage, cyclic stress, H2 embrittlement, stress crack corrosion and hot cracking can be clearly indentified. (orig.)
Bei Bruchflaechenuntersuchungen koennen Faelle auftreten, bei denen eine direkte mikrofraktographische Bruchflaechenauswertung im Labor nicht moeglich ist. Im folgenden wird eine Technik beschrieben, die es erlaubt, eine Beurteilung indirekt ueber Abdruecke durchzufuehren. Eine wesentliche Qualitaetserhoehung der Abdruecke tritt bei der Verwendung von Lackmatrizen (Eintrocknungsmatrizen) auf, wobei der Lackfilm zur Verstaerkung mit Technovit hintergossen wird. Diese Praeparationsweise mit duennen, technovitverstaerkten Lackfilmen, die einerseits im fluessigen Zustand die Bruchstrukturen gut benetzen und sich andererseits im festen Zustand unter verminderter Klebewirkung abloesen lassen, erlaubt bei REM-Untersuchungen der Negativabdrucke Auswertungen bis zu Aufloesungen von approx.= 1 μm. Die charakteristischen Mikrostrukturen fuer z.B. Wabenbruch, Spaltbruch, Schwingbruch, H2-Versproedung, Spannungsrisskorrosion und Heissrisse lassen sich eindeutig identifizieren. (orig.)Original Title
Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Bruchflaechenuntersuchungen mittels Abdrucktechnik
Primary Subject
Elssner, G.; Kopp, W.U. (eds.); Sonderbaende der Praktischen Metallographie; v. 13; 405 p; 1982; p. 203-211; Riederer; Stuttgart (Germany, F.R.); Metallography meeting '81; Osnabrueck (Germany, F.R.); 23 - 25 Sep 1981
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Nizin, D R; Nizina, T A; Startsev, V O; Artamonov, D A; Popova, A I; Lankina, Yu A; Chernov, A N, E-mail: nizinata@yandex.ru2018
[en] Analysis of changes in fractographs quantitative indicators of the polymer composite fracture surfaces in the aging process in temperate continental climate is carried out on the basis of the offered technique. It is found out that the strength of polymer samples at tension depend on the square of the fracture surface mirror zone. (paper)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
7. International Symposium Actual Problems of Computational Simulation in Civil Engineering; Novosibirsk (Russian Federation); 1-8 Jul 2018; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering (Online); ISSN 1757-899X; ; v. 456(1); [6 p.]
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External URLExternal URL
[en] The method is proposed to determine average rate of crack propagation under creep conditions based on complex analysis of flat sample fractures and diagrams of crack boundaries displacement. The method has been tested on 15Kh1M1FL cast steel. The presence of a 12 mm-deep, single-ended sharp notch on the sample and as sharp but not deep (1.0 mm) side grooves facilitates an abrupt suppression of plastic deformation in the fracture. It is determined that the proposed method gives results close to the data published earlier. The possibility is shown to investigate using the method crack propagation conditions at all stages (initial, accelerated and avalanche) during strong suppression of creep deformation
Original Title
Metodika fraktograficheskogo issledovaniya zakonomernostej dokriticheskogo podrastaniya treshchin v usloviyakh polzuchesti
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Industrial Laboratory (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Zavodskaya Laboratoriya; ISSN 0321-4265; ; v. 46(4); p. 343-346
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Gelles, D.S.; Huang, F.H.
Alloy development for irradiation performance. Semiannual progress report for period ending September 30, 19831984
Alloy development for irradiation performance. Semiannual progress report for period ending September 30, 19831984
[en] Fractographic examinations have been performed on a series of miniature compact tension specimens of HT-9 tested at room temperature and below. Reductions in toughness found for these specimens are shown to be associated with transgranular cleavage fracture and are a function of the plastic deformation which occurs prior to the onset of brittle fracture
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA); p. 128-135; Mar 1984; p. 128-135; Available from NTIS, PC A11/MF A01 as TI84007335
Record Type
Report Number
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[en] Recent years have seen the emergence of a new engineering technique based on the statistical analysis of the topography of a fracture surface. While this technique follows in the footsteps of fractography, a science developed in the middle of the last century to interpret the shapes created when a part breaks, it pushes back the boundaries. By providing hitherto inaccessible information on the mechanical properties of a material and the conditions of its fracture, it now makes it possible to trace the thread of damage step by step to determine its causes. And so guide the development of safer materials and structures
Ces dernieres annees ont vu l'emergence d'une nouvelle technique de l'ingenieur qui repose sur l'analyse statistique du releve topographique d'une surface de rupture. Si celle-ci s'inscrit dans la lignee de la fractographie, science developpee au milieu du siecle dernier pour interpreter les formes creees lors de la rupture d'une piece, elle en repousse les limites. En apportant des informations jusqu'ici inaccessibles sur les proprietes mecaniques d'un materiau et les conditions de sa rupture, elle permet dorenavant de remonter pas a pas le fil d'une avarie pour en determiner ses causes. Et ainsi guider le developpement de materiaux et de structures plus suresOriginal Title
L'analyse statistique des facies de rupture: la science de la donnee au service de l'analyse de defaillance
Primary Subject
12 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Traitements et Materiaux; ISSN 2108-2804; ; v. 459; p. 47-50
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Chakraborti, P.C.; Kundu, Amrita; Dutta, B.K., E-mail: pravashchandrachakraborti@hotmail.com2014
[en] Fracture stress data obtained by tensile testing of circumferentially notched round tensile specimens made of 20MnMoNi55 and SA333 (Grade 6) steels at different subzero temperatures down to −150 °C have been analysed following Weibull statistics. It is observed that between −50 and −100 °C the mean Weibull modulus of 20MnMoNi55 steel obtained by employing linear regression technique over the complete range of data population for every test temperature increases in a perfectly linear manner with lowering of test temperature. A sharp decrease in the modulus value with further decrease of test temperature to −150 °C is observed. The data population for −50 and −70 °C, however, do not agree well with single straight-line relationship of Weibull statistics. In case of SA333 (Grade 6) steel nearly two fold increase in the value of mean Weibull modulus is observed on lowering of test temperature from −100 °C to −150 °C. Scanning electron fractography reveals different failure modes in both the steels depending upon test temperatures
Primary Subject
S0921-5093(13)01242-2; Available from; Copyright (c) 2013 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Materials Science and Engineering. A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing; ISSN 0921-5093; ; CODEN MSAPE3; v. 594; p. 89-97
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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External URLExternal URL
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Tel Aviv; p. 135; Apr 1980; p. 135; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Tel Aviv; p. 121; Jul 1984; p. 121
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A fractographic method for estimating the fatigue life of IKhI3, IKhI3Sh, EhI415, 30KhMA steels in corrosive medium in the course of cyclic loading by testing the laboratory samples for fatigue and drawing fatigue curve sigma=f(N) and the dependence Ksub(1c)sup(sc)=F(N) is proposed
Original Title
Opredelenie tsiklicheskoj vyazkosti razrusheniya v usloviyakh dejstviya korrozionnoj sredy
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Sov. Mater. Sci.
Record Type
Journal Article
Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov; v. 11(4); p. 3-7
Country of publication
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