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Journal Article
Nouvelle Presse Medicale; v. 3(20); p. 1295-1298
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Neves, G.R.A. das; Wajchenberg, B.L.; Liberman, B.; Mies, S.; Nery, M.; Goldman, J.; Sao Paulo Univ.
Proceedings of the 16. Brazilian Congress of Endocrinology and Metabology1984
Proceedings of the 16. Brazilian Congress of Endocrinology and Metabology1984
No abstract available
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Estudo da secrecao de peptideo-C (PEP-C) e insulina (I) na circulacao periferica (CP) e no sistema venoso portal (SUP) em pacientes portadores de insulomas
Primary Subject
Comissao Organizadora do 16. Congresso Brasileiro de Endocrinologia e Metabologia; 236 p; 1984; p. 158; 16. Brazilian Congress of Endocrinology and Metabology; Canela, RS (Brazil); 27-31 Oct 1984; Published in summary form only.
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[en] Purpose:To quantify liver metastases and future remnant liver (FRL) volumes in patients who underwent right portal vein embolization (RPVE) and to evaluate the effects of this procedure on metastase growth. Material and Methods:Nine patients with liver metastases from primary colon (n = 5), rectal lesions (n = 1) and carcinoid tumors (n = 3) underwent spiral CT to evaluate the ratio of the non-tumorous parenchymal volume of the resected liver to that of the whole liver volume (R2). Hand tracing was used to isolate the entire liver, the resected liver and metastase volumes. All patients with R2 > 60% underwent RPVE. Results:FRL exhibited a 101-336 cm3 (average 241 cm3) increase in volume 1 month after RPVE. One patient refused surgery for 2 months and before surgery the increase in volume of the FRL was similar to that of other patients (180.64 cm3). Percent metastases volume from colorectal carcinoma in embolized liver parenchyma increased from 62.4% to 138.4% at 1 month and to 562% at 2 months after RPVE. Metastase volume from carcinoid tumors was unchanged. Conclusion:One month after RPVE, hypertrophy of the FRL is evident. In the embolized liver, there was a progressive increase in metastase volume from colorectal carcinoma while metastase volume from carcinoid tumor was unchanged in embolized and non-embolized liver
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Journal Article
Acta Radiologica; ISSN 0284-1851; ; v. 44(1); p. 98-102
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[en] Purpose: To investigate in three institutions, The Netherlands Cancer Institute (Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Huis [AvL]), Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center (DDHC), and Dr, Bernard Verbeeten Institute (BVI), how much the patient setup accuracy for irradiation of prostate cancer can be improved by an offline setup verification and correction procedure, using portal imaging. Methods and Materials: The verification procedure consisted of two stages. During the first stage, setup deviations were measured during a number (Nmax) of consecutive initial treatment sessions. The length of the average three dimensional (3D) setup deviation vector was compared with an action level for corrections, which shrunk with the number of setup measurements. After a correction was applied, Nmax measurements had to be performed again. Each institution chose different values for the initial action level (6, 9, and 10 mm) and Nmax (2 and 4). The choice of these parameters was based on a simulation of the procedure, using as input preestimated values of random and systematic deviations in each institution. During the second stage of the procedure, with weekly setup measurements, the AvL used a different criterion ('outlier detection') for corrective actions than the DDHC and the BVI ('sliding average'). After each correction the first stage of the procedure was restarted. The procedure was tested for 151 patients (62 in AvL, 47 in DDHC, and 42 in BVI) treated for prostate carcinoma. Treatment techniques and portal image acquisition and analysis were different in each institution. Results: The actual distributions of random and systematic deviations without corrections were estimated by eliminating the effect of the corrections. The percentage of mean (systematic) 3D deviations larger than 5 mm was 26% for the AvL and the DDHC, and 36% for the BVI. The setup accuracy after application of the procedure was considerably improved (percentage of mean 3D deviations larger than 5 mm was 1.6% in the AvL and 0% in the DDHC and BVI), in agreement with the results of the simulation. The number of corrections (about 0.7 on the average per patient) was not larger than predicted. Conclusion: The verification procedure appeared to be feasible in the three institutions and enabled a significant reduction of mean 3D setup deviations. The computer simulation of the procedure proved to be a useful tool, because it enabled an accurate prediction of the setup accuracy and the required number of corrections
Primary Subject
036030169502395X; Copyright (c) 1996 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics; ISSN 0360-3016; ; CODEN IOBPD3; v. 35(2); p. 321-332
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[en] 11 cases of extrahepatic portal vein obstruction were evaluated by MR after initial ultrasound and splenoportovenographic examination. Besides demonstrating various collaterals, MR also demonstrated the site and extent of venous obstruction extremely well. The coronal oblique view was found to be superior to the coronal and axial views for demonstration of portal cavernoma. MR imaging is capable of depicting the findins non-invasively and may in the future obviate the need for splenoportovenography and angiography, which are invasive procedures and are associated with some morbidity and mortality especially in pediatric patients. (author). 11 refs.; 2 figs
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[en] Liver biopsy has an important role in staging of fibrosis (SoF) and grading of inflammation (GoI) in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients. The effect of size and number of portal tracts (NoP) on grading and staging of liver biopsy was evaluated. A total of 150 consecutive liver biopsy core (LBC) of patients with CHC were obtained. There were 98 (65.3%) males. Mean length of LBC was 1.45 +- 0.48 cm. Mean number of portal tracts (NoP) was 11+- 4.6. Mean length of LBC was greater (1.60+-0.45 cm) in stage 4 (n=41; 27.3%) and lesser (1.28+0.39) in stage 1 (n=23; 15%, p=0.04). The mean NoP were 8.5, 10.6 and 13.1 in GoI 1, 2 and 3 respectively (p < 0.001). The mean NoP were 7.6, 11.1, 11.3 and 14.5 in SoF 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively (p < 0.0001). There was a good correlation between number of portal tracts and length of LBC (r/sub 2/=0.56). (author)
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Journal Article
JCPSP. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan; ISSN 1022-386X; ; v. 21(2); p. 121-122
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[en] The technique, indications, contraindications and complications of percutaneous transhepatic portography and selective catheterization of the major and minor veins draining the splanchnic organs based on the experience of 200 cases are described. The advantage of this method is discussed and compared with transjugular and transumbilical portography. (Auth.)
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Journal Article
Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis; ISSN 0567-8056; ; v. 19(4); p. 643-655
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[en] Helical CT makes possible imaging of the entire liver in as few as 20 seconds during a single breath hold. This method is thus superior to conventional dynamic CT. In this study, optimal late scanning time and optimal volume of contrast medium in the liver were determined with helical CT in routine studies. In 50 cases, CT images of the liver were obtained at various times following the administrations of contrast medium (1.4 ml/kg). Scanning was started at 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 seconds after injection. Enhancement of the liver and detection of hepatic and portal veins were best at 60 seconds, followed at 90 seconds. However, a scanning delay of 60 seconds still had an effect on the arterial phase. The optimal late scanning time was thus concluded to be at 90 seconds. In 40 cases, CT images of the liver were obtained following the administration of various amounts of contrast medium (1.0 ml, 1.2 ml, 1.4 ml, 1.6 ml/kg) to determine the optimal volume. No significant difference was found between 1.6 ml/kg compared and 1.4 ml/kg of administered contrast medium. It is evident from the present data that a scanning delay of 90 seconds appears to be optimal and a contrast medium volume of 1.4 ml/kg (body weight) is best for conducting helical dynamic CT on the liver. (author)
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[en] The authors report their personal experience in percutaneous treatment of portosystemic shunt occlusion and stenosis. Eleven patients with portosystemic shunt stenosis or occlusion were percutaneous treated. Seven patients were treated with PTA alone; in 2 cases, with recurrent variceal bleeding, percutaneous variceal embolization was associated with PTA. Four patients were treated with local fibrinolytic infusion through the catheter inserted into the thrombous; in 3 cases this treatment was followed by PTA. In all 11 patients recanalization was possible, no complication arose. Six patients died in the following 15 months, non due to rebleeding; in 5 patients of this group the shunt was patent at autopsy. In one patient autopsy was not performed but the shunt was functioning at the last duplex US control. Of 5 patients still alive in the follow-up period (2-25 months) the shunt was patent in 3 and occluded in 2
Original Title
Disostruzione percutanea degli shunt porto-sistemici
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[en] In two distinct experiments immature S.mansoni worms (LE strain, Belo Horizonte, Brazil), aged 20 days, obtained from the portal system of white outbred mice, were irradiated with 14 and 4 Krad, respectively. Afterwards, the worms were directly inoculated into the portal vein of normal mice. Inoculation was performed with 20 irradiated worms per animal. Fifty days after inoculation, the mice that received 4 and 14 Krad-irradiated worms and their respective controls were infected with S.mansoni cercariae (LE strain), by transcutaneous route. Twenty days after this challenge infection, the animals were sacrificed and perfused for mature irradiated (90-day-old) and immature (20-day-old) worm counts. Analysis of the results showed that statistically significant protection against cercariae occurred in both groups with irradiated worms. (author)
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Journal Article
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo; ISSN 0036-4665; ; CODEN RMTSA; v. 31(1); p. 14-17
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