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[en] In order to optimize future dismantling operations of nuclear installations virtual reality allows the validation of predefined scenarios and their adequacy with the environment. CEA uses an immersion and interactive room to validate maintenance and dismantling operations. The equipment of this room is composed of a video wall that gives a 3-dimensional view of the virtual environment, and of a system for motion capture. For the simulation of handling operations a haptic interface has been designed, it allows the user to receive a tactic and effort-feeling feed back. The immersion is completed by a phonic ambience that creates sounds for virtual operations. The use of the immersion room for optimizing the dismantling of a spent fuel dissolver (MAR 200) used in hot cell is presented. (A.C.)
Original Title
Elaboration des operations de demantelement de l'atelier MAR 200 a l'aide de technologies de realites virtuelles
Primary Subject
13 refs.
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Walton, L.A.
Babcock and Wilcox Co., New York (USA)1980
Babcock and Wilcox Co., New York (USA)1980
[en] This invention provides locking nut structures for fuel assembly end fittings. (LL)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
9 Dec 1980; 16 p; CA PATENT DOCUMENT 1091367/A/; Available from Micromedia Ltd., 165 Hotel de Ville, Hull, Quebec, Canada J8X 3X2; U.S. pat. appl. 601000.
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[en] SGN and B and W Fuel Company have shown that their Fuel Master second-generation rod consolidation system can achieve good results automatically and quickly with little supervision. Tests have validated consolidation as a feasible, low cost solution to spent fuel storage shortage and shown Fuel Master capable of achieving a 2:1 fuel consolidation and a 10:1 skeleton compaction. The system can be used in conjunction with dry storage, and the consolidated fuel can still be reprocessed. (author)
Original Title
Spent fuel management
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Long, J.W.; Flora, B.S.
Exxon Nuclear Co., Inc., Bellevue, WA (USA)1977
Exxon Nuclear Co., Inc., Bellevue, WA (USA)1977
[en] A method of securing a fuel bundle to permit easy remote disassembly is described. Fuel rods are held loosely between end plates, each end of the rods fitting into holes in the end plates. At the upper end of each fuel rod there is a spring pressing against the end plate. Tie rods are used to hold the end plates together securely. The lower end of each tie rod is screwed into the lower end plate; the upper end of each tie rod is attached to the upper end plate by means of a locking assembly described in the patent. In order to remove the upper tie plate during the disassembly process, it is necessary only to depress the tie plate against the pressure of the springs surrounding the fuel rods and then to rotate each locking sleeve on the tie rods from its locked to its unlocked position. It is then possible to remove the tie plate without disassembling the locking assembly. (LL)
Primary Subject
11 Jan 1977; 13 p; CA PATENT DOCUMENT 1003581/A/; Available from Micromedia Ltd., 165 Hotel de Ville, Quebec, Canada J8X 3X2
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[en] The device is made of a vertical support with a tool carrier providing vertical motion by moving the cutting tool along the fuel channel. The tool carrier has two diametrically arranged cutting tools which can divide the channel into two halves. (G.B.)
Original Title
Anordning foer minskning av skrotvolymen vid skrotning av ett flertal hoeljeroer vilka anvaents i en kaernreaktors braenslepatroner
Primary Subject
12 Jun 1981; 15 p; SE PATENT DOCUMENT 8103700-4/B/
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Long, J.W.; Flora, B.S.; Ford, K.L.
Exxon Nuclear Co., Inc., Richland, WA (USA)1977
Exxon Nuclear Co., Inc., Richland, WA (USA)1977
[en] The invention concerns a new, simple and inexpensive system for assembling and dismantling a nuclear reactor fuel bundle. Several fuel rods are fitted in parallel rows between two retaining plates which secure the fuel rods in position and which are maintained in an assembled position by means of several stays fixed to the two end plates. The invention particularly refers to an improved apparatus for fixing the stays to the upper plate by using locking fittings secured to rotating sleeves which are applied against this plate
L'invention concerne un dispositif nouveau, simple et peu couteux pour l'assemblage et le desassemblage d'un faisceau de combustible de reacteur nucleaire. Plusieurs barres combustibles sont montees en rangees paralleles entre deux plaques de retenue qui fixent les barres combustibles en place et qui sont maintenues dans une position assemblee a l'aide de plusieurs tirants fixes sur les deux plaques extremes. L'invention se rapporte notamment a un appareil perfectionne pour fixer les tirants sur la plaque superieure en utilisant des pattes de verrouillage fixees sur des manchons tournants qui s'appliquent contre ladite plaqueOriginal Title
Faisceau combustible pour reacteur nucleaire
Primary Subject
22 Feb 1977; 13 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2341917/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Priority claim: 23 Feb 1976, US.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The device comprises recovery and guiding means with both ends, upper and lower, open for recovery of each rod, falling from the support and guiding the rod subjected to its own weight towards the container which is inclined in respect to vertical. The rods are deposited in row through the guide tube inside the container which has preferentially a hexagonal cross section
Le dispositif comprend des moyens de recuperation et de guidage qui ont une extremite superieure et une extremite inferieure ouvertes et qui sont prevus pour recuperer chaque barreau que l'on fait tomber de moyens de support et pour guider ce barreau, soumis a son poids, vers le conteneur, ce dernier etant incline par rapport a la verticale et ouvert en son extremite superieure, l'extremite inferieure des moyens de recuperation et de guidage etant destinee a communiquer avec l'interieur du conteneur par l'extremite superieure de ce dernier de facon que les barreaux puissent etre ranges successivement dans le conteneur qui a avantageusement une paroi interne de section transversale hexagonaleOriginal Title
Dispositif de transfert et de rangement dans un conteneur, de barreaux pour assemblage de combustible nucleaire et conteneur utilisable avec ce dispositif
Primary Subject
27 Jul 1990; 23 Jan 1989; 15 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2642219/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8900748; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 23 Jan 1989
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No abstract available
Original Title
Montage d'elements combustibles notamment pour reacteurs nucleaires; grid structures
Primary Subject
07 Dec 1972; 12 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2163482/A/; Available from INPI, Paris; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); priority claim: 13 Dec 1971.
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Eymery, R.; Colas, J.; Pellier, R.; Chavand, J.; Peccoud, M.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Genie Radioactif; CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Inst. de Recherche Technologique et de Developpement Industriel (IRDI)1987
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Genie Radioactif; CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Inst. de Recherche Technologique et de Developpement Industriel (IRDI)1987
[en] Before reprocessing fuel pins should be extracted from the hexagonal tube few millimeter-thick, because of swelling axial removal is impossible and the tube should be cut lengthwise. Mechanical and laser cutting are not retained and dismantling is obtained by cracking. In this process a line is heated in surface by the TIG process (Tungsten Inert Gas) and in the heat affected zone embrittlement is produced by a metal wire, which melts and is introduced in grain boundaries of austenitic steel producing cracks. Tests are realized on 4 fuel assemblies of Phenix reactor
Le retraitement des assemblages combustibles rapides, pose un probleme tres specifique du fait de la presence du tube hexagonal (TH), de plusieurs millimetres d'epaisseur. Le gonflement du faisceau contraint pour acceder aux aiguilles, d'effectuer des decoupes longitudinales du TH. Apres examen de plusieurs solutions: usinage mecanique, emploi d'un laser, le C.E.A. a retenu, une technique metallurgique, la fissuration. Elle consiste a realiser une ligne de chauffe superficielle par procede TIG en introduisant dans la zone affectee thermiquement un metal fragilisant. Les contraintes internes qui se developpent provoquent la penetration dans les joints de grains et l'ouverture des tubes. La methode a ete testee sur 4 assemblages PhenixOriginal Title
Decoupe par fissuration des tubes hexagonaux du combustible rapide
Primary Subject
1987; 4 p; International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Waste Management; Paris (France); 23-28 Aug 1987
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The tools and techniques developed in the United States and FR Germany to repair damaged fuels assemblies are examined. Two methods of repair are considered:- removal of damaged fuel rods and replacement with sound rods (reconstitution); and removal of sound rods from one assembly structure and placing them into a fresh assembly structure (reassembly). (UK)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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