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Alberman, A.; Barbalat, R.; Morin, C.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1983
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1983
[en] The ISIS facility forms part of OSIRIS assembly which is operated by the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique at C.E.N. Saclay, since 1966. The main characteristics of the ISIS reactor are given. ISIS has been extensively used both as mock-up and as a neutron source; the main points about the applications of ISIS are summarized
Primary Subject
Oct 1983; 7 p; International symposium on the use and development of low and medium flux research reactors; Cambrigde, MA (USA); 16-19 Oct 1983
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Telling, M.; Campbell, S.; Tomkinson, J.
Council for the Central Lab. of the Research Councils (CLRC), Chilton (United Kingdom). Rutherford Appleton Lab2001
Council for the Central Lab. of the Research Councils (CLRC), Chilton (United Kingdom). Rutherford Appleton Lab2001
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Technical report; (no.RAL-TR-2001-001); Jan 2001; 12 p; ISSN 1358-6254; ; Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:8715.1804(2001-001)
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Cerles, J.-M.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services des Piles1977
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services des Piles1977
[en] The ISIS reactor, mock-up of the OSIRIS reactor at Saclay, is presented. After a brief description of the facility, emphasis is put on the use of the core as a neutron mock-up for studying reactor cores and dosimetry and as a neutron source for neutron-graphy. The validity of the results obtained and the difficulties lying in their interpretation are discussed
On presente le reacteur ISIS, maquette neutronique du reacteur OSIRIS a Saclay. Apres une description sommaire de l'installation, on insiste sur l'utilisation du reacteur, en tant que maquette neutronique pour les etudes de coeur et les dosimetries, en tant que source de neutrons pour la neutronographie. Un paragraphe est consacre a une discussion de la validite des resultats obtenus et des difficultes d'interpretationOriginal Title
ISIS, maquette du reacteur Osiris
Primary Subject
1977; 8 p; 2. Symposium on reactor dosimetry: dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding, and structural materials; Palo Alto, CA, USA; 3 - 7 Oct 1977
Record Type
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Vargas Silva, Rodrigo
Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Facultad de Ciencia. Departamento de Fisica (Chile)2023
Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Facultad de Ciencia. Departamento de Fisica (Chile)2023
[en] This thesis describes the implementation of an In-Service inspection (ISI) programme in accordance with the IAEA guidelines for assessment of structural integrity in nuclear research reactors, case study the RECH-1. The general aspects of the implementation of the ISI program are reviewed as well as the physical foundations of the application of the Non-Destructive Testing methods (Ultrasonic testing, Schmidt Hammer and Infrared Thermography) Measurements were taken and methods were developed for data processing and presentation in the context of structural integrity assessment. Finally, we discuss the results obtained by covering the documentary information and the physical phenomena involved. Recommended actions are proposed for future iterations of the ISI program
Original Title
Elaboracion de protocolo de inspeccion de estructuras de un reactor nuclear acorde a guias de seguridad del OIEA
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2023; 99 p; Available from Library of CCHEN; 51 refs., 36 figs., 9 tabs; Thesis (Ingeniero Fisico)
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No abstract available
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Secondary Subject
Technical report; (RAL-TR-2000-032); 2000; 66 p; Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:8715.1804(2000-032)
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Amato, S.; Santinelli, A.
Proceedings of the International conference: Nuclear option in countries with small and medium electricity grid1996
Proceedings of the International conference: Nuclear option in countries with small and medium electricity grid1996
[en] The paper describes the main aspects related to the definition of main controls required to operate an ISIS-type nuclear power reactors. ISIS is a PWR-type intrinsically safe nuclear reactor designed by ANSALDO, based on density lock concept; it presents, between the other safety functions, self-depressurization and core cooling capability for unlimited time. Due to its specific characteristics, the ISIS reactor required to development of new control philosophy (if compared with actual nuclear power reactor) with the implementation of new control functions, for instance the density locks hot/cold interface locations control. This paper describes the main control functions implemented, their rationale, as well as the dynamic simulation performed to verify the adequacy of controls definitions. The dynamic simulations here described refers to a step-wise power ramp of 100-90-100 (% of nominal power) and to a power ramp of 100-50-100 with a slope of 5%/min; the results obtained have shown the ISIS capability to perform such operational transients, despite its innovative design was mainly focused on intrinsically safe behaviour. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Croatian Nuclear Society, Zagreb (Croatia); 595 p; ISBN 953-96132-4-8; ; 1996; p. 88-96; International conference: Nuclear option in countries with small and medium electricity grid; Opatija (Croatia); 7-9 Oct 1996; 13 figs., 5 refs.
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[en] The ISIS facility at RAL is the most powerful facility of its type in the world. The existing data acquisition system and its design concepts are reviewed. Future requirements and developments for this system are discussed
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Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] In the frame of academic and vocational programs the National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology uses the ISIS research reactor as a major tool to ensure a practical and comprehensive understanding of the nuclear reactor physics, principles and operation. A large set of training courses have been developed on ISIS, optimising both the content of the courses and the pedagogical approach. Programs with duration ranging from 3 hours (introduction to reactor operation) to 24 hours (full program for the future operators of research reactors) are carried out on ISIS reactor. The reactor is operated about 350 hours/year for education and training, about 40 % of the courses being carried out in English. Thus, every year about 400 trainees attend training courses on ISIS reactor. We present here the ISIS research reactor and the practical courses that have been developed on ISIS reactor. Emphasis is given to the pedagogical method which is used to focus on the operational and safety aspects, both in normal and incidental operation. We will present the curricula of the academic and vocational courses in which the practical courses are integrated, the courses being targeted to a wide public, including operators of research reactors, engineers involved in the design and operation of nuclear reactors as well as staff of the regulatory body. We address the very positive impact of the courses on the development of the competences and skills of participants. Finally, we describe the Internet Reactor Laboratories (IRL) that are under development and will consist in broadcasting the training courses via internet to remote facilities or institutions
Primary Subject
International Group On Research Reactors, Vienna (Austria); [1 CD-ROM]; 2013; [8 p.]; Joint IGORR 2013 and IAEA Technology Meeting; Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); 13-18 Oct 2013; Available from International Group On Research Reactors, Vienna (AT)
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Taylor, A.
Conference programme and abstracts. ECNS'99. 2. European conference on neutron scattering1999
Conference programme and abstracts. ECNS'99. 2. European conference on neutron scattering1999
[en] The ISIS facility has demonstrated that accelerator-driven pulsed spallation sources can compete successfully with the world's most advanced conventional neutron scattering facilities and indeed expand the frontiers of neutron scattering into new regimes. The development of a Second Target Station at ISIS - specifically optimised for long wavelengths and high resolution studies - is discussed as well as its impact on studies of complex systems including surfaces and interfaces, large scale structures and problems in biology and biotechnology. (author)
Primary Subject
Cser, L.; Grosz, T.; Rosta, L. (eds.); 361 p; ISBN 963-03-7969-4; ; 1999; p. 7; ECNS'99. 2. European conference on neutron scattering; Budapest (Hungary); 1-4 Sep 1999
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
2000; 66 p; ISBN 0-9023-7606-3; ; Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:m00/37863
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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