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[en] The development of the leak-tightness concept and the industrial sectors mainly concerned are reviewed, after which the various methods of leak detection are outlined briefly. The extent to which gases such as ammonia, freon, sulfur hexafluoride and helium are used, generally involving the use of specific detectors, leads to considerations on the principles of leak detection by tracer gas. Practical applications are discussed with regard to criteria of choice, sensitivity required and cost price. Finally the possibilities of using detection methods for industrial purposes are pointed out. They imply that equipment called on to fulfil tightness criteria can be designed to account for certain factors necessary for successful application of the detection methods chosen
Apres avoir rappele l'evolution du concept d'etancheite et les secteurs industriels principalement concernes, une presentation des diverses methodes est esquissee. L'importance du recours a des gaz tels qu'ammoniac, freon, hexafluorure de soufre et helium, dont l'utilisation necessite en general l'emploi de detecteurs specifiquesm conduit a considerer les principes de la detection de fuites au gaz traceur. Des applications pratiques sont alors envisagees sous l'aspect des criteres de choix, de la sensibilite recherchee et du prix de revient. Les possibilites actuelles d'utilisation des techniques de detection en vue de repondre aux besoins industriels sont finalement soulignees. Elles impliquent que les installations devant satisfaire a des criteres d'etancheite puissent etre concues en tenant compte de certains imperatifs destines a faciliter, voire a rendre possibles, les processus de detection choisisOriginal Title
Rappel des diverses methodes de detection des fuites
Primary Subject
Comite Francais d'Etude des Essais non Destructifs, 75 - Paris; p. 3-25; nd; Comite Francais d'Etude des Essais Non Destructifs; Paris, France; Meeting on leak detection and helium-tightness tests; Paris, France; 16 May 1972
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Kowalewsky, H.
PATRAM '83: 7th international symposium on packaging and transportation of radioactive materials. Proceedings. Volume 11983
PATRAM '83: 7th international symposium on packaging and transportation of radioactive materials. Proceedings. Volume 11983
[en] Using a model cask with typical dimensions, typical radioactive contents and a typical sealing system, some general aspects of its leaktightness assessment will be outlined quantitatively. Taking into account molecular as well as viscous-laminar gas flow it will be shown that under pessimistic assumptions standard helium leakage rates less than some 10-2 mbar . 1/s for transport and less than some 10-4 mbar . 1/s for accident conditions must be guaranteed in order to meet the activity release limits required by the 1973 IAEA Regulations. Realistic calculations of the tritium activity release show that the contribution of tritium permeation through the cask wall is negligibly small even for storage times up to 40 a. Finally some radiation protection considerations concerning the relationship between activity release and radiation exposure will be presented. On the basis of these considerations we recommend to retain the activity leakage rate limit of 10-3A2 per week after Type B tests as it is requested in the 1973 IAEA Regulations. 13 references, 10 figures
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA); p. 638-645; Dec 1983; p. 638-645; 7. international symposium on packaging and transportation of radioactive materials; New Orleans, LA (USA); 15-20 May 1983; Available from NTIS, PC A99/MF A01; 1 as TI84006239
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[en] The standard is to be applied on the acceptance test, on the commissioning test, as well as on the in-service inspections of glove boxes according to DIN 25412 part 1. The purpose of these specifications is to give uniform principles on methods for testing the tightness of glove boxes to manufactures, suppliers, users, and the competent authorities and to determine the leak rate. (orig.)
Die Norm ist anzuwenden bei der Abnahempruefung, bei der Inbetriebnahmepruefung sowie bei regelmaessig wiederkehrenden Pruefungen an Handschuhkaesten nach DIN 25412 Teil 1. Zweck der Feststellungen ist es, den Herstellern, Lieferanten, Anwendern und den zustaendigen Behoerden einheitliche Grundlagen ueber Verfahren zur Pruefung der Dichtheit von Handschuhkaesten zu geben und die Leckrate zu ermitteln (orig.)Original Title
Primary Subject
Apr 1977; 4 p; Beuth; Berlin, Germany F.R; DIN--25412(PT.2); 2 figs.
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Kowalewsky, H.
PATRAM '83: 7th international symposium on packaging and transportation of radioactive materials1983
PATRAM '83: 7th international symposium on packaging and transportation of radioactive materials1983
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA); p. XI.4-XI.5; 1983; p. XI.4-XI.5; 7. international symposium on packaging and transportation of radioactive materials; New Orleans, LA (USA); 15-20 May 1983; Available from NTIS, PC A21/MF A01; 1 as DE83012390
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Worlton, D.C.; Robinson, D.L.
Exxon Nuclear Co., Inc., Bellevue, Wash. (USA)1976
Exxon Nuclear Co., Inc., Bellevue, Wash. (USA)1976
[en] It has been found that fuel pin leakage can be rapidly determined without removing the fuel pin from the reactor core by measuring the vibrational characteristics of a flexible means located in a specially constructed upper end cap assembly. (author)
Primary Subject
27 Jul 1976; 9 p; CA PATENT DOCUMENT 994014; Available from Supply and Services Canada, Publishing Center, Ottawa.
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Giroux, J.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1989
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1989
[en] The volume of a cavity, such as a cylinder and a piston, connected to the enclosure (glovebox or reactor containment shell) is varied to find back the previous pressure difference with the outside (positive or negative). Thermometers and a barometer are provided for eventual corrections
La mesure consiste a faire varier le volume d'une cavite communiquant avec l'enceinte des boites a gants ou des enceintes de reacteurs pour retrouver la valeur primitive d'une difference de pression entre l'enceinte et l'exterieur. Des thermometres et un barometre permettent d'integrer les variations des parametres exterieurs a la mesureOriginal Title
Procede et dispositif de mesure du debit de fuite d'une enceinte de confinement
Primary Subject
20 Oct 1989; 15 Apr 1988; 6 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2630212/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8805014; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 15 Apr 1988
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[en] A classification of limiting enclosures according to their tightness is given. This can applied to enclosures or series of enclosures intended for work on radioactive products, toxic or dangerous products, materials sensitive to atmospheric components and work in sterile environment
On donne une classification des enceintes de confinement selon leur etancheite. Ceci s'applique aux enceintes ou ensembles d'enceintes pouvant etre utilisees pour des travaux sur des produits radioactifs, des produits toxiques ou dangereux, des matieres sensibles aux composants atmospheriques, et en milieu sterileOriginal Title
Enceintes de confinement. Classification des enceintes selon leur etancheite
Primary Subject
Oct 1974; 3 p; Available from Association Francaise de Normalisation, 92 - Paris-la-Defense (France).
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No abstract available
Original Title
Methodes d'essais d'etancheite des sources scellees radioactives
Primary Subject
Oct 1972; 5 p; Available from AFNOR, 92 - Paris la Defense, France
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Cadrot, J.F.; Droussent, Roger.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1982
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1982
[en] The vessel contains a mix of several gases. This gas mix is made to flow through a closed circuit whilst maintaining a constant relative pressure inside the vessel. This closed circuit includes a gas analyzing apparatus which makes it possible to measure the amount of one of the gases in the mix, this gas being called ''reference gas'', then at a preset frequency the determination is made again in order to determine the change in this amount over time. Application to the testing of leak tightness
L'enceinte contenant un melange de plusieurs gas, on fait circuler ce melange gazeux dans un circuit ferme en maintenant constante la pression relative a l'interieur de l'enceinte ledit circuit ferme comprenant un appareil analyseur de gaz qui permet de mesurer la teneur du melange en l'un des gaz, dit ''gaz de reference'', puis, a une frequence predeterminee, on recommence la mesure afin de determiner la variation de cette teneur au cours du temps. Application au controle d'etancheiteOriginal Title
Procede et dispositif de controle de l'etancheite d'une enceinte de confinement
Primary Subject
8 Oct 1982; 12 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2503364/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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[en] A theoretical study of the flow of a carrier-tracer mixture in a leak is presented. It is based on the adaptation of Knudsen's equation to thin capillaries. This theory is applied to the case of a leak comparable to a capillary of unit length in CGS units latting through a flow of air at 20 deg C
On presente l'etude theorique de l'ecoulement du melange porteur-traceur dans une fuite. Cette etude repose sur l'adaptation de l'equation de Knudsen au cas des capillaires minces. On applique cette theorie au cas d'une fuite assimilee a un capillaire de longueur unitaire en unite CGS laissant ecouler de l'air a 20 deg COriginal Title
Theorie des ecoulements dans les conditions particulieres de la detection des fuites
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Comite Francais d'Etude des Essais non Destructifs, 75 - Paris; p. 26-30; nd; Comite Francais d'Etude des Essais Non Destructifs; Paris, France; Meeting on leak detection and helium-tightness tests; Paris, France; 16 May 1972
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