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[en] This paper describes the system governing liability for nuclear incidents in Poland. The Atomic Energy Act of 10 April 1986, which entered into force on 1 July 1986, covers all aspects of nuclear activities, including third party liability. Such liability is channelled onto the nuclear operator who must take out insurance to cover his liability up to an amount fixed in the contract. The Act provides that questions not settled by its provisions are governed by the Civil Code; therefore, if personal injuries exceed that amount victims may claim the difference from the State under that Code (NEA)
Cette communication decrit le regime applicable a la responsabilite civile pour les accidents nucleaires en Pologne. La loi sur l'energie atomique du 10 avril 1966, qui est entree en vigueur le 1er juillet 1986 regit tous les aspects des activites nucleaires, y compris la responsabilite civile. Cette responsabilite est canalisee sur l'exploitant, qui doit la couvrir par une assurance; son montant est fixe dans le contrat. D'autre part la loi prevoit que les questions qui ne sont pas reglees par ses dispositions relevent du Code Civil. Par consequent, en cas de dommage physique qui depasse ce montant, la victime peut demander a l'Etat de combler la difference en vertu du CodeOriginal Title
La responsabilite civile nucleaire en droit polonais
Primary Subject
International Nuclear Law Association (INLA), Brussels (Belgium); 618 p; 1988; p. II-92-II-98; F. Vandenabeele; Brussels (Belgium); Nuclear Inter Jura'87; Antwerp (Belgium); 20-24 Sep 1987; F. Vandenabeele, President of INLA and Belgian Section, Brussels (BE)
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[en] The adoption of the Joint-Protocol and its signature on 21 September 1988, at the closure of the diplomatic conference jointly convened in Vienna by the IAEA and NEA, was hailed as a landmark in efforts towards the establishment of a comprehensive civil nuclear liability regime. The importance of liability and compensation for transfrontier damage caused by a nuclear incident is indeed one of the lessons learned from the Chernobyl accident. This article describes the history of the Joint Protocol during the many years it took to develop this link between the two Conventions, provides a comment on its objectives and content, and discusses some important questions related to its application. (NEA)
L'adoption du Protocole commun et sa signature, le 21 septembre 1988, a l'issue de la conference diplomatique organisee conjointement a Vienne par l'AIEA et l'AEN, a ete saluee comme une etape marquante dans la voie de l'instauration d'un regime universel de responsabilite civile dans le domaine nucleaire. L'importance de la responsabilite et de l'indemnisation des dommages transfrontieres causes par un accident nucleaire constitue assurement l'un des enseignements tires de l'accident de Tchernobyl. Dans cet article, l'auteur retrace la genese du Protocole commun au cours des nombreuses annees qu'a demande l'etablissement de ce lien entre les deux Conventions, formule des observations sur ses objectifs et sa teneur et examine quelques importantes questions liees a son applicationPrimary Subject
Also published in French.
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Journal Article
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[en] This Decree provides for the publication in the Official Gazette of the French Republic of the Brussels Convention, Supplementary to the Paris Convention. (NEA)
Le present Decret porte publication dans le Journal Officiel de la Republique francaise de la Convention de Bruxelles, complementaire a la Convention de ParisOriginal Title
Decret no 75-196 du 18 mars 1975 portant publication de la convention complementaire a la convention de Paris du 29 juillet 1960 sur la responsabilite civile dans le domaine de l'energie nucleaire (ensemble une annexe), faite a Bruxelles le 31 janvier 1963, et du protocole additionnel a la convention du 31 janvier 1963 complementaire a la convention de Paris du 29 juillet 1960 sur la responsabilite civile dans le domaine de l'energie nucleaire, fait a Paris le 28 janvier 1964
Primary Subject
27 Mar 1975; 2 p; Published in the French Official Gazette.
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Legislative Material
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[en] Recent development is described in the field of the international regime of liability for nuclear damage, involvement of the Czech Republic in the regime, and situation in the preparation of Czech legislation complying with international liability requirements. Full texts of the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, the Brussels Supplementary Protocol, and the Paris Convention are reproduced. As ratified by the Czech Parliament, the Czech Republic acceded to the Vienna Convention and the Brussels Protocol as of 24 June 1994. Since there are no specific laws dealing with liability for nuclear damage in the Czech legislation, general legal provisions must be applied until the Atomic Bill is passed. The need for upgrading the international liability regime is discussed, suggestions for revision of the documents are put forth, and procedures for their adoption or rejection are specified. (J.B.)
Original Title
Mezinarodni rezim odpovednosti za jaderne skody - posledni vyvoj a problemy
Primary Subject
English translation available from Nuclear Information Center, 156 16 Prague-Zbraslav, Czech Republic, at USD 10.- per typewritten page.
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Gnam, P.A.
International Nuclear Law Association (INLA), Brussels (Belgium)1983
International Nuclear Law Association (INLA), Brussels (Belgium)1983
[en] Following a review of the legal principles governing nuclear third party liability which are applied in most countries, this paper discusses certain reforms to this regime which have already been applied or are being studied in certain countries - namely the fixing of an unlimited amount of liability for nuclear damage. (NEA)
Faisant suite a un examen des principes juridiques qui regissent la responsabilite civile nucleaire et qui sont appliques dans la plupart des pays, cet expose evoque certaines reformes a ce regime qui sont deja en vigueur ou a l'etude a l'heure actuelle dans certains pays; il s'agit notamment de la fixation d'un montant de responsabilite illimite pour des dommages nucleairesPrimary Subject
1983; 22 p; Nuclear Inter Jura '83; San Francisco, CA (USA); 11-15 Sep 1983
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[en] This decree brings into force the Nuclear Liability Act of 1972 as of 16th June 1972 except for the provisions of Sections 30 to 32 which deal with compensation in the framework of the Brussels Supplementary Convention. (NEA)
Ce decret concerne l'entree en vigueur de la Loi sur la responsabilite civile du 8 juin 1972 a partir du 16 juin 1972 excepte les dispositions des articles 30 a 32 qui ont trait a la reparation dans le cadre de la Convention complementaire de BruxellesOriginal Title
Asetus atomivastuulain soveltamisesta (No 486/72)
Primary Subject
16 Jun 1972; 1 p
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Legislative Material
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[en] Since its establishment in September 2003, the International Expert Group on Nuclear Liability (INLEX) has played an important role in raising awareness and understanding of the nuclear liability instruments adopted under the IAEA’s auspices. Over the course of the past two decades, the group has advised on many issues related to nuclear liability and reached conclusions and made recommendations on possible gaps and ambiguities in the scope and coverage of the existing instruments. To mark this 20th anniversary, this publication includes papers on several nuclear liability topics and the work of INLEX, contributed by some of the group's current members. The aim of this publication is to increase awareness of the role of INLEX, as well as nuclear liability as an important aspect of nuclear law. The publication is intended for nuclear law professionals, academics and practitioners as well as policy makers.
Primary Subject
May 2024; 126 p; IAEA; Vienna (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)); STI/PUB--2086; ISBN 978-92-0-114924-4; ; Also available on-line:; Enquiries should be addressed to IAEA, Marketing and Sales Unit, Publishing Section, E-mail:; Web site:; 16 refs., figs., tabs.
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[en] Following accession of Finland on 14 January 1977 to the Brussels Convention Supplementary to the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, the present Decree declared that Sections 30 to 32 of the Nuclear Liability Act of 8 June 1972 would come into force on 14 April 1977, which is the date of entry into force for Finland of the Brussels Supplementary Convention. Furthermore, another Decree of 28 January 1977 also implemented an Act of 7 January 1977 amending Section 30 of the Nuclear Liability Act, in application of the Brussels Supplementary Convention, to the effect that individuals having their habitual residence in Finland are assimilated to Finnish nationals. (NEA)
A la suite de l'adhesion de la Finlande a la Convention Complementaire de Bruxelles survenue le 14 janvier 1977 le present Decret a prononce l'entree en vigueur des Articles 30 a 32 de la Loi du 8 juin 1972 sur la responsabilite civile nucleaire, a la date du 14 avril 1977; cette date correspond a l'entree en vigueur pour la Finlande de la Convention Complementaire de Bruxelles. En outre, un autre Decret date egalement du 28 janvier 1977 a ete publie afin de mettre en application une Loi du 7 janvier 1977 ayant pour objet de modifier l'Article 30 de la Loi sur la responsabilite civile nucleaire; cet Article relatif a l'application de la Convention Complementaire de Bruxelles, a ete modifie de facon a ce que les personnes ayant leur residence habituelle en Finlande soient assimilees a des ressortissants finlandaisOriginal Title
Asetus atominvastuulain 30-32 S:n soveltamisesta, 28 paeivaenae tammikuuta 1977
Primary Subject
1977; 3 p; Also available Act amending Section 30 of the Nuclear Liability Act. Translations in English and French of the Nuclear Liability Act as amended have been published in the supplement to Nuclear Law Bulletin No.19.
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Legislative Material
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Schattke, H.
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
[en] The author proposes the creation of a system of distribution for limited indemnification amounts before the occurrence of a nuclear incident. The offered concept contains basic substantive procedural elements: two-thirds of the liability sum or coverage amount should be reserved for compensation of personal injuries. Damage claims of the nuclear economy would only be compensated with lower priority. The procedure for distribution should be concentrated on an official authority, commission or court. This authority should be allowed to issue a provisional prohibition of payment or stay of execution. At the same time, anticipated payments should be possible. (NEA)
L'auteur propose la creation d'un systeme de repartition des montants limites d'indemnisation avant que ne survienne un accident nucleaire. L'idee avancee repose sur des bases conceptuelles et comporte des elements de procedure: deux tiers du montant de responsabilite (ou de couverture financiere) devraient etre reserves a la reparation des dommages aux personnes. Les dommages aux biens relevant de l'economie nucleaire ne seraient indemnises qu'avec un ordre inferieur de priorite. La procedure de repartition devrait relever d'un organisme officiel, commission ou juridiction. Cette autorite serait habilitee a decreter une interdiction provisoire des paiements ou une suspension de leur execution. Cependant, des paiements anticipes devraient etre possiblesPrimary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 97-140; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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Sladonja, B.
Proceedings of the International conference: Nuclear option in countries with small and medium electricity grids2000
Proceedings of the International conference: Nuclear option in countries with small and medium electricity grids2000
[en] After we have learned about the current discussions concerning the Paris Convention revision exercise and the open matters relating to the liability limits and insurance for nuclear damages, prescription period, definition of nuclear damage etc. and different approaches in some PCC in adopting their legislation as well as about the adoption of the Protocol to Amend the Vienna Convention and Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage, within the Vienna Convention countries, during the obtained Session 9 of this Conference we will focus our attention on the matters which has been discovered from the moment when the reports has been written till the date of this Conference
Primary Subject
Croatian Nuclear Society, Zagreb (Croatia); 780 p; ISBN 953-96132-6-4; ; 2000; p. 771; International conference: Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids; Dubrovnik (Croatia); 19-22 Jun 2000
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