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[en] Knowing that the petroleum reserves of the world will last only a few more decades, the Iranian government attempts to transform more of its petroleum into petrochemical products. From the Nineties onwards, oil exports will be replaced by other exports, in particular petrochemical products. In consequence, the government has decided in favour of increased nuclear power generation in order to save its petroleum reserves. 1993, at the end of the 8th five-year plan, 24,400 MW of a total of 56,000 MW electric power will be generated by nuclear power plants; the rest will be generated partly by hydro plants and partly by conventional thermal power plants, each with a contribution of about 50 per cent. Nuclear power will increase in the course of three five-year plans from 3,400 MW (1983) to 15,200 MW (1988) and 24,400 MW (1993). (orig./RW)
Wissend, dass die Erdoelvorraete der Welt nur noch fuer wenige Jahrzehnte ausreichen, strebt die iranische Regierung an, das eigene Oel mehr und mehr zu petrochemischen Produkten zu verarbeiten. Ab Anfang der neunziger Jahre soll der Oelexport ganz durch andere Ausfuhrgueter, insbesondere petrochemische Produkte, ersetzt werden. Folgerichtig wurde auch die Entscheidung getroffen, bei der Stromerzeugung zur Schonung der Erdoelvorraete verstaerkt auf die Kernenergie umzusteigen. So sollen 1993, am Ende des achten Fuenfjahresplanes, 24.400 MW von insgesamt 56.000 MW elektrischer Leistung in Kernkraftwerken erzeugt werden; der Rest verteilt sich jeweils etwa zur Haelfte auf Wasserkraftwerke und auf thermische konventionelle Kraftwerke. Die Kernenergie steigt in drei Fuenfjahresplaenen von 3.400 MW (1983) ueber 14.200 MW (1988) auf 24.400 MW (1993) an. (orig./RW)Original Title
Deutsche Kernkraftwerke fuer Iran
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Journal Article
KWU-Report; (no. 27); p. 1-10
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Karimi Fard, A.
Sharif University or Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Tehran(Iran, Islamic Republic of)1999
Sharif University or Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Tehran(Iran, Islamic Republic of)1999
[en] Models of generating with the pressurized water reactor (PWR) have been developed for simulating. the plant dynamics under system disturbances. These models include power plant, energy sources, turbine, transmission system and control system such as Avr and govern and other local control devices. Simulink toolbox of Matlab software is used for simulations. The study is mainly based on the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plants (BNPP) parameters. Assuming that BNPP is connected to infinite bus with double tie line. Four cases are studied to examine the internal dynamic behavior of BNPP. First and second cases are used to load following studies in nuclear power plant. Another cases are used to study the dynamic behavior after short circuit fault and line outages in transmission systems. The results discussed in the thesis
Original Title
Barresi-ye dinamik-e ettesal-e nirugah-e atomi-ye Bushehr be shabake-ye sarasari
Primary Subject
1999; 124 p; Available from Atomic Energy Organization of Iran; Thesis(M.S.)
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Abedinzadeh, R.; Babazadeh, F.; Hedjazim, M.; Karpaty, M.; Vahabi-Moghadam, M.; Rabbani, M.
2. International symposium on radioecology, Cadarache, 19-22 June 19791980
2. International symposium on radioecology, Cadarache, 19-22 June 19791980
[en] The centre is located at the end of the Bouchehr peninsula and will have two PWR reactors, each with a maximum power of 1290 MW. According to the power station safety report, the composition of the gaseous discharge is: rare gases 80,000 Ci p.a., period aerosols 8j> 10 Ci p.a., iodine 131 0.4 Ci p.a. In the case of the liquid discharges, the total activity of the fission and activation products is estimated at 20 Ci p.a. and 3200 Ci p.a. for tritium, excluding sea dilution
Le centre est situe a l'extremite de la peninsule de Bouchehr, il sera equipe de deux reacteurs a eau pressurisee avec une puissance maximale de 1290 MW chacun. La composition des rejets gazeux, d'apres le rapport de surete de la centrale serait: gaz rares 80000 Ci/an, aerosols a periodes 8j> 10 Ci/an, iode-131 0,4 Ci/an. En ce qui concerne les rejets liquides, l'activite totale des produits de fission et d'activation est estimee a 20 Ci/an et 3200 Ci//an pour le tritium sans tenir compte de la dilution de la merOriginal Title
Programme d'etudes et de surveillance radioecologique du centre electronucleaire de Bouchehr
Primary Subject
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Protection; Electricite de France, 75 - Paris. Dept. Etudes Generales Programmes-Sites Environnement; 774 p; ISBN 2-7272-0050-1; ; 1980; p. 263-266; CEA; Cadarache, France; 2. International symposium on radioecology; Cadarache, France; 19 - 22 Jun 1979; Available from Service de Documentation, CEN Cadarache, BP no.1, 13115, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (France)
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[en] In this paper have been determined the effects of temperature distribution at the hottest fuel rod (Hot Fuel Pin) in the Bushehr nuclear power plant for defined thermal conductivities from different mathematical functions. Whereas Hot Fuel Pin is one of the most fuel rod from aspect of heat temperature distribution in core of nuclear power plant, thus in this article have been obtained the values of average temperature of fuel rod ( Tave) and temperatures of inner and outer diameters of fuel rod (Tfi, Tfo) have been obtained truly for a cylindrical fuel. For calculation of temperature have been used two methods means: analytical and numerical methods and in the numerical method has been used from computer programming (Turbo Pascal). Moreover calculations of temperatures have been performed for two stages and results have been modified than previous stage and have been compared together. In every stage of calculations by two said methods, the values of thermal conductivity (k) have been obtained from two methods means: Lagrange and finite difference methods and their related mathematical functions. (Author)
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5 tabs. 6 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Nuclear and Related Technologies; ISSN 1823-0180; ; v. 9(1); p. 48-55
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Kraus, Dieter
Proceedings of the Conference on Structural Analysis Design and Construction in Nuclear Power Plants1978
Proceedings of the Conference on Structural Analysis Design and Construction in Nuclear Power Plants1978
[en] Both 1300 MW units of Nuclear power plant Iran 1 and 2 will be built in a zone of high seismic risk near Bushehr at the Persian Golf. The turbine building does not belong to the class 1 buildings (safety-related parts), but the customer wanted a dimensioning against operating basis earthquake (OBE). Due to these high seismic forces, an alteration of structure was necessary and therefore KWU's standard construction couldn't be adopted. A dynamic modal analysis using the response spectrum method for ground acceleration of 0.1 g was carried out and the resulting maximum base shear forces were compared with SEAOC-code. Structural elements with high reinforcement ratios were economically designed using 50 mm diameter bars with threaded rips (GEWI-Steel d sub(e) = 50mm). (Author)
Primary Subject
Rio Grande do Sul Univ., Porto Alegre (Brazil). Pos-graduacao em Engenharia Civil; 1216 p; 1978; v. 1, p. 175-188; Conference on Structural Analysis, Design and Construction in Nuclear Power Plants; Porto Alegre, Brazil; 18 - 20 Apr 1978
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[en] One of the crucial components in seismic hazard analysis is the estimation of the maximum earthquake magnitude and associated uncertainty. In the present study, the uncertainty related to the maximum expected magnitude μ is determined in terms of confidence intervals for an imposed level of confidence. Previous work by Salamat et al. (Pure Appl Geophys 174:763-777, 2017) shows the divergence of the confidence interval of the maximum possible magnitude mmax for high levels of confidence in six seismotectonic zones of Iran. In this work, the maximum expected earthquake magnitude μ is calculated in a predefined finite time interval and imposed level of confidence. For this, we use a conceptual model based on a doubly truncated Gutenberg-Richter law for magnitudes with constant b-value and calculate the posterior distribution of μ for the time interval Tf in future. We assume a stationary Poisson process in time and a Gutenberg-Richter relation for magnitudes. The upper bound of the magnitude confidence interval is calculated for different time intervals of 30, 50, and 100 years and imposed levels of confidence α = 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, and 0.01. The posterior distribution of waiting times Tf to the next earthquake with a given magnitude equal to 6.5, 7.0, and 7.5 are calculated in each zone. In order to find the influence of declustering, we use the original and declustered version of the catalog. The earthquake catalog of the territory of Iran and surroundings are subdivided into six seismotectonic zones Alborz, Azerbaijan, Central Iran, Zagros, Kopet Dagh, and Makran. We assume the maximum possible magnitude mmax = 8.5 and calculate the upper bound of the confidence interval of μ in each zone. The results indicate that for short time intervals equal to 30 and 50 years and imposed levels of confidence 1 − α = 0.95 and 0.90, the probability distribution of μ is around μ = 7.16 − 8.23 in all seismic zones.
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2018 Springer Nature B.V.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Seismology; ISSN 1383-4649; ; v. 22(6); p. 1485-1498
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[en] Full text: Senior International Atomic Energy Agency officials met an Iranian delegation in Vienna today to seek agreement on a structured approach document to resolve outstanding issues relating to Iran's nuclear programme. The following is a statement by IAEA Deputy Director General Herman Nackaerts after the meeting: ''As announced by the Director General earlier this week, we met today to discuss the structured approach paper. The Agency team came to the meeting in a constructive spirit with the desire and intention of finalising the paper. We presented a revised draft which addressed Iran's earlier stated concerns. However, there has been no progress and, indeed, Iran raised issues that we have already discussed and added new ones. This is disappointing. A date for a follow-on meeting has yet to be fixed.'' (IAEA)
Primary Subject
IAEA Press Releases; 8 Jun 2012; 3 p; IAEA; Vienna (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)); Also available on-line:
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[en] The Secretariat has received a Note Verbale dated 2 March 2007 from the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran), attaching a letter dated 19 February 2007 addressed to the Director General from the Resident Representative of Iran concerning the nuclear activities of Iran. The Note Verbale and, as requested therein, its attachment, are circulated herewith
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6 Mar 2007; 30 p; Also available on-line:
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[en] The Director General has received a letter dated 20 December 2006 from the Resident Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The letter and, as requested therein, its attachment, are herewith circulated for the information of Member States
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22 Dec 2006; 24 p; Also available on-line:
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[en] On January 8, 1995, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) signed a contract for $800 million with the Russian Federation Ministry for Atomic Energy (Minatom) to complete Bushehr nuclear power plant (BNPP) unit 1. The agreement called for a Russian VVER-1000/320 pressurized water reactor (PWR) to be successfully installed into the existing German-built BNPP facilities in 5 yr. System design differences, bomb damage, and environmental exposure are key issues with which Minatom must contend in order to fulfill the contract. The AEOI under the Shah of Iran envisioned Bushehr as the first of many nuclear power plants, with Iran achieving 24 GW(electric) by 1993 and 34 GW(electric) by 2000. Kraftwerk Union AG (KWU) began construction of the two-unit plant near the Persian Gulf town of Halileh in 1975. Unit 1 was ∼80% complete and unit 2 was ∼50% complete when construction was interrupted by the 1979 Iranian Islamic revolution. Despite repeated AEOI attempts to lure KWU and other companies back to Iran to complete the plant, Western concerns about nuclear proliferation in Iran and repeated bombings of the plant during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war dissuaded Germany from resuming construction
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Winter meeting of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and the European Nuclear Society (ENS); Washington, DC (United States); 10-14 Nov 1996; CONF-961103--
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