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Bocquet, H.; Moreau, J.C.; Perotin, J.P.; Resnier, C.J.; Werderer, B.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Protection
8. National Congress on the control of ionizing radiations
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Protection
8. National Congress on the control of ionizing radiations
[en] The general principles for the investigation of accident factors are developed and they are applied to the analysis of a case of accident
On expose les principes generaux de recherche de facteurs d'accident, et on les utilise pour analyser un cas pratique d'accidentOriginal Title
Analyse de facteurs d'accident et application
Primary Subject
Anon; p. 179-184; nd; Association des Techniciens Superieurs en Radioprotection; Chatenay-Malabry, France; 8. Congress of the Health Physicist's Association; Chatenay-Malabry, France; 05 Jun 1973
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[en] This paper analyses Belgian legislation applicable to industrial accidents. These are sudden occurrences which provoke bodily injury the causes of which are exterior to the body of the injured person. Accute irradiation is covered by this definition and the victim will also benefit from presumptive evidence. However compensation for stochastic sub-acute injuries from ionizing radiation, in the framework of insurance law, may be open to dispute given the definition of an industrial accident, the short prescription period and the burden of proof required for compensation of delayed injuries (NEA)
Cette communication analyse la legislation belge applicable aux accidents du travail. Ces derniers sont des evenements soudains, qui creent une lesion corporelle et dont les causes sont exterieures a l'organisme du blesse. L'accident aigu d'irradiation correspond a cette definition, et la victime beneficiera en outre de presomptions d'imputabilite. Mais l'indemnisation des affections sub-aigues, et stochastiques des radiations ionisantes dans le cadre de l'assurance loi, peut etre sujette a contestations, compte tenu de la definition de l'accident du travail, de la brievete des delais de prescription, ainsi que du fardeau de la preuve exige en vue de la reparation des affections tardivesOriginal Title
Limites de l'application de la Loi belge du 10 Avril 1971 aux accidents du travail par irradiation
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Nuclear Law Association (INLA), Brussels (Belgium); 618 p; 1988; p. II-76-II-91; F. Vandenabeele; Brussels (Belgium); Nuclear Inter Jura'87; Antwerp (Belgium); 20-24 Sep 1987; F. Vandenabeele, President of INLA and Belgian Section, Brussels (BE)
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[en] This paper addresses the subject 'stress' and its effects on the personality. Specific types of behavior, which the human develops in a fearful situation are demonstrated by means of the psychoanalytical personality model. In the conclusion possible methods of alleviating fear, shock and panic reactions are described. 7 figs., 2 tabs., 9 refs
Original Title
Psychische Reaktionen bei Katastrophen: Angstreaktionen als Folge von Stoer- und Notfaellen in komplexen Industrieanlagen
Primary Subject
Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Atomenergie, Bern (Switzerland); vp; 1989; p. 5.1-1-5.1-26; Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Atomenergie; Bern (Switzerland); SVA further education course: accident management in nuclear power plants; SVA-Vertiefungskurs: Stoerfallmanagement in Kernkraftwerken; Brugg-Windisch (Switzerland); 19-21 Apr 1989; SVA, Postfach 5032, CH-3001 Bern
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[en] The first level in handling an emergency, such as leaks, operating mistakes and fire, is the on-site operator. According to the risk catalogue, he is trained to take measures which should limit the incident to a small area and eliminate danger. At the second level, the specially trained house fire department, responsible for a particular building or area, extinguishes small fires or at least prevents the fire from spreading until the plant fire department arrives. In case of doubt the plant fire department, level three, is always summoned. Then a member of the incident team is simultaneously informed. According to his own judgment, this person takes any other necessary steps and if called for, goes to the site. If from the start the incident shows characteristics of having possibly critical consequences, a part or the whole incident team is alerted and at the same time police, the public fire department and co-operating firms are informed. At the fourth level, the overall command of the situation is passed over to the state catastrophe staff if the aftermath should spread beyond plant borders
Original Title
Notfallbereitschaft in der chemischen Industrie
Primary Subject
Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Atomenergie, Bern (Switzerland); vp; 1989; p. 4.5-1-4.5-26; Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Atomenergie; Bern (Switzerland); SVA further education course: accident management in nuclear power plants; SVA-Vertiefungskurs: Stoerfallmanagement in Kernkraftwerken; Brugg-Windisch (Switzerland); 19-21 Apr 1989; SVA, Postfach 5032, CH-3001 Bern
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Lindhout, Paul; Ale, Ben J.M., E-mail: plindhout@minszw.nl2009
[en] Language issues are problems with communication via speech, signs, gestures or their written equivalents. They may result from poor reading and writing skills, a mix of foreign languages and other circumstances. Language issues are not picked up as a safety risk on the shop floor by current safety management systems. These safety risks need to be identified, acknowledged, quantified and prioritised in order to allow risk reducing measures to be taken. This study investigates the nature of language issues related danger in literature, by experiment and by a survey among the Seveso II companies in the Netherlands. Based on human error frequencies, and on the contents of accident investigation reports, the risks associated with language issues were ranked. Accident investigation method causal factor categories were found not to be sufficiently representative for the type and magnitude of these risks. Readability of safety related documents used by the companies was investigated and found to be poor in many cases. Interviews among regulators and a survey among Seveso II companies were used to identify the gap between the language issue related dangers found in literature and current best practices. This study demonstrates by means of triangulation with different investigative methods that language issue related risks are indeed underestimated. A recommended coarse of action in order to arrive at appropriate measures is presented.
Primary Subject
S0304-3894(09)01110-8; Available from; Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] There were five disabling injuries experienced by personnel at ORNL in 1974, a frequency rate of 0.81. The frequency rate for 1973 was 0.33. The serious injury frequency rate for 1974 was 4.9 as compared to a frequency rate of 5.8 for 1973. A total of 315 days were lost or charged for the five disabling injuries. No employee suffered any permanent disability. (auth)
Original Title
Accident summary
Primary Subject
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA); p. 48-62; Aug 1975
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] In an article appearing in the USSR in 1987, Soviet Academician Valerij A. Legasov addressed issues of industrial and technological safety. This publication contains excerpts of that article
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Journal Article
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[en] In an article appearing in the USSR in 1987, Soviet Academician Valerij A. Legasov addressed issues of industrial and technological safety. This publication contains excerpts of that article
Original Title
Los problemas del desarrollo tecnológico seguro
Primary Subject
Also available on-line:
Record Type
Journal Article
IAEA Bulletin; ISSN 0020-6067; ; v. 29(4); p. 26-27
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] The number of the accidents, troubles and others reported on the basis of the 'Law concerning the regulation of nuclear raw material substances, nuclear fuel substances and nuclear reactors' in fiscal year 1988 was one. On February 23, 1989, in the controlled area of the plutonium waste treatment development facilities in Tokai Works. Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp., when one worker entered from a corridor into the material store, he fell down by mistake and broke the left collarbone, which required the hospitalization for about one month. (K.I.)
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[en] In an article appearing in the USSR in 1987, Soviet Academician Valerij A. Legasov addressed issues of industrial and technological safety. This publication contains excerpts of that article
Primary Subject
Also available on-line:
Record Type
Journal Article
IAEA Bulletin; ISSN 0020-6067; ; v. 29(4); p. 25-26
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
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