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Raczynski, Wladyslaw.
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1981
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1981
[en] A centrifugal pump for moving a fluid such as the coolant fluid of a nuclear reactor is described. It comprises a volute made up of an enclosure with openings for the inlet and outlet of the fluid, a removable suction pipe fixed on the volute on a level with the fluid inlet opening and directed towards its interior, a rotor located inside the volute fixed on a shaft passing through an opening provided in the volute wall as well as an annular diffuser having as circular symmetry axis the rotation axis of the rotor, arranged around the rotor inside the volute and fixed on the suction pipe at one of its ends. The examination and maintenance operations of the internal components of the pump can be carried out with suitable testing appliances introduced through the opening through which the rotor passes
On decrit une pompe centrifuge pour la mise en circulation d'un fluide, tel que le fluide de refroidissement d'un reacteur nucleaire, comportant une volute constituee par une enceinte ayant des ouvertures pour l'entree et la sortie du fluide, un conduit d'aspiration demontable fixe sur la volute au niveau de l'ouverture d'entree du fluide et dirige vers l'interieur de celle-ci, un rotor dispose a l'interieur de la volute fixe sur un arbre passant par une ouverture prevue dans la paroi de la volute ainsi qu'un diffuseur annulaire ayant pour axe de symetrie de revolution l'axe de rotation du rotor, dispose autour du rotor a l'interieur de la volute et fixe sur le conduit d'aspiration a l'une de ses extremites, les operations d'examen et d'entretien des organes internes de la pompe, pouvant etre effectuees a l'aide d'appareils de controle appropries introduits par l'ouverture de passage du rotorOriginal Title
Pompe centrifuge a diffuseur demontable
Primary Subject
24 Dec 1981; 13 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2485114/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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[en] The suspension is described of nuclear reactor circulating pumps enabling their dilatation with a minimum reverse force consisting of spacing rods supported with one end in the anchor joints and provided with springs and screw joints engaging the circulating pump shoes. The spacing rods are equipped with side vibration dampers anchored in the shaft side wall and on the body of the circulating pump drive body. The negative reverse force F of the spacing rods is given by the relation F=Q/l.y, where Q is the weight of the circulating pump, l is the spatial distance between the shoe joints and anchor joints, and y is the deflection of the circulating pump vertical axis from the mean equilibrium position. The described suspension is advantageous in that that the reverse force for the deflection from the mean equilibrium position is minimal, dynamic behaviour is better, and construction costs are lower compared to suspension design used so far. (J.B.)
Original Title
Ulozeni cirkulacnich cerpadel
Primary Subject
15 Sep 1976; 3 p; CS PATENT DOCUMENT 164617/B/
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Frumerman, Robert; Brown, W.W.
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA)1973
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA)1973
No abstract available
Original Title
Procede de retrait des gaz radioactifs d'un reacteur nucleaire
Primary Subject
16 Oct 1973; 7 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2209177/A; Available from INPI, Paris; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); priority claim: 17 Oct 1972, USA.
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Timmermans, Francis; Vandervorst, Jean.
Societe Jeumont-Schneider, 75 - Paris (France)1981
Societe Jeumont-Schneider, 75 - Paris (France)1981
[en] Safety device for longitudinally leak proofing the shaft of a pump in the event of the fracture of the dynamic seal separating the pump fluid high pressure chamber from the low pressure chamber. It is designed for fitting to the primary pumps of nuclear reactors. It includes a hollow cyclindrical piston located coaxially around the pump shaft and normally housed in a chamber provided for this purpose in the fixed housing of the dynamic seal, and means for moving this piston coaxially so as to compress a safety O ring between the shaft and the piston in the event of the dynamic seal failing
Dispositif de securite assurant l'etancheite longitudinale de l'arbre d'une pompe en cas de rupture du joint dynamique separant la chambre a haute pression de fluide de la pompe de la chambre a basse pression. Il est prevu pour etre adapte aux pompes primaires des reacteurs nucleaires. Il comprend un piston cylindrique creux entourant coaxialement l'arbre de la pompe et loge normalement dans une chambre menagee a cet effet dans le logement fixe du joint dynamique, et des moyens permettent de deplacer coaxialement ce piston de maniere a comprimer entre l'arbre et le piston un joint torique de securite en cas de defaillance du joint dynamiqueOriginal Title
Dispositif de securite pour pompe
Primary Subject
31 Jan 1981; 9 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2474605/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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[en] The invention relates to a filter for removing ferromagnetic particles from a fluid, with special reference to PWR primary coolant purification. In Pressurized Water Reactors, the pressurized coolant water, which is in contact with fuel elements prior to entering the steam generators for vaporizing the feed water, collects iron oxide particles when circulating through the reactor and steam generators. These particles are formed through prolonged contact of the water with certain steel parts in the reactor. It is highly important to filter off such particles to avoid excessive oxide content in the coolant, and to prevent the particles from becoming activated when passing through the core, and settling in the main coolant pipes, thus making a significant contribution to activity and surface contamination
L'invention concerne un filtre pour l'epuration d'un fluide contenant des particules ferro-magnetiques et plus particulierement pour l'epuration du fluide primaire d'un reacteur nucleaire a eau sous pression. Dans les reacteurs a eau sous pression, l'eau sous pression qui constitue le fluide primaire et qui vient en contact avec les elements combustibles avant d'etre envoyee dans les generateurs de vapeur pour l'echauffement et la vaporisation de l'eau alimentaire de la chaudiere ou fluide secondaire, se charge au cours de sa circulation dans le reacteur et dans les generateurs de vapeur, de particules d'oxyde de fer formees au cours du contact prolonge de l'eau avec certaines parties en acier du reacteur nucleaire. Il est tres important d'eliminer ces particules d'oxyde dans le fluide primaire grace a un filtre afin d'eviter que la quantite d'oxyde dans le fluide primaire ne devienne excessive et que ces particules ne s'activent apres avoir sejourne dans le coeur et se deposent sur les tuyauteries primaires, en contribuant de maniere importante a l'activite et a la contamination des surfacesOriginal Title
Filtre pour l'epuration d'un fluide contenant des particules ferro-magnetiques
Primary Subject
30 Apr 1980; 15 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2437862/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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[en] The paper reviews the development of robots for the maintenance of components from the primary coolant circuit of nuclear power plants
Cet article passe en revue le developpement des robots pour la maintenance des composants du circuit primaire des centrales nucleairesOriginal Title
De l'automatisation a la robotisation
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kratzer, W.K.
UNC Nuclear Industries, Inc., Richland, WA (USA)1979
UNC Nuclear Industries, Inc., Richland, WA (USA)1979
[en] N-Reactor is a graphite moderated, light water cooled, horizontal pressure tube pressurized water reactor operated by UNC Nuclear Industries for the United States Department of Energy (DOE). Since the start of operation in 1964, radiation dose rates of piping and components in contact with reactor coolant have gradually increased, requiring a continuing program to mitigate the effects of the increasing activity. The program to minimize personnel exposure involves increasing the efficiency of radiation zone operations, shifting to remote operations where possible, shielding, and decontamination. The purpose of this paper is to describe some of the decontamination activities at N-Reactor applied in support of continued reactor operation
Primary Subject
16 Aug 1979; 14 p; Available from NTIS., PC A02/MF A01
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Delisle, J.P.; Pages, J.P.; Pontier, R.
International conference on liquid metal technology in energy production proceedings, 2nd, 19801980
International conference on liquid metal technology in energy production proceedings, 2nd, 19801980
[en] After more than 11 years of operation, active sodium aerosols were detected in the leak jacket of the primary circuit. During 16 months of tests, the source was determined near the junction of the two primary loops on the reactor vessel inlet pipe. Despite nondestructive examinations directly on the pipe the exact location of the defect was not ascertained
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Dahlke, J.M. (ed.); p. 21.64-21.71; 1980; p. 21.64-21.71; American Nuclear Society; Washington, DC; 2. international conference of liquid metal technology for energy systems; Richland, WA (USA); 20 - 24 Apr 1980
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Chevallier, Rene; Marchais, Christian.
Etablissements Neyrpic, 38 - Grenoble (France)1981
Etablissements Neyrpic, 38 - Grenoble (France)1981
[en] This invention concerns an improvement to the sodium supply system of a nuclear reactor core and, in particular, concerns the area included between the outlet of the primary circulation pumps and the core proper. A simplified structure and a lightening of all this linking area between the circulation pumps and the distribution tank under the core is achieved and this results in a very significant reduction in the risks of deterioration and in a definite increase in the reliability of the reactor. The invention is therefore an improvement to the sodium supply system of the nuclear reactor core vessel with incorporated exchangers, in which the cool sodium, after passing through the primary exchangers, is collected in a ring compartment from whence it is taken up by the pumps and moved to at least one pipe reaching a distribution tank located under the reactor core
La presente invention concerne un perfectionnement au circuit d'alimentation en sodium du coeur d'un reacteur nucleaire, et concerne plus particulierement la zone comprise entre la sortie des pompes de circulation primaire et le coeur proprement dit. On obtient une simplification de structure et un allegement de toute cette zone de liaison entre les pompes de circulation et le caisson de repartition sous le coeur, ce qui se traduit par une tres sensible diminution des risques de deterioration, et en definitive une augmentation de la fiabilite du reacteur. L'invention constitue donc un perfectionnement au circuit d'alimentation en sodium du coeur d'un reacteur nucleaire a cuve a echangeurs integres, dans laquelle le sodium froid apres passage dans les echangeurs primaires, est recueilli dans un compartiment annulaire d'ou il est repris par des pompes vers au moins une canalisation aboutissant a un caisson distributeur dispose sous le coeur du reacteurOriginal Title
Perfectionnement au circuit d'alimentation en sodium du coeur d'un reacteur nucleaire
Primary Subject
30 Jan 1981; 6 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2461336/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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Smith, B.A; Lass, J.L; Venier, D.A.
General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. (USA)1977
General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. (USA)1977
[en] This additional equipment for a fuel assembly is to prevent increased bypassing of the coolant flow. A means to achieve this is an elastic element mounted in the coolant inlet zone of each fuel assembly. This element, which acts as a baffle, causes the undesired bypass to increase only by 1% in the course of the time of operation as compared with an increase until now by up to one third. A square tie plate forms the lower end of each fuel element cluster. The coolant is fed to the rod cluster by cutouts on the tie plate; a small amount also passes through the gap-shaped interspace between tie plate and flow channel. According to the invention, 4 spring segments are arranged within the 4 gap-shaped interspaces. They consist, e.g., of inconel X and are provided with slots and shaped in such a way that only a small and well-defined bypass flow through the 4 gaps in each fuel assembly will take place. The spring effect will in this way also balance the unavoidable deformations of the flow channel. (HP)
Die zusaetzliche Ausruestung eines Brennelements will ein erhoehtes Ausweichen des Kuehlmittelstroms auf Nebenwege verhindern. Mittel hierzu ist ein elastisches Glied, welches in der Kuehlmittelzuflusszone jedes Brennelementes angeordnet ist. Dieses Glied mit der Wirkung einer Leitflaeche bewirkt, dass der unerwuenschte Nebenstromfluss im Lauf der Betriebszeit lediglich um ca. 1% zunimmt gegenueber einem bisherigen Anwachsen um bis zu einem Drittel. Eine quadratische Ankerplatte bildet den unteren Abschluss jedes Brennelmentbuendels. Das Kuehlwasser wird dem Stabbuendel durch Ausbrueche der Ankerplatte zugefuehrt, ein kleiner Teil passiert auch den spaltartigen Zwischenraum zwischen Ankerplatte und Stroemungskanal. Erfindungsgemaess werden 4 Federsegmente in den 4 spaltartigen Zwischenraeumen angeordnet. Sie bestehen z.B. aus Inconel X und sind so geschlitzt und geformt, dass nur ein geringer und definierter Nebenstromfluss durch die 4 Spalte in jedem Brennelement zustande kommt. Die Federwirkung gleicht dabei (auch die genannten) unvermeidlichen Deformationen des Stroemungskanals aus. (HP)Original Title
Brennstoffkassette fuer Kernreaktoren
Primary Subject
15 Sep 1977; 11 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 1922087/B/; Also available from Dt. Patentamt, Muenchen (FRG); 5 figs.
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