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[en] The management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste account from July last year with its own Community legislation, Directive 2011/70/Euratom. The intention is to ensure that all Member States to develop this task with the utmost responsibility and safety. Below is performed a thorough analysis of the standard through some of his articles, examines their transposition in the European Union and Spain and made a comparison with existing international law on the subject. (Author) 31 refs.
Original Title
La nueva Directiva sobre gestion de residuos radiactivos
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Journal Article
Estratos; CODEN ERATEM; v. 101; p. 36-39
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[en] Full-text: Post contract is a period from issuance certificate of practical completion until final statement of account of the project. If this procedure not completed the whole project will at large, create customers un-satisfaction, contractual obligation not complied, record not completed and financial setback. With the usage terms of contract, standard JKR circulars, treasury circulars and JKR quality manual BKJ will produce new Standard operating procedure, SOP with regards to these matters. In doing so it shall increase customer satisfaction and reduce time to finalise project and provide good record system. Keywords: Post contract, certificate of practical completion, final account, customer satisfaction, Standard operating procedure. (author)
Primary Subject
2010; 1 p; RnD Seminar 2010: Research and Development Seminar 2010; Bangi (Malaysia); 12-15 Oct 2010; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record; Poster presentation
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[en] Safety management is the term used for the measures required to ensure that an acceptable level of safety is maintained throughout the life of an installation, including decommissioning. The safety culture concept and its implementation are described in part one of the paper. The principles of safety are now quite well known and are implemented worldwide. It leads to a situation where harmonization is being achieved as indicated by the entry into force of the Convention on Nuclear Safety. To go beyond the present nuclear safety levels, management of safety and safety culture will be the means for achieving progress. Recent events which took place in major nuclear power countries have shown the importance of the management and the consequences on safety. At the same time, electricity deregulation is coming and will impact on safety through reductions in staffing and in operation and maintenance cost at nuclear installations. Management of safety as well as its control and monitoring by the safety authorities become a key to the future of nuclear energy.(author)
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Mavko, B.; Cizelj, L.; Kovac, M. (Nuclear Society of Slovenia (Slovenia)) (eds.); Nuclear Society of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Slovenia). Funding organisation: Ministry of Science and Technology of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Ministry of Economic Affairs of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia); European Nuclear Society, Brussels (Belgium); American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY (United States); NPP Krsko (Slovenia); Westinghouse Electric Systems Europe S.A., Brussels (Belgium); CAE, Toronto (Canada); Siemens AG, Erlangen, Offenbach (Germany); Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Univ. of Ljubljana (Slovenia); Framatome, Paris (France); Inetec, Zagreb (Croatia); SIAP d.o.o, Pesnica pri Mariboru (Slovenia); IBE d.d. Consulting Engineers, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Inst. of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana (Slovenia); NUMIP d.o.o, Krsko (Slovenia); Q Techna d.o.o., Krsko (Slovenia); Elmont d.o.o., Krsko (Slovenia); Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Agency for Radwaste Management, Ljubljana (Slovenia); ENCONET Consulting GmbH, Vienna (Austria); The Inst. of Metal Constructions, Ljubljana (Slovenia); The Milan Vidmar Electroinstitute, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Welding Inst., Ljubljana (Slovenia); 13.8 Megabytes; ISBN 961-6303-29-5; ; 2000; [15 p.]; International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000; Bled (Slovenia); 11-14 Sep 2000; Also available from Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, Zelezna cesta 16, Ljubljana (SI) or Nuclear Society of Slovenia, Jamova 39, Ljubljana (SI); 3 refs.
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Gelles, C. M.; Sheppard, F. R.
United States Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management Office of Site Closure--Rocky Flats Project Office 19901 Germantown Road, Germantown, MD (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Environmental Management EM (United States)2002
United States Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management Office of Site Closure--Rocky Flats Project Office 19901 Germantown Road, Germantown, MD (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Environmental Management EM (United States)2002
[en] This paper details the development of the Rocky Flats Integrated Closure Project Baseline - an innovative project management effort undertaken to ensure proactive management of the Rocky Flats Closure Contract in support of the Department's goal for achieving the safe closure of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) in December 2006. The accelerated closure of RFETS is one of the most prominent projects within the Department of Energy (DOE) Environmental Management program. As the first major former weapons plant to be remediated and closed, it is a first-of-kind effort requiring the resolution of multiple complex technical and institutional challenges. Most significantly, the closure of RFETS is dependent upon the shipment of all special nuclear material and wastes to other DOE sites. The Department is actively working to strengthen project management across programs, and there is increasing external interest in this progress. The development of the Rocky Flats Integrated Closure Project Baseline represents a groundbreaking and cooperative effort to formalize the management of such a complex project across multiple sites and organizations. It is original in both scope and process, however it provides a useful precedent for the other ongoing project management efforts within the Environmental Management program
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26 Feb 2002; 6 p; WM Symposia, Inc., Tucson, Arizona; Waste Management 2002 Symposium; Tucson, AZ (United States); 24-28 Feb 2002; Available from PURL:
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McKee, R.W.; Short, S.M.
Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA (USA)1990
Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA (USA)1990
[en] Two projects at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) have been devoted to development of the capability to provide descriptive details of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and its operating rules for comprehensive system studies. This capability is designed to provide consistency in the selection of the bases and assumptions for System Integration Program studies and related computer modeling activities. The System Description Project has developed a modular system description approach that can be used to quickly prepare specific detailed system descriptions once a study-specific system configuration has been defined. The Operational Scenarios and Assumptions (OSA) Project has developed a menu-driven database system that provides a comprehensive and systematic method for specifying the necessary assumptions and system operating rules for specific system studies. The viability of these capabilities has been demonstrated in a system modeling exercise. 6 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab
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Mar 1990; 8 p; International conference for high-level radioactive waste management; Las Vegas, NV (USA); 8-12 Apr 1990; CONF-900406--68; CONTRACT AC06-76RL01830; NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE90009458; OSTI; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Riddle, S.P.; Wilson, R.C.; Branscom, K.S.
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1992
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1992
[en] Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., manages the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for the US Department of Energy (DOE). Since ORNL's beginning in the 1940's, a variety of solid and liquid low-level radioactive waste (LLW), hazardous waste, and mixed waste has been generated. The solid wastes have been disposed of on site, primarily in shallow trenches called solid waste storage areas (SWSAs). SWSA 6, opened in 1969, is the only operational disposal site at ORNL for solid LLW. In 1984, SWSA 6 was closed for three months when it was discovered that wastes regulated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) were being inadvertently disposed of there. SWSA 6 was then added to ORNL's Part A RCRA permit, administrative controls were modified to exclude RCRA regulated wastes from being disposed of at SWSA 6, and a RCRA closure plan was prepared. This paper describes the regulatory challenges of integrating RCRA,- the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; and the National Environmental Policy Act into a cohesive remediation strategy while managing the project with multiple DOE contractors and integrating the regulatory approval cycle with the DOE budget cycle. The paper does not dwell on the recommended alternative but presents instead a case study of how some difficult challenges, unique to DOE and other federal facilities, were handled
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Jul 1992; 5 p; 65. annual conference of the water environment federation; New Orleans, LA (United States); 23 Sep 1992; CONTRACT AC05-84OR21400; OSTI as DE92019476; NTIS; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Kurstedt, H.A. Jr.
Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg (USA). Management Systems Labs1986
Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg (USA). Management Systems Labs1986
[en] Through an iterative application of Decision Support Systems (DSS) apparatus and evolution of DSS concepts, we redefined DSS from a systems perspective. By focusing on successful DSS and the definition of success for the newly-defined DSS, we generated a paradigm for understanding, applying, and improving DSS. The significance of the research is that we now: (1) understand the various roles management tools play within the new DSS concept; (2) recognize the need for characterizing the domain of responsibility of a manager to obtain a successful DSS; and (3) have learned special characteristics of government agencies like Nuclear Materials (NM) to identify what features of the new DSS concept can be expected to improve performance
Primary Subject
1986; 239 p; Available from NTIS, PC A11; 3 as DE87004644; Paper copy only, copy does not permit microfiche production.
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[en] The General Services Administration is the agency responsible for general purpose office space property management in the Federal Government. GSA is the second largest civilian property management agency with 176 million square feet in approximately 1600 Federally owned buildings. Also, GSA manages Federal leases in an additional 6000 buildings for a combined total of more than 240 million occupiable square feet. The Public Building Service in GSA provides operating services to Agencies occupying space and charges rent comparable to commercial rates. Revenues from rent are approximately $4 billion annually
Primary Subject
Jackson, M. (comp.); 637 p; 1993; p. 495-498; The Fairmont Press, Inc; Lilburn, GA (United States); 15. world energy engineering congress (WEEC); Atlanta, GA (United States); 13-15 Oct 1992; The Fairmont Press, Inc, 700 Indian Trail, Lilburn, GA 30247
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[en] Nuclear knowledge is an important asset for BATAN and the existence of BATAN depends on its ability in implementing Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM). Effective implementation of NKM will enable the use of nuclear technology safety and safely. To find out the current condition of the implementation of NKM at BATAN, an analysis of the human resource conditions and the implementation of NKM activities in 18 technical work units at BATAN was carried out. The data used to analyze the human resource condition was taken from the Human Resource database. These data were analyzed by quantitative analysis methods and simple descriptive qualitative approaches to obtain an overview of human resource conditions related to the number of human resources and the distribution of human resources based on age. Analysis of NKM activities was carried out based on data presented by the Heads of respective Work Units at the NKM workshop. The results showed that year to year BATAN HR had decreased in number with a decrease of around 150 people per year due to attrition (retirement, death, or resign). Based on the identification of critical units based on age, employees who will enter retirement age in the next 10 years, from 18 technical work units analyzed, there are 3 works unit are categorized as supercritical, 14 works unit are critical, and 1 work unit is moderate. From the results of the NKM program analysis, it was observed that all work units have conducted competency mapping and identification of critical knowledge. From the critical knowledge identified, there are 132 potentially loss critical knowledge. To maintain the critical knowledge, various efforts have been carried out, including: competency-based training, knowledge sharing, development of the NKM portal and growing the culture of NKM. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the all technical work units at BATAN have implemented NKM in its efforts to maintain critical knowledge, but the activities have not been structured and have not been coordinated. To improve the effectiveness of the implementation of NKM, coordination by the unit in charge of the NKM program (BSDMO) should be done as soon as possible. (author)
Original Title
Studi kasus: Penerapan manajemen pengetahuan nuklir di BATAN
Primary Subject
Edy Giri Rachman Putra; Muhtadan; Deni Swantomo; Sutanto; Elizabeth Supriyatni; Noor Anis Kundari; Adi Abimanyu; Maria Christina Prihatiningsih; Supriyono; Djiwo Harsono; Sugili Putra; Kartini Megasari; Haerul Ahmadi; Ayu Jati Puspitasari (Polytechnic Institute of Nuclear Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Polytechnic Institute of Nuclear Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Yogyakarta (Indonesia); 528 p; ISSN 1978-0176; ; Nov 2018; p. 105-112; Human Resource Innovation & Nuclear Science and Technology to Support the Industrial Revolution 4.0; Inovasi SDM & Iptek Nuklir untuk Mendukung Revolusi Industri 4.0; Yogyakarta (Indonesia); 20 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 5 refs.; 3 figs.
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[en] After Fukushima accident European NPP safety was checked by means of homogenous stress test promoted by European council. At Spain CSN issued Technical instructions to confirm safety NPP margins were appropriate . As a result of this assessment licensees promoted improving NPP safety by strengthen ERO; a new Support Emergency center (CAE) and construction of a new alternative management centre (CAGE) at each site. European countries have been improving and reinforced NPP safety in a similar way to Spain. (Author)
Original Title
Mejoras en la gestion de emergencias en centrales nucleares tras el accidente de Fukushima: ORE, CAE y CAGE
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