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[en] Mechanical manipulators, electrical control manipulators and computer aided manipulators were successively developed. The aim of computer aided manipulators is the realization of complex or tricky job in adverse environment but man is required for non routine work or for situation in evolution. French effort is developed in the frame of the project automation and advanced robotics and new problems have to be solved particularly at the interface man/machine
Le developpement technologique en milieu nucleaire a conduit de la telemanipulation a distance a la teleoperation puis a la teleoperation assistee par ordinateur (T.A.O.). L'objectif principal de la T.A.O. est d'aider l'homme a realiser des taches complexes ou delicates dans des conditions et un environnement hostile. L'homme est surtout present pour resoudre les problemes non repetitifs et faire face a des situations mal definies et evolutives. L'effort francais en T.A.O. se developpe notamment dans le cadre du projet Automatisation et Robotique Avancee (A.R.A.). Enfin, il faut noter les perspectives de rapprochement de la T.A.O. et de la robotique industrielle plus classique. La T.A.O. ou robotique de cooperation constitue une nouvelle approche qui necessite de resoudre un certain nombre de problemes de robotique avancee mais aussi d'ergonomie, en ce qui concerne l'interface homme/machineOriginal Title
Prospectives de la teleoperation. La telemanipulation assistee par calculateur
Primary Subject
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Inst. de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire; 289 p; 1984; p. 119-126; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Saclay (France); Meeting on protection, handling, detection and safety (PMDS 83); Saclay (France); 6-7 Dec 1983
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Lamoreaux, G.H.; Eakes, R.G.; Pope, R.B.
Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (USA)1983
Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (USA)1983
[en] A newly developed concept for a redundant-load-path lifting fixture for spent fuel shipping casks is presented. The concept addresses remote attachment of the crane hook to the lifting fixture and remote attachment of the lifting fixture to this cask, and also allows the cask to be rotated from its shipping position to the vertical and lifted from its transport vehicle without requiring hands-on action
Primary Subject
Apr 1983; 16 p; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE83011864
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Coussau, Jean.
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1982
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1982
[en] This service module is used when the closure of the vessel is removed as well as at least some of the internal equipment. It is composed of: - a supporting frame, fitted with hoisting gear and components for bearing and centring on the securing flange of the vessel closure, - a support plate, rotationally suspended under the frame on the axis of the vessel when the frame is in position on it, with facilities to change the angular position of the plate in relation to the frame, - a leak-tight cabin with walls and portholes of materials affording protection against radiation, resting through rollers on roller ways integral with the plate, with facilities for moving the cabin radially on the plate with respect to the vessel
Ce module d'intervention est destine a etre utilise lorsque le couvercle de la cuve est enleve ainsi qu'une partie au moins des equipments internes. Il est constitue par: - un bati support, muni de prises pour des moyens de levage, et d'organes d'appui et de centrage sur la bride de fixation du couvercle sur la cuve, - un plateau-support, suspendu en rotation sous le bati dans l'axe de la cuve lorsque le bati est en position sur celle-ci, avec des moyens pour faire varier la position angulaire du plateau par rapport au bati, - une cabine etanche, a parois et hublots en materiaux protegeant contre les rayonnements, reposant par des galets sur des chemins de roulement solidaires du plateau, avec des moyens pour deplacer la cabine sur le plateau radialement par rapport a la cuveOriginal Title
Module d'intervention a l'interieur d'une cuve de reacteur nucleaire
Primary Subject
21 May 1982; 12 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2494485/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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Shirley, C.G.; Yount, J.A.; Berger, J.D.
PATRAM '83: 7th international symposium on packaging and transportation of radioactive materials1983
PATRAM '83: 7th international symposium on packaging and transportation of radioactive materials1983
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA); p. VII.3-VII.4; 1983; p. VII.3-VII.4; 7. international symposium on packaging and transportation of radioactive materials; New Orleans, LA (USA); 15-20 May 1983; Available from NTIS, PC A21/MF A01; 1 as DE83012390
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[en] The aim of the invention is a process for remote coating of surfaces, such as the surfaces of the cavity between the plugs of an enclosure and a container before they are separated and put in contact with the atmosphere. Application of the process is made for fixation of radioactive dust on the surfaces. In this process the coating is dissolved, the cavity is filled with the solution and the solvent is vaporized either by lowering the pressure in the cavity or by air circulation. Preferientially, a silicon grease dissolved in freon is used
L'invention concerne un procede pour revetir a distance les surfaces d'une cavite a l'aide d'un produit pouvant adherer sur ces surfaces et l'application de ce procede a la fixation de poussieres toxiques sur les surfaces d'une cavite definie entre les bouchons de deux enceintes avant le desaccouplement de celles-ci. On dissout le produit dans un solvant, on remplit la cavite C de la solution obtenue et on vaporise le solvant soit en creant une depression dans la cavite, soit en y faisant circuler de l'air. De preference, on utilise une graisse silicone dissoute dans du freonOriginal Title
Procede pour deposer a distance un produit sur une surface et son application a la fixation de poussieres toxiques sur les parois d'une cavite contaminee
Primary Subject
1 Jul 1983; 24 Dec 1981; 9 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2518904/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8124221; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 24 Dec 1981
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[en] Abstract only
Primary Subject
International Radiation Protection Association, Washington, DC (USA); Australian Radiation Protection Society, Sydney (Australia); 3 v; ISBN 0 08 034442 9 (V.3); ; 1988; p. 1538; Pergamon Press; Sydney (Australia); 7. international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; Sydney (Australia); 10-17 Apr 1988
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[en] This draft standard specifies minimum requirements for master-slave manipulators with 3 hinges as well as criteria to be observed in their use and also gives recommendations for acceptance tests of this equipment. (orig./AK)
Dieser Normenentwurf legt Mindestanforderungen fest, die an Parallelmanipulatoren mit 3 Gelenken gestellt werden und Kriterien, die fuer den Einsatz zu beachten sind. Sie gibt ausserdem Hinweise fuer Abnahmepruefungen der Geraete. (orig./RW)Original Title
Fernbedienungsgeraete zum Arbeiten hinter Schutzwaenden
Primary Subject
Jul 1975; 4 p; Beuth; Berlin, F.R. Germany; DIN--25409(PT.5); 4 tabs.
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Doman, D.R.; Barker, R.E.
Hanford Engineering Development Lab., Richland, WA (USA)1980
Hanford Engineering Development Lab., Richland, WA (USA)1980
[en] Fourteen key areas relating to facilities and equipment for handling radioactive materials involved in examination, reprocessing, fusion fuel handling and remote maintenance have been defined and writing groups established to prepare design guides for each areas. The guides will give guidance applicable to design, construction, operation, maintenance and safety, together with examples and checklists. Each guide will be reviewed by an independent review group. The guides are expected to be compiled and published as a single document
Primary Subject
1980; 18 p; ANS international conference; Washington, DC, USA; 17 - 21 Nov 1980; CONF-801107--70; Available from NTIS., PC A02/MF A01
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Fremiot, Charles.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1975
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1975
[en] An improvement to an electrical system transmitting remote control displacement signals for a moving part is described. A radiofrequency control signal is transmitted from an emitter to a receiver, the latter controlling the position of the moving part. The improvement can be used with any displacement sensor
On decrit une amelioration aux dispositifs electriques permettant de transmettre a distance un ordre de deplacement d'un organe mobile depuis un ensemble emetteur vers un ensemble recepteur commandant la position de cet organe mobile. Elle permet une transmission facile par ondes hertziennes et une compatibilite aisee entre l'emetteur et le recepteur quelle que soit la nature du capteur de deplacementOriginal Title
Dispositif de telepositionnement
Primary Subject
10 Feb 1975; 17 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2300365/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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Rolfe, A.C.; Brown, P.; Carter, P.; Cusack, R.; Gaberscik, A.; Galbiati, L.; Haist, B.; Horn, R.; Irving, M.; Locke, D.; Loving, A.; Martin, P.; Mills, S.; Minchin, R.; Palmer, J.; Sanders, S.; Sanders, S.G.; Stokes, R.
Fusion technology 19981998
Fusion technology 19981998
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Beaumont, B.; Libeyre, P.; Gentile, B. de; Tonon, G. (Association Euratom-CEA Cadarache, 13 - Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (France). Dept. de Recherches sur la Fusion Controlee); (v.1-2) 1744 p; 1998; p. 36; 20. symposium on fusion technology; Marseille (France); 7-11 Sep 1998
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