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[en] Calculations are described which show that a Josephson junction, when driven by a microwave source, will produce a continuous train of picosecond-wide pulses. Detailed circuit designs, incorporating the microscopic theory of the junction, indicate that it is probably practical to build such pulsers. Furthermore, the theory indicates that picosecond pulses can be produced by circuits with submicron linewidth lithography, if desired. Thus, the possibility of both extremely fast and extremely high-density integrated circuits is supported by these calculations
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Applied Physics; v. 48(12); p. 5366-5369
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[en] In the field of nuclear electronics very versatile pulse height analyzers were developed in the last years. These analyzers, often with a very high amplitude resolution are only capable to measure a single extremum of a short pulse, mostly the maximum value. But there are often problems to solve where an extreme amplitude resolution is not necessary, but the discrimitation between pulses of different shape is of importance. The present paper gives a measuring principle and describes an equipment using this principle, with which such measurements can be done independent from the pulse length. Its application is demonstrated in the determination of biological cell volumes. (orig./RW)
Fuer die Nuklearelektronik wurden in den vergangenen Jahren sehr leistungsfaehige Impulshoehenanalysatoren entwickelt. Diese Analysatoren, die teilweise eine sehr hohe Amplitudenaufloesung aufweisen, sind aber gewoehnlich nur in der Lage, einen einzigen Extremwert eines kurzen Impulses, meist den Maximalwert, zu bestimmen. Es gibt jedoch auch Messaufgaben, bei denen auf extreme Amplitudenaufloesung verzichtet werden kann, andererseits aber das Unterscheiden und Messen unterschiedlich geformter Impulse von Interesse ist. Hier werden ein Messprinzip und ein danach gebautes Geraet beschrieben, mit dem solche Messungen unabhaengig von der Impulslaenge moeglich sind. Die Anwendung ist am Beispiel der Volumenmessung biologischer Zellen dargestellt. (orig.)Original Title
Impulsformgesteuerter Impulshoehenanalysator
7 figs.; 2 tabs.; 2 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Elektronik (Munich); (no. 10); p. 365-370
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[en] This paper describes the principles of a heavy-overload pulse amplifier, overload performance of which can exceed x2000
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Journal Article
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[en] A pulse generator is described, which is particularly suitable for investigating disturbances in nuclear spectrometry caused by pile-up effects. The pulse generator provides a statistically distributed pulse train controllable in rate and height. (author)
Original Title
Randompulser zur Testung von Kernstrahlungsspektrometern
Record Type
Journal Article
Isotopenpraxis; v. 13(9); p. 319-320
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No abstract available
Original Title
Entwicklung eines Doppelpulsers
Schmidt-Boecking, H.; Steuer, E. (comps.); Frankfurt Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Kernphysik; 171 p; nd; p. 122-123; Short communication only.
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Report Number
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No abstract available
Original Title
Optimalizace impulsniho tvaroveho diskriminatoru
Record Type
Journal Article
Jaderna Energie; v. 21(3); p. 100-104
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[en] A pulse shaping linear mixer circuit for exponential decay tail pulses from radiation detectors and test pulsers is described. Its characteristic feature is that it not only combines the pulses of the individual pulse sources on one common output, but that it can change the individual tail time constants to one common time constant. (orig.)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAE; v. 276(3); p. 595-597
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[en] The shift in the electron transit time of a reference pulse due to preceding the pulse with a 100 pulse burst at a rate up to 20 MHz was found to be less than a couple of picoseconds for the two types of photomultiplier tubes and bases intended for use in the new muon (g-2) experiment. Timing shifts of the photomultiplier tubes due to bringing two pulses to within 10 ns of each other were found to be purely from a tail effect. The change in pulse area from the photomultiplier tubes from high rate and pileup was found to be less than a few parts per thousand. The performance of some commonly used electronics was also tested under high rate conditions. (orig.)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 374(2); p. 215-226
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Apparatus is described for generating a plurality of nonlinear pulse patterns from a single linear pulse pattern. A first counter counts the pulses of the linear pulse pattern and a second counter counts the pulses of the nonlinear pulse pattern. A comparator compares the counts of both counters, and in response to an equal count, a gate is enabled to gate a pulse of the linear pattern as a pulse of the nonlinear pattern, the latter also resetting the first counter. Presettable dividers divide the pulses of each pattern before they are counted by the respective counters. Also, apparatus for generating a logarithmic pulse pattern from a linear pulse pattern to any log base. In one embodiment, a shift register is used in place of the second counter to be clocked by each pulse of the logarithmic pattern to generate the pattern. In another embodiment, a memory stores the logarithmic pattern and is addressed by the second counter which is clocked by the pulses of the logarithmic pulse pattern
Original Title
Primary Subject
10 Mar 1981; v p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 4,255,793/A/; U.S. Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231, USA, $.50
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[en] On the basis of analysis and research into the output circuits of fast pulse signal generators, a sample method used extensively in fast electronic circuits for restraining overshoot and undershoot, improving waveform of fast pulse signal which has nanosecond or sub-nanosecond transition time was described. Also, the operating principle, theoretical analysis and calculation of this method was discussed
China Electronics Society, Beijing (China); Chinese Nuclear Society, Beijing, BJ (China); 359 p; 1994; p. 67-69; 7. national conference on nuclear electronics and nuclear detection technology; Lushan (China); 6-12 Oct 1994; Available from China Nuclear Information Centre
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