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Original Title
Polovodicovy detektor ionizujiciho zareni pro promerovani expozicnich prikonu ve velkych izotopovych radiacnich zdrojich
Primary Subject
Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved, Prague. Ustav Dozimetrie Zareni; 159 p; Aug 1983; p. 85; 6. national symposium on radiation dosimetry; Marianske Lazne (Czechoslovakia); 28 Nov - 2 Dec 1983; Published in summary form only.
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[en] This final project study is entitled realization and characterization of a stabilized power supply for a diode laser. It was developed at the National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technology at Sidi Thabet. In a first step, we are interested on the physics of lasers and its applications in different fields. We have also focused on the electronic manufacturing of diode lasers. In a second part, we have presented in detail the current stabilized power supply and the detailed description of the various blocks of this electronic schema. Before the experimental realization, we simulated the electronic schema using the commercial software Proteus 7. Finally we presented the practical realization of various cards.
Original Title
Realisation et caracterisation d'une alimentation de courant stabilisee d'une diode laser
Primary Subject
2010; 76 p; Also available from Institut Superieur des Technologie Medicales de Tunis, Tunisia (TN); 8 refs.; Memoire de Projet de Fin d'Etudes (Memoire de Licence Appliquee)
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No abstract available
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Available from; Abstract only; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physics Uspekhi; ISSN 1063-7869; ; v. 54(9); p. 975-980
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Original Title
Primary Subject
2 Apr 1974; 16 p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 3,801,928
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Barbosa, F.R.; Malberti, P.; Salla, C.E.; Gouvea, R.
Proceedings of the 13. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics1990
Proceedings of the 13. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics1990
[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Comportamento termico e confiabilidade de Leds InGaAsP/InP
Almeida Fonseca, A.L. de (Brasilia Univ., DF (Brazil)); Koiler, B. (Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)); Brescansin, L.M. (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil)) (and others); Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 284 p; 1990; p. 102; 13. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics; Caxambu, MG (Brazil); 8-12 May 1990; Available from the Library of the Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
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[en] The evaluation of a prototype of an automatic transmission scanning densitometer is presented. It contains a semiconductor diode laser as a light source, and is mainly oriented to the analysis of protein electrophoresis. It was developed on the Center for Technological Applications and Nuclear Development (CEADEN). Its technical specifications were established and certified by the National Institute of Researches on Metrology (INIMET), and also the equipment was submitted for assays to the Process Control Laboratory, that belongs to the 'Adalberto Pesant' Enterprise for Sera and Hemo derivatives Products, in Havana city, where it was employed to the partial quality control of products that are made there, achieving satisfactory results. (Author)
Original Title
Evaluacion de densitometro automatico con diodo laser
Primary Subject
Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnologicas y Desarrollo Nuclear (CEADEN), La Habana (Cuba); Sociedad Cubana de Fisica (SCF), La Habana (Cuba); 1 CD-ROM; ISBN 978-959-7139-88-1; ; Apr 2009; 251 KB; OPTELACIC 2009: 6. International TECNOLASER Event; OPTELACIC 2009. VI Taller Internacional TECNOLASER. II Reunion de Optica, Vida y Patrimonio; La Habana (Cuba); 13-16 Apr 2009; 2. Meeting of Optic, Life and Heritage; OPTELACIC 2009. VI Taller Internacional TECNOLASER. II Reunion de Optica, Vida y Patrimonio; La Habana (Cuba); 13-16 Apr 2009; Available fron Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnologica y Desarrollo Nuclear (CEADEN), La Habana (CU). Email.; Centro de Gestion de la Informacion y Desarrollo de la Energia (Cubaenergia), La Habana (CU) ,Email.; 5 Figs., 5 tabs., 19 Refs.; This record replaces 40104932
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Schauer, P
Univ. Wien, Wien (Austria)1997
Univ. Wien, Wien (Austria)1997
[en] This two studies aim to examine application of a diode-laser in periodontal therapy. The aim of the pilot-study was to examine the immediate effect of the diode-laser in reducing the bacterial concentration in periodontal pockets. 50 patients were randomly subdivided into two groups (laser group, control group) and microbiologic samples were collected. One week after the therapy (1st group: scaling and laser, 2nd group: scaling) there were taken further more samples from the same periodontal pockets treated before. The microbiologic samples were evaluated to verify bacterial elimination from the periodontal pockets, especially Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans could be considerably eliminated from periodontal pockets by the diode laser. In the long-term study, there were two groups, one laser-group and one control-group. All 50 patients were required to have periodontal pockets with a minimum depth of 4 mm in each quadrate. The bacterial reduction, the change of bleeding on probing and the pocket depth had been evaluated six months after therapy. The irradiation with the diode laser allows considerable bacterial elimination, the index of bleeding on probing came out to be significantly better than in the control group. The reduction of pocket depth was also greater than in the control group. (author)
Original Title
Lasertherapie und vergleichende Behandlungsmethoden in der Parodontologie
Primary Subject
Feb 1997; 109 p; Available from Univ. Wien Bibliothek, Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien (AT); Reference number: WU-D-78; Thesis (Dr. med. univ.)
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Alef, M.; Hugelmann, C.P.; Schmidmeier, K.H.; Seldner, D.; Westermann, T.
Mathematical methods and supercomputing in nuclear applications. Proceedings. Vol. 21993
Mathematical methods and supercomputing in nuclear applications. Proceedings. Vol. 21993
[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Kuesters, H. (ed.) (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany)); Stein, E. (ed.) (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany)); Werner, W. (ed.) (Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH (GRS), Garching (Germany)); Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany); 822 p; ISBN 3-923704-11-9; ; Apr 1993; p. 797; Joint international conference on mathematical methods and supercomputing in nuclear applications (M and C and SNA '93); Karlsruhe (Germany); 19-23 Apr 1993; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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Gomol'skij, D.M.
4. Ukrainian Scientific Conference on Semiconductor Physics (USCPS - 4). Part 2. Abstracts2009
4. Ukrainian Scientific Conference on Semiconductor Physics (USCPS - 4). Part 2. Abstracts2009
No abstract available
Original Title
Formirovanie vysokovol'tnykh stolbov
Primary Subject
Machulin, V.F. (ed.); Naukova Rada z Problemi 'Fyizika Napyivprovyidnikyiv ta Napyivprovyidnikovyi Pristroyi' pri VFN Natsyional'noyi Akademyiyi Nauk Ukrayini, Kyiv (Ukraine); Myinyisterstvo Osvyiti yi Nauki Ukrayini, Kyiv (Ukraine); Ukrayins'ke Fyizuchne Tovaristvo, Odesa (Ukraine); Yinstitut Fyiziki Napyivprovyidnikyiv yim. V.Je. Lashkaryova NAN Ukrayini, Kyiv (Ukraine); Klasichnij Privatnij Universitet, Zaporizhzhya (Ukraine); Zaporyiz'kij Natsyional'nij Tekhnyichnij Universitet, Zaporyizhzhya (Ukraine); Zaporyiz'kij Natsyional'nij Universitet, Zaporyizhzhya (Ukraine); VAT 'Zavod Napyivprovyidnikyiv', Zaporyizhzhya (Ukraine); Akademyiya Nauk Vishchoyi Shkoli, Kyiv (Ukraine); 231 p; ISBN 978-966-414-058-1; ; 2009; p. 154; USCPS-4: 4. Ukrainian Scientific Conference on Semiconductor Physics. Conference dedicated to the 50 anniversary of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics after V.E. Lashkaryov of NASU foundation; 4. Ukrayins'ka Naukova Konferentsyiya z Fyiziki Napyivprovyidnikyiv (UNKFN-4). Konferentsyiya prisvyachena 50-ryichchyu stvorennya Yinstitutu Fyiziki Napyivprovyidnikyiv yim. V.Je. Lashkaryova NAN Ukrayini; Zaporyizhzhya (Ukraine); 15-19 Sep 2009; Available from Ukrainian INIS Centre
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Sinitsyn, A V; Arguchintsev, A V; Kedrin, V S, E-mail: avsinitsyn@yahoo.com2021
[en] Computational aspects of a vacuum plane diode simulation in a magnetic field are considered. The e efficient potential approach is proposed. Results of computational experiments are given. (paper)
1. International Recent Trends in Engineering, Advanced Computing and Technology Conference (RETREAT); Paris (France); 1-3 Dec 2020; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 1847(1); [5 p.]
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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