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Alexandre, Jean-Charles
Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Montpellier, 240 Avenue du Professeur Emile Jeanbrau, 34090 Montpellier (France); Institut de Chimie Separative de Marcoule, Centre de Marcoule, 30207 Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France); CEA, DAM-DASE (France)2018
Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Montpellier, 240 Avenue du Professeur Emile Jeanbrau, 34090 Montpellier (France); Institut de Chimie Separative de Marcoule, Centre de Marcoule, 30207 Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France); CEA, DAM-DASE (France)2018
[en] In the field of environmental control, the behavior of plutonium in various media and particularly in surface waters is relevant taking into account its radiotoxicity. Carbonate ions widely present in these media mainly complex pentavalent plutonium. In this field, CE-ICP-MS coupling, which was already used for actinides speciation, has been considered for the determination of thermodynamic constants associated to plutonium carbonate complexes. The study developed on plutonium (VI) allowed determining the stability constants at 25 C. From these values, the specific interaction coefficients based on the values recommended by the NEA have been reevaluated. The speciation diagram of Pu(VI) in aqueous carbonate solution has been established and shows the complexation of the plutonyl form by carbonates complex beyond pH=3. The works realized on the complexation of actinides (V) (Np and Pu) by carbonate ions at different temperatures allowed determining both the stability constants and the molar enthalpies and entropies of reaction. Experimentally, the analogy between neptunium and plutonium has been observed and allowed the determination of values which are more precise and consistent with those of the literature. For a better understanding of the plutonium behavior in surface waters, the determination of enthalpies and entropies has been necessary. The speciation diagrams established from these values show a near similarity in the chemical distribution of plutonium species without any further consideration of the analyzed surface water location. (author)
Dans le cadre de la surveillance environnementale, le devenir du plutonium au sein des differents milieux et en particulier au sein des eaux de surface est important notamment en raison de sa radiotoxicite. Dans ces milieux, la forme pentavalente du plutonium est predominante et est fortement complexee par les carbonates. Le couplage EC-ICP-MS, technique ayant deja ete eprouvee pour la speciation des actinides, a ete retenu pour determiner les constantes thermodynamiques associees a la formation de ces complexes. L'etude menee sur le plutonium (VI) a permis d'obtenir des constantes de stabilite a 25 C. A partir de ces valeurs, les coefficients d'interaction specifique ont ete re-evalues par rapport a celles reportees par l'AEN. Le diagramme de speciation en solution du Pu(VI) en presence d'ions carbonate a ete etabli. Il suggere la complexation de la forme plutonyle par les ions carbonate des pH=3. Les travaux realises sur les actinides (V) (Np et Pu) ont permis de determiner a la fois les constantes de stabilite des complexes carbonates puis les enthalpies et entropies molaires de reaction a partir de l'etude menee en temperature. Experimentalement, l'analogie entre le neptunium et le plutonium a ete confirmee. Afin de mieux comprendre le comportement du plutonium au sein d'eaux de surface, la determination des enthalpies et entropies a ete necessaire. Les diagrammes de speciation etablis a partir de ces donnees montrent une quasi similarite dans la repartition chimique des especes du plutonium pentavalent sans consideration de la localisation de l'eau de surface analysee.Original Title
Etablissement des diagrammes de speciation a plusieurs temperatures du plutonium (V) pour predire son comportement dans les eaux de surface
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21 Nov 2018; 156 p; 153 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Chimie Separative, Materiaux et Procedes
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Clark, D.L.; Conradson, S.D.; Keogh, D.W.; Palmer, P.D.; Scott, B.L.; Tait, C.D.
Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1998
Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1998
[en] the identity of the limiting Pu(IV) species under high carbonate concentrations has been determined to be Pu(CO3)56-. Single crystals of [Na6Pu(CO)35]2 · Na2CO3 · 33H2O were obtained from a 0.15 M solution of Pu(IV) in 2.6M Na2CO3. The asymmetric unit contains a complex network consisting of [Pu(CO3)5]6- anions and Na+ cations which are linked through interactions with CO32- and H2O ligands. Each Na+ ion is coordinated to the O atoms of H2O or CO32- ligands such that the Na+ ions achieve either octahedral or square-based pyramidal coordination. The [Pu(CO3)5]6- anions can be viewed as a pseudohexagonal bipyramid with three CO32- ligands in a equatorial plane and two in axial positions. EXAFS data for Pu(IV) in 2.5M Na2CO3 solution were collected at the Pu LIII edge. Curve fitting reveals three shells in the FT spectrum. The UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectrum of a single crystal of [Na6Pu(CO)35]2 · Na2CO3 · 33H2O ground into a powder is nearly identical to the solution absorption spectrum of the limiting Pu(IV) carbonato complex in 2.5 M Na2CO3 solution. The peak by peak correspondence by position and relative absorption strengths, along with solution EXAFS data, suggest that the Pu(IV) chromophore is the same in both cases, and confirms that the [Pu(CO3)5]6- ions is the limiting species in high carbonate solutions. Crystal data for [Na6Pu(CO3)5]2 · Na2CO3 ·-33H2O are given
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[en] The development of actinide speciation methods in the environment is discussed. The results on speciation and migration of radionuclides in near-surface and deep conditions at the Krasnoyarsk mining and chemical plant and at the Production Association 'Mayak' (southern Ural) are reported. For surface conditions, the mobile plutonium fraction is mostly associated with inorganic complexes (carbonate) of the higher plutonium oxidation state, while less mobile fraction is associated with low-soluble Pu(IV) complexes with humic acids. The mobile fraction of americium consists of complexes with low molecular weight fulvic acids of non-specific nature with molecular weights lower than 10 kDa. Plutonium and americium behaviour in deep conditions is governed by colloid migration. (authors)
Original Title
Methodes de speciation des actinides en traces
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Secondary Subject
Franco-Russian Colloquium. Chemistry of actinides and fission products in the nuclear-fuel cycle; Colloque Franco-Russe. Chimie des actinides et des produits de fission dans le cycle du combustible nucleaire; Paris (France); 21-23 May 2003; Available from doi:; 16 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Chimie; ISSN 1631-0748; ; (no.12t.7); p. 1219-1225
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Kuzenkova, A.S.; Romanchuk, A.Yu.; Kalmykov, S.N.; Svetogorov, R.D.; Trigub, A.L., E-mail:
X Russian conference with international participation «Radiochemistry-2022». Collection of abstracts2022
X Russian conference with international participation «Radiochemistry-2022». Collection of abstracts2022
No abstract available
Original Title
Okislitel'no-vosstanovitel'noe povedenie Pu(VI) v vodnykh rastvorakh
Primary Subject
Gosudarstvennaya Korporatsiya «Rosatom», Moscow (Russian Federation); Radievyj Inst. imeni V.G. Khlopina, Sankt-Peterburg (Russian Federation); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. imeni M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); 547 p; ISBN 978-5-6045474-7-2; ; 2022; p. 27; 10. Russian conference with international participation on 'Radiochemistry-2022'; X Rossijskaya konferentsiya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Radiokhimiya-2022»; Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation); 26-30 Sep 2022; 2 refs.
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Clark, D.L.; Ekberg, S.A.; Morris, D.E.; Palmer, P.D.; Tait, C.D.
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1994
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1994
[en] Pulsed-laser photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) and Fourier-transform nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were used to study speciation of actinide(IV) and actinide(VI) ions (Np, Pu, Am) in aqueous carbonate solutions vs of pH, carbonate concentration, actinide content, and temperature. PAS focused on Pu(IV) speciation. Stability fields on a pH (8.4 to 12.0) versus total carbonate content (0.003 to 1.0 M) plot for dilute Pu(IV) carbonate species ([Pu]tot = 1 mM) were mapped. Four plutonium species, with absorption peaks at 486, 492, 500, and 512 nm were found. Loss of a single carbonate ligand does not account for the difference in speciation for the 486 and 492 nm absorption peaks, nor can any of the observed species be identified as colloidal Pu(IV). NMR data have been obtained for UO22+, PuO22+ and AmO22+. This report focuses on results for PuO22+. The ligand exchange reaction between free and coordinated carbonate on the PuO2(CO3)34- systems has been examined by variable temperature 13C NMR spectroscopy. In each of the six different PuO2(CO3)34- samples, two NMR signals are present, one for the free carbonate ligand and one for the carbonate ligand coordinated to a paramagnetic plutonium metal center. The single13C resonance line for coordinated carbonate is consistent with expectations of a monomeric PuO2(CO3)34- species in solution. A modified Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill NMR pulse sequence was used for determining of ligand exchange parameters for paramagnetic actinide complexes. Eyring analysis at standard conditions provided activation parameters of ΔH = 38 KJ/M and ΔS = -60 J/K for the plutonyl triscarbonate system, suggesting an associative transition state for the plutonyl(VI) carbonate complex self-exc
Secondary Subject
Sep 1994; 62 p; CONTRACT W-7405-ENG-36; Also available from OSTI as DE94016957; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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[en] Absorption spectra of Pu(IV) in carbonate/bicarbonate media have been examined between pH=8.8 and 10.6. The Pu(IV) is prepared by oxidation of electrochemically produced Pu(III). Measurements for solutions with lower Pu concentrations down to pH 8.2 are carried out by laser induced photoacoustic spectroscopy (LPAS). Quantitative analysis of the spectra by multiple regression indicates the presence of three Pu(IV) species, that can be assumed as Pu(CO3)32-, Pu(CO3)44-, and Pu(CO3)56-. (orig.)
Primary Subject
CONTRACT KWA5312-1; 359-83-7 WASD
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Palmer, P.D.; Hobart, D.E.; Clark, D.L.; Newton, T.W.
203rd American Chemical Society national meeting1992
203rd American Chemical Society national meeting1992
[en] Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a potentially significant agent for enhancing the mobility of plutonium and other actinides in the environment, however the existing literature data may not be valid at environmentally relevant pH values (pH 5--8). The authors are studying the EDTA complexation of plutonium(IV) to: confirm/refute existing literature data; determine if EDTA can compete with carbonate ions (such that plutonium(IV) carbonate complexation constants could be derived); and determine the potential for actinide migration at mixed-waste contaminated sites. Preliminary experiments have produced spectra of the EDTA-plutonium(IV) complex at pH 8.4 which, when carbonate is added, show significant spectral changes suggesting that a mixed EDTA-plutonium(IV)-carbonate complex is present which has not previously been reported. A brief review of the literature is presented followed by discussion of the results of experiments in progress
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Anon; 2442 p; 1992; p. 502, Paper TECH 12; American Chemical Society; Washington, DC (United States); 203. American Chemical Society (ACS) national meeting; San Francisco, CA (United States); 5-10 Apr 1992; American Chemical Society, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036-4899 (United States)
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[en] Solubility of Pu(IV) was measured over a total carbonate concentration range of 10-4 to 10-1 M at room temperature (20-25 C) and I=0.1. Since carbonate was not detected in the solid phase, the solubility controlling solid was assumed to be a hydrous oxide, PuO2.χH2O. A limit of the equilibrium constant of the exchange reaction between PuO2.χH2O and a carbonate solid phase, PuOCO3.χH2O, was estimated as: PuO2.χH2O+CO32-+H2O=PuOCO3.χH2O+2OH-K<10-6.7. The measured solubility was proportional to the square of the bicarbonate concentration at the pH range of 9.4-10.1. This result was interpreted by PuO2.χH2O+2HCO3-=P(OH)2(CO3)32-+χH2OK=10-2.7±0.5 At pHs 12 and 13 where carbonate ion is dominant, PuO2.χH2O+2CO3-2=Pu(OH)4(CO3)24-+(χ-2)H2OK=10-4.98±0.31 is the predominant reaction. (orig.)
Secondary Subject
4. international conference on chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere; Charleston, SC (United States); 12-17 Dec 1993
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Journal Article
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Conference; Numerical Data
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Volkov, Yu.F.; Visyashcheva, G.I.; Tomilin, S.V.; Kapshukov, I.I.; Rykov, A.G.
Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Dimitrovgrad (USSR)1979
Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Dimitrovgrad (USSR)1979
[en] Carried out is X-ray investigation of the crystal structure of the compounds M3AnO2(CO3)2xnH2O(1) and Msub(4)AnOsub(2)(COsub(3))sub(2,5)xnHsub(2)O(2), where M=Na, K and Rb, An=Np(5), Pu(5) and Am(5). Determined is a general structural scheme of carbonate compounds of pentavalent actinides, in the basis of which is mutual substitution of actinide atoms and atoms of alkaline metals. It is shown, that the main structural elements of different carbonate compounds are anion layers of [Msub(x)(AnOsub(2))sub(1-x)COsub(3)] variable composition, where x can have the values from 0 to 1. It is shown, that as far as the structure is concerned, the compounds (1) and (2) are recorded in the form of Msub(2)[MAnOsub(2)(COsub(3))sub(2)]xnHsub(2)O(1) Msub(2)[Msub(1,2)(AnOsub(2))sub(0.8)x(COsub(3))sub(2)]xnHsub(2)O(2) and they are the edge members of the continuous lin of Msub(2)[Msub(1+x)(AnOsub(2))sub(1-x)(COsub(3))sub(2)]xnHsub(2)O compounds, where 0 < or approximately X < or approximately 0.2. On the basis of the obtained peculiarity of carbonate crystal structure considered is the possibility of corbonate compounds formation of different composition
Original Title
Rentgenostrukturnoe issledovanie sostava i kristallicheskogo stroeniya nekotorykh karbonatnykh soedinenij pyativalentnykh aktinoidov
1979; 29 p; 20 refs.; 5 figs.; 3 tables.
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Lierse, C.; Bueppelmann, K.; Kim, J.I.
Chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere1987
Chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere1987
[en] Published in summary form only
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Technische Univ. Muenchen, Garching (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Radiochemie; Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); 196 p; 1987; p. 139; International conference on chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere (Migration '87); Muenchen (Germany, F.R.); 14-18 Sep 1987; Available from Technische Univ. Muenchen, Garching (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Radiochemie
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