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[en] This is a brief conference paper on the use of biofuels in vehicles, especially in Sweden. Vegetable oils replace only diesel. In Sweden, the vegetable oil most often used is rape-seed oil. These oils are not very efficient in ''raw'' form and are used as basis in esters, such as rape-seed methyl ester (RME). Although RME is renewable, biobased and reduces the atmospheric CO2 emission, it increases the emission of nitrogen oxides, it may cause startup problems in cold weather and is not stable when stored for long. Most RME available in Sweden is imported and the potential for increased Swedish production is very limited. By using methanol and ethanol both petrol and diesel can be replaced. While mixtures of petrol and alcohols are being used increasingly, mixtures of diesel and alcohols are unstable and their use requires technological development
Original Title
Vaetskeformiga biodrivmedel
Primary Subject
Norsk Bioenergiforening, Oslo (Norway); 205 p; 1997; p. 185-187; Bioenergy '97: Nordic bioenergy conference on market, environment and technology; Bioenergi '97; Oslo (Norway); 7-8 Oct 1997; ALSO AVAILABLE FROM OSTI AS DE98737114; NTIS
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Lima Soares, M.L. de; Oliveira Lopes, M.J. de
Proceedings of the 1. General Congress of Nuclear Energy. v. 21986
Proceedings of the 1. General Congress of Nuclear Energy. v. 21986
[en] A review of the spent fuel management concepts generally adopted in several countries is presented, including an analysis of the brazilian situation. The alternatives are the reprocessing, the interim storage and the final disposal in a repository after appropriate conditioning. The commercial operating reprocessing facilities in the Western World are located in France and in the United Kingdom. In the USA the anti-reprocessing policy from 1977 changed in 1981, when the government supported the resumption of commercial reprocessing and designated the private sector as responsible for providing these services. Small scale facilities are operating in India, Italy, Japan and West Germany. Pilot plants for LWR fuel are being planned by Spain, Pakistan and Argentina. (Author)
As alternativas para a gestao do combustivel irradiado se situam entre reprocessamento, recuperando-se o material fissil remanescente e o gerado, para uso na refabricacao de combustiveis nucleares, e a estocagem do combustivel irradiado. Esta pode ser definitiva, ou planejada por tempo determinado. Neste caso, e uma etapa que precede o reprocessamento, ou um expediente para adiar a decisao sobre o problema. Atualmente existem instalacoes comerciais em operacao na Franca e na Gra-Bretanha. Nos Estados Unidos, a politica anti-reprocessamento adotada a partir de 1977 foi modificada em 1981, quando o reprocessamento comercial recebeu novamente aprovacao politica, sendo designado o setor privado para proporcionar estes servicos. Pequenas unidades de reprocessamento estao operando atualmente na India, Italia, Japao e Alemanha Ocidental. A Espanha, Paquistao e Argentina estao planejando usinas piloto para combustivel LWR. Apos uma visao do panorama mundial, analisa-se a situacao nacional, levando-se em conta alguns criterios de implantacao de centrais e o interesse pela autonomia em todo o ciclo do combustivel nuclear. (Autor)Original Title
Gestao do combustivel nuclear irradiado: reprocessamento ou estocagem direta
Primary Subject
Associacao Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, Rio de Janeiro; 443 p; 1986; v. 2 p. 225-228; 1. General Congress of Nuclear Energy; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 17-20 Mar 1986
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Kikuchi, Tsukasa; Ando, Ryohei; Ueda, Makoto.
Toshiba Corp., Kawasaki, Kanagawa (Japan)1995
Toshiba Corp., Kawasaki, Kanagawa (Japan)1995
[en] Spent fuel assemblies of relatively long cooling term are contained at a central portion of a spent fuel storage cask, and spent fuels of relatively short cooling term are contained at the periphery thereof. Alternatively, spent fuel assemblies of MOX fuel assemblies comprising a mixture of plutonium and uranium are contained in a central portion of the spent fuel cask, and spent fuel assemblies of uranium fuel assemblies made of uranium are contained at the periphery thereof. When spent fuel assemblies are stored in fuel storage racks of a fuel storage pool, the same method can be adopted. In this case, storage for the spent fuel assemblies of long cooling term is completed precedingly. Alternatively, storage for the spent fuel assemblies of the MOX fuels is completed precedingly. This can ensure critical safety while storing the spent fuel assemblies densely. (I.N.)
Primary Subject
13 Oct 1995; 25 Mar 1994; 11 p; JP PATENT DOCUMENT 7-260991/A/; JP PATENT APPLICATION 6-56370; Available from JAPIO. Also available from EPO; Application date: 25 Mar 1994
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Lima Soares, M.L. de; Oliveira Lopes, M.J. de.
Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear, Belo Horizonte (Brazil)1986
Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear, Belo Horizonte (Brazil)1986
[en] A review of the spent fuel management concepts generally adopted in several countries is presented, including an analysis of the brazilian situation. The alternatives are the reprocessing, the interim storage and the final disposal in a repository after appropriate conditioning. The commercial operating reprocessing facilities in the Western World are located in France and in the United Kingdom. In the USA the anti-reprocessing policy from 1977 changed in 1981, when the Government supported the resumption of commercial reprocessing and designated the private sector as responsible for providing these services. Small scale facilities are operating in India, Italy, Japan and West Germany. Pilot plant for LWR fuel are being planned by Spain, Pakistan and Argentina. (Author)
As alternativas para a gestao do combustivel irradiado se situam entre reprocessamento, recuperando-se o material fissil remanescente e o gerado, para uso na refabricacao de combustiveis nucleares, e a estocagem do combustivel irradiado. Esta pode ser definitiva, ou planejada por tempo determinado. Neste caso, e uma etapa que precede o reprocessamento, ou um expediente para adiar a decisao sobre o problema. Atualmente existem instalacoes comerciais em operacao na Franca e na Gra-Bretanha. Nos Estados Unidos, a politica anti-reprocessamento adotada a partir de 1977 foi modificada em 1981, quando o reprocessamento comercial recebeu novamente aprovacao politica, sendo designado o setor privado para proporcionar estes servicos. Pequenas unidades de reprocessamento estao operando atualmente na India, Italia, Japao e Alemanha Ocidental. A Espanha, Paquistao e Argentina estao planejando usinas piloto para combustivel LWR. Apos uma visao do panorama mundial, analisa-se a situacao nacional, levando-se em conta alguns cenarios de implantacao de centrais e o interesse pela autonomia em todo o ciclo do combustivel nuclear. (Autor)Original Title
Gestao do combustivel nuclear irradiado: reprocessamento ou estocagem direta
Primary Subject
1986; 36 p
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Shrotriya, S.K.; Shelke, B.K.; Nehete, Y.G.; Surendra, B.; Yadav, M.K.; Subbarayal, K.; Mishra, A.K.; Somayajulu, P.S.; Mohd Afzal; Panakkal, J.P.; Kamath, H.S., E-mail:
Proceedings of the international conference on advances in nuclear materials processing, performance and phenomena and satellite conference on materials behaviour- far from equilibrium: book of abstracts. V.12006
Proceedings of the international conference on advances in nuclear materials processing, performance and phenomena and satellite conference on materials behaviour- far from equilibrium: book of abstracts. V.12006
[en] Advanced Fuel Fabrication Facility (AFFF), BARC, Tarapur is presently engaged fabrication of MOX fuel for hybrid core of FBTR. The hybrid core of FBTR consists of MARK - I mixed carbide fuel subassemblies and MOX fuel subassemblies. MOX fuel pellets containing higher content of Pu (44% PuO2) are being fabricated vide powder metallurgical route involving cold compaction and sintering
Primary Subject
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India); 179 p; 2006; p. 82; ANM 2006: international conference on advances in nuclear materials processing, performance and phenomena; Mumbai (India); 12-16 Dec 2006; MBFE 2006: satellite conference on materials behaviour- far from equilibrium; Mumbai (India); 12-16 Dec 2006; This record replaces 50063179
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FH (US). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Environmental Management (EM) (United States)2001
FH (US). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Environmental Management (EM) (United States)2001
No abstract available
Primary Subject
18 Sep 2001; 68 p; EDT-604548; AC06-96RL13200; Available from PURL:
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Kromar, M.; Kurincic, B.
Book of Abstracts of 6th International Conference: Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids2006
Book of Abstracts of 6th International Conference: Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids2006
[en] On occasion, during routine operation of the plant or handling of fuel assemblies, damage may occur to individual fuel rods within the assemblies of the core. Mechanical features of NPP Krsko fuel assemblies permit the repair of assemblies by replacement of the damaged fuel rods. Assembly repair could be economical, especially if the low burnup fuel is damaged. However, it has to be shown that the use of the reconstituted assemblies is safe for the operation of the plant. Usually, solid stainless steel rods are used as filler rods. These rods affect reactivity and local power peaking factors due to the redistribution of the power within the assembly. The most important nuclear parameters of the NPP Krsko fuel are examined: Local power peaking factors, Reactivity change, Moderator temperature coefficient, Doppler temperature coefficient, Boron worth, Control rod worth, where up to three filler rods per assembly are considered. (author)
Primary Subject
Cavlina, N.; Pevec, D.; Bajs, T. (eds.); 116 p; ISBN 953-96132-9-9; ; 2006; p. 88; 6. International conference: Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids; Dubrovnik (Croatia); 21-25 May 2006; Available E-mail:,
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Thompson, J.R.; Rowland, T.C.; Proebstle, R.A.; Rosicky, E.; Snyder, T.M.
General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. (USA)1975
General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. (USA)1975
[en] The patent provides a method of conditioning the fuel in a reactor core to a predetermined maximum power level of operation so that subsequent relatively rapid changes in power level below and up to the maximum level can be made with minimum risk of pellet-cladding interaction fuel rod failures. This and other objectives are accomplished by taking advantage of the discovery that reactor fuel can be conditioned for subsequent high power operating level changes by a method of systematically increasing the local power of the fuel in the high power range at or below a discovered critical rate. (J.R.)
Original Title
(to minimize risk of fuel-cladding interaction fuel element failures)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
19 Feb 1975; 23 p; AU PATENT DOCUMENT 75/78369/A/; Copies available from the Commissioner of Patents, Canberra; Open to public inspection 19 Aug 1976, priority USA 12 Apr 1974.
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Hellman, E.
ASEA-ATOM AB, Vaesteraas (Sweden)1975
ASEA-ATOM AB, Vaesteraas (Sweden)1975
[en] A can for introducing a fuel-rod into/an irradiation reactors in which comprises its own upper and lower polygonal plates as well as connecting members, axially aligned between said plates and radially resilient, each of which is provided with an inwardly directed radial protrusion, characterized in that said can is in the form of a cylinder with C-shaped cross-section, the concave surface of which is adapted to receive a fuel rod so that said rod can freely move both axially and radially along a portion of its periphery whereas the cylinder convex surface mates with the inner polygonal surfaces of at least one of the above polygonal plates, the can being provided with axial slots so arranged as to receive the above mentioned radial protrusions, whereby the sides of said slots clamp the niddle portions of the connecting members outwardly
Original Title
Infoeringshylsa foer infoering av en reaktorbraenslestav i en spridare
Primary Subject
8 Sep 1975; 5 p; SE PATENT DOCUMENT 378700/B/
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[en] Various types of compounds were tested with the aspects of decomposition and formation of residue in a CO2 or 7H2+93N2 atmosphere. The evaporation temperature range of each compound was determined from thermogravimetric curve. Decomposition of dicarbon amide, stearic acid, acrowax and zinc stearate was studied by thermogravimetry in CO2 or in 7H2+93N2 atmosphere. All compounds were decomposed in CO2 atmosphere at lower than 400 .deg. C, but the residue, ZnO remained for zinc stearate. ZnO did not decompose in CO2 atmosphere up to 1300 .deg. C, but reduced into Zn metal and disappeared in the temperature range of 600 .deg. C to 1200 .deg. C in 7H2+93N2 atmosphere. The effect of residue, which trapped in closed pores of sintered pellet, on the thermal stability was studied using the resintering test at 1700 .deg. C in 7H2+93N2 atmosphere. In the case of oxidative sintered pellet with admixing zinc stearate, the cavity formation accompanied with a density drop after resintering is due to the pressure of the Zn gases trapped in the isolated pores
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Secondary Subject
16 refs, 8 figs, 1 tab
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Journal Article
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