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Anglaret, Gilbert; Audibert, Alain; Wolff, Rene.
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1981
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1981
[en] This invention concerns a device capable of holding a straight piece of piping on a resistant structure by taking up the radial stresses applied to the piping by allowing slight axial movements due to dilatation. It forms part of a combined system for supporting radial outlets of steam pipes used in a nuclear power station
L'invention se rapporte a un dispositif capable de maintenir un element droit de tuyauterie sur une structure resistante en reprenant les efforts radiaux appliques a la tuyauterie en autorisant de faibles deplacements axiaux dus a la dilatation. Il fait partie d'un systeme combine de supportage de sorties radiales de tuyauterie vapeur utilise dans une centrale nucleaireOriginal Title
Dispositif de maintien d'une tuyauterie
Primary Subject
26 Jun 1981; 12 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2472129/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] Special construction of a interconnection between two caverns of a pressure vessel due to approbiate shaping of back-up rings at the ends of the interconnection pipe together with cooling of this pipe, the thermally caused forces are compensated partly, resulting in a small additional stress of the dampproof membrane. (J.K.)
Original Title
Druckbehaelter fuer Atomkernreaktoren
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
15 Mar 1981; 6 p; AT PATENT DOCUMENT 364425/B/; Available at the Oesterreichisches Patentamt, Kohlmarkt 8-10, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
1971; 8 p; Manufacturers Standardization Society; Arlington, VA; ICONS--00194
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The marking system described applies to valves, fittings, flanges and unions used in piping connections which include flanged, soldered, brazed, threaded or welded joints. These specified markings serve to identify the manufacturer, rating designation, materials of construction, and special service limitations imposed by the manufacturer
Primary Subject
1979; v p; Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry; Arlington, VA (USA); MSS-SP--25-1978
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A closing valve is described designed for use in large diameter pipes for the transport of dangerous and harmful media in nuclear power facilities. The valve assembly consists of a leak-proof cover, a double-side spindle closure and two parallel seats placed in the through-flow axis of the valve body. The design of the valve spindle closure allows closing pipe mains of large diameter at high operating pressures without the danger of disturbing the tightness of the valve. (J.B.)
Original Title
Uzaviraci armatura, zejmena do potrubi velkych prumeru
Primary Subject
15 Oct 1976; 4 p; CS PATENT DOCUMENT 165425/B/; Available from Ustredni knihovna patentove literatury, Prague, Czechoslovakia
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
1970; 7 p; Manufacturers Standardization Society; Arlington, VA; ICONS--01804
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Gasket-holder comprising 2 arms with tongues holding the gasket and fixing devices on a pipe clamp fitting and centering means. Application is made to fit circular gaskets on pipe with conic end in adverse environment
Porte-joint comprenant deux pattes munies de languettes enserrant un joint. Il est egalement pourvu de moyens de fixation sur un collier de serrage de tuyauterie et de moyens de centrage sur les demi-colliers. Application au placement de joints circulaires dans des conduites a embouts coniques en milieu hostileOriginal Title
Porte-joint utilisable pour placer des joints a des raccordements de tuyaux a collier de serrage
Primary Subject
8 Sep 1989; 4 Mar 1988; 9 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2628172/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8802785; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 4 Mar 1988
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Uecker, D.F.
Combustion Engineering, Inc., New York (USA)1974
Combustion Engineering, Inc., New York (USA)1974
[en] The valve possesses a conical chamber containing a ball, and a magnet is placed outside the chamber to attract the ball upwards and close the opening at the top of the chamber. When a probe is introduced it pushes the ball downwards and sideways towards the outside so that it can descend through the chamber. This system can be used for the closing of tubes, dry wells or containers when a detection probe is withdrawn, in a nuclear reactor vessel for example
Le clapet comporte une chambre conique contenant une bille et un aimant a l'exterieur de la chambre pour attirer la bille vers le haut et fermer l'ouverture menagee au sommet de la chambre. L'introduction d'une sonde a pour effet de pousser la bille vers le bas et lateralement vers l'exterieur de maniere qu'elle puisse descendre a travers la chambre. Ceci est applicable a la fermeture de tubes, puits secs ou godets lors du retrait d'une sonde de detection, par exemple dans une enceinte de reacteur nucleaireOriginal Title
Clapet anti-retour magnetique; nuclear reactor tubes
Primary Subject
17 May 1974; 7 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2229906/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); priority claim: 18 May 1973, USA.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Monboeuf, Robert; Sumian, Claude; Dudek, Gilbert.
Societe Generale de Mecano-Soudure, 92 - Suresnes (France)1982
Societe Generale de Mecano-Soudure, 92 - Suresnes (France)1982
[en] This inventions relates to a sealing device between two tubes for allowing, inter alia, a leak-tight passage of a tube through an opening of larger diameter formed in a wall. This device includes a soft and leak-tight envelope, the ends of which are affixed to each of the tubes by collars. This envelope has at least two superposed layers each formed by not less than one helically-wound strip in close wound turns and offset with respect to the strip forming the adjoining layer, the sides facing the strips each forming layers having complementary profiles which fit in to each other and ensure, with the help of a binder coated between these sides, that the envelope is leak-tight
La presente invention se rapporte a un dispositif d'etancheite entre deux tubes permettant notamment d'assurer le passage etanche d'un tube a travers une ouverture de plus grand diametre formee dans une paroi. Ce dispositif comprend une enveloppe souple et etanche dont les extremites sont fixees sur chacun des tubes par des colliers, ladite enveloppe comportant au moins deux nappes superposees constituees chacune par au moins une bande enroulee en helice a spires jointives et decalee par rapport a la bande constituant la nappe voisine, les faces en regard des bandes constituant chacune des nappes presentant des profils complementaires qui s'emboitent l'un dans l'autre et assurent, avec l'aide d'un liant place entre lesdites faces, l'etancheite de l'enveloppeOriginal Title
Dispositif d'etancheite entre deux tubes et son procede de fabrication
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
21 May 1982; 17 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2494391/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The aim of this invention is to build an improved heat exchanger with return bend tubes. Under the invention, a tube with a return bend is provided that defines the flow path of a running fluid in heat exchange relation with another fluid taking a path on which the return bend tube is placed, so that one of the branches of the return bend tube has a greater temperature than the other. The tube is fitted and supported so that the stresses of its return bend are no greater than they would be were the heat exchanger entirely at ambient temperature
La presente invention a pour but de realiser un echangeur de chaleur perfectionne comportant des tubes a coude de retour. Selon l'invention, il est prevu un tube a coude de retour qui definit un trajet d'ecoulement qu'un fluide parcourt en relation d'echange de chaleur avec un autre fluide parcourant un trajet sur lequel le tube a coude de retour est interpose, de sorte qu'une des branches du tube a coude de retour est a plus haute temperature que l'autre. Le tube est agence et soutenu de facon que les efforts subis par son coude de retour ne soient pas plus grands qu'ils le seraient si l'echangeur de chaleur etait entierement a temperature ambianteOriginal Title
Perfectionnements aux echangeurs de chaleur a tubes en U
Primary Subject
8 Aug 1977; 6 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2360864/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Priority claim: 6 Aug 1976, UK.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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