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Journal Article
Proceedings of the Radioisotope Society of the Philippines; p. 25-33
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); Proceedings series; 645 p; ISBN 92-0-010186-0; ; 1986; p. 457-458; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on nuclear medicine and related medical applications of nuclear techniques in developing countries; Vienna (Austria); 26-30 Aug 1985; IAEA-SM--283/18P; Poster presentation.
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Cardenas, R.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)1975
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)1975
[en] Ferrokinetic parameters were evaluated with 59Fe and red-cell survival with 51Cr by classical techniques in a total of 17 patients with sickle-cell disease. The mean plasma 59Fe half-disappearance time in these patients was 29.5 min as compared with a normal value of 92 min, and the t1/2 51Cr 8.0 days as compared with a normal value of 26.0 days. The mean red-cell iron turnover rate was elevated to 9 times normal. The increased destruction of red cells appeared to take place predominantly, though not entirely, in the spleen. Eight of the 17 patients studied were identified as having intercurrent complications, but these did not significantly affect the results of the investigations. A group of 5 boys in whom the red-cell iron turnover rate was elevated to a lesser degree than in the other patients were subjected to more detailed studies of plasma 59Fe clearance with particular reference to ineffective erythropoiesis. In these patients, the plasma 59Fe clearance curves showed precocious humps characteristic of ineffective erythropoiesis. Detailed analysis of the results indicated ineffective erythropoiesis corresponding to 3.6, 16.0, 22.6, 32.0 and 50.0 % of the iron initially taken up by the bone marrow. It is concluded that while the anaemia in most patients with sickle-cell disease is mainly due to shortened survival of the circulating red cells, with increased destruction of red cells in the spleen, ineffective erythropoiesis may none the less be an important factor determining the actual degree of this anaemia
Original Title
Eritrocinetica, ferrocinetica y supervivencia de globulos rojos en la anemia por hematies falciformes
Primary Subject
1975; 18 p; 12 figs, 11 tabs.
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[en] A radioisotopic measuring method developed for studying the wear process of wheel rims of railway vehicles is described. The wear process may be monitored by the measurement of activity of a thin galvanic layer deposited onto the rim and labelled by iron 59. The high sensitivity of the method allows the determination of the wear rate distribution even within a few days. The results of measurements on three different rim profiles are analysed. (R.J.)
Original Title
Radioizotopos abroncskopas meresek vasuti kerekeken
Primary Subject
4 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Jarmuevek, Mezoegazdasagi Gepek; ISSN 0021-5511; ; v. 26(4); p. 149-154
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[en] Erythroblastopenia is probably not rare in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) but the diagnosis could be difficult. It produces a severe and rapidly developing anemia, without evidence of hemolysis. The chief differential diagnosis is the common bone marrow insufficiency of end-stage CLL. Iron kinetics measurements are typical, showing a total erythropoietic insufficiency, and a red cell utilization of radio-iron that is practically zero. Erythroblastopenia could be cured with corticosteroid or sometimes with immunosuppressive treatment
L'erythroblastopenie est une cause d'anemie peut-etre moins rare qu'on ne le croit au cours de la leucemie lymphoide chronique. Elle entraine des anemies profondes d'apparition particulierement rapide. Les signes biologiques d'hemolyse sont absents, mais une confusion est possible avec les anemies par insuffisance medullaire de la leucemie lymphoide chronique en phase avancee. L'exploration au radiofer est caracteristique, montrant une insuffisance erythropoietique totale, avec notamment une incorporation globulaire du radiofer injecte par voie intraveineuse pratiquement nulle. Le diagnostic d'erythroblastopenie est important a poser car une guerison totale peut etre obtenue par une corticotherapie a forte dose ou en cas d'echec l'usage des immunosuppresseursOriginal Title
Les erythroblastopenies de la leucemie lymphoide chronique. Interet de la cinetique du radiofer
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Journal Article
Nouvelle Revue Francaise d'Hematologie; ISSN 0029-4810; ; v. 23(4); p. 213-218
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Journal Article
Nature (London); v. 249(5456); p. 494
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[en] The distribution of iron-59 in blood at various time intervals was studied in sham and partially-hepatectomized rats after a single intravenous injection of 59Fe (III) citrate. A significant difference was observed in the rate of disappearance and reappearance of iron-59 in circulation. Administration of cadmium and manganese at a concentration of 0.5 and 2 mg/kg b. wt., respectively, did not cause any significant change in this pattern. A significant decrease in iron-59 incorporation in the liver of hepatectomized rat was produced by cadmium while manganese had no effect. (author)
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Journal Article
Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica; ISSN 0001-6683; ; v. 51 p. 20-23
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[en] Eight patients presenting primary myelofibrosis or spent polycythemia were submitted to a ferrokinetic study, a trephine bone marrow biopsy and a bone marrow puncture. In all cases before treatment (splenic radiotherapy) ferrokinetic measurements demonstrated an ineffective erythropoiesis, the intensity of which was precised on bone marrow biopsies, in numbering the erythroblasts per surface unit. Bone marrow biopsies permitted also, through a semiquantitative estimate of the bone marrow cellularity, to evaluate an aplasia component not always expected with ferrokinetic study. Study of bone marrow allowed to precise the site of the erythroblastic abortion, cellular death might occur during the last mitosis of the erythroblastic series (transition from the polychromatophil erythroblasts to the acidophil erythroblasts). In order to delineate the general pattern of erythropoiesis before treatment and when assessing the results of a treatment, besides ferrokinetic measurements, the study of bone marrow biopsy and smears appears relevant
Chez huit malades presentant une splenomegalie myeloide primitive ou secondaire a une maladie de Vaquez, l'hematopoiese a ete evaluee par la realisation simultanee de tests au 59Fe, de biopsies medullaires et de frottis medullaires. Les tests au 59Fe ont montre dans tous les cas avant traitement (radiotherapie splenique) une erythropoiese inefficace. L'etude des biopsies medullaires a permis de preciser l'intensite de cette erythropoiese inefficace (par la mesure du nombre d'erythroblastes par unite de surface) et l'existence eventuelle d'une composante d'hypoplasie medullaire (par l'etablissement d'un indice de richesse medullaire) difficile a affirmer sur le test au 59Fe. L'etude des frottis medullaires a permis de preciser le siege de l'avortement erythroblastique: la mort cellulaire parait se situer lors de la transition des erythroblastes polychromatophiles aux erythroblastes acidophiles, soit lors de la derniere mitose de la lignee erythroblastique. L'etude des biopsies et des frottis medullaires apparait donc un complement indispensable au test au 59Fe pour preciser l'etat de l'erythropoiese et donc les indications et l'efficacite d'un traitementOriginal Title
L'erythropoiese inefficace au cours des splenomegalies myeloides: test au 59Fe, donnees histologiques et cytologiques medulaires
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nouvelle Revue Francaise d'Hematologie; ISSN 0029-4810; ; v. 20(3); p. 443-453
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[en] Hemin was found to enhance the growth of murine erythroid colonies in culture. In the presence of 100 mU/ml erythropoietin (EPO), the addition of hemin (0.05-0.2 mM) resulted in the growth of twice as many colonies as were obtained with EPO alone. Hemin also significantly increased erythroid colony formation in culture in the absence of added EPO. Hemoblobin synthesis as measured by the incorporation of 59Fe into cyclohexanone extractable heme was augmented in culture by hemin. Neither Δ-aminolevulinic acid, a hemin precursor, nor FeCl3 increased colony number. (author)
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Record Type
Journal Article
Exp. Hematol. (Copenhagen); ISSN 0301-472X; ; v. 7(1); p. 11-16
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[en] A brief description is presented of the method of measuring diffusion characteristics of elements in solid metals and their alloys, based on the use of radioisotopes. (author). 4 figs., 13 refs
Original Title
Mereni difuznich charakteristik radioisotopovymi metodami
Primary Subject
Chlobystina, E.; Strba, J. (eds.); Ceskoslovenska Komise pro Atomovou Energii, Prague; p. 34-41; 1987; p. 34-41; National conference on application of radionuclide methods in metallurgy and engineering; Vyuziti radionuklidovych metod v hutnictvi a strojirenstvi; Vsetin (Czechoslovakia); 2-4 Jun 1987
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