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Original Title
Dokumentation radioaktiver Abfaelle fuer das Endlager Konrad
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Record Type
Journal Article
StrahlenschutzPraxis (Koeln); ISSN 0947-434X; ; v. 16(3); p. 18-20
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[en] This study reviews the status of the radioactive material produced in Afghanistan. It also evaluates the legal framework and technical capabilities of Afghanistan in managing their radioactive sources. The study finds out that like many developing countries, Afghanistan is not an exception in poor management of its radioactive waste. The ineffectiveness of the system in managing radioactive waste due to the lack of technical and financial capabilities are discussed and some measures are recommended. (author)
Primary Subject
28 refs.; This record replaces 51054437
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry; ISSN 0236-5731; ; CODEN JRNCDM; v. 323(2); p. 715-720
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Horak, W.C.; Reisman, A.; Purvis, E.E. III.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, Washington, DC (United States)1997
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, Washington, DC (United States)1997
[en] The Soviet Union established a system of specialized regional facilities to dispose of radioactive waste generated by sources other than the nuclear fuel cycle. The system had 16 facilities in Russia, 5 in Ukraine, one in each of the other CIS states, and one in each of the Baltic Republics. These facilities are still being used. The major generators of radioactive waste they process these are research and industrial organizations, medical and agricultural institution and other activities not related to nuclear power. Waste handled by these facilities is mainly beta- and gamma-emitting nuclides with half lives of less than 30 years. The long-lived and alpha-emitting isotopic content is insignificant. Most of the radwaste has low and medium radioactivity levels. The facilities also handle spent radiation sources, which are highly radioactive and contain 95-98 percent of the activity of all the radwaste buried at these facilities
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1997; 8 p; 32. intersociety energy conversion engineering conference; Honolulu, HI (United States); 27 Jul - 2 Aug 1997; CONF-970701--6; CONTRACT AC02-76CH00016; Also available from OSTI as DE97006713; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Report Number
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Based upon the tabulated values of the European Radon Study, the relationship between lung cancer risk and radon exposure is re-investigated. The evaluation of the relative risk according to exposure categories shows clear deviations from linearity without threshold. Calculations of the odds ratios for the individual exposure categories based on the tabulated numbers of cases and controls show large systematic deviations from a linear exposure-risk relationship in the six investigated diagnosis and smoking groups. A dichotomic partition of exposures at 100 Bq/m3 reveals no increased risk for the upper categories. For the again and again published estimations of the yearly expected numbers of new cases of lung cancer attributable to radon exposure, and for downward corrections of the reference values for the mitigation of radon levels, the European Radon study in its present form is therefore not a sound basis. (orig.)
Original Title
Kritische Stellungnahme zur Europaeischen Radonstudie
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
StrahlenschutzPraxis (Koeln); ISSN 0947-434X; ; v. 16(3); p. 48-53
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[en] This article is devoted to radioactive waste (RAW) management, an integrated system starting with collection and sorting of RAW through its storage, treatment, conditioning, handling and transport up to its disposal. Some notes will touch also the near surface depository of low level and intermediate level radioactive waste in Mochovce, and the long-term storage of waste improper for such type of disposal, and also some words will be addressed to the development and research of a deep geological depository for disposal spent fuel from nuclear power plant and long-lived radioactive waste. (author)
Original Title
Radioaktivny odpad a zadna cast palivoveho cyklu jadrovych elektrarni na Slovensku
Primary Subject
6. Banska Stiavnica Days 2004. Environmental impacts on the environment. Trends in environmental sciences and radio-environmental sciences; VI. Banskostiavnicke dni 2004. Environmentalne dopady energetiky na ZP. Trendy v environmentalistike a radioenvironmentalistike; Banska Stiavnica (Slovakia); 6-8 Oct 2004; PROJECTS VEGA-2/2049; VEGA-1/1381/04; Available - English translation can be ordered from the Omega Info, Vysehradska 33, 85106 Bratislava, Slovak Republic (e-mail:, at USD 10.00 per standard page (1800 characters); 5 refs.; E-mail:; Hybler, P. (ed.), Katedra environmentalneho inzinierstva, Fakulta ekologie a environmentalistiky, Technicka univerzita Zvolen, Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia; Twenty-sixth papers were published in Proceedings of the 6th Banska Stiavnica Days 2004
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Acta Facultatis Ecologiae; ISSN 1336-300X; ; v. 12(suppl.2); p. 11-14
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No abstract available
Original Title
Технологии, съоръжения и принципи за управление на РАО от ядрени съоръжения в ДП РАО
Primary Subject
2014; 38 p; BULATOM International Nuclear Forum. Bulgarian Nuclear Energy National, Regional and World Energy Safety; Varna (Bulgaria); 4-6 Jun 2014; Power Point Presentation
Record Type
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[en] The solutions to the technical problem of the disposal of radioactive waste are limited by a) the state of knowledge of reprocessing possibilites, b) public acceptance of the use of those techniques which are known, c) legislative procedures linking licensing of new nuclear power plants to the solution of waste problems, and d) other political constraints. Wastes are generated in the mining and enriching of radioactive elements, and in the operation of nuclear power plants as well as in all fields where radioactive substances may be used. Waste management will depend on the stability and concentration of radioactive materials which must be stored, and a resolution of the tension between numerous small storage sites and a few large ones, which again face problems of public acceptability
Primary Subject
Lewins, J.; Becker, M; p. 1-72; 1981; p. 1-72; Plenum; New York, NY
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Wormser, G.
Disposal of Radioactive Wastes. Vol. I. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes1960
Disposal of Radioactive Wastes. Vol. I. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes1960
[en] The Report Gives The Account Of Four Years’ Experience In Operating The Treatment Plant For Effluents From The Saclay Nuclear Research Centre. It Contains Data Relating To The Origin, Volume And Treatment Of Waste. (author)
Ce rapport présente un bilan d’exploitation de l’installation de traitement des effluents du Centre d’études nucléaires de Saclay depuis quatre ans. On donne des chiffres concernant l’origine des résidus, leur volume, leur traitement. (author)[es]
El autor hace un balance de explotación de la instalación de tratamiento de efluentes del centro de Saclay desde hace cuatro años, dando las cifras correspondientes al origen de los residuos, a su volumen y a su tratamiento. (author)[ru]
V jetom dokumente podvoditsja itog chetyrehletnej jekspluatacii ustanovki po obrabotke zhidkih othotov v Centre jadernyh issledovanij v Sakle. V doklade privodjatsja dannye o proishozhdenii othodov, jh ob'eme i obrabotke. (author)Original Title
Traitement des Effluents Radioactifs au Centre d’Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay; ОБРАБОТКА ЖИДКИХ РАДИОАКТИВНЫХ ОТХОДОВ В ЦЕНТРЕ ЯДЕРНЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ В САКЛЕ; Tratamiento de los Efluentes Radiactivos en el Centro de Energia Nuclear de Saclay
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France); Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome (Italy); 615 p; 1960; p. 333-344; Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes; Monaco (Monaco); 16-21 Nov 1959; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 10 figs., 4 tabs.
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[en] An overview is given of the nature and management of uranium mill tailings and various radioactive wastes. Illustrations are taken from Canadian programs, however the text is worldwide in scope. (E.C.B.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Eng. Dig. (Toronto); v. 23(3); p. 19-21, 24-26
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[en] These Technical Publications include the main papers presented during the IV R and d Symposium on Radioactive Wastes Management Technology, promoted by ENRESA and held in the Barcelona University during November 2001. The papers correspond both to the technical Sessions and the Seminars and they are a document of inestimable value that indicates the high technological value reached in the radioactive waste management as a result of a clear and continuous R and D politics together with an intense and productive international collaboration. Throughout the papers of this document the technological status and the capacities developed in all different fields of the radioactive waste management are shown. the main subjects discussed include: low and medium activity wastes management, dismantling of nuclear plants, partitioning and transmutation of long life radionuclide and mainly deep geological disposal. Through the papers corresponding to the scientific sessions the state of the art in the mentioned areas is reviewed with special emphasis as the achievements and developments reached in Spain. Through the seminars, many outstanding aspects of the R and D in radioactive wastes such as the biosphere role, the numerical modelling and the underground laboratories, can be studied in depth. (Author)
Original Title
IV Jornadas de investigacion y desarrollo tecnologico en gestion de residuos radiactivos. Vol. 4
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2001; 150 p
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