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Debban, H.L.
UNC Nuclear Industries, Inc., Richland, WA (USA)1986
UNC Nuclear Industries, Inc., Richland, WA (USA)1986
[en] This paper describes the method which was used to develop solutions to the insider security problem at Hanford's N-reactor area
Primary Subject
17 Sep 1986; 9 p; Annual symposium on safeguards of nuclear material; Richland, WA (USA); 14 Oct 1986; CONF-8610182--1; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE87002690; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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[en] I would like to direct some observations today towards single issue interest groups - what they are; why they have developed; their impact on society, both positive and negative; and their influence on the decision-making process. More specifically these comments will delineate my firm's involvement in education and the role we can play in the development of a more effective interface between business, industry and education
Primary Subject
Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario; 497 p; 1983; pt. E p. 16-46; Canadian Nuclear Society 4. annual conference; Montreal, Quebec (Canada); 15 Jun 1983
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[en] The book is intended for the consumers not familiar with the scientific background of radioactive radiation. Basic terms and principles are explained, radiation and radioactivity and the related effects in every day life are made comprehensible so as to correct current misunderstandings. Readers interested in getting deeper into the matter will find in an annex bibliographic information on recommendable literature on the subject, as well as a compact dictionary of technical terms. (orig./HP)
Das Buch beschreibt, wo jeder von uns im taeglichen Leben mit Strahlung in Beruehrung kommt und wie gross die einzelnen Strahlenbelastungen sind. Es soll dem nicht naturwissenschaftlich geschulten Verbraucher helfen, die Strahlen-Diskussion informiert und kritisch mitzuverfolgen. Dazu werden die grundlegenden Begriffe und Zusammenhaenge von Strahlung und Radioaktivitaet moeglichst einfach erklaert und weitverbreitete Vorurteile richtiggestellt. Die ersten Kapitel dienen der Vermittlung von notwendigem Basiswissen. Das Lesen der ersten Seiten erfordert daher etwas mehr Geduld und Ausdauer, die sich aber durch ein besseres Verstehen der folgenden Kapitel ueber Radioaktivitaet und Strahlung im Alltag auszahlen. Wer an weitergehenden Informationen zu einzelnen Themen interessiert ist, findet im Anhang eine Zusammenstellung von lesenswerten Buechern und Broschueren. Damit man nicht immer wieder wegen eines Fachausdruckes in einem vorangehenden Kapitel nachschlagen muss, wurde am Ende ein kleines Fachwoerterlexikon aufgenommen, das kurz und praegnant die wichtigsten Begriffe erklaert. (orig./HP)Original Title
Radioaktivitaet - Informationen und Tips fuer Verbraucher
Primary Subject
1986; 100 p; ISBN 3-923214-21-9; ; Available from Verbraucher-Zentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen - Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucherverbaende e.V., Duesseldorf (Germany, F.R.)
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Timm, R.E.; Zinneman, T.E.; Haumann, J.R.; Flaugher, H.A.; Reigle, D.L.
Argonne National Lab., IL (USA)1984
Argonne National Lab., IL (USA)1984
[en] The Argonne National Laboratory has recently installed an activated barrier, the Access Denial System, to upgrade its security. The technology of this system was developed in the late 70's by Sandia National Laboratory-Albuquerque. The Argonne National Laboratory is the first Department of Energy facility to use this device. Recent advancements in electronic components provide the total system support that makes the use of an activated barrier viable and desirable. The premise of an activated barrier is that it is deployed after a positive detection of an adversary is made and before the adversary can penetrate vital area. To accomplish this detection, sophisticated alarms, assessment, and communications must be integrated into a system that permits a security inspector to make a positive evaluation and to activate the barrier. The alarm sensor locations are selected to provide protection in depth. Closed circuit television is used with components that permit multiple video frames to be stored for automated, priority-based playback to the security inspector. Further, algorithms permit look-ahead surveillance of vital areas so that the security inspector can activate the access denial system in a timely manner and not be restricted to following the adversaries' penetration path(s)
Primary Subject
Mar 1984; 8 p; Carnahan conference on security technology; Lexington, KY (USA); 16-18 May 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE84007303
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[en] The Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI) was created in 1989 as a nonprofit association of Canadian refiners and marketers of petroleum products. In 1991, the Atlantic Petroleum Association, the Quebec Petroleum Association, the Ontario Petroleum Association, the Canada West Petroleum Association, and the Petroleum Association for Conservation of the Canadian Environment (PACE) were integrated into the CPPI. The objective of the CPPI is to serve and represent the refining and marketing sectors of the petroleum industry with respect to environment, health and safety, and business issues. An industry overview is provided, as well as highlights of environmental achievements and challenges, and economics and operations for the year. Lists of CPPI publications, standing committees, and officers are also included. 9 figs
Original Title
Canadian Petroleum Products Inst., rapport annuel 1991
Primary Subject
1992; 30 p; MICROLOG--92-05596; PC Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), Ste. 1000 -- 275 Slater St., Ottawa, ON, CAN K1P 5H9; MF CANMET/TID, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, 555 Booth St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1A 0G1 PC PRICES UPON REQUEST; MF $10 CAN
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Area Electricity Boards in the United Kingdom are required to contract for a specified amount of non-fossil fuel electricity. This is known as the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation (NFFO). The Boards are able to recoup the additional costs of such purchases by charging the difference to their customers on a pro rata basis. Although the tax is raised for all non-fossil fuel sources, which includes most renewable energy schemes the majority of it will be used to support nuclear power. Initially the total non-nuclear component is expected to be 300 MW, rising to 800 MW by 1998 as more renewables come on stream. This compares to an initial total for nuclear power of 8,548 MW, decreasing to 7714 MW in 1998 as older capacity gets taken off. This clearly shows that the tax is nuclear based and justifies the epithet the Nuclear Tax. Friends of the Earth is launching a campaign to ensure that everyone who pays the Nuclear Tax is aware how much it is, and what it is going to support, and to show why this money is being wasted, when it should be directed to the fuller support of renewables or to the promotion of energy efficiency and energy conservation. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
SCRAM Journal; CODEN SANJE; p. 8-9
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Obrigheim, Germany's veteran Pressurized Water Reactor, recently returned to service after an extended shut down -imposed following the unearthing of apparent anomalies in its original operating licence in 1968. The background of the case and the lawsuit brought by a local group opposing plant extension are described. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Public opinion about nuclear energy in the United States can be characterized as realistic acceptance, but with no sense of any urgent need for action. Two-thirds of the public consider nuclear energy a good or realistic choice. Thirteen referenda to close down existing nuclear power plants have been defeated. The U.S. Council for Energy Awareness promotes the pronuclear point of view through advertising and media tours. Although not a lobbying organization, it provides communications support to sister organizations that do lobby
Primary Subject
Canadian Nuclear Association, Toronto, ON (Canada); 413 p; 1988; p. 195-198; Canadian Nuclear Association 28. annual conference; Winnipeg, MB (Canada); 12-15 Jun 1988; Canadian Nuclear Society 9. annual conference; Winnipeg, MB (Canada); 12-15 Jun 1988
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[en] Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is located in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and neighbouring Botswana. The local communities on the South African side, the Khomani San (Bushmen) and Mier living adjacent to the park have land rights inside and outside the park. The path from a history of land dispossession to being land owners has created conservation challenges manifested through heightened inter- and intra-community conflicts. The contestations for land and tourism development opportunities in and outside the park have drawn in powerful institutions such as the governments, South African National Parks, private safari companies, local interest groups and NGOs against relatively powerless local communities. This has consequently attracted national and international interest since it may result in further marginalization of the communities who lack the power to negotiate resource access. Moreover, the social and political system of the San is romanticized while little is reported about the Mier, who are an integral part of the park management system. To make these issues more accessible to a growing audience of interested parties and to better understand present conservation and development challenges and opportunities, this paper synthesizes information on the pre- and post-land restitution history of the park and the adjacent communities.
Primary Subject
S1748-9326(11)77668-6; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Environmental Research Letters; ISSN 1748-9326; ; v. 6(2); [12 p.]
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] The Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI) was created in 1989 as a nonprofit association of Canadian refiners and marketers of petroleum products. The objective of the CPPI is to serve and represent the refining and marketing sectors of the petroleum industry with respect to environment, health and safety, and business issues. CPPI conducts research to develop industry policy on a wide variety of environmental, health, safety and business issues. Key activities include: developing guidelines for the safe handling of petroleum products, establishing environmental policies, managing a national environmental protection network of over 100 centers across Canada; providing information on industry activities to the public; and developing working partnerships with government and public interest groups to address issues of common concern. An overview is provided of industry operations, economics and financial performance, and environmental protection and safety. Lists of CPPI publications, awards, standing committees, and officers are also included. 9 figs
Original Title
Canadian Petroleum Products Inst., rapport annuel 1992
Primary Subject
1993; 40 p; CE--04329; Available from PC Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), Ste. 1000 -- 275 Slater St., Ottawa, ON, CAN K1P 5H9; MF CANMET/TID, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, 555 Booth St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1A 0G1 PC PRICES UPON REQUEST; MF $10 CAN
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