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Gamble, Kyle Allan Lawrence; Hales, Jason Dean
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2016
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2016
[en] The purpose of this milestone report is to present the work completed in regards to material model development for U_3Si_2 fuel and highlight the results of applying these models to Reactivity Initiated Accidents (RIA), Loss of Coolant Accidents (LOCA), and Station Blackouts (SBO). With the limited experimental data available (essentially only the data used to create the models) true validation is not possible. In the absence of another alternative, code-to-code comparisons have been completed. Qualitative comparisons during postulated accident scenarios between U_3Si_2 and UO_2 fueled rods have also been completed demonstrating the superior performance of U_3Si_2.
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1 Jul 2016; 9 p; OSTIID--1364475; AC07-05ID14517; Available from; PURL:
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Uvakin, M.A.; Makhin, I.V.; Sotskov, E.V.
Scientific-technical conference «Neutron-physical problems of nuclear power». Abstracts2018
Scientific-technical conference «Neutron-physical problems of nuclear power». Abstracts2018
No abstract available
Original Title
Provedenie analizov bezopasnosti RU VVEhR v reaktivnostnykh avariyakh s uchetom regulirovaniya chastoty ehnergoseti
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AO «Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii — Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst. imeni A.I. Lejpunskogo», Obninsk (Russian Federation); 78 p; ISBN 978-5-907108-06-6; ; 2018; p. 58-59; Scientific-technical conference 'Neutron-physical problems of nuclear power'; Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya «Nejtronno-fizicheskie problemy atomnoj ehnergetiki»; Obninsk (Russian Federation); 28-30 Nov 2018; 4 refs.
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Vidal, T.; Gallais, L.; Faucheux, J.; Capdevila, H.; Sercombe, J.; Pontillon, Y., E-mail: laurent.gallais@fresnel.fr2021
No abstract available
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S0022311521003779; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Folsom, C. P.; Williamson, R. L.; Pastore, G.; Liu, W.
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2017
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2017
[en] This milestone report documents FY-17 efforts for the Reactivity Initiated Accident (RIA) Challenge Problem to demonstrate PWR RIA Fuel Performance capability. The challenge problem implementation plan identified a series of experimental comparisons to validate RIA capability in BISON. The specific cases chosen for FY-17 are CABRI REP Na-2, 3, 5, and 10. Work was also performed on the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor (NSRR) FK-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 cases.
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15 Aug 2017; 19 p; OSTIID--1471495; AC07-05ID14517; Available from; DOE Accepted Manuscript full text, or the publishers Best Available Version will be available free of charge after the embargo period; DOI: 10.2172/1471495
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Dokhane, A.; Grandi, G.; Vasiliev, A.; Rochman, D.; Ferroukhi, H., E-mail: abdelhamid.dokhane@psi.ch2018
[en] Highlights: • Analysis of SPERT-III Experiments. • Reactivity Initiated Accident Analysis. • Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation in CASMO down to 3-D core transient simulation. • Transient Analysis of RIA using SIMULATE-3K. • Uncertainty in Dynamical parameters. - Abstract: This research aims at validating the SIMULATE-3K code and complementing the results with the quantification of nuclear data uncertainties against the Special Power Excursion Reactor Test III (SPERT-III) experiments. To that aim, the SHARK-X methodology, under development at PSI, for the propagation of nuclear data uncertainties in CASMO5 2-D lattice calculations to 3-D core transient simulations is applied for the analysis of a SPERT-III super-prompt critical test conducted at cold startup conditions. Concerning transient results, both total power and reactivity show a good agreement with the measurements at the initial phase of power excursion, while a slight discrepancy is obtained at the final phase of the transient. The estimated uncertainties regarding both steady-state parameters such as k-eff and static reactivity worth, as well as dynamical quantities such as power pulse width and enthalpies are presented. Results show non-negligible sensitivity upon the employed nuclear data library. The uncertainty quantification results show relatively small biases for k-eff and reactivity. The uncertainty in peak power is around 3%, while it is negligible for the time to peak power and the pulse width. The time evolution of the standard deviation and skewness of the total power showed special shapes with relatively high maximum values. In addition, the uncertainty due to nuclear data in the two important safety parameters, i.e. maximum nodal fuel temperature and enthalpy reaches maximum value around 2% and 10%, respectively.
Primary Subject
S030645491830207X; Available from; Copyright (c) 2017 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Traore, O.I.; Cristini, P.; Favrettto-Cristini, N.; Pantera, L.; Viguier-Pla, S., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie - Centre d'Etude Nucleaire - SCK.CEN, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol (Belgium)2017
Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie - Centre d'Etude Nucleaire - SCK.CEN, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol (Belgium)2017
[en] In a context of nuclear safety experiment monitoring with the non destructive testing method of acoustic emission, we study the impact of the test device on the interpretation of the recorded physical signals by using spectral finite element modeling. The numerical results are validated by comparison with real acoustic emission data obtained from previous experiments. The results show that several parameters can have significant impacts on acoustic wave propagation and then on the interpretation of the physical signals. The potential position of the source mechanism, the positions of the receivers and the nature of the coolant fluid have to be taken into account in the definition a pre-processing strategy of the real acoustic emission signals. It is thus impossible to define a global transfer function. We also conclude that it is not possible to use classical deconvolution methods when the source position is unknown. Additionally, numerical simulations suggests that frequencies up to 80 kHz have to be preferred because of the flat response of the transfer functions in this frequency band. In order to show the relevance of such an approach, we use the results to propose an optimization of the positions of the acoustic emission sensors in order to reduce the estimation bias of the time-delay and then improve the localization of the source mechanisms. (authors)
Primary Subject
2017; 5 p; ANIMMA 2017: International conference on advancements in nuclear instrumentation measurement methods and their applications; Liege (Belgium); 19-23 Jun 2017; Country of input: France; 16 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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Lecerf, J.; Garnier, Y.; Hudelot, J.P.; Duc, B.; Pantera, L., E-mail:
Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie - Centre d'Etude Nucleaire - SCK.CEN, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol (Belgium)2017
Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie - Centre d'Etude Nucleaire - SCK.CEN, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol (Belgium)2017
[en] CABRI is an experimental pulse, pool-type reactor, with a core made of 1487 UO2 fuel rods with a 6 % 235U enrichment with stainless steel cladding. The reactor is able to reach a 25 MW steady state power level. CABRI has been recently refurbished in order to be able to provide RIA (reactivity initiated accident) and LOCA (loss of coolant accident) experiments in prototypical PWR conditions (155 bar, 300 C. degrees). This paper focuses on the analyses of the linearity of the 5 ex-core boron ionization chambers used to measure online the power of the CABRI driver core during RIA power transients. The neutron detectors have been calibrated thanks to thermal balances performed on the primary cooling system for steady states of power up to 23 MW. In the first part of the paper, the method used and the tests realized to calibrate the neutron detectors at low power will be explained. The second part will concentrate on the method used to demonstrate the linearity of the detectors under transient conditions.
Primary Subject
2017; 6 p; ANIMMA 2017: International conference on advancements in nuclear instrumentation measurement methods and their applications; Liege (Belgium); 19-23 Jun 2017; Country of input: France; 5 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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Zhang Yanwei; Wang Rongshan; Bai Guanghai; Mei Jinna; Liu Erwei; Geng Jianqiao
Progress report on nuclear science and technology in China (Vol.4). Proceedings of academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society in 2015, No.5--Nuclear Material sub-volume2016
Progress report on nuclear science and technology in China (Vol.4). Proceedings of academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society in 2015, No.5--Nuclear Material sub-volume2016
[en] The mechanical test procedures that address fuel cladding failure during a RIA are reviewed with an emphasis on the development of test procedures that determine the deformation and fracture behavior of cladding under conditions similar to those reached in a RIA. An analysis of cladding strain and stress are summarized and advantages and disadvantages of these tests are discussed. The short ring tests as well as EDC tests are quite different from those experienced by cladding during RIA, the burst test, the ring compression tests, the PSU plane-strain tests and the magneto-forming test can provide comparatively small corrections in simulating the stress state of RIA. However, each of these test procedures have limitations in duplicating the precise failure conditions associated with RIA. (authors)
Primary Subject
China Nuclear Society (China); 381 p; ISBN 978-7-5022-7103-9; ; Apr 2016; p. 350-357; 2015 academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society; Mianyang (China); 21-24 Sep 2015; 6 figs., 16 refs.
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[en] This paper deals with the second phase of the RIA (reactivity initiated accident) fuel rod code benchmark for water-cooled reactors that began in 2014. This second phase has been organized around 2 complementary activities: the first activity is to compare the results of different simulations on simplified cases in order to provide additional bases for understanding the differences in modelling of the concerned phenomena, while the second activity is focused on the assessment of the uncertainty of the results. The detailed specification and comparison of the results from the first activity is presented in this paper. Based on the Phase-I and Phase-II conclusions, some generic recommendations can be made. First, fuel and clad thermomechanical models (with the associated material properties) should be further improved and validated more extensively against a sound RIA database. Secondly, build-up of a comprehensive and robust database consisting of both separate-effect tests and integral tests should be pursued in the short term to reinforce the basis for assessment of both individual model and model integration into codes. Thirdly, an assessment of the uncertainty of fuel thermo-mechanics is of high interest (which is consistent with the second activity of this RIA benchmark Phase-II). Finally, as RIA fuel codes are more and more likely to be used for reactor accident studies, particularly for those involving safety analyses, the fuel rod failure criteria (generally used in such analyses) will have to be carefully justified and validated. The current RIA fuel failure criteria are mainly based on the fuel thermal variables and the verification is based on 'conservative' assumptions for the heat transfer conditions. As all codes give rather consistent evaluations of such variables, it appears possible, taking into account adequate provisions, to derive criteria based on thermal variables from experimental values or from an analytical approach. However, if in the future more mechanistic modelling is ever to be used to establish fuel-failure criteria based on mechanical variables, weaknesses in the validation of the codes identified above will have to be accounted for
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American Nuclear Society - ANS, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park, IL 60526 (United States); 1670 p; ISBN 978-0-89448-734-7; ; 2016; p. 219-228; Top Fuel 2016: LWR fuels with enhanced safety and performance; Boise, ID (United States); 11-15 Sep 2016; Available from: American Nuclear Society - ANS, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park, IL 60526 (US), also available on CD-Rom; Country of input: France; 7 refs.
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Nop, Raksmy
Universite de Paris-Saclay, Espace Technologique, Immeuble Discovery, Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers RD 128, 91190 Saint-Aubin, (France); Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States); CEA, DES-DM2S (France)2020
Universite de Paris-Saclay, Espace Technologique, Immeuble Discovery, Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers RD 128, 91190 Saint-Aubin, (France); Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States); CEA, DES-DM2S (France)2020
[en] In case of a reactivity insertion accident in an experimental nuclear reactor, heat generation in the core can grow exponentially in time, with a power escalation period ranging from a few to a few hundreds of milliseconds. Due to neutronic and thermohydraulic effects, boiling crisis may arise, possibly leading to an explosive reaction. If the boiling Crisis has been widely investigated in steady-state conditions, this has not been the case for transient heat inputs. The aim of the present work is to understand and to predict the transient flow boiling crisis in the conditions of moderate pressure and high subcooling. To this end, an experimental campaign has been realized making use of space and time highly resolved videos and IR thermography covering a wide range of experimental parameters. The analysis of the massive amount of data produced by these experiments gives a better insight on the dependency of the transient Critical Heat Flux to the different parameters of interest (power escalation period, flow velocity, subcooling, pressure, channel width, heating length). Moreover, their fine analysis enables to highlight the underlying mechanisms. For conditions of forced flow and high subcooling, the bubbles generated at the wall present a pulsating behavior. This specific process leads to an efficient heat transfer from the wall to the neighboring fluid. Boiling crisis is stated to occur when a thin layer of liquid contacting the wall reaches the saturation temperature. Starting from these observations, a model is developed which brings to light two non dimensional parameters useful to describe the transient nature of the process and the dominant cooling processes. With the knowledge of the steady-state CHF, the model permits to conservatively estimate the value of the Critical Heat Flux for any power escalation period and subcooling. This model is now ready for implementation into simulation codes to investigate nuclear accidental transients. (author)
Lors d'une insertion accidentelle de reactivite dans un reacteur nucleaire experimental, la puissance du coeur peut augmenter de maniere exponentielle, avec un temps caracteristique allant de quelques millisecondes a quelques centaines de millisecondes. A cause des effets neutroniques et thermohydrauliques, le systeme peut atteindre les conditions de crise d'ebullition a meme d'engendrer une reaction explosive. Bien que la crise d'ebullition ait ete largement etudiee en conditions de chauffage stationnaires, ce n'est pas le cas pour les transitoires notamment de type excursions de puissance. Le but de ce travail est donc de comprendre et de predire la crise d'ebullition sous l'effet d'un chauffage transitoire rapide de l'eau sous fortes sous-saturations a pression moderee. Des campagnes experimentales ont ete realisees pour etudier la crise d'ebullition dans de telles conditions au moyen de videos et de thermographie IR hautement resolues en temps et en espace. L'analyse de ces donnees a permis de determiner la dependance du flux critique en transitoire rapide en fonction des differents parametres d'interet (temps caracteristique d'excursion de puissance, vitesse d'ecoulement, sous-saturation, pression, largeur du canal, longueur de chauffe). De plus, une analyse approfondie de ces donnees a permis de mettre en evidence les mecanismes sous-jacents a la crise d'ebullition dans ces conditions. En convection forcee et avec de fortes sous saturations, les bulles generees en paroi presentent un comportement pulsant. Ce phenomene assure un transfert de chaleur efficace depuis la paroi vers le fluide environnant. Le declenchement de la crise d'ebullition se produit lorsqu'une fine couche de fluide adjacente a la paroi atteint les conditions de saturation. Un modele developpe a partir de ces observations met en evidence deux parametres adimensionnes utiles pour decrire la nature transitoire du processus ainsi que pour identifier le mode de refroidissement dominant. Grace a la connaissance du flux critique en regime permanent, le modele permet d'estimer de maniere conservative le flux critique en fonction de la periode d'excursion de puissance et du sous-refroidissement. Ce modele est maintenant pret a etre implemente dans des codes de simulation pour l'etude des transitoires accidentelsOriginal Title
Etude experimentale et modelisation de la crise d'ebullition en transitoire rapide de l'eau a fort sous-refroidissement et a pression moderee
Primary Subject
17 Nov 2020; 201 p; FRCEA-TH--13426; 89 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Mecanique des Fluides
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