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Chanet, R. (ed.); Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg; p. 119-124; 1977; p. 119-124; Seminar on dose effect relationship in radiobiology; Orsay, France; 24 - 26 May 1976; Published in summary form only.
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Saunders, P.A.H.
Atomic Energy Commission, Damascus (Syrian Arab Republic). Dept. of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety1991
Atomic Energy Commission, Damascus (Syrian Arab Republic). Dept. of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety1991
[en] Ionizing radiation effects on the gem cells, which can result in genetic abnormalities, are described. The basic mechanisms of radiation interactions with chromosomes, or specifically DNA, which can result in radiation induced mutation are discussed. Methods of estimating genetic risks, and some values for quantitative risk estimates are given. (U.K.). 13 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab
Primary Subject
Dec 1991; 21 p; Translated from Atom (London) (Jun 1981) (no.296) p. 146-151. The article is also appeared in Nuclear Energy (Jun 1981) v. 20(3) p. 251-256.
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No abstract available
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Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); Proceedings series; 682 p; ISBN 92-0-010183-6; ; 1983; p. 631-633; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on the effects of low-level radiation with special regard to stochastic and non-stochastic effects; Venice (Italy); 11-15 Apr 1983; IAEA-SM--266/11P; Published in summary form only.
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[en] A formal calculated estimate of total mutagenic effectivity of 14C evenly distributed in the carbon of organism is presented as a statement of the problem. The value obtained is at least 4000 which is 2 to 3 orders of magnitude greater than the experimental values for 14C found by other authors. Possible reasons for such discrepance are presented. It is suggested that natural radiocarbon may be one of the basic natural mutagens and sources of gene pool replenishment. The use of 14C as an effective mutagen in radiation selection is proposed
Original Title
K otsenke mutagennoj ehffektivnosti izotopa C14
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Radiobiology.
Record Type
Journal Article
Radiobiologiya; v. 15(1); p. 32-36
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[en] Differential DNA damage has three levels of complexity; number of lesions per site, identity of lesions, and distances apart of individual lesions. Modelling of such damage is severely limited by the lack of information on parameters of damage induction. Measurement of damage will be difficult in DNA extracted from irradiated cells, while it may be accomplished by use of a valid model system. (author)
Primary Subject
Chadwick, K.H. (Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium)); Moschini, G. (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Legnaro (Italy)); Varma, M.N. (USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)) (eds.); Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States). Office of Health and Environmental Research; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Legnaro (Italy); 360 p; ISBN 0-7503-0187-2; ; 1992; p. 323-326; Adam Hilger; Bristol (United Kingdom); Workshop on biophysical modelling of radiation effects; Padua (Italy); 2-5 Sep 1991; GRANT NCI CA26279; NCI CA46295; DE-FG0388ER60660
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[en] The ultimate aim for radiation induced cancer modeling must be to arrive at cancer risk estimates in the human, based (partly or entirely) on data obtained in the laboratory. Current risk estimates for the stochastic radiation effect of cancer induction derive entirely from epidemiological data, largely of the Japanese survivors of the A-bombs, with little input of laboratory information. These data relate to high doses and high dose-rates and it is difficult to see how much more information can be extracted from them. Because of rapid progress in many fields, including molecular biology, cellular studies and experiments with laboratory animals, it is argued here that the time is now ripe for an attempt to be made to model the entire sequence of events from the absorption of radiation energy to the manifestation of a malignancy in the human. (author)
Primary Subject
Chadwick, K.H. (Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium)); Moschini, G. (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Legnaro (Italy)); Varma, M.N. (USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)) (eds.); Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States). Office of Health and Environmental Research; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Legnaro (Italy); 360 p; ISBN 0-7503-0187-2; ; 1992; p. 343-344; Adam Hilger; Bristol (United Kingdom); Workshop on biophysical modelling of radiation effects; Padua (Italy); 2-5 Sep 1991
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[en] This article discuss the occurrence of mutations in germ cells by ionizing radiation. (H.W.). 11 refs.; 2 tabs
Original Title
Genetische effecten van blootstelling aan ioniserende straling
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Passchier, W.F. (ed.) (Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands)); Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands); 105 p; 1 Aug 1988; p. 53-68; Available from library KNAW, P.O. Box 41950, 1009 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands
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[en] Problems encountered in modelling radiation carcinogenesis are examined in the light of the available experimental information and discussed in view of existing attempts. The role of endogenous and exogenous factors is considered. (author)
Primary Subject
Chadwick, K.H. (Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium)); Moschini, G. (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Legnaro (Italy)); Varma, M.N. (USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)) (eds.); Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States). Office of Health and Environmental Research; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Legnaro (Italy); 360 p; ISBN 0-7503-0187-2; ; 1992; p. 339-342; Adam Hilger; Bristol (United Kingdom); Workshop on biophysical modelling of radiation effects; Padua (Italy); 2-5 Sep 1991
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[en] Short communication
Original Title
Los genes y los radisotopos: nuevos logros, nuevos desafios
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Revista DINATEN; ISSN 0797-9010; ; v. 1(2); p. 71-72
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Leao, M.A.C.
Pernambuco Univ., Recife (Brazil). Dept. de Biofisica e Radiobiologia1986
Pernambuco Univ., Recife (Brazil). Dept. de Biofisica e Radiobiologia1986
No abstract available
Original Title
Influencia da radiacao gama em diferentes doses sobre o desenvolvimento corporal e capacidade de reproducao de camundongos
Primary Subject
1986; 1 p; 5. Regional Symposium on Biophysics; Recife, PE (Brazil); 6-8 Dec 1986; Publishid in summary form only.
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