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No abstract available
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Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 1976 international meeting; Washington, DC, USA; 14 Nov 1976; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; v. 24 p. 20
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Koga, K.; Oguchi, I.
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)1982
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)1982
[en] The invention provides a calandria tank which can effectively absorb the difference in thermal expansion between the calandria tank barrel and the calandria tubes, and which permits the reduction of the distance between the outermost calandria tubes and the inner peripheral surface of the calandria tank barrel to the minimum required distance. The tank comprises upper and lower barrel sections having cylindrical forms with upper and lower end openings. The upper end opening of the lower barrel section is positioned opposite the lower end opening of the upper barrel section at a suitable distance from and coaxially with the latter. A tube sheet attached to the upper barrel section closes the upper opening of the barrel section, and the calandria tubes are connected at their upper ends to the tube sheet. Similarly, a lower tube sheet attached to the lower barrel section closes the lower opening of the lower barrel section, and the calandria tubes are connected at their lower ends to the lower tube sheet. A connecting mechanism joins the lower end opening of the upper barrel section and the upper end opening of the lower barrel section so as to allow an axial movement of the barrel sections with respect to each other. The connecting mechanism includes an aseismatic ring making a sliding contact with an inner surface of one of the upper and lower barrel sections and having elongated guide bores, and being attached to the other barrel section. Protrusions attached to the barrel section make sliding contact with the aseismatic ring, by engaging with the guide bores to prevent the ring from moving in a circumferential direction but, allowing the ring to move in the axial direction
Primary Subject
10 Aug 1982; 11 Sep 1978; 22 p; CA PATENT DOCUMENT 1129566/A/; JP PRIORITY 110736/78; Priority date: 11 Sep 1978
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[en] Description and characteristics of different types of heavy water moderated reactors. (RW)
Beschreibung und Merkmale der verschiedenen Typen von schwerwassermoderierten Reaktoren. (RW)Primary Subject
1975; 16 p; IAEA interregional training course on nuclear power project planning and implementation; Karlsruhe, F.R. Germany; 8 Sep 1975; 6 figs.; 1 tab.; 18 refs.
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Report Number
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[en] The unit described represents a connecting piece in a loading machine of the channel nuclear reactor. The connecting piece has an inflatable cuff condensation. To prevent ejection of the coolant in the reactor hall at a break in the inflatable cuff the connecting piece is fitted out with a hollow, situated below the cuff condensation; an elastic ring is mounted in it forming a cavity which is connected with the pressure source, for example, with the connecting piece cavity through an automatic vent
Original Title
Stykovochnyj patrubok razgruzochno-zagruzochnoj machiny
Primary Subject
25 Jul 1974; 2 p; SU PATENT DOCUMENT 392792/A/; Filed 30 Jun 1971.
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[en] A description is given of a cooling water intake collector for a nuclear reactor. It includes multiple sub-collectors extending out in a generally parallel manner to each other, each one having a first end and a second one separated along their length, and multiple water outlets for connecting each one to a corresponding pressure tube of the reactor. A first end tube and a second one connect the sub-collector tubes together to their first and second ends respectively. It also includes multiple collector tubes extending transversely by crossing over the sub-collector tubes and separated from each other in the direction of these tubes. Each collector tubes has a water intake for connecting to a water pump and multiple connecting tubes separated over its length and connecting each one to the corresponding sub-collector
On presente un ensemble collecteur d'amenee d'eau de refroidissement pour reacteur nucleaire. Il comprend une pluralite de tubes sous-collecteurs s'etendant de facon generale parallelement les uns aux autres, chacun ayant une premiere extremite et une seconde ecartees sur leur longueur, et une pluralite de sorties d'eau pour un raccordement de chacun avec un tube de pression correspondant du reacteur. Un premier tube d'extremite et un second relient ensemble les tubes sous-collecteurs respectivement a leurs premieres extremites et a leurs secondes extremites. Il comprend aussi une pluralite de tubes collecteurs s'etendant transversalement en croisant les tubes sous-collecteurs et ecartes l'un de l'autre dans la direction de ces tubes. Chaque tube collecteur a une entree d'eau pour un raccordement avec une pompe a eau et une pluralite de tubes de branchement ecartes sur sa longueur et le reliant chacun a un tube sous-collecteur correspondantOriginal Title
Reacteur nucleaire a refroidissement par l'eau; HWLWR type reactors
Primary Subject
28 Apr 1975; 20 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2280179/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); priority claim: 29 Apr 1974, UK.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 1976 international meeting; Washington, DC, USA; 14 Nov 1976; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; v. 24 p. 292-293
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kidoguchi, Yasuo; Sato, Kazuo; Maetani, Hiromichi; Nakamura, Kikuo.
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)1982
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)1982
[en] Purpose: To rapidly submerge a reactor core in water in a pressure tube type reactor. Constitution: Water is filled in both an inlet header and an outlet header at the initial of starting an emergency reactor core cooling device, and the water filling is swithched to one side filling after the water is filled fully in the core. Thus, the steam condensing effect at the failured port side can be raised at the initial of filling coolant to accelerate the decrease in pressure of the core. Thus, the water can be fully filled rapidly in the core, and wasteful water flowout from the failed port after the full water can be eliminated. (Kamimura, M.)
Primary Subject
12 Jun 1982; 5 Dec 1980; 2 p; JP PATENT DOCUMENT 57-94690/A/; JP PATENT APPLICATION 55-170961; Available from JAPATIC. Also available from INPADOC; Application date: 5 Dec 1980
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The present invention relates to a miniaturized nuclear reactor utilizing pressure tube structural members comprising: a moderator containing one calandria tube contained within the moderator; one fuel channel pressure tube contained within the one calandria tube; one fuel bundle contained within the one fuel channel pressure tube; one fuel channel pressure tube pad positioned between the one calandria tube and the one fuel channel pressure tube; one horizontal exterior support pad positioned on the bottom reactor wall, one fuel bundle pad positioned between the one fuel bundle and the one fuel channel pressure tube; one vertical support pad positioned on a reactor side wall between the one calandria tube and the reactor side wall; one angular support pad positioned on a corner formed between the reactor top and the reactor side wall. (author) figs
Primary Subject
6 Feb 1997; 19 Jul 1995; 57 p; WO PATENT DOCUMENT 9704462/A1/; US PATENT APPLICATION 9509189; Available from WIPO, 34, chemin des Colombettes, CH-1211 Geneva (CH); Application date: 19 Jul 1995
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The First Report from the Select Committee on Science and Technology, 1976-77, is on the SGHWR programme. The reasons for the enquiry and the evidence given by all the interested organisations are presented. The report summarised the cases for and against the SGHWR, as presented by the different organisations and considers alternative types of reactor. Comments are made on the plant ordering procedures. The Committee's recommendations regarding the policies which should be adopted are discussed. The various memoranda submitted by the organisations taking part in the enquiry to the general purposes sub-committee are reproduced. (U.K.)
Primary Subject
1976; 70 p; H.M. Stationery Office; London; ISBN 0 10 208977 9;
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Hayashi, Kiyozumi; Wako, Hideo.
Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp., Tokyo (Japan)1975
Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp., Tokyo (Japan)1975
[en] Object: To enable a neutron source to be easily mounted and exchanged in a safe manner by mounting the neutron source within the pressure tube and thus dispensing with a neutron source guide duct and neutron source assembly replacement means. Structure: A neutron source assembly having an outer diameter capable of being snugly fitted into the pressure tube is used and is inserted into the pressure tube occupied by a fuel assembly by making use of fuel replacing means. The neutron source assembly is provided with upper and lower handling heads and has a cylindrical barrel, in which a neutron source is removably accommodated. For varying the neutron intensity only the neutron source may be replaced without the need of changing the whole assembly, thus resulting in less nuclear waist. (Kamimura, M.)
Primary Subject
5 Mar 1975; 4 p; JP PATENT DOCUMENT 1976-101694/A/; Available from The Japan Patent Information Center, Tokyo; hard paper copy 40 Yen/page (mailing charge additional)
Record Type
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