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No abstract available
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Beschleunigerlaboratorium der Univ. und Technischen Univ. Muenchen, Garching (Germany, F.R.); 181 p; 1982; p. 156; Published in summary form only.
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Wolf, K.B.; Krotzch, G.
IV International Conference on Computer Algebra in Physical Research. Collection of abstracts1990
IV International Conference on Computer Algebra in Physical Research. Collection of abstracts1990
[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Rostovtsev, V.A.; Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); 95 p; 1990; p. 80-81; 4. International Conference on Computer Algebra in Physical Research; Dubna (Russian Federation); 22-26 May 1990
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Fields, D.E.; Dunning, D.E. Jr.
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA)1985
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA)1985
[en] A set of algorithms has been developed to support dosimetric and transport calculations. These subroutines read a radionuclide data file and prepare a decay chain showing branching fractions and radioactive half-lives of each member. One application of these subroutines has been their implementation as a set of FORTRAN subroutines for application in the PREREM code (Ryan and Fields, 1981). Recent use of these subroutines in stand-alone form required their expansion to print branching fractions. An expanded data set based on ICRP-38 radionuclide data (ICRP, 1983) was also prepared. This subroutine package is called Radionuclide Origin and Ontogeny Tracing Subroutines (ROOTS). The package is intended for execution on a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-10 Computer System, and may require modification to run on other machines. 6 refs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Nov 1985; 41 p; Available from NTIS, PC A03/MF A01; 1 as DE86002572
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[en] The main features of JAERI-Conversion are briefly given. The adaptation of cycle 1 and the updating procedure, as also errors detected during updating are then presented
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Workshop on computing aspects of the RELAP-5 MOD-1 code; Paris (France); 28-29 Nov 1983; FORTRAN.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Newsletter of the NEA Data Bank; (no.31); p. 129-134
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Tasso, H.; Steuerwald, J.
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Garching/Muenchen (F.R. Germany)1976
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Garching/Muenchen (F.R. Germany)1976
[en] A subroutine for Taylor series solutions of systems of ordinary linear differential equations is descriebed. It uses the old idea of Lie series but allows simple implementation and is time-saving for symbolic manipulations. (orig.)
Eine Subroutine fuer die Loesung von Systemen gewoehnlicher linearer Differentialgleichungen in Taylor-Reihen wird beschrieben. Sie verwendet die alte Idee der Lie-Reihen, erlaubt aber einfache Implementierung und ist zeitsparend fuer symbolische Manipulation. (orig./WB)Primary Subject
Feb 1976; 5 p; 2 refs.
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Computational Physics; v. 14(3); p. 301-317
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Burdik, C.
IV International Conference on Computer Algebra in Physical Research. Collection of abstracts1990
IV International Conference on Computer Algebra in Physical Research. Collection of abstracts1990
[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Rostovtsev, V.A.; Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); 95 p; 1990; p. 62; 4. International Conference on Computer Algebra in Physical Research; Dubna (Russian Federation); 22-26 May 1990
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[en] System thermal-hydraulic parameters and simulated, using the best-estimate system code(RELAP5/MOD1/NSC), based upon the sequence of events for the KNU1( Korea Nuclear Unit 1) loss of offsite power transient at 77.5% power which occurred on June 9,1981. The results are compared with the actual plant transient data and show good agreements. After the flow coastdown following the trips of both reactor coolant pumps, the establishment of natural circulation by the temperature difference between the hot and the cold legs is confirmed. The calculated reactor coolant flowrate closely approximate the plant data indicating the validity of relevant thermal-hydraulic models in the RELAP5/MOD1/NSC. Results also show that the sufficient heat removal capability is secured by the appropriate supply of the auxiliary feedwater without the operation of S/G PORVs. In addition, a scenario accident at full power, based upon the same sequence of events described above, is also analysed and the results confirmed that the safety of KNU1 is secured by the appropriate operation of the S/G PORVs coupled with the supply of auxiliary feedwater which ensures sufficient heat removal capability. The characteristics of the non-safety related components such as the turbine stop valve closing time, S/G PORV setting etc. are recognized to be important in the transient analyses on a bestestimate basis. (Author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The principles of the representation of dynamic data structures within the modular system RSYST-II are described. The identification of data blocks and data elements is carried out with the help of hierarchical data structures. Therefore, a simple formulation of complex burn-up problems is possible. The scheme of identification permits the user to define table functions simply. The consequent application of this scheme leads to a general generation and representation module for different data block types and to a data-structure independent programming of modules. (orig.)
Die Prinzipien der Darstellung sich veraendernder Datenstrukturen von Abbrandproblemen innerhalb des modularen Programmsystems RSYST-II werden dargestellt. Die Identifizierung von Datenbloecken und der in ihnen enthaltenen Datenelemente erfolgt mit Hilfe hierarchischer Datenstrukturen. Eine einfache Formulierung komplexer Abbrandprobleme wird dadurch moeglich. Dieses Identifizierungsschema von Datenelementen erlaubt dem Benutzer eine einfache Handhabung von Verknuepfungen, mit denen Tabellenfunktionen aufgebaut werden, die das Ergebnis von Rechnungen darstellen und in diesen weiterverwendet werden koennen. Die konsequente Anwendung dieses Schemas fuehrt zu einem allgemeinen Generierungs- und Darstellungsmodul fuer unterschiedliche Datenblocktypen und zu einer datenstrukturunabhaengigen Programmierung von Moduln. (orig.)Primary Subject
1 fig.; 1 tab.; 8 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Atomkernenergie; v. 26(3); p. 193-194
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Huddleston, R.E.
Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. (USA)1972
Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. (USA)1972
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Dec 1972; 34 p
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