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Original Title
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. Bekanntmachung ueber die Auslegung des 5. atomrechtlichen Teilgenehmigungsbescheides fuer die Errichtung eines Kernkraftwerkes mit einem Thorium-Hochtemperatur-Reaktor in Hamm-Uentrop, Gemarkung Schmehausen. Vom 5. Februar 1975
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Short communication only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Bundesanzeiger; v. 27(47); p. 5
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A dry, natural draught cooling tower, consisting of a cable netting is presented. Its characteristics are given and the construction is described
On donne les caracteristiques et on decrit la construction d'une tour de refroidissement seche a tirage naturel constituee d'un reseau de cablesOriginal Title
Tour de refroidissement a reseau de cables
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Technique Moderne; v. 68(1); p. 39-40
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In a prototype, there are often problems which require special static, constructive, and assembling measures for their solution. In the case of the Schmehausen dry cooling tower, the demands on the assembling technology are particularly high. (orig.)
Bei einem Prototyp ergeben sich haeufig Probleme, deren Loesung besondere statische, konstruktive und montage-technische Massnahmen erfordert. Im Falle des TKT Schmehausen sind die Anforderungen an die Montagetechnik besonders hoch. (orig.)Original Title
Trockenkuehltuerme - Beispiel Schmehausen
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Energie; v. 29(4); p. 113-114
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Describes the technical and constructional features of the interconnected cable cooling tower, at present, under erection, for the Schmehausen, 300-MW nuclear power station. The tower is 180 m. high, has upper and lower diameters of 92 and 141 m. respectively and the total weight of 8000 tonnes is about one third of the weight of a conventional cooling tower of comparable rating. The tower is the first of the type and is amongst the largest in the world. Reference is made to the procedures used during erection. (P.G.R.)
Original Title
Seilnetzkuehlturm fuer Kernkraftwerk Schmehausen
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Schweizerische Bauzeitung; v. 93(40); p. 623-624
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Design and technology of construction of prestressed cable cooling tower at the Schmehausen NPP with INIR-300 reactor is described. Reinforced concrete pylon of 181 meter height, on which special cable grid is fixed , forms the basis of the cooling tower. The cable grid strength is provided with two ring steel diaphragms. The cable grid is lined by aluminium corrugated panels 1 mm thick. Experience of operation of prestressed cable cooling tower has demonstrated high construction reliability
Original Title
Osobennosti tekhnologii vvedeniya vantovoj bashennoj gradirni AEhS
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehnergeticheskoe Stroitel'stvo za Rubezhom; CODEN ESRBB; (no.6); p. 17-20
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Bekanntmachung betreffend Antraege der Kernkraftwerk Hamm GmbH, Dortmund, auf Genehmigung zur Errichtung und zum Betrieb eines Kernkraftwerkes mit einem Druckwasserreaktor sowie eines Naturzug-Nasskuehlturms in Hamm-Uentrop, Stadtteil Schmehausen
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Short communication only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Bundesanzeiger; v. 27(219); p. 6
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The Higher Administrative Court has dismissed the decision of the Arnsberg Administrative Court of February 5, 1981, which had decided in favour of an action for restitution of the suspensive power of an action for annulment of the part-construction permit for the Schmehausen nuclear power plant with a high-temperature reactor, i.e. in favour of a halt to construction. The Higher Administrative Court has revoked this decision on formal grounds - incompetence of the Administrative Court - and on substantial grounds - the halt to construction would be too hard on the power plant producer. The author agrees with this and discusses some aspects of judgment, effective legal aid, etc. (HSCH)
Mit diesem Beschluss hat das OVG den Beschluss des VG Arnsberg vom 5.2.81 aufgehoben, durch den im vorlaeufigen Rechtsschutzverfahren die aufschiebende Wirkung einer Anfechtungsklage gegen eine Teilgenehmigung fuer das KKW mit Hochtemperaturreaktor in Schmehausen wiederhergestellt und damit ein Teil-Baustopp ausgesprochen worden war. Das OVG hat den Beschluss aus verfahrensrechtlichen Gruenden - Unzustaendigkeit des VG - und aus sachlichen Gruenden - Interessenabwaegung: Baustopp trifft Beigeladenen ungleich haerter - aufgehoben. Dauk stimmt dem Ergebnis zu, vertieft Gedanken zur richterlichen Ermessensabwaegung, zum effektiven Rechtsschutz, zur verfahrensmaessigen Vorverlagerung des Grundrechtsschutzes. (HSCH)Original Title
Aufhebung des Teil-Baustopps fuer den Hochtemperaturreaktor
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Legislative Material
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen; ISSN 0013-743X; ; v. 31(5); p. 386-390
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] With this decision, the Arnsberg Administrative Court has supended the '1st Amendment to Decision Nr. 7/4 THTR' for a component of the Schmehausen THTR. This 1st amendment, which permits the construction of a separate building for the feedwater container, is considered to be unlawful as the plaintiff was not allowed to take part in the administrative procedure and this is an infringement of his basic right to life and integrity. The decision, with many technical details, was made without consultation of an expert. (HSCH)
Das VG Arnsberg hat mit diesem Urteil die '1. Ergaenzung zum Bescheid Ur. 7/4 THTR' fuer einen Bauteil des THTR in Schmehausen aufgehoben. Diese 1. Ergaenzung, Aenderungsgenehmigung fuer den Bau eines separaten Gebaeudes fuer den Speisewasserbehaelter, sei rechtswidrig, weil sie ohne Beteiligung des Klaegers an dem Verwaltungsverfahren erteilt worden war und einen Verstoss gegen Para. Para.4 ff AtVfV und eine Verletzung seines Grundrechtes auf Leben und koerperliche Unversehrtheit darstelle. Das auf viele technische Einzelheiten eingehende Urteil erging ohne Anhoerung von Sachverstaendigen. (HSCH)Original Title
Aenderungsgenehmigung fuer den Hochtemperaturreaktor im Streit
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Legislative Material
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen; ISSN 0013-743X; ; v. 31(5); p. 391-396
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Schnellenbach, G.
Experience in the design, construction, and operation of prestressed concrete pressure vessels and containments for nuclear reactors1976
Experience in the design, construction, and operation of prestressed concrete pressure vessels and containments for nuclear reactors1976
[en] Till now all containments of German nuclear power plants have been fabricated in steel. However the nuclear power plants Gundremmingen II (KRB II) and Schmehausen II (HTR) will have prestressed concrete containments. The construction of these plants will probably start in 1975. Containments have to fulfill special tasks differing from those of pressure vessels. Because of this, design criteria for pressure vessels are not applicable to containments. On the other hand normal regulations for prestressed concrete structures are insufficient for containments. The containments KRB II and HTR are buildings of different types. KRB II is located in the interior of the reactor building of the SW-72-type. It is surrounded by a thick-walled concrete structure. HTR has the classical shape for concrete containments - vertical cylinder with spherical cap. It surrounds the reactor-building. The containment has to withstand aircraft impact forces. This influences its liner too. Design criteria have been developed for both containments, taking into consideration the special properties of these buildings. Design criteria are discussed for service-load conditions, test conditions, various forms of accident and for the ultimate load conditions. The influence of extreme external loads on the design is described. (author)
Primary Subject
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London (UK); p. 581-587; ISBN 0 85298 339 5; ; 1976; Mechanical Engineering Pub. Ltd. for Institution of Mechanical Engineers; London; Conference on experience in the design, construction, and operation of prestressed concrete pressure vessels and containments for Nuclear Reactors; York, UK; 8 - 12 Sep 1975
Record Type
Literature Type
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Das Nachwaermeabfuhrsystem des HTR-1,160
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (F.R. Germany); p. 501-503; 1975; ZAED; Leopoldshafen, F.R. Germany; Reactor conference; Nuernberg, F.R. Germany; 8 Apr 1975; AED-CONF--75-001-123; 3 refs. Short communication only.
Record Type
Literature Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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