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[en] Perfusion imaging in the central nervous system (CNS) is mostly performed using the first-pass dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced (DSC) MRI. The first-pass of a contrast bolus in brain tissue is monitored by a series of T2*-weighted MR images. The susceptibility effect of the paramagnetic contrast agent leads to a signal loss that can be converted, using the principles of the indicator dilution theory, into an increase of the contrast agent concentration. From these data, parameter maps of cerebral blood volume (CBV) and flow (CBF) can be derived. Regional CBF and CBV values can be obtained by region-of-interest analysis. This review article describes physical basics of DSC MRI and summarizes the literature of DSC MRI in neurooncological issues. Studies, all with relatively limited patient numbers, report that DSC MRI is useful in the preoperative diagnosis of gliomas, CNS-lymphomas, and solitary metastases, as well as in the differentiation of these neoplastic lesions from infections and tumor-like manifestations of demyelinating disease. Additionally, DSC MRI is suitable for determining glioma grade and regions of active tumor growth which should be the target of stereotactic biopsy. After therapy, DSC MRI helps better assessing the tumor response to therapy, residual tumor after therapy, and possible treatment failure and therapy-related complications, such as radiation necrosis. The preliminary results show that DSC MRI is a diagnostic tool depicting regional variations in microvasculature of normal and diseased brains. (orig.)
Die MRT-Perfusionsmessungen im Zentralnervensystem (ZNS) werden derzeit hauptsaechlich mit der kontrastmittelverstaerkten T2*-Dynamik durchgefuehrt, die die Passage eines schnellen Kontrastmittelbolus mit einer Serie von T2*-gewichteten MRT-Aufnahmen verfolgt und charakterisiert. Dabei wird der Signalabfall, bedingt durch den Suszeptibilitaetseffekt des paramagnetischen Kontrastmittels, mittels geeigneter mathematischer Modelle, denen die Prinzipien der Indikatorverduennungstheorie zugrunde liegen, in die Kontrastmittelkonzentration umgerechnet. Mittels einer ''Region-of-interest-Analyse'' koennen Werte fuer den regionalen zerebralen Blutfluss und das regionale Blutvolumen berechnet werden. Dieser Uebersichtsartikel beschreibt die physikalischen Grundlagen der Technik und fasst deren radiologische Anwendungen fuer die Neuroonkologie zusammen. Studien an relativ kleinen Patientenkollektiven berichten ueber eine Verbesserung der Differenzierung von Tumorrezidiv und Therapiekomplikationen, wie etwa der Strahlennekrose. Die Methode verhilft zur besseren Unterscheidung zwischen neoplastischen und nichtneoplastischen ZNS-Prozessen sowie zwischen ZNS-Lymphomen, Glioblastomen und singulaeren Metastasen und der Abgrenzung niedergradiger von anaplastischen Gliomen. Bei niedergradigen Gliomen kann die T2*-Dynamik den am staerksten vaskularisierten Tumoranteil mit der hoechsten Anaplastizitaet zur zielgerichteten Biopsie visualisieren. Die ersten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die T2*-Dynamik ein diagnostisches Instrument zur Visualisierung regionaler Variationen der Mikrovaskularitaet in gesundem und krankhaft veraendertem Hirngewebe ist. (orig.)Original Title
Perfusionsmessung mit der T2*-Kontrastmitteldynamik in der Neuroonkologie. Physikalische Grundlagen und klinische Anwendungen
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[en] Besides MS there are a lot of diseases with lesions of the white matter, especially vascular diseases. In quest of a specific pattern in MRI of MS especially in early diagnosis the corpus callosum in patients with MS and in other diseases was analyzed. The progressive atrophy of the corpus callosum in the course of multiple sclerosis is well known. A good correlation between atrophy of the corpus callosum in T1 weighted MRI and the severity of organic mental disorder has been demonstrated. Since Atrophy however is an unspecific sign while demyelinating lesions are much more specific for MS, a brain region in which vascular lesions are rare but demyelinating lesions are more frequent, has been studied. (author). 10 refs.; 2 figs.; 1 tab
Primary Subject
Wiethoelter, Horst; Dichgans, Johannes (University of Tuebingen (Germany). Neurological Clinic); Mertin, Juergen (Allensbach (Germany)) (eds.); International Congress Series; no. 960; 404 p; ISBN 0 444 81416 7; ; 1991; p. 31-36; Excerpta Medica; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 6. Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS); Tuebingen (Germany, F.R.); 11-13 Oct 1990
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Polman, C.H.; UitdeHaag, B.M.J.; Koetsier, C.J.; Valk, J.; Lucas, C.J.
Recent advances in multiple sclerosis therapy1989
Recent advances in multiple sclerosis therapy1989
[en] Magnetic resonance imaging (MR) examinations were performed in a series of 7 twin sets (4 monozygotic and 3 dizygotic) and one triplet set who were clinically discordant for multiple sclerosis (MS). MRI abnormalities were detected in a number of the unaffected members of the nonzygotic twin pairs. The authors discuss the possible implications of their findings for the present view on the aetiology of MS. (author). 3 refs.; 1 fig.; 1 tab
Primary Subject
Gonsette, R.E.; Delmotte, P. (Belgian National Center for Multiple Sclerosis, Melsbroek (Belgium)) (eds.); International Congress Series; no. 863; 431 p; ISBN 0 444 81111 7; ; 1989; p. 259-262; Excerpta medica; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 5. Congress of the European committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis (ECTRIMS); Brussels (Belgium); 16-18 Mar 1989
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Kappos, Ludwig; Max-Planck-Society, Wuerzburg; Gold, Ralf; Grimminger, Volker; Kuenstler, Elisabeth; Hofmann, Erich; Keil, Wolfgang; Radu, E.W.
Current concepts in multiple sclerosis1991
Current concepts in multiple sclerosis1991
[en] In the first part of this contribution the authors report on the follow-up of patients, who at first presentation had both enhancing and non-enhancing MRI-lesions. The second part is confined to the use of MRI in monitoring disease evolution in controlled and pilot trials. (author). 9 refs.; 1 fig
Primary Subject
Wiethoelter, Horst; Dichgans, Johannes (University of Tuebingen (Germany). Neurological Clinic); Mertin, Juergen (Allensbach (Germany)) (eds.); International Congress Series; no. 960; 404 p; ISBN 0 444 81416 7; ; 1991; p. 23-28; Excerpta Medica; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 6. Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS); Tuebingen (Germany, F.R.); 11-13 Oct 1990
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Lavin, Martin F.; Concannon, Patrick; Gatti, Richard A.
University of California, Los Angeles, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)1999
University of California, Los Angeles, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)1999
No abstract available
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1 Aug 1999; [vp.]; FG03-99ER62760; Available from Center for the Health Sciences, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UCLA Medical Center, Box 951732, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1732
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[en] Hypertrophy of the optic nerves and optic chiasm is described in a 5-month-old boy with infantile Krabbe disease. Optic nerve and optic chiasm hypertrophy is a rarely described feature of Krabbe disease. The areas of the prechiasmatic optic nerves and optic chiasm were measured and compared with those of 26 age-matched controls. The areas of the prechiasmatic optic nerves and optic chiasm were 132% and 53% greater than normal, respectively. (orig.)
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Gheuens, J.; Van de Vyver, F.L.; Truyen, L.; Parizel, P.M.; Degryse, H.R.; Peersman, G.V.; De Schepper, A.M.; Martin, J.-J.
Recent advances in multiple sclerosis therapy1989
Recent advances in multiple sclerosis therapy1989
[en] Two different MR-procedures for evaluation of MS have been compared. It was found that an extensive and standardized MR-protocol that included parasagittal with intermediate TR as well as axial images with long TR, offered improved sensitivity, better evaluation of the intracranial infratentorial compartment and the cervical part of the spinal cord, and better correlation between clinical disability and MR results. Preliminary results of serial MR in a small group of MS patients are also reported. (author). 6 refs.; 2 figs.; 2 tabs
Primary Subject
Gonsette, R.E.; Delmotte, P. (Belgian National Center for Multiple Sclerosis, Melsbroek (Belgium)) (eds.); International Congress Series; no. 863; 431 p; ISBN 0 444 81111 7; ; 1989; p. 47-50; Excerpta medica; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 5. Congress of the European committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis (ECTRIMS); Brussels (Belgium); 16-18 Mar 1989
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Martinelli, V.; Comi, G.; Filippi, M.; Sora, M.G.N.; Magnani, G.; Locatelli, T.; Visciani, A.; Scotti, G.; Canal, N.
Recent advances in multiple sclerosis therapy1989
Recent advances in multiple sclerosis therapy1989
[en] The Gradient Refocusing Technique, which seppresses the influence of cerebrospinal fluis (GSF) and vascular motion artifact on MRI sensitivity, is applied combined with Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEPs) and median Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEPs) in the evaluation of the brainstem in 30 MS patients with clinical signs of involvement of this structure in order to reevaluate the sensitivity of these techniques. (Author). 2 refs.; 1 tab
Primary Subject
Gonsette, R.E.; Delmotte, P. (Belgian National Center for Multiple Sclerosis, Melsbroek (Belgium)) (eds.); International Congress Series; no. 863; 431 p; ISBN 0 444 81111 7; ; 1989; p. 373-375; Excerpta medica; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 5. Congress of the European committee for treatment and research in multiple sclerosis (ECTRIMS); Brussels (Belgium); 16-18 Mar 1989
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No abstract available
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Idiopathische hypertrophe Pachymeningitis
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RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 1438-9029; ; CODEN RFGNDO; v. 182(11); p. 1013-1015
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[en] Patients with primary progressive MS demonstrate differences in the pattern and extent of MRI abnormality and in the dynamics compared to those with secondary progressive MS. (H.W). 16 refs.; 3 figs
Primary Subject
Wiethoelter, Horst; Dichgans, Johannes (University of Tuebingen (Germany). Neurological Clinic); Mertin, Juergen (Allensbach (Germany)) (eds.); International Congress Series; no. 960; 404 p; ISBN 0 444 81416 7; ; 1991; p. 43-46; Excerpta Medica; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 6. Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS); Tuebingen (Germany, F.R.); 11-13 Oct 1990
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