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[en] This paper discusses the relation of the Dutch reactor institute ECN with the industry. The information era will have consequences for the industry especially as to the ratio knowledge-labour invested in industrial products. (Auth.)
Original Title
ECN en de industrie
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Valedictory symposium J.A. Goedkoop; Petten (Netherlands); 28 Nov 1984; 2 tables.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Energiespectrum; ISSN 0165-2117; ; (no.1); p. 11-14
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[en] The author breaks down his report as follows: threefold motto - public opinion - two cultures - mass media - politicians' whishes - devilish interests - elementary fear - offending self-understanding - prophesies. (orig.)
Der Verfasser gliedert seine Ausfuehrungen wie folgt auf: Dreifaches Motto - oeffentliche Meinung - zwei Kulturen - Massenmedien - Wuensche der Politiker - die teuflischen Interessen - Elementare Angst - verletzung des Selbstverstaendnisses - Prophezeiungen. (orig.)Original Title
Koennen Techniker eine Besserung des Verhaeltnisses der Gesellschaft zur Technik herbeifuehren
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Atom und Strom; ISSN 0004-7066; ; v. 29(6); p. 147-149
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Crozon, M.
College de France, 75 - Paris. Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire1984
College de France, 75 - Paris. Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire1984
[en] General survey of interactions between elementary particle physics and our society. The problem is studied for different aspects of our society: men and education, economics, technics, politics, international affairs, honours, myths..
Tour d'horizon des interactions entre la physique des particules elementaires et notre societe. La question est etudiee pour differents aspects de notre societe: les hommes et l'education, l'economie, la technique, la politique, les affaires internationales, les honneurs, les mythes...Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sep 1984; 20 p; 20. International school of elementary particle physics; Dubrovnik (Yugoslavia); 16-30 Sep 1984
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The author discusses some social impacts related with nuclear wastes, nuclear energy, nuclear weapons and radioanalytical chemistry. They are based on the talks delivered at the meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) in November 1983. (The first part of the publication does not contain references to nuclear problems). (A.L.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry; ISSN 0236-5731; ; v. 85(5); p. 261-265
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[en] The author presents a theological perspective on nuclear power based on Israel's history, as revealed in the Hebrew Bible and the Alexandrian Greek Septuagint. Nuclear energy is described as God's energy choice for the whole of creation, which can be made as safe as traditional sources
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
CHEMTECH; v. 12(7); p. 420-423
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The aim of this study was to investigate the role of social processes in scientific investigation, and to relate the products of scientific activity to particular features of the social context in which that activity took place. The group of scientists under examination shared a common interest in the interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. This is not a typical scientific speciality; it lacks both a cohesive social structure and an agreed set of theories and practices. It is argued that social and cognitive factors interact in a complex way to bring about and maintain this fragmented state. In particular, methodological differences are identified as a major cause of disputes in this field. A sub-group of physicists performed experimental tests of Quantum Mechanics. Accounts of the behavior of these physicists in terms of general codes of scientific conduct (norms) seem to be unsatisfactory; instead, we must refer to many specific features of their local social context. The construction and evaluation of knowledge-claims can also be best described by referring to the cultural context of this work. These conclusions support a relativist view, in which the outcome of scientific activity is not uniquely determined by empirical data, but is flexible, and can reflect social pressures from inside or outside science. (author)
Primary Subject
1981; 324 p; Available from British Library, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorks. No. D41721/82; Thesis (Ph.D.).
Record Type
Literature Type
Country of publication
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No abstract available
Original Title
International Conference on Nuclear Power Experience
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; 459 p; ISBN 92-0-050083-8; ; 1983; v. 1 p. 3-5; IAEA; Vienna; International conference on nuclear power experience; Vienna (Austria); 13-17 Sep 1982; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Literature Type
Country of publication
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[en] The Mayor of Lere, Vice-President of the Cher General Council, describes the consequences for his region of the construction of the Belleville nuclear power plant (2 x 1300 MW) scheduled for start-up in 1987. His view-point of an elected local politician on the social, economic and financial problems created by this project is presented
Le maire de Lere, Vice-president du Conseil general du Cher, decrit les consequences, dans sa region, de l'implantation de la centrale nucleaire de Belleville (2 x 1300 MWe), dont la mise en service est prevue pour 1987. On presente son point de vue d'elu local sur les problemes d'ordre social, economique et financier souleves par cette realisationOriginal Title
L'impact socio-economique de l'implantation d'une centrale nucleaire: point de vue d'une commune et d'un canton d'accueil
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Revue Generale Nucleaire; ISSN 0335-5004; ; (no.4); p. 293-295
Country of publication
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[en] In this presidential address at the 50th General Meeting of the Suisse Romande Electricity Association (OFEL) in June 1984, Mr. Wintz stressed the danger to the Swiss socio-economic fabric and the severe energy problems arising from, and denounced the real aims of, the federal 'nuclear' and 'energy' proposals to be voted on by the Swiss people on 23rd Sept 1984. The former would place an embargo on the construction of new and replacement nuclear power stations and the latter would limit installed capacity of new power stations to 35 MW. (P.G.R.)
Original Title
Les fruits de la desinformation..
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Electro-Revue; ISSN 0374-3101; ; v. 76(27); p. 6-7
Country of publication
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[en] The article presents the author's view on the different aspects of the public debates on the nuclear power. The difficulty with much of the energy debate is that it focuses on technical issues, such as radiation effects, framed so that the underlying philosophical question are obscured. The alternatives to nuclear, the role of energy as instrument of social change, the essence of the energy debates, and the needs of energy are briefly outlined
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
IAEA Bulletin; ISSN 0020-6067; ; v. 24(4); p. 28-32
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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