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McFall, G.H.; Allam, A.
Atomic Energy Control Board, Ottawa, ON (Canada)1989
Atomic Energy Control Board, Ottawa, ON (Canada)1989
[en] This report summarizes the preliminary results of geological and geophysical investigations of possible neotectonic features in Prince Edward County, southern Ontario, made by the Ontario Geological Survey during 1988. Low magnitude seismic events indicative of contemporary stress relief occurred during 1987-88 near Salmon Point and Consecon (M 2.2). These events were located proximal to a major regional fault system crossing Lake Ontario and consisting of the Clarendon-Linden Fault System in New York State and the Salmon River-Picton fault systems in Ontario. Detailed observations were made of regional jointing orientations (predominantly 60 degrees and 125 degrees), erosion of surficial deposits adjacent to open fractures, a local fault displacement (post-glacially), dome structures located at Point Petre, and dissolution/karst terrains in the eastern part of the study area. Excavations of four pop-up structures indicate that three are classical pop-ups and one is atypical in structure. Level transects were conducted across complex structures in the eastern part of the study area. Detailed refraction seismic and resistivity surveys were conducted on pop-up and fault features. Preliminary results indicate that the Picton Fault is a complex zone of fractures with differing bedrock on each side. The central zone of the East Duck Pond pop-up is fractured and may contain variable amounts of water. Overturned and upright folds in the Consecon Quarry located outside of the primary research area were documented and found to be trending in a west-northwest to northwest direction. This fold orientation is compatible both with a glacial shove origin and with the present stress field orientations. Although glacial shove can produce overturned folds, it cannot form upright folds. A regional, tectonic deformation oriented northeasterly is therefore suggested as the causative mechanism
Primary Subject
Mar 1989; 81 p
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Rajaram, Harihar; Diffenbaugh, Noah; Camargo, Suzana; Carey, Rebecca
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science - SC (United States)2019
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science - SC (United States)2019
[en] On behalf of the journal, AGU, and the scientific community, the Editors would like to sincerely thank those who reviewed manuscripts for Geophysical Research Letters in 2018. The hours reading and commenting on manuscripts not only improves the manuscripts but also increases the scientific rigor of future research in the field. We particularly appreciate the timely reviews, in light of the demands imposed by the rapid review process at Geophysical Research Letters. With the revival of the “major revisions” decisions, we appreciate the reviewers' efforts on multiple versions of some manuscripts. Many of those listed below went beyond and reviewed three or more manuscripts for our journal, and those are indicated in italics. In total, 4,484 referees contributed to 7,557 individual reviews in journal. Thank you again. We look forward to the coming year of exciting advances in the field and communicating those advances to our community and to the broader public.
Primary Subject
OSTIID--1580984; AC02-05CH11231; Available from; DOE Accepted Manuscript full text, or the publishers Best Available Version will be available free of charge after the embargo period
Record Type
Journal Article
Geophysical Research Letters; ISSN 0094-8276; ; v. 46(21); p. 12608-12636
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[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Amit, R. (Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem (Israel)); Arkin, Y.; Hirsch, F. (Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem (Israel). Geological Survey of Israel); Israel Geological Society, Jerusalem (Israel); 143 p; Feb 1994; p. 111; Israel Geological Society annual meeting 1994; Ginosar (Israel); 28 Feb - 2 Mar 1994
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Haut, F.; Lema, F.; Cicalese, H.; Valverde, C.
Ministerio de Industria Energia y Mineria, Instituto Geologico del Uruguay, Montevideo (Uruguay); BGR, Hannover (Germany)1987
Ministerio de Industria Energia y Mineria, Instituto Geologico del Uruguay, Montevideo (Uruguay); BGR, Hannover (Germany)1987
[en] This report is about the geophysical urltrabasic studies of Cerro Chato , in Puntas de Malbajar zone belongs to Durazno district.
Original Title
Informe Estudios geofisicos sobre los ultrabasicos de Cerro Chato
Primary Subject
1987; 93 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ghitulescu, T.P.; Popescu, M.N.
Central Inst. of Physics, Bucharest (Romania)1987
Central Inst. of Physics, Bucharest (Romania)1987
[en] Systematic research for the deciphering of the physic and structure of Earth's crust in our country by geophysical methods were performed in the frame of Romanian Geological Institute since 1925. We put into evidence the principle achievements obtained by the geological and geophysical research for the mineral resources existing in the Romanian earth's crust. (authors)
Original Title
Cercetari privind structura si fizica scoartei terestre in Romania
Primary Subject
Oct 1987; 37 p
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[en] Soil improvement works before building at the very poor soils. To solve geotechnical problems after soil improvements. But, end of the some works less data and project not improvements. This studies is a comparison of the improvement and non improvements areas geophysical results
Original Title
Zemin Iyilestirme Oencesi ve Sonrasinda Yer Muhendislik Parametrelerinin Jeofizik Yoentemlerle Belirlenmesi
Primary Subject
UCTEA Chamber of Geophysical Engineers of Turkey, (Turkey); 92 p; ISBN 9944-89-192-4; ; 2007; p. 43; 17. International Geophysical Congress and Exhibition of Turkey; Tuerkiye 17. Uluslararasi Jeofizik Kongre ve Sergisi; Ankara (Turkey); 14-17 Nov 2006; Also available from UCTEA Chamber of Geophysical Engineers of Turkey, Milli Mudafaa Caddesi, No: 10/7, P.K. 74906650, Kizilay, Ankara (TR)
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[en] The Hydrological section of DINAMIGE required to geophysical department a report to be placed a great zone to find underground waters in San Jacinto district.
Original Title
Estudio geofisico de San Jacinto departamento de Canelones
Primary Subject
1984; 16 p
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Infantozzi, E.; Costa, H.; Cicalese, H.; Valverde, C.
Ministerio de Industria Energia y Mineria, Direccion Nacional de Mineria y Geologia, Montevideo (Uruguay)1990
Ministerio de Industria Energia y Mineria, Direccion Nacional de Mineria y Geologia, Montevideo (Uruguay)1990
[en] A study of drilling , aerial cartography scale 1/20.000, vertical electric sounding, magnetometry and a topographic outstanding have been carried out into the region.
Original Title
Informe relevamiento geofisico en el Batolito de Soca, Ruta 8 - Km- 62 Soca, Departamento de Canelones - Uruguay
Primary Subject
1990; 75 p
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Medina, E.; Pirelli, H.
Direccion Nacional de Mineria y Geologia.Ministerio de Industria Energia y Mineria. Montevideo (Uruguay)1994
Direccion Nacional de Mineria y Geologia.Ministerio de Industria Energia y Mineria. Montevideo (Uruguay)1994
[en] As a result of gravimetric geophysical studies were detected a series of anomalies located in a large area of the Laguna Merin in Uruguay
Original Title
Estudio geologico de la anomalia geofisica de la fosa de la Laguna Merin
Primary Subject
1994; 65 p
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[en] A non-intrusive, seismic subbottom profile survey of pond sediments was conducted on a former U.S.Naval Facility at Argentia, Newfoundland, to characterize the nature and extent of contamination. An IKB Seistec boomer was used in conjunction with C-CORE's HI-DAPT digital data acquisition and processing system and differential GPS system. The survey was successful in locating regions of soft muddy sediments and in determining the thickness of these deposits. Subsurface buried objects, which are potential sources of pollution, were also identified. Intrusive profiling of the sediment was done with a new tool, the Soil Stiffness Probe, which combines two geophysical measurement systems to determine bulk density and shear stiffness. The muddy sediments were found to be highly 'fluidized', indicating that they could be easily removed with a suction dredge. 4 refs., 5 figs
Primary Subject
Anon; [400 p.]; 1997; [9 p.]; Canadian Environment Industry Association; Ottawa, ON (Canada); 19. Canadian waste management conference; St. John's (Canada); 15-18 Sep 1997; Available from the Canadian Environment Industry Association, 208-350 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1R 7S8
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