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Hill, M.R.
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA)1977
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA)1977
[en] A bibliography of the scientific information originating in the Metals and Ceramics Division of ORNL during the period 1970 through 1974 is presented. The master listing contains 925 references, for which both subject and author indexes are provided
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jul 1977; 74 p; Available from NTIS., PC A09/MF A01
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Thiele, B. A.
Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Jülich (Germany)1979
Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Jülich (Germany)1979
[en] Automatic translation: Based on the personal experience of a two-year stay at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the organisational form, the management system and its effects on the operational process are described.
Aus der persönlichen Erfahrung eines zweijährigen Aufenthalts beim Oak Ridge National Laboratory wird die dortige Organisationsform, das Management System und seine Auswirkungen auf den Betriebsablauf beschrieben.Original Title
Das Union Carbide Management System wie es sich im Oak Ridge National Laboratorium auswirkt
Primary Subject
Apr 1979; 41 p; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); Document from Juelich Preservation Project; Refs., tabs., figs.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Krause, C.; Zucker, A.; Corrill, L.
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA)1987
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA)1987
[en] After a brief statement on the 1986 state of the laboratory, science highlights in collaborative research are presented: an attempt to recreate the first moments of the Big Bang, surface modification techniques in electronics, assessing home radon levels in five states, managing international integrated forest study, US-Japan joint breeder reprocessing project, optical components for SDI, evaluating the Chernobyl reactor accident, fusion superconducting magnet and fueling, scanning tunneling microscope, laser-processed solar cells, explosive trace detector, parallel computer processing algorithms, risk of fertilized egg to teratogens, trees for biomass energy, toxic waste leaching test, corn fermentation, and electricity distribution automation at Athens, TN. Milestones, other programs, the HFIR situation, book publications, and news are finally given
Primary Subject
1987; 44 p; Available from NTIS, PC A03/MF A01; 1 as DE88002137; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Hudson, E.D.; Lord, R.S.; Mallory, M.L.; Stelson, P.H.
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA)
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA)
No abstract available
Primary Subject
nd; 9 p; 6. international cyclotron conference; Vancouver, B. C; 18 Jul 1972
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Jenness, R.G.; Wicker, C.D.
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA)1975
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA)1975
[en] The volume of master-slave manipulator maintenance at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has necessitated the establishment of a repair facility and the organization of a specially trained group of craftsmen. Emphasis on cell containment requires the use of manipulator boots and the development of precise procedures for accomplishing the maintenance of 283 installed units. To provide the most economical type of preventive maintenance, a very satisfactory computer-programmed maintenance system has been established at the Laboratory. (auth)
Primary Subject
1975; 9 p; National bureau of standards workshop; Annapolis, Maryland, USA; 23 Oct 1975
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This 2-page fact sheet gives statistics on routine waste generation and projected reduction by waste type, and 1994 pollution prevention and recycling accomplishments at ORNL
Primary Subject
Sep 1996; 2 p; Also available from OSTI as DE97001493; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kerr, G.D.; Jones, T.D.; Cheka, J.S.; Dickson, H.W.; Fox, W.F.; Lupica, S.B.; Willhoit, D.G.; Shonka, J.J.; Chu, S.L.
Health Physics Division annual progress report for period ending July 31, 19731973
Health Physics Division annual progress report for period ending July 31, 19731973
No abstract available
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA); p. 1-18; Sep 1973
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Thorngate, J.H.; Auxier, J.A.; Kerr, G.D.; Perdue, P.T.; Abd-El Razek, M.M.
Health Physics Division annual progress report for period ending July 31, 19721972
Health Physics Division annual progress report for period ending July 31, 19721972
No abstract available
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA); p. 82-85; Sep 1972
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Burwell, C.C.; Lyon, B.K.
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA)1973
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA)1973
No abstract available
Primary Subject
26 Jul 1973; 34 p
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Weisser, D.
8th A.I.N.S.E. nuclear physics conference, 4th - 6th February 1980, held at the Australian National University, Canberra1980
8th A.I.N.S.E. nuclear physics conference, 4th - 6th February 1980, held at the Australian National University, Canberra1980
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Australian Inst. of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Lucas Heights; 80 p; 1980; p. 19; 8. A.I.N.S.E. nuclear physics conference; Canberra, Australia; 4 - 6 Feb 1980; Abstract only.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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