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[en] In early autumn, pupal cases of the scarce caddisfly species, Annitella amelia Sipahiler, 1998 were collected on the shore of a narrow, shallow brook from the northwestern Iberian peninsula, in Spain. Some of the pupal cases had been built as a new tube inside an existing tubular case. Moreover, for pupation, the last instar larvae clearly changed the architecture of the cases by adding internal and/or external grains of substrate at the tips. An architectural study with microCT techniques made it possible to divide each case into equal halves and to indirectly measure the weight of each. As no significant differences were found, it was concluded that pupa equilibrates its case, ensuring that it will lie horizontally on the substrate of the brook and thus avoid more vertical positions that might risk air exposure. The architectural changes could represent a survival strategy during pupation, in which the pupae remain in shallow channels ditches of the small brooks. (Author)
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Journal Article
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation; ISSN 1578-665X; ; v. 39(1); 12 p
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Faria, J.T. da
Proceedings of the 13. Brazilian Congress on Entomology; 1. International Symposium of Bicudo from Cotton-plant; 2. Meeting of Cochineal Insect from Fodder Palm; 3. Meeting of Fruit Flies - v. 21991
Proceedings of the 13. Brazilian Congress on Entomology; 1. International Symposium of Bicudo from Cotton-plant; 2. Meeting of Cochineal Insect from Fodder Palm; 3. Meeting of Fruit Flies - v. 21991
[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Efeitos da radiacao gama sobre pupas de diversas idades de Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied., 1830)(Diptera; Tephritidae)
Primary Subject
Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); 314 p; 1991; p. 626; 13. Brazilian Congress on Entomology; 13. Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia; Recife, PE (Brazil); 20-25 Jan 1991; 1. International Symposium of Bicudo from Cotton-plant; 1. Simposio Internacional sobre Bicudo do Algodoeiro; Recife, PE (Brazil); 20-25 Jan 1991; 2. Meeting of Cochineal Insect from Fodder Palm; 2. Encontro sobre Cochonilha da Palma Forrageira; Recife, PE (Brazil); 20-25 Jan 1991; 3. Meeting of Fruit Flies; 3. Encontro sobre Moscas-das-Frutas; Recife, PE (Brazil); 20-25 Jan 1991
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[en] Eggs, larvae, pupae and developed insects of Tribolium confusum, Plodia interpunctella and Nemapogon granellus were irradiated by gamma radiation of 0.2-0.8 kGy. The mortality of the species was determined. It could be established that irradiation of 0.8 kGy were unjustified. All developed stages of the insects could be exterminated by doses as low as 0.2 kGy with the exception of the grubs of Plodia int. that were killed by 0.4 kGy. (V.N.)
Original Title
A mezoegazdasagi es elelmiszeripari termekek vedelme besugarzasos kezelessel
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6 tables.
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No abstract available
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FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: CN8600726; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Application of Atomic Energy in Agriculture; ISSN 0253-3596; ; (no.1); p. 47-50
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[en] The treatment of Mu sca domestica L. larvae with the entomopathogenic fungi; Beauveriabassiana , Metarhiziumanisopliae and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus at different concentrations did not affect their survival. However, a significant pupal mortality percentage was occurred when the pupal stage was treated with the highest concentration (10 12 Spores/ml) of the fungi tested. The pupal mortality percent recorded 73.5, 60.0 and 43.75 % by B. bassiana , M. anisopliae and P. fumosoroseus, respectively. Moreoverthe adult stage of M. domestica was found to be more sensitive stage to the fungi tested. The treatment of adult stage with fungi tested caused significant mortality percent. This mortality percent was increased as the concentration of the fungi tested increased. The highest mortality percent was found to be caused by the highest concentration (10 12 Spores/ml). It recorded 95.0 %, 66.7 % and 26.7 % by B. bassiana , M. anisopliae and P. fumosoroseus, respectively . These results suggest that B. bassiana and M. anisopliae are highly effective in controlling population of adult house fly. The toxicity values of the entomopathogenic fungi tested based on LC 50 may be arranged in a descending order as follows: B. bassiana > M. anisopliae > P. fumosoroseus
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Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Nuclear Technology in Applied Science (Online); ISSN 2314-8217; ; v. 4(2); p. 103-112
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[en] The present work deals with the effect 4 doses of gamma radiation (100, 200, 300 and 400 Gy) on 3 pupal ages of prays citri moth (1, 3 and 5 days before adult emergence) on the adult fecundity, fertility, different oviposition periods and adult longevity. Adult fecundity significantly decreased in the earlier pupal ages at different doses and different combinations (Nx I , I x N and I x I). Also, the decrease in adult fertility was significant in the same pupal ages and at different doses and combinations. The differences between the combination I x N and I x I were insignificant while they were significant when comparing each of them with the other combination (N X I ). Pre-oviposition, oviposition and postoviposition periods were affected significantly when the earlier pupal ages were treated with different gamma doses. Adult longevity was also affected significantly when the pupal at different ages were treated with different gamma doses. 2 tabs
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Journal Article
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications; CODEN AJNADV; v. 30(2); p. 251-257
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[en] Effects of gamma irradiation from Co60 on larval and pupal stages of the saw-toothed grain beetle. Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. were determined. Larval and pupal sensitivity depended on age at treatment, the older the larvae or pupae, the less susceptible. No adults emerged in the 10- to 12-day larvae and 4-day old pupae when irradiated at 10 and 100 Krad. respectively. Irradiation of larvae and pupae especially at high doses, resulted in reduced percent adult emergence in incomplete emergence, and in structural deformities. The percentage sterility for both sexes at each dosage used were determined. Males and females irradiated asl-d and 4-d-old pupae, then mated with normal unmated adults of the opposite sex laid infertile eggs when irradiated at 12 Krad. Adult mortality from irradiated pupae (1- or 4-d-old) was increased with the increase of the dose
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Record Type
Journal Article
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications; v. 11(1); p. 77-88
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[en] The autocide struggle against fruit fly consists in making a raising in mass of the stump to genetic sexing of the fruit fly, to radiate males with gamma rays and then to set free them in orchards of citrus fruits. This technique permitted a reduction of the rate of stings of 50% in relation to the witness although its production of pupae in 2004, either enough feeble, not passing the 9 millions of pupae per week. But, it remains even efficient in relation to the chemical struggle (respectively 12% and 7%). One preliminary survey of the profitability of autocide struggle and the chemical struggle (rate of profitability to 181.020) is more profitable than autocide struggle (rate of profitability to 43.450) for the first year to release. This relativity weak profitability for the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is the consequence of a bad interview of citrus fruits and unconsciousness of farmer of the importance of built in struggle technique . However, autocide struggle permits to preserve the quality of fruit, to reduce the toxics residues and to preserve parasitoides. therefore, there is increase of selling prices of the product. (author). 12 refs
Original Title
Utilisation de la technique des males steriles dans la lutte contre la Ceratite Ceratitis capitata wiedmann (Diptera)
Primary Subject
2005; 55 p; Available from Centre National des Sciences et Technologies Nucleaires, Tunis (TN); Thesis ( Projet de Fin d'Etudes du Cycle Ingenieur )
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Itepan, N.M.; Berti Filho, E.; Costa, V.A.
Sao Paulo Univ., Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz1987
Sao Paulo Univ., Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz1987
[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Progenie de Spalangia endius Walker (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) em pupas de Musca domestica L. (Diptera, Muscidae) irradiadas com raios gama do Co sup(60) expostas ao parasito em diferentes estagios de desenvolvimento
Primary Subject
1987; 1 p; 3. Congress of Scientific Initiation from ESALQ; Piracicaba, SP (Brazil); 24-27 Aug 1987
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Guneidy, A.M.; Abdu, R.M.; Hamed, M.S.
Atomic Energy Establishment, Cairo (Egypt)1975
Atomic Energy Establishment, Cairo (Egypt)1975
[en] Effects of gamma-irradiation on pupae of the house fly, Musca domestica L., were determined. Pupae of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5-day old, when exposed to a single dose of gamma rays, showed that the younger pupae were more susceptible than older pupae. The 1- and 2-day age groups were fully susceptible to all levels of treatment where no emergence was observed. The 3-day and 4-day age groups were of equal susceptibility to irradiation where emergence of 23.50% and 24.84%, respectively, was recorded at 5 Kr only. Pupae failed to emerge at dosages of 10, 15 and 25 Kr. Emergence was observed at all dosages in the 5-day old group of pupae where there was a correlation between dosage and emergence. At 5 Kr and 10 Kr, 85% and 66.36% of flies, respectively, emerged. This figure declined to 22.54% at 15 Kr and 4.09% at 25 Kr. Males were less susceptible than females. Flies of both sexes emerging from irradiated pupae died earlier than the control flies
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications; v. 8(1); p. 36-42
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