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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Meeting of the American Nuclear Society; Washington, District of Columbia, USA; 27 Oct 1974; See CONF-741017-- Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc; v. 19 p. 119
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[en] Connecting device between an arm and the handling gripper of the manipulator, enabling the gripper to be changed remotely, comprising a gripper holding assembly that can pivot to turn the gripper about its axis and a control assembly that can move axially inside the gripper holding assembly by means of a traction system associated with the manipulator arm to open and shut the gripper; each assembly includes not less than two remotely removable parts. This various parts are joined by bayonet connectors and locking devices
Dispositif de liaison entre un bras et une pince de manipulateur permettant le changement a distance de la pince, comprenant un ensemble support de pince susceptible de pivoter pour faire tourner la pince selon son axe et un ensemble de commande susceptible de se deplacer axialement a l'interieur de l'ensemble support de pince sous l'action d'un systeme de traction associe au bras du manipulateur pour ouvrir et fermer la pince, chacun des ensembles comprenant au moins deux parties demontables a distance. Les differentes parties etant reliees par des liaisons a baionnette et des moyens de verrouillageOriginal Title
Dispositif de liaison entre un bras et une pince de manipulateur et manipulateur comprenant un tel dispositif
Primary Subject
29 Aug 1980; 27 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2447785/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Meeting of the American Nuclear Society; Washington, District of Columbia, USA; 27 Oct 1974; See CONF-741017-- Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc; v. 19 p. 121
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Meeting of the American Nuclear Society; Washington, District of Columbia, USA; 27 Oct 1974; See CONF-741017-- Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc; v. 19 p. 119
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Thermally actuated shims designed for the Large Coil Test Facility (LCTF) provide passive clamping capability for inaccessible structural interfaces. These shims were designed to hold the test coils tightly in place against the bucking post. This particular interface is relatively inaccessible, tends to loosen as the structure cools down, and experiences high loads due to magnetic interaction of the test coils. As designed, the shims are loose at assembly and tighten as the temperature of the structure decreases. These devices utilize the difference in the thermal coefficient of expansion of materials to drive a double acting wedge which causes an increase in shim thickness as the temperature is decreased. These magnets are for fusion applications. 1 ref
Primary Subject
8. symposium on engineering problems of fusion research; San Francisco, CA, USA; 13 - 16 Nov 1979; CONF-791102--
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Proceedings of the Symposium on Engineering Problems of Fusion Research; v. 3(79CH1441-5); p. 1689-1693
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The discharge chamber of the tokamak device is described. It includes smooth-walled electrically closed metallic sections with branch pipes electrically connected with the chamber by the operture circuit. To decrease the forces affecting chambes walls due to the reduction of distortions from branch pipe apertures in current distribution in the chamber walls, the branch pipes are equipped with shunting rings ajoining the chamber in the aperture circuit
Original Title
Razryadnaya kamera ustanovki tokamak
Primary Subject
21 Jan 1980; 2 p; SU PATENT DOCUMENT 845649/A/; 4 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bevilacqua, F.
Combustion Engineering, Inc., New York (USA)1976
Combustion Engineering, Inc., New York (USA)1976
[en] A guide structure is described for aligning fuel assemblies of a nuclear reactor and for guiding control elements for telescoping movement within guide channels of fuel assemblies. (E.C.B.)
Primary Subject
6 Jul 1976; 23 p; CA PATENT DOCUMENT 992672/A/; Available from Supply and Services Canada, Publishing Center, Ottawa
Record Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Dynamic partitioning or substructuring is the reduction of degrees of freedom by neglecting the dynamical influence of higher modes of certain substructure. One of the major reasons for these techniques not being widely accepted is the lack of criteria to judge the accuracy of the computed data. So far as natural frequencies are concerned a theorem is formulated which gives upper bounds for the error due to dynamic substructuring. The theorem is tested by applying it to a special statically exact substructuring method which is gained from a fixed-mode approach. The error estimation turns out to be strict enough to decide on the validity of DOF-reduction. (orig.)
Original Title
Abschaetzung der Frequenzverschiebungen bei Einsatz dynamischer Makroelemente
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire (SFEN), 75 - Paris; vp; ISBN 0 444 86266 8; ; 1981; p. M6/2; North-Holland Publishing Co; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 6. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; Paris (France); 17 - 21 Aug 1981
Record Type
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Failure localization in a variety of mechanical structures may be ascribed to elevated temperature, which may be effectively analyzed by employing the inclusion model. This work presents an explicit solution to the plane thermal inclusion problem, based on the customized Green’s function. A contour integral representation is further developed so as to provide an effective and straightforward approach for treating an arbitrarily shaped inclusion. Several benchmark examples are examined to validate the present solution. (paper)
Primary Subject
AMMM 2019: International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing; Beijing (China); 22-24 Mar 2019; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering (Online); ISSN 1757-899X; ; v. 576(1); [7 p.]
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] Optimal structural design under creep conditions, initiated over 20 years ago, brings a fairly large variety of problems, interesting both from theoretical and engineering point of view. Existence of the time factor leads to optimization for a prescribed lifetime and the number of independent variables in governing equations increases by one. Practial importance is connected with design of metal structures working at elevated temperatures, structures made of plastics, concrete etc. Here we discuss optimization problems with constraints imposed on brittle and ductile creep rupture, stiffness, creep buckling, dynamic behaviour. Some further possible directions of development are mentioned as well. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Zyczkowski, M. (ed.) (Krakow Univ. of Technology (Poland). Inst. of Mechanics and Machine Design); 732 p; ISBN 3-540-53786-4; ; 1991; p. 519-530; Springer; Berlin (Germany); 4. IUTAM symposium on creep in structures; Krakow (Poland); 10-14 Sep 1990
Record Type
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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