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[en] Fuel cell systems are an entirely different approach to the production of electricity than traditional technologies. They are similar to the batteries in that both produce direct current through electrochemical process. There are six types of fuel cells each with a different type of electrolyte, but they all share certain important characteristics: high electrical efficiency, low environmental impact and fuel flexibility. Fuel cells serve a variety of applications: stationary power plants, transport vehicles and portable power. That is why world wide efforts are addressed to improvement of this technology. (Original)
Original Title
Gorivni kjelii
Primary Subject
Available from the National and University Library 'Kliment Ohridski', Skopje (MK); 3 figs.; 2 ills.; 1 tab.; Continuation from the v. 11(39)
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Journal Article
Energetika; ISSN 1409-6048; ; v. 11(40); p. 29-32
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Castro, Laira Augusto Freitas; Linardi, Marcelo
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil)2010
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil)2010
No abstract available
Original Title
Modelagem da curva de polarizacao de uma celula a combustivel tipo PEMFC
Primary Subject
2010; [2 p.]; 16. PIBIC annual seminar: Scientific Initiation Program; 16. Seminario anual PIBIC: Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciacao Cientifica; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 20-21 Oct 2010; 7. PROBIC annual seminar; 7. Seminario anual PROBIC; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 20-21 Oct 2010; Available from the Library of the Brazilian CNEN, Rio de Janeiro, in electronic form; Code: ipen25resumo.pdf
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[en] A comparison is presented between ammonia and methanol, applied indirectly in a hydrogen/air fuel cell. The calculations concentrate on specific energy of the fuels (amount of electricity produced per mass of fuel), specific energy of the fuels corrected for the mass and volume of the tank, and the overall energy efficiency (amount of electricity produced by one kg of fuel divided by the amount of energy needed for the production of one kg of this fuel). Taking into consideration the differences in efficiencies between the acid fuel cell and the alkaline fuel cells, the reformer temperatures, the reforming efficiencies, and some ecological and economical considerations, it appears that ammonia is a more interesting fuel than methanol for certain applications. 6 figs., 2 tabs
Primary Subject
Veziroglu, T.N.; Derive, C.; Pottier, J. (eds.); 645 p; 1993; p. 1517-1526; Societe des Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France; Paris (France); 9. World Hydrogen Energy Conference; Paris (France); 22-25 Jun 1992
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Zubcu, Victor; Ursescu, Gabriel; Zubcu, Dorina Silvia; Miler, Mihai Cristian
Romanian National Committee, World Energy Council, CNR - CME, Calea Vitan, nr. 293 , sector 3, 031295 Bucuresti (Romania); Ministerul Economiei si Comertului, Calea Victoriei 152, Bucuresti (Romania). Funding organisation: Romanian Nuclear Activities Authority, RAAN, 1, Nicolae Iorga Street, RO-1500 Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania); SC Complexul Energetic Turceni-SA, CP 217520, Str. Uzinei nr. 1, Turceni, Gorj (Romania); SC Complexul Energetic Rovinari, CP 215400, str. Energeticianului, nr. 25, Rovinari Gorj (Romania)
FOREN 2004. Sustainable Energy Development and European Integration2004
Romanian National Committee, World Energy Council, CNR - CME, Calea Vitan, nr. 293 , sector 3, 031295 Bucuresti (Romania); Ministerul Economiei si Comertului, Calea Victoriei 152, Bucuresti (Romania). Funding organisation: Romanian Nuclear Activities Authority, RAAN, 1, Nicolae Iorga Street, RO-1500 Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania); SC Complexul Energetic Turceni-SA, CP 217520, Str. Uzinei nr. 1, Turceni, Gorj (Romania); SC Complexul Energetic Rovinari, CP 215400, str. Energeticianului, nr. 25, Rovinari Gorj (Romania)
FOREN 2004. Sustainable Energy Development and European Integration2004
[en] One of the most promising energy generating technologies is the fuel cell (FC) because of its high efficiency and low emissions. There are even zero chemical emissions FC and cogeneration plants based on FC generate low heat emissions too. FC was invented 160 years ago but it was usually used only since 1960 in space missions. A FC farm tractor was tested 40 years ago. FC was again taken into account by power engineering since 1990 and it is now considered a credible alternative to power and heat generating. The thermal power engineers (and not only they) have two problems of cardinal importance for mankind to solve: - Energy saving (by increasing of energy generating efficiency) and - Environmental protection (by reducing chemical and heat emissions). The possibilities to use FC to generate power and heat are practically endless: on the earth, in the air and outer space, by and under water, in numberless areas of human activities. FC are now powering buses, cars, trains, boats, plains, scooters, highway road signs etc. There are already miniature FC for portable electronics. Homes, schools, hospitals, institutes, banks, police stations, etc are using FC to generate power and heat for their facilities. The methane gas produced by wastewater treatment plants and landfills is converted into electricity by using FC. Being less expensive than nuclear and solar source of energy, FC is now generally used in the space missions (in addition FC generates water). In this work an analysis of the possibilities to use FC especially for combined power and heat generating is presented. FC is favourite as energy source in space missions because it is less expensive than nuclear or solar sources. All major automobile companies have FC powered automobiles in testing stage. Mini FC for phone, laptop, and electronics are already on market. FC will be use to pagers, video recorders, small portable tools, miniature robots, special devices as hearing aid various devices, smoke detectors, locks, meter readers. Many FC installations operate the world over in : hospitals, hotels, office buildings, banks, schools, police stations, airport terminals etc. as base sources or back assurance. FC is ideal for residential power generation either connected to electric grid (to provide supplemental power and back assurance) or installed as grid independent generator (in areas that are inaccessible for power lines). FC is now using the methane gas produced by wastewater treatment plants and landfills; the pollutant emissions are decreased too. FC are very efficient: the efficiency of the generating only power FCs reaches 60% (even 70% for AFC), higher than conventional power generation systems. Overall efficiency of FC that generates power and heat reaches 80 to 85% (probably 90%). Stationary CHP plants operate in residential, commercial and industrial applications. The developing and bringing in of this new technology are a main goal for both government and private sector around the world: government agencies, universities, national laboratories, FC manufacturers, FC components manufacturers, commercial developers etc. The result of their cooperative effort will be the developing of low-cost, high power density, solid-state FC. Many countries have developing FC programs, particularly USA, Canada, Japan and Germany. They are stimulated by special guaranties offered by the FC, namely important reducing of: dependence on oil, chemical emissions in atmosphere and greenhouse gas emission. It is most probably that in the first decades of this century FC use could be dramatically enlarged in all the fields of activity, even though, in the beginning, a government support will be necessary
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Iancu Iulian (Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Calea Victoriei 152, Bucuresti (Romania)); Romanian National Committee, World Energy Council, CNR - CME, B-dul Energeticienilor 8, sector 3, Bucharest (Romania); 568 p; 2004; p. S5p.19.1-S5p.19.7; 7. WEC regional energy forum - FOREN 2004. Sustainable Energy Development and European Integration; Neptun-Olimp (Romania); 13-17 Jun 2004; Available from authors or Romanian National Committee, World Energy Council, CNR - CME, B-dul Energeticienilor 8, sector 3, Bucharest (RO); Available from WEC Romanian National Committee, B-dul Energeticienilor 8, sector 3, Bucharest (RO); 7 refs., 4 figs.
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[en] Fuel Cell(FC) Technology has been recognised as an effective alternative to the traditional electric energy generator; in the last years the research results and the technological level reached by FC have increased the interest for this technology. The present paper synthesises, the state of the art and the development perspective of the major fuel cell technologies
Original Title
Il punto sulle celle a combustibile
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Record Type
Journal Article
Chimica e l'Industria; ISSN 0009-4315; ; v. 80(8); p. 1057-1061
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[en] The main development trends in Russia concerning fuel cells and electrolyzers operating with alkaline, polymer and oxide electrolytes, are presented. The various types of electrocatalysts, electrodes, fuel cells, power plants and electrolyzers are considered and discussed. The perspectives of using fuel cells and electrolyzers in power systems are analyzed. 8 figs., 2 tabs., 28 refs
Primary Subject
Veziroglu, T.N.; Derive, C.; Pottier, J. (eds.); 645 p; 1993; p. 1385-1394; Societe des Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France; Paris (France); 9. World Hydrogen Energy Conference; Paris (France); 22-25 Jun 1992
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Garche, J.; Stimmer, U.; Friedrich, A.K.; Fiedenhans'l, R.
Risoe energy report 3. Hydrogen and its competitors2004
Risoe energy report 3. Hydrogen and its competitors2004
[en] Fuel cells were originally intended for use in power plants and vehicles. More recently, developers realised the possibility for building much smaller units and for lower prices per kilowatt than their larger relatives. This has led to a strong interest in developing small fuel cells. Small fuel cells could replace batteries in portable electronic equipment and internal combustion engines in portable generators. The upper limit for portable generators is about 5kW, mainly because of the weight of the fuel cell. The main applications for low-power fuel cells are mobile phones, personal digital assistants, laptop and notebook computers, cameras, medical equipment, military applications and other portable electronic devices. In comparison to batteries, fuel cells can supply much more power per unit volume or weight, though they have lower output voltages and are slower to respond to transients. Fuel cell types that are suitable for portable applications include: proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) using pure hydrogen, PEMFCs using hydrogen-rich gases from hydrocarbon or alcohol reforming, direct methanol fuel cells and, high-temperature fuel cells such as solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) using hydrocarbons directly. Fuel cells for portable devices is becoming a niche, high-value market area which has good opportunities for a fast introduction of fuel cell technology and for the first consumer products in the electronic market can be expected within the coming year and is believed to grow rapidly thereafter. Danish industry is involved in the development of SOFC, PEMFC and DMFC fuel cells and the industry has in particular a strong position in system components and complete systems. An important area for Danish industry is system integration, where fuel cells and hydrogen technologies are implemented in electrical powered products. This is an area that is particular suited for small and medium sized enterprises and for start-ups. One example is in the medical sector - electrical wheelchairs with fuel cell technology as replacement for batteries giving longer driving range and faster re-charging. System integration is an area where Danish industry traditionally has a strong position and where innovative new applications of fuel cell technology can lead to new products. (BA)
Primary Subject
Larsen, H.; Feidenhans'l, R.; Soenderberg Pedersen, L. (eds.); Risoe National Lab., Roskilde (Denmark); 76 p; ISBN 87-550-3349-0; ; ISBN 87-550-3350-4 (INTERNET); ; Oct 2004; p. 47-51; Available on; OSTI; Available to ETDE participating countries only(see; commercial reproduction prohibited; OSTI as DE20536069; PURL:
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[en] Direct conversion of chemical energy into electricity (without intermediate heat generation) is a long-established method to improve the efficiency of power generation, as well as to reduce polluting emissions from thermal plants. The origins of fuel cells, as well as their operating principles, are dealt with. Then, various types of cells are taken into consideration, on the basis of both their characteristics and the operating principles of electrolytes. Finally, structure and operation of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC), Alkaline Fuel Cells (AFC) and Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells (PAFC) are described
La conversione diretta dell'energia chimica del combustibile in energia elettrica, senza passare attraverso la produzione di calore, rappresenta una via ormai ampiamente collaudata per migliorare l'efficienza della produzione di energia elettrica e per contenere le emissioni generate dagli impianti termoelettrici. L'articolo, dopo una breve presentazione della storia dello sviluppo nel tempo delle celle a combustibile, espone i principi di funzionamento delle stesse. Si esaminano quindi i vari tipi di cella a partire dalle caratteristiche e dalle modalita' di funzionamento degli elettroliti che ne definiscono la classificazione. Successivamente vengono illustrate le caratteristiche costruttive e funzionali delle celle ad elettrolita polimerico (PEMFC), delle celle alcaline (AFC) e delle celle ad acido fosforico (PAFC)Original Title
Celle a combustibile. Pt. 1
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[en] This fact sheet presents some industrial stationary hydrogen applications, which represent a promising market for hydrogen technology. Industrial stationary applications are applications where hydrogen is used as an energy source for industrial plants, power grids or hydrogen vehicle charging stations. The fact sheet explains the advantages of using hydrogen for industrial stationary applications, particularly in terms of reduced greenhouse gas emissions, operating costs and reliability of energy supply. It also presents the different types of technology used for industrial stationary hydrogen applications, including fuel cells, gas turbines, internal combustion engines and hydrogen storage systems. In addition, it provides examples of industrial hydrogen applications, such as cogeneration of electricity and heat, on-site hydrogen production for plant energy needs, renewable energy storage and hydrogen production from syngas
Original Title
Applications stationnaires de la pile a combustible dans le secteur industriel - Memento de l'Hydrogene, Fiche 9.3.1
Primary Subject
Mar 2022; 19 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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Huber, W.J.
USDOE Morgantown Energy Technology Center, WV (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1992
USDOE Morgantown Energy Technology Center, WV (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1992
[en] Objective of the program was to develop the essential technology for private sector commercialization of various fuel cell electrical generation systems, which promise high fuel efficiencies (40--60%), possibilities for cogeneration, modularity, possible urban siting, and low emissions. Purpose of this meeting was to provide the R and D participants in the DOE/Fossil Energy-sponsored Fuel Cells Program with a forum. With the near commercialization of phosphoric acid fuel cells, major emphasis was on molten carbonate and solid oxide fuel cells. 22 papers were given in 3 formal sessions: molten carbonate fuel cells; solid oxide fuel cells; and systems and phosphoric acid. In addition, the proceedings also include a welcome to METC address and comments on the Fuel Cells program from the viewpoint of EPRI and DOE's vehicular fuel cell program. Separate abstracts have been prepared
Primary Subject
Jul 1992; 176 p; 4. annual fuel cells contractors review meeting; Morgantown, WV (United States); 14-15 Jul 1992; CONF-920748--; OSTI as DE92001290; NTIS; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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