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[en] Experimental data for the effect on the unit-transfer height of the NaX zeolite grain size and the flow rate of a gaseous H2-HT mixture in a sorption column during the separation in it of H isotopes are analyzed in order to determine the previously unpublished diffusion coefficients of HT in gaseous H2 and crystals of this zeolite. The results are compared with the analogous coefficients for deuterium (D2). At 77 K and 0.1 MPa, the diffusion coefficients of HT and D2 in gaseous H2 are approximately 0.155 cm2/sec and 0.116 cm2/sec, respectively. The diffusion coefficients of these same isotopes at 77 K in NaX zeolite crystals are approximately 1.42·10-10 cm2/sec and 0.67·10-10 cm2/sec
Secondary Subject
Translated from Radiokhimiya; 35: No. 5, 138-142(Sep-Oct 1993).
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Journal Article
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Thiebaut, S.; Moysan, I.; Contreras, S.; Paul-Boncour, V.; Percheron-Guegan, A.; Decamps, B.
CEA Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires2007
CEA Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires2007
[en] After some generalities on the tritium utilization, this isotope specificities and the interest of the solid storage, this presentation detailed the different materials used: the hydrides. They have the advantage of delivering high purity tritium 3He free, but the 3He trapped in the metal induces large structural and microstructural changes in the host lattice leading to modifications of tritium storage properties with aging time which can be seen on Pressure-composition isotherms. In this paper the P-c isotherms evolution are followed and the created defects are characterized by X diffraction and transmission electronic microscopy. (A.L.B.)
Original Title
Le stockage du tritium, isotope radioactif de l'hydrogene: materiaux et vieillissement
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2007; 1 p; 2. colloquium materials, mechanics and microstructure - the hydrogen in the materials; 2. colloque materiaux, mecanique, microstructure. L'hydrogene dans les materiaux; Saclay (France); 18-19 Jun 2007
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[en] Prophase chromosomes presenting the loops/scaffold configuration were obtained in spreads of peripheral blood cells from normal and affected subjects. A distinct class of loops condensed in a chromatin body of variable diameter was observed. These loops are highly folded, have altered beads, present lateral fibrils, and their fragment forming rings. These fibrils incorporate 5-3H uridine as demonstrated by high resolution autoradiography. The nucleosomal alterations were explained as a result of the low ionic strength medium used, with the rings being indicative of repetitive DNA sequences. (Author)
Cromossomos profasicos apresentando a configuracao 'loops/scaffold' foram obtidos em espalhamentos de celulas do sangue periferico humano de individuos normais e afetados. Observou-se uma distinta classe de alcas condensadas formando um corpo cromatinico de diametro variavel. Estas alcas sao intensamente dobradas, tem nucleossomos alterados, apresentam fibrilas laterais e fragmentam-se formando aneis. Estas fibrilas incorporam 5-3H uridina, como demonstrado por autoradiografia de alta resolucao. As alteracoes dos nucleossomos foram explicadas pela remocao de histonas sendo os aneis indicativos de sequencias repetitivas do DNA. (Autor)Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Revista Brasileira de Genetica; ISSN 0100-8455; ; v. 8(1); p. 97-106
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[en] Elemental tritium HT is found to undergo practically complete conversion to tritiated water, HTO, in the upmost centimeters of the soil specimens. HTO is rapidly diluted by the total water content of the soil. HT penetration into deeper soil layers is hampered with increasing water content of the soil. This is why the deposition rate Vd is primarily a function of water content of upper soil layers of a given soil type (here: ploughed field on para-brown earth, regionally common type of cultivation). The water content of open land especially depends on the ambient air temperature, and the deposition rate is affected by the weather and the soil cultivation. Thus the annual variations of temperature determine the time-related curve of the deposition rate, which reaches its maximum in the summer season. (orig./PW)
HT wird in den obersten Zentimetern der Bodenkerne praktisch vollstaendig in tritiertes Wasser HTO umgesetzt. HTO verduennt sich rasch im gesamten Wasservorrat des Bodens. Je hoeher der Wassergehalt des Bodens ist, desto weniger tief kann HT aus der Luf in den Boden eindringen. Deshalb ist die Depositionsgeschwindigkeit vg fuer einen bestimmten Boden (Acker auf Parabraunerde, ortsuebliche landwirtschaftliche Nutzung der Juelicher Boerde) vor allem vom Wassergehalt der obersten Bodenschicht abhaengig. Dieser wird im Freiland besonders von der Lufttemperatur bestimmt. Witterungsverlauf und Bodenbearbeitung beeinflussen vg. So bestimmt der Jahresgang der Temperatur den zeitlichen Verlauf der Depositionsgeschwindigkeit. Vg erreicht sein Maximum in den Sommermonaten. (orig./PW)Original Title
Messung der zeitlichen und raeumlichen Variation der HT-Depositionsgeschwindigkeit in der Umgebung der KFA Juelich
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Ernaehrung, Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.). Zentrallaboratorium fuer Isotopentechnik; Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt-, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany, F.R.); 557 p; 1986; p. 475-496; 6. specialist conference of Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Ernaehrung: The monitoring of radioactivity in the environment; 6. Fachgespraech der Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Ernaehrung: Ueberwachung der Umweltradioaktivitaet; Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.); 15-17 Apr 1986; Available from Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt-, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany, F.R.)
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[en] The frequency of DNA-sinthetizing cells in the basal layer of the gingival epithelium of the first lower molar region of young and adult mice of both sexes was studied using 3H-thymidine and radioautography. (M.A.C.)
Estuda-se a frequencia de celulas que sintetizam DNA na camada basal do epitelio gengival da regiao do primeiro molar inferior de camundongos jovens e adultos, utilizando-se timidina triciada e tecnica radioautografica. (M.A.C.)Original Title
Estudo radioautografico da sintese de DNA do epitelio gengival de camundongos Mus musculus
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] The relative abundance of tritiated-airborne species was studied for the air of the beam-line tunnel at high-energy accelerators as well as atmospheric air. The tritium produced via nuclear spallation reactions in the accelerator-tunnel air exists in the chemical forms of HTO and HT. The HT-to-HTO ratio was about 2 x 10-2 on the average, being appreciably smaller than that in atmospheric air. The reaction mechanisms of accelerator-produced tritiums were discussed on the basis of the similarity to the reactions by cosmic-generated tritium. HT is likely to be formed directly through the reaction of a recoiling tritium with H2O. On the other hand, the HT-to-HTO ratio for the present atmospheric air indicates that tritium distributions have been largely modified by the release of man-made tritium into the air. (author)
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[en] A mathematical model was developed to simulate the metabolism of HT gas in humans. The rate constants of the model were estimated by fitting the calculated curves to the experimental data by Pinson and Langham in 1957. The calculations suggest that the oxidation of HT gas (which probably occurs as a result of the enzymatic action of hydrogenase present in bacteria of human gut) occurs at a relatively low rate with a half-time of 10-12 hours. The inclusion of the dose due to the production of the HT oxidation product (HTO) in the soft tissues lowers the value of derived air concentration by about 50%. Furthermore the relationship between the concentration of HTO in urine and the dose to the lung from HT in the air in lungs is linear after short HT exposures, and hence HTO concentrations in urine can be used to estimate the upper limits on the lung dose from HT exposures. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radiation Protection Dosimetry; ISSN 0144-8420; ; v. 3(3); p. 129-133
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Abstract only
Primary Subject
International Radiation Protection Association, Washington, DC (USA); Australian Radiation Protection Society, Sydney (Australia); 3 v; ISBN 0 08 03441 0 (V.2); ; 1988; p. 637; Pergamon Press; Sydney (Australia); 7. international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; Sydney (Australia); 10-17 Apr 1988
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Campos-Lisboa, A.C.V.; Grazioli, G.; Campanha-Rodrigues, A.L.; Mantovani, M.C.; Sogayar, M.C.; Oliveira, J.S.; Santoro, M.M.; Kalapothakis, E.; Bloch Junior, C.
Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)2009
Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)2009
No abstract available
Primary Subject
2009; [1 p.]; SBBQ2009: 38. Annual meeting of the Brazilian Society on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Aguas de Lindoia, SP (Brazil); 16-19 May 2009; Available from Also available from the Nuclear Information Center of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro, in electronic form; Code: R8831
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[en] Abstract only
Primary Subject
International Radiation Protection Association, Washington, DC (USA); Australian Radiation Protection Society, Sydney (Australia); 3 v; ISBN 0 08 03441 0 (V.2); ; 1988; p. 593; Pergamon Press; Sydney (Australia); 7. international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; Sydney (Australia); 10-17 Apr 1988
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