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Calvet, Pierre
Universite des sciences et technologies de Lille, Cite Scientifique, 59100 Lille (France); CEA, DAM-DLP (France)2014
Universite des sciences et technologies de Lille, Cite Scientifique, 59100 Lille (France); CEA, DAM-DLP (France)2014
[en] Spatial beam shaping is an important topic for the lasers applications. For various industrial areas (marking, drilling, laser-matter interaction, high-power laser seeding...) the optical beam has to be flattened. Currently, the state of the art of the beam shaping: 'free-space' solutions or highly multimode fibers, are not fully suitable. The first ones are very sensitive to any perturbations and the maintenance is challenging, the second ones cannot deliver a coherent beam. For this reason, we present in this manuscript a micro-structured optical single-mode fiber delivering a spatially flattened beam. This 'Top-Hat' fiber can shape any beam in a spatially coherent beam what is a progress with respect to the highly multimode fibers used in the state of the art. The optical fibers are easy to use and very robust, what is a strong benefit with respect to the 'free-space' solutions. Thanks to this fiber, we could realize an all-fiber multi-stage laser chain to amplify a 10 ns pulse to 100 μJ. Moreover the temporal, spectral and spatial properties were preserved. We adapted this 'Top-Hat' fiber to this multi-stage laser chain, we proved the capability and the interest of this fiber for the spatial beam shaping of the laser beams in highly performing and robust laser systems. (author)
La mise en forme spatiale est une problematique importante pour les lasers et ses applications. Dans de nombreux domaines (l'industrie, l'interaction laser-matiere, l'injection des lasers de puissance...) il est indispensable que le faisceau laser ait une forme aplatie. Les solutions actuelles de mise en forme spatiale d'un faisceau laser quelconque en faisceau aplati (par les techniques 'espace-libre' ou par les fibres fortement multimodes) ne sont pas satisfaisantes. Elles occasionnent des difficultes de maintenance, sont tres sensibles aux perturbations du systeme et elles ne permettent pas de delivrer un faisceau spatialement coherent. Pour cette raison nous presentons dans ce manuscrit une fibre optique microstructuree monomode delivrant un faisceau spatialement aplati. Cette fibre 'mode-plat' permet de transformer n'importe quel faisceau en un faisceau aplati coherent spatialement ce qui est un progres par rapport aux fibres fortement multimodes utilisees jusque-la. L'interet des fibres optiques est egalement leur maintenance facilitee et leur robustesse, cette solution est donc d'un grand avantage par rapport aux solutions 'espace-libres'. Grace a cette fibre, nous avons pu realiser une chaine laser entierement fibree permettant d'amplifier une impulsion d'une duree de 10 ns jusqu'a 100 μJ tout en controlant ses proprietes temporelles, spectrales et spatiales. En adaptant la fibre 'mode-plat' a cette chaine laser, nous avons demontre la faisabilite et l'interet de cette fibre pour la mise en forme spatiale de faisceaux laser dans des systemes performants et robustesOriginal Title
Mise en forme spatiale dans une fibre optique microstructuree pour la realisation d'amplificateurs lasers tout fibres pour les pilotes des lasers de puissance
Primary Subject
25 Nov 2014; 178 p; 112 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS-NKM website for current contact and E-mail addresses:; Also available from Documentation Universite des sciences et technologies de Lille, Cite scientifique BP 30155 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex (France); Optique et Lasers
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[en] Utilizing the significant shape recovery ability (in the order of 100% strain) in shape memory polymers (SMPs), we propose two simple approaches, namely laser heating and indentation, to produce micro-sized protrusion arrays. In the former, after local laser heating a pre-compressed SMP, protrusive bumps can be produced. In the latter, through an indentation-polishing-heating process, various shaped protrusive bumps can be produced. It is to demonstrate that indentation is a more convenient and powerful approach than laser heating, since well controlled, different shaped protrusion arrays can be realized. (note)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
S0960-1317(08)65501-1; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Structures, Devices and Systems; ISSN 0960-1317; ; CODEN JMMIEZ; v. 18(2); [5 p.]
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Wu Zhi-Zheng; Zhang Zhu; Kong Xiang-Hui; Wu Jun-Qiu; Wang Tao; Liu Mei; Xie Shao-Rong, E-mail:
[en] A new controllable laser beam shaping technique is demonstrated, where a magnetic fluid-based liquid deformable mirror is proposed to redistribute the laser phase profile and thus change the propagation property of the beam. The mirror is driven by an inner miniature actuator array along with a large outer actuator. The inner actuator array is used for deforming the magnetic fluid surface, while the outer actuator is used to linearize the fluid surface response and amplify the magnitude of the deflection. In comparison to other laser beam shaping techniques, this technique offers the advantages such as simplicity, low cost, large shape deformation, and high adaptability. Based on a fabricated prototype of the liquid deformable mirror, an experimental AO system was set up to produce a desired conical surface shape that shaped the incident beam into a Bessel beam. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique for laser beam shaping. (paper)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Chinese Physics. B; ISSN 1674-1056; ; v. 26(7); [8 p.]
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Pandey, Dhananjai, E-mail:
Proceedings of the forty seventh national seminar on crystallography2019
Proceedings of the forty seventh national seminar on crystallography2019
[en] Currently there is a lot interest in multiferroic magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) where the shape recovery can be realized under the influence of not only the temperature and stress, as in conventional shape memory alloys, but also the magnetic field. Amongst the MSMAs, the Ni-Mn-Ga (In, Sn, Sb) Heusler alloy system has received maximum attention ever since the magnetic field induced strain (MFIS) as large as larger ∼10% was reported in the stoichiometric Ni2MnGa because of its potential for developing novel multifunctional sensor and actuator devices. MFIS in these alloys is intimately linked with the occurrence of a martensitic type structural phase transitions below the ferromagnetic phase transition temperature, In this talk, I propose to discuss the following aspects of the structural phase transitions in these alloys: incommensurate nature of modulation in the premartensitic and martensite phases; phason broadening of the superlattice peaks; absence of 'lock-in' phase and robust Bain distortion as a result of Pt substitution in Ni2MnGa. (author)
Primary Subject
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India); Indian Crystallographic Association, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (India); Neutron Scattering Society of India, Mumbai (India); 298 p; 2019; p. IT3-IT4; NSC47: 47. national seminar on crystallography; Mumbai (India); 19-22 Jun 2019
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Mackintosh, R.S.
Fourth AINSE nuclear physics conference, 14-17th February 1972, University of Sydney1972
Fourth AINSE nuclear physics conference, 14-17th February 1972, University of Sydney1972
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Australian Inst. of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Lucas Heights; p. 45; Feb 1972; 4. AINSE nuclear physics conference; Sydney, Australia; 14 Feb 1972; Abstract only.
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Kuhn, Felix Arjun; Bruderer, Claudio; Amara, Adam; Refregier, Alexandre; Birrer, Simon, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: alexandre.refregier@phys.ethz.ch2021
[en] We present a combined cosmic shear analysis of the modeling of line-of-sight distortions on strongly lensed extended arcs and galaxy shape measurements in the COSMOS field. We develop a framework to predict the covariance of strong lensing and galaxy shape measurements of cosmic shear on the basis of the small scale matter power-spectrum. The weak lensing measurement is performed using data from the COSMOS survey calibrated with a cloning scheme using the Ultra Fast Image Generator UFig [1]. The strong lensing analysis is performed by forward modeling the lensing arcs with a main lensing deflector and external shear components from the same Hubble Space Telescope imaging data set. With a sample of three strong lensing shear measurements we present a 2-sigma detection of the cross-correlation signal between the two complementary measurements of cosmic shear along the identical line of sight. With large samples of lenses available with the next generation ground and space based observatories, the covariance of the signal of the two probes with large samples of lenses allows for systematic checks, cross-calibration of either of the two measurement and the measurement of the small scale shear power-spectrum. (paper)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics; ISSN 1475-7516; ; v. 2021(04); [24 p.]
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[en] Analytical theories of the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) are reviewed in the small-and large-orbit drift width limits, respectively. Different physics pictures in these two limits are displayed. As an example, these two analytical methods are employed to investigate the plasma shaping effect on the frequency and collisionless damping rate of the GAM.
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Plasma Science and Technology; ISSN 1009-0630; ; v. 13(1); p. 15-20
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[en] The problem of mechanical processing, in particular, grinding products from leucosapphire, is considered. The main problem with this treatment is the need to adjust the diamond tool. One of the methods of tool trueing using loose abrasive technique is considered. The results of a study on restoring the tool cutting ability, its shape and profile after straightening are given. (paper)
Primary Subject
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems 2017; Tomsk (Russian Federation); 4-6 Dec 2017; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering (Online); ISSN 1757-899X; ; v. 327(4); [6 p.]
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
(c) 2013 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Fugate, Michael Lynn; Hamada, Michael Scott; Weaver, Brian Phillip
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE (United States)2017
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE (United States)2017
[en] We present a random effects spline regression model based on splines that provides an integrated approach for analyzing functional data, i.e., curves, when the shape of the curves is not parametrically specified. An analysis using this model is presented that makes inferences about a population of curves as well as features of the curves.
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
LA-UR--17-30878; OSTIID--1416317; AC52-06NA25396; Available from; DOE Accepted Manuscript full text, or the publishers Best Available Version will be available free of charge after the embargo period
Record Type
Journal Article
Quality Engineering; ISSN 0898-2112; ; v. 30(2); p. 351-356
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