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[en] An outline of the procedures and schedules developed for preventive maintenance in power stations within the Rheinisch-Westfaelisches Elektrizitaetswerk (RWE) is presented. After an introduction of maintenance in general the different kinds of preventive maintenance activities are described. This includes also the prerequisite identification systems. The aims of preventive maintenance and the measures are explained that have to be taken, if these aims are to be achieved. A number of examples from actual practice are cited. (orig.)
Es wird ein Ueberblick ueber die fuer RWE-Kraftwerke entwickelten praeventiven Wartungsmassnahmen und -planungen gegeben. Nach einer Einfuehrung in Wartungsfragen ganz allgemein werden die verschiedenen praeventiven Wartungsarbeiten beschrieben. Darin eingeschlossen sind auch die erforderlichen Identifizierungssysteme. Es werden die Ziele der vorbeugenden Wartung und die zum Erreichen dieser Ziele durchzufuehrenden Massnahmen erlaeutert. Eine Anzahl von Beispielen aus der gegenwaertigen Praxis wird erwaehnt. (orig.)Primary Subject
1977; 17 p; IAEA interregional training course on construction and operation management of a nuclear power plant; Karlsruhe, Germany, F.R; 5 Sep - 25 Nov 1977; 15 figs.
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[en] Remote manipulation means the application of multi-purpose devices featuring high mobility and universal applicability. The paper describes such a remote manipulation system (manipulation vehicle MF1 and MF2, master-slave manipulator, TFTR maintenance manipulator) which can be used flexibly in the NNP during maintenance and repair and in incident and accident situations. Connecting elements and tools can be redesigned for remote manipulation to meet the specific application environments. (DG)
Mit Fernhantierungstechnik ist der Einsatz von Vielzweckgeraeten mit hoher Beweglichkeit und vielen Freiheitsgraden gemeint. Ein solches Fernhantierungssystem (Manipulaturfahrzeug MF1 und MF2, Master-Slave-Manipulator, TFTR Maintenance Manipulator) wird beschrieben. Es kann bei der Instandhaltung und in Stoer- oder Unfallsituationen flexibel in KKW eingesetzt werden und besteht im wesentlichen aus Manipulatoren. Eine Anpassung an den Einsatzort durch fernhantierungsgerechte Umgestaltung der Verbindungselemente und Werkzeuge ist moeglich. (DG)Original Title
Fernhantierungstechnik bei der Instandhaltung von Kernkraftwerken
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Bauer, K.G. (comp.); Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); 416 p; ISBN 3-922798-27-6; ; Dec 1986; p. 150-165; Trade conference and exhibition of Deutsches Atomforum e.V.: High serve - services for nuclear engineering; Fachtagung und Ausstellung des Deutschen Atomforums e.V.: High Serve - Service fuer die Kerntechnik; Bonn (Germany, F.R.); 22-23 Oct 1986; Available from Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.)
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[en] A robot developed by the company ACEC is described. Its main objective is to replace man during tasks being carried out in radioactive, dangerous or unhealthy environments
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Europe; CODEN NUEUD; v. 6(6); p. 22
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[en] This paper describes a practical and cost effective method for applying Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) principles to improve the effectiveness of an existing Preventive Maintenance program. While this program was developed for a modern nuclear power plant, it is based on the premise that many plants already have effective Maintenance and PM Programs, some of which may be relatively comprehensive, even at non-nuclear facilities. Therefore, the objective of this type of upgrade project is to identify and select the most effective PM tasks, whether currently active, or recommended new tasks or revisions, and to eliminate ineffective tasks. Then, apply those changes within the existing programs in a way that will allow the most efficient allocation of resources. It is anticipated that this program will enhance plant safety, improve plant availability and the reliability of plant equipment, as well as prevent escalation of maintenance costs when fully implemented
Primary Subject
1990; 8 p; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; New York, NY (USA); ASME/IEEE joint power generation conference; Boston, MA (USA); 21-25 Oct 1990; CONF-901034--; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47 St., New York, NY 10017 (USA); Technical Paper 90-JPGC/Pwr-51.
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[en] In Petten the Nuclear Structure Group uses neutron radiative capture as a tool for the study of bound and unbound states. Neutron rich nuclei provide a testing ground for physical theories and are relevant for nuclear applications. Moreover, neutron beams do not heat the target and therefore work with polarized target nuclei is feasible. In this paper: a slightly modified text of a video presentation: it will be shown how replacement of the reactor vessel was involving our group
Primary Subject
Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy conference; Knoxville, TN (USA); 10-14 Sep 1984; CONF-840906--
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] Maintenance strategies can be assigned to one of three categories: failure maintenance, periodic maintenance or condition-oriented maintenance. The optimum maintenance scheme can be selected on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis but the safety of life and limb or the political climate for NPP can hardly expressed in numbers. The implementation of preventive maintenance needs two preconditions: high-performance instrumentation in the form of stationary and mobile monitoring systems for the determination of the condition of the nuclear power plant components and provision of a tool that can handle both the organization of the work and the evaluation of the results obtained. (authors)
Original Title
La maintenance predictive: un moyen d'ameliorer la fiabilite des centrales nucleaires
Primary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France). Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations; 598 p; 1996; p. 532-540; Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear reactor surveillance and diagnostics; Avignon (France); 19-23 Jun 1995
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Heruc, Z.; Gajsak, Z.; Nikpalj, R.
Proceedings of the International conference: Nuclear option in countries with small and medium electricity grid1996
Proceedings of the International conference: Nuclear option in countries with small and medium electricity grid1996
[en] NEK management has undertaken a set of actions to improve the ability to provide equipment, spare parts and material needed to support operation and maintenance of the Krsko plant. These actions are necessary due primarily to the fact that NEK is more and more confronted (increasing trend) with the issue that suppliers of safety-related equipment and spare parts have decided not to pursue the nuclear portion of their business, incl. specific QA systems and qualifications. The purchase orders imposing these requirements are no longer accepted. In order to continue to obtain the necessary materials at the required quality level, a 'Commercial Grade Item' (CGI) procurement and dedication program has been developed based on similar practices in USA. (author)
Primary Subject
Croatian Nuclear Society, Zagreb (Croatia); 595 p; ISBN 953-96132-4-8; ; 1996; p. 306-313; International conference: Nuclear option in countries with small and medium electricity grid; Opatija (Croatia); 7-9 Oct 1996; 2 figs.
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Gibert, Pierre; Tajan, Jacques.
Compagnie des Aciers, Outillages et Equipements Industriels (groupe SKF), 92 - Clamart (France); Delegation Ministerielle pour l'Armement, 75 - Paris (France). Bureau des Brevets et Inventions1982
Compagnie des Aciers, Outillages et Equipements Industriels (groupe SKF), 92 - Clamart (France); Delegation Ministerielle pour l'Armement, 75 - Paris (France). Bureau des Brevets et Inventions1982
[en] This invention concerns the handling of large size long pieces and particularly gudgeon bolts employed for securing the closures of nuclear reactor vessels. This device enables the gudgeon to be moved vertically and pivoted into a horizontal position and vice versa. It includes a pivoting arm that can tilt about a fixed axis and used to guide a mobile trolley that can move along this arm and fitted with supports for the lower part of the gudgeon bolt. At least one cable includes one end fixed to the mobile trolley, the other end cooperating with a fixed winch. The preferably single cable passes over a loose pulley integral with the arm. In this manner, by actuating the winch and simply acting on this cable, it is possible to obtain the vertical displacement of the gudgeon bolt and its pivoting into the horizontal position and vice versa at one and the same time
La presente invention concerne la manutention de pieces allongees de grandes dimensions et en particulier de goujons utilises pour la fixation des couvercles de cuve de reacteurs nucleaires. Ce dispositif permet le deplacement vertical du goujon et son pivotement jusqu'en position horizontale et vice versa. Il comprend un bras pivotant susceptible de basculer autour d'un axe fixe et servant de guidage a un chariot mobile susceptible de se deplacer le long dudit bras et muni de moyens de support pour la portion inferieure du goujon. Au moins un cable comporte une extremite fixee au chariot mobile son autre extremite cooperant avec un treuil fixe. Le cable, de preference unique, passe sur une poulie folle solidaire du bras. De cette maniere il est possible, en actionnant le treuil et en agissant simplement sur ce cable, d'obtenir a la fois le deplacement vertical du goujon et son pivotement jusqu'en position horizontale et vice versaOriginal Title
Procede et dispositif de manutention de goujons de grandes dimensions
Primary Subject
30 Apr 1982; 17 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2492781/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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[en] The application of predictive maintenance techniques to nuclear valves is emerging with the use of more powerful diagnostic tools and the systematic analysis and feedback of experience. As advances continue, gains in valve maintenance efficiency will provide significant reductions in dose exposure, maintenance costs and plant unavailability. (author)
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Journal Article
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[en] The target of the paper is to turn the attention of the specialists into several directions connected with the NPP outage. The first direction is connected with the outage contribution to the NPP safety. The second one is connected with the way of thinking and the approaches used for the analysis and planning of the maintenance activities during the outage. The third one is connected with the knowledge and practice which can be used for scientific basis of the NPP safety during outage. The knowledge and experience in this field can be used in the other branches of the industry, where the requirements to reliability and safety are high
Original Title
Problemi na prestoya na YaETs za tehnichesko obsluzhvane i prezarezhdane: strategiya na upravlenieto
Primary Subject
11 refs., 1 tab., 3 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Dokladi na BYaD; ISSN 1310-8727; ; v. 3(1); p. 75-80
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