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Cardon, Michel; Keroulas, Francois de.
Electricite de France, 75 - Paris; MATRASUR, 92 - Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)1975
Electricite de France, 75 - Paris; MATRASUR, 92 - Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)1975
[en] A procedure and device for the shot peening of the outer surface of pin- or U-shaped tubes intended for heat exchangers are presented. Said procedure is intended for a uniform processing of the rectilinear legs and the curved portion of each tube to be obtained
On presente un procede et un dispositif pour le traitement par grenaillage de la surface externe de tubes en epingle, ou en U destines aux echangeurs de chaleur. Ledit procede a pour but de realiser un traitement uniforme des branches rectilignes et de la partie courbee de chaque tubeOriginal Title
Procede et dispositif de traitement par grenaillage de la surface externe de tubes cintres en epingle
Primary Subject
30 May 1975; 16 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2312330/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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[en] In this study, the influence of shot peening on the corrosion was investigated on spring steel immersed in 3.5% NaCl. The immersion test was performed on the two kinds of specimens. Corrosion potential, polarization curve, residual stress and etc. were investigated from experimental results. From test results, the effect of shot peening on the corrosion was evaluated. In case of corrosion potential, shot peened specimen shows more activated negative direction as compared with parent metal. Surface of specimen, which is treated with the shot peened, is placed as more activated state against inner base metal. It can cause the anti-corrosion effect on the base metal
Primary Subject
The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); [1 CD-ROM]; 2004; [6 p.]; KSME 2004 fall annual meeting; Taejon (Korea, Republic of); 3-5 Nov 2004; Available from KSME, Seoul (KR); 9 refs, 11 figs, 4 tabs
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[en] There are various methods available for the on-site decontamination of removable equipment in Switzerland: a shot peening glass beads method, using a mixture of demineralized water and glass beads within a closed box; high pressure water jet method; wet cleaning methods, using washing basins of different dimensions, detergent and brushes. The manuel cleaning is limited to a few cases, where the special form or the dimensions of the equipment do not allow the application of the glass bead method. Examples of the first two methods are discussed here. These methods have been in use at the nuclear power plant Muehleberg, which is a General Electric Mk I boiling water reactor of 306MWe (net) power and which has been in commercial operation since October 1972
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 93 p; Jun 1981; p. 71-75; Technical committee meeting on the procedures for decontamination of operating nuclear power plants and handling of decontamination wastes; Mol, Belgium; 23 - 27 Apr 1979
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Toparli, M. Burak; Fitzpatrick, Michael E., E-mail:, E-mail: m.b.toparli@gmail.com2019
[en] In this study, two different laser peening systems were employed to investigate the effect of overlapping on the resulting residual stress fields. For each laser peening system, 2.0-mm-thick aluminium sheets were laser peened with different amounts of overlapping. The residual stresses after laser peening were measured by incremental hole drilling. It was shown for both laser peening systems, that an increase in amount of overlapping induced higher magnitude compressive and deeper residual stress fields.
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2019 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science; ISSN 1073-5623; ; CODEN MMTAEB; v. 50(3); p. 1109-1112
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[en] One of the widely used powder metal materials in automotive industry, which is copper steel FC 0205 (Fe + 2% Cu + 0.5% C), was used in this study. The pressed samples has been prepared at the compression pressure of 680 MPa and sintered in conventional furnace at 1120 .deg. C for 30 minutes. The samples with 7 Mg/m"3 densities were used as fatigue and shot peening processes. Shot peening were applied with 20A and 32A and the others were not peened. Plasma nitrocarburizing process was performed at 555 .deg. C for 2 hours under 600-900 Pa pressure. Fatigue tests were conducted at room temperature on a rotating bending type fatigue test device. It was determined that shot peening should be used where increased fatigue strength is needed, and plasma nitrocarburizing should be preferred where surface hardness is required, and plasma nitrocarburizing after shot peening process is much more useful.
Primary Subject
15 refs, 7 figs, 2 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Online); ISSN 1976-3824; ; v. 27(8); p. 2315-2322
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Kim, Tae Hyung; Cho, Byung Jin; Cheong, Seong Kyun
Proceedings of the KSME 2009 spring annual meeting2009
Proceedings of the KSME 2009 spring annual meeting2009
[en] In this study, the improvement of fatigue life in Al7075-T6 specimen with a circular hole-notch was investigated. Optimum-peening intensity was applied to the specimen and the fatigue test was accomplished at the room and high temperature environment. A circular hole-notch with the diameter d = 0.6mm and the depth h = 0.6mm was artificially made on the surface of the center of the specimen. The optimum-peening intensity was 0.341mmA. Fatigue test was performed by 4-point rotary bending, and applied stress was 260MPa. The fatigue lives of shot peened specimens were about 5 times, 8 times, and 4 times longer than unpeened specimens under the room temperature, the high temperature of 100 .deg. C, and the high temperature of 200 .deg. C, respectively. From the experimental results, the improvement of fatigue life of Al7075-T6 specimens with a circular hole-notch was confirmed by shot peening. It is expected the shot peening effect on notched structures in various industries will be excellent.
Primary Subject
The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); 3573 p; 2009; p. MF193-198; KSME 2009 spring annual meeting; Jeju (Korea, Republic of); 23-24 Apr 2009; Available from KSME, Seoul (KR); 14 refs, 9 figs, 3 tabs
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Macherauch, E.; Schulze, V.
Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V., Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstoffkunde 1. Funding organisation: Stifterverband fuer die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V., Essen (Germany). Stiftung Stahlanwendungsforschung1995
Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V., Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstoffkunde 1. Funding organisation: Stifterverband fuer die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V., Essen (Germany). Stiftung Stahlanwendungsforschung1995
[en] Work under this research project covered tests with the quenched and tempered steel 42 CrMo 4 to which one- and two-stage tension-compression fatigue stresses were applied with varying mean loads, under conditions of nominal stress and total strain control. Shot peening was used to induce various microstructural conditions in the material at the surface and near below. Softening in the material was observed to be a continuous process, and the steel showed no stabilised, cyclic deformation behaviour. The cyclic stress-strain curve measured with equal stress amplitudes and total strain control applied shows higher plastic strain amplitudes than that measured with nominal stresses. The fatigue behaviour under two-stage loading depends on the chosen sequence of loads applied, the testing periods, and the overall testing procedure, so that there is no way of deriving data for two-stage testing procedures from single-stage test results. (orig.)
Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens wurden an dem Verguetungsstahl 42 CrMo 4 ein-und zweistufige nennspannungs- und totaldehnungskontrollierte Zug-Druck-Wechselverformungsexperimente mit unterschiedlichen Mittelbeanspruchungen durchgefuehrt. Durch Kugelstrahlbehandlungen wurde der Zustand oberflaechennaher Werkstoffbereiche gezielt beeinflusst. Der untersuchte Verguetungszustand des 42 CrMo 4 entfestigt stetig und weist kein stabilisiertes zyklisches Verformungsverhalten auf. Die zyklische Spannungs-Dehnungs-Kurve zeigt bei gleichen Spannungsamplituden unter Totaldehnungskontrolle groessere plastische Dehnungsamplituden als unter Nennspannungskontrolle. Das Wechselverformungsverhalten bei zweistufiger Beanspruchung ist von der Beanspruchungsreihenfolge, den Blocklaengen sowie der Versuchsfuehrung abhaengig und kann deshalb nicht direkt aus Einstufenversuchen abgeleitet werden. (orig.)Original Title
Ein- und mehrstufige totaldehnungs- und spannungskontrollierte Wechselverformungsexperimente an einem Stahl vom Typ 42 CrMo 4 unter Eigen- und Mittelbeanspruchungsvariation. Abschlussbericht
Primary Subject
1995; 167 p; CONTRACT FKM 145-1; Available from TIB Hannover: RA 2383(191)
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Flamand, L.; Sainsot, P.; Waeckel, P.; Bruneau, N.; Molinie, D.
Contribution of materials investigation to the resolution of problems encountered in pressurized water reactors. Volume 21994
Contribution of materials investigation to the resolution of problems encountered in pressurized water reactors. Volume 21994
[en] Residual stresses may lead to micro scaling of pump reduction gear teeth. Stresses distribution improvements by shot-peening are presented with effects of tensile stresses coming from the rectification process. (A.B.). 5 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs
Original Title
Reducteurs de pompes de circulation d'eau brute. Effet du grenaillage sur l'apparition des micro ecaillages des dentures
Primary Subject
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire (SFEN), 75 - Paris (France); 434 p; 1994; p. 769-776; Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire; Paris (France); International Symposium on the Contribution of Materials Investigation to the Resolution of Problems Encountered in Pressurized Water Reactors; Colloque International sur la Contribution des Expertises sur Materiaux a la Resolution des Problemes Rencontres dans les Reacteurs a Eau Pressurisee; Fontevraud (France); 12-16 Sep 1994
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Lavalerie, C.A.
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (Framatome), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1987
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (Framatome), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1987
[en] Hard little particles peening a radioactively contaminated metal surface are decontaminated by interrupting the circulation of the particles when their contamination exceeds a threshold. The particles are put in a decontamination vessel and treated by a reducing agent before rinsing with water and drying by air
On interrompt la circulation des particules dans l'installation de martelage lorsque la contamination de ces particules atteint un seuil predetermine, on preleve les particules contaminees et on les introduit dans un recipient de decontamination, on met en circulation dans l'installation de martelage une nouvelle charge de particules non contaminees pour redemarrer l'operation de martelage et, pendant que l'operation de martelage se deroule, on realise la decontamination des particules dans le recipient par lavage avec un reactif reducteur. Le dispositif comporte de preference un tambour de lavage rotatifOriginal Title
Procede et dispositif de decontamination de particules de petites dimensions en materiau dur circulant dans une installation de martelage par choc
Primary Subject
30 Oct 1987; 23 Apr 1986; 24 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2598020/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8605854; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 23 Apr 1986
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[en] The shot peening process is most often used to improve fatigue properties of metal parts. The single most critical parameter of the shot peening process is the shot ball itself. Without the correct quality media, all other shot peening parameters are extraneous and the desired fatigue improvement and consistency of improvement will not be achieved. shot peening involves modifications of the surface and subsurface condition of a material that can be described by the change of the residual stresses, the hardness, and the surface roughness. This paper presents the shot peening to optimize the shot ball parameters. The effect of shot peening parameter on the surface roughness, surface hardness and residual stress are investigated
Primary Subject
8 refs, 7 figs, 7 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers. A; ISSN 1226-4873; ; v. 25(10); p. 1590-1596
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