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Cowie, I.D.; Finlayson, C.M.
Office of the Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region, Sydney (Australia)1986
Office of the Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region, Sydney (Australia)1986
[en] Published and unpublished lists of plants of the Alligator Rivers Region have been combined into a single, up-to-date check-list. The list has been designed to replace fragmented, regional listings with a single document suitable for use by both professional and amateur botanists. The list is ordered in the taxonomic sequence adopted for the Flora of Australia and includes 1346 species from 165 families. These are 1275 native and 71 alien species listed. Separate lists of rare species are given and discussed
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Secondary Subject
Technical Memorandum; no. 17; Aug 1986; 54 p; Australian Government Publishing Service; Canberra (Australia); ISBN 0 644 01350 8; ; ISSN 0810-9532; ; Cat. No. 85 6532 0.
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[en] The Litchfield province is herein defined as the westernmost outcropping unit of the Pine Creek Geosyncline extending from the Giant's Reef Fault at about longitude 130050'E westerly to the edge of the Bonaparte Gulf basin. The northern half of the province has been remapped using company drillhole data and a Bureau of Mineral Resources air magnetic-radiometric survey. Five areas have been found to be entirely granitoid, garnetiferous and gneissic in part, with composition in the range adamellite to granodiorite. A single Rb/Sr age of about 1800 m.y. has been published. The granitoid margins are migmatised and transitional into large areas of metasediments, varying in metamorphic grade from greenschist (fine grained chloritic graphitic schist) to upper amphibolite/granulite grade (course grained quartz - feldspar gneiss). The regional strike is northerly to northwesterly, and these metasediments are thought to merge into the Burrell Creek Formation beyond the border of the province. Two periods of metamorphism affected the Litchfield province metasediments, but only one phase can be detected in the granitoids, thus these are assumed to be younger, probably formed during the 1800 m.y. orogenesis known elsewhere in the Geosyncline. Minor areas of unmetamorphosed gabbro, dolerite and quartz-diorite occur, probably of Middle Proterozoic age. Cover rocks include quartz sandstones of the Middle Proterozoic Moyle River Formation and Depot Creek Sandstone, and Cambro-Ordovician sandstones of the Daly River Basin. The formation boundaries in the Litchfield province are not particularly confused or complicated, nor are the igneous lithologies particularly diverse. There is no evidence for an Archaean age for the part of the Litchfield province north of the Daly River, and it is thus proposed that the term 'Litchfield Complex' should be abandoned. (author)
Primary Subject
Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Canberra (Australia); Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Canberra (Australia); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; p. 299-306; ISBN 92-0-140080-2; ; 1980; p. 299-306; IAEA; Vienna; International uranium symposium on the Pine Creek Geosyncline; Sydney, Australia; 4 - 8 Jun 1979
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[en] New stratigraphic names and correlations are given for parts of the Early Proterozoic Pine Creek Geosyncline metasedimentary sequence and overlying felsic volcanics of the Darwin-Katherine region. They have significant implications for the stratigraphic distribution of uranium mineralisation in the Rum Jungle, Alligator Rivers and South Alligator Valley uranium fields
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics; ISSN 0312-9608; ; v. 9(3); p. 233-238
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[en] Pancontinental Mining Ltd. has been granted approval to proceed with the development of the Jabiluka deposit after years of delays. Production is planned to commence in 1986 in spite of the depressed uranium market
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
ERT, Energy News J; ISSN 0706-439X; ; v. 4(3); p. 5
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Uranium deposits of Alligator River in Australia and of North Saskatchewan are compared. Common points are stratigraphic position, regional metamorphism, associated tectonic structure and importance of hydrothermalism
La comparaison des gisements intra-socle australiens de la Province d'Alligator River et canadiens du Nord Saskatchewan fait apparaitre plusieurs points communs concernant: la position stratigraphique des gisements, leur situation dans le contexte metamorphique regional, le type de structure tectonique auquel ils sont associes et enfin l'importance de l'hydrothermalisme qui les affecteOriginal Title
Controles tectoniques des gisements lies aux discordances proterozoiques
Primary Subject
Pagel, M. (ed.); Centre de Recherches sur la Geologie de l'Uranium (CREGU), 54 - Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France); Geol. Geochim. Uranium; No. 1; 380 p; ISBN 2-86783-000-1; ; Jun 1983; p. 275-285; Seminar on uranium deposits spatially related to discordance; Nancy-Brabois (France); 26-28 Oct 1982
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[en] The Australian Government has given approval for the 600 million dollar Jabiluka uranium mining project in the Northern Territory to proceed. This follows the conclusion of an agreement between the developers and the Northern Land Council. Work on the mine is scheduled to begin in mid 1983
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Energy (Sydney); ISSN 0159-8368; ; v. 10(8); p. 9-10
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[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Oholo Conference Series, Oholo (Israel); 41 p; Apr 1993; p. 14; 1. IGAC scientific conference: International global atmospheric-biospheric chemistry; Eilat (Israel); 18-22 Apr 1993; 37. Oholo Conference Series; Eilat (Israel); 18-22 Apr 1993
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[en] Field measurements were made of radon emanation rates from waste rock sources at Ranger, Nabarlek and Rum Jungle, three Northern Territory uranium mine sites. The preliminary mean emanation rate was approximately 50 Bq m-2s-2 per percent ore grade
Primary Subject
Keam, D.W. (ed.); Australian Radiation Lab., Melbourne; 155 p; Jan 1983; p. 1-2
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] Ranger Uranium Mine operates under an Authorisation issued by the Northern Territory Government. In addition, the site is regulated by a set of Environmental Requirements attached to the uranium export permit issued by the Australian Government Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism. A Heap Leach facility proposed for the site could result in a third approval being issued, in accordance with the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Finding the correct balance to regulate the mine in light of these approvals will be a challenge for the range of stakeholders involved in regulation and oversight of this operation. (author)
Primary Subject
Lam, E.K. (Cameco, Port Hope, Ontario (Canada)); Rowson, J.W. (AREVA Resources, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada)); Ozberk, E. (Cameco, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada)) (eds.); The Canadian Inst. of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Westmount, Quebec (Canada); 2 v; ISBN 1-894475-97-6; ; 2010; (v.2) p. 617-624; Uranium 2010 The Future is U: 3. International Conference on Uranium; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada); 15-18 Aug 2010; 40. Annual Hydrometallurgy Meeting; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada); 15-18 Aug 2010; Available from The Canadian Inst. of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Westmount, Quebec (Canada); 5 refs., 2 tabs., 4 figs.
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James, C.D.; Morton, S.R.; Braithwaite, R.W.; Wombey, J.C.
Office of the Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region, Sydney (Australia)1984
Office of the Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region, Sydney (Australia)1984
[en] A broad survey of the diets of 46 species of terrestrial and arboreal lizards from the families Gekkonidae, Pygopodidae, Agamidae and Scincidae was carried out in the Alligator Rivers Region, and the diets of three of the species were examined in detail by monthly sampling near the Ranger uranium mine. The study shows that, in the event of contamination of the waterbodies, only two species of lizards face any risk of contamination through their food
Primary Subject
Jul 1984; 15 p
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