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Hoore, Masoud; Moghimi-Araghi, Saman, E-mail: samanimi@sharif.edu2013
[en] We have considered the Abelian sandpile model on a small-world network. To obtain a small-world network, we have added a few long-ranged bonds to an ordinary square lattice. It is observed that the probability distribution of the avalanches has two distinct power-law regimes: one corresponding to the ordinary BTW model and another that emerges because of the small-world structure of the network. (paper)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical (Online); ISSN 1751-8121; ; v. 46(19); [8 p.]
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Mohseni-Kabir, Arman; Pant, Mihir; Towsley, Don; Guha, Saikat; Swami, Ananthram, E-mail: arman@physics.umass.edu2021
[en] Communication networks, power grids, and transportation networks are all examples of networks whose performance depends on reliable connectivity of their underlying network components even in the presence of usual network dynamics due to mobility, node or edge failures, and varying traffic loads. Percolation theory quantifies the threshold value of a local control parameter such as a node occupation (resp., deletion) probability or an edge activation (resp., removal) probability above (resp., below) which there exists a giant connected component (GCC), a connected component comprising of a number of occupied nodes and active edges whose size is proportional to the size of the network itself. Any pair of occupied nodes in the GCC is connected via at least one path comprised of active edges and occupied nodes. The mere existence of the GCC itself does not guarantee that the long-range connectivity would be robust, e.g. to random link or node failures due to network dynamics. In this paper, we explore new percolation thresholds that guarantee not only spanning network connectivity, but also robustness. We define and analyze four measures of robust network connectivity, explore their interrelationships, and numerically evaluate the respective robust percolation thresholds for the 2D square lattice. (paper)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Statistical Mechanics; ISSN 1742-5468; ; v. 2021(1); [13 p.]
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[en] Full text: The paper deals with the results of the investigation of tenzometric properties of layer-chain semiconductor crystals Tlse-TLInSe2 in static regime.Tenzoresistive characteristics of crystals Tlse-TLLnSe2 has been measured at deformation along the tetragonal axis [001].The electro conductivity of Tlse -TLLnSe2.sharply decreases for crystal tension along this axis [001], and increases at compression in the same direction.The coefficient tenzosensibility in the direction of tetragonal axis TISe-TLLnSe2 has positive value.The technology of tenzodetectors for supersmall deformation is described in detail.
Original Title
Tenzometri na osnove sloisto-sepochnix poluprovodnikov
Primary Subject
Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record; Translated from Russian
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Scientific News. Natural and Technical Sciences; ISSN 1680-1245; ; v. 13(8); 8 p
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[en] Highlights: •Cooperation macrocosmically refers to the overall cooperation rate, while reputation microcosmically records individual choices. •Therefore, reputation should be preferred in order to investigate how individual choices evolve. •Both the mean and standard deviation of reputation follow clear patterns, and some factors have quadratic effects on them. -- Abstract: Cooperation is vital for our society, but the temptation of cheating on cooperative partners undermines cooperation. The mechanism of reputation is raised to countervail this temptation and therefore promote cooperation. Reputation microcosmically records individual choices, while cooperation macrocosmically refers to the group or averaged cooperation level. Reputation should be preferred in order to investigate how individual choices evolve. In this work, we study the distribution of reputation to figure out how individuals make choices within cooperation and defection. We decompose reputation into its mean and standard deviation and inspect effects of their factors respectively. To achieve this goal, we construct a model where agents of three groups or classes play the prisoners’ dilemma game with neighbors on a square lattice. It indicates in outcomes that the distribution of reputation is distinct from that of cooperation and both the mean and standard deviation of reputation follow clear patterns. Some factors have negative quadratic effects on reputation's mean or standard deviation, and some have merely linear effects
Primary Subject
S0960-0779(15)00123-X; Available from; Copyright (c) 2015 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals; ISSN 0960-0779; ; v. 77; p. 39-46
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Alagoz, Serkan, E-mail:
[en] This experimental study demonstrates intensity maps of far-field focusing using a two-dimensional triangular lattice sonic crystal and intensity maps of near-field focusing using a two-dimensional square lattice sonic crystal for various scatter materials. Besides, the paper presents an experimental method to estimate the effective refraction index of far-field flat lenses. The author introduces the experimental setup developed for the research and discusses the results obtained
Primary Subject
S0957-0233(09)95539-4; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] In the evolution of cooperation, the motion of players plays an important role. In this paper, we incorporate, into an evolutionary prisoner dilemma's game on networks, a new factor that cooperators and defectors move with different probabilities. By investigating the dependence of the cooperator frequency on the moving probabilities of cooperators and defectors, μc and μd, we find that cooperation is greatly enhanced in the parameter regime of μc<μd. The snapshots of strategy pattern and the evolutions of cooperator clusters and defector clusters reveal that either the fast motion of defectors or the slow motion of cooperators always favors the formation of large cooperator clusters. The model is investigated on different types of networks such as square lattices, Erdoes-Renyi networks and scale-free networks and with different types of strategy-updating rules such as the richest-following rule and the Fermi rule. The numerical results show that the observed phenomena are robust to different networks and to different strategy-updating rules.
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
New Journal of Physics; ISSN 1367-2630; ; v. 12(12); [11 p.]
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Morin-Duchesne, Alexi; Pearce, Paul A; Rasmussen, Jørgen, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] The family of models on the square lattice includes a dilute loop model, a -vertex model and, at roots of unity, a family of RSOS models. The fused transfer matrices of the general loop and vertex models are shown to satisfy -type fusion hierarchies. We use these to derive explicit - and -systems of functional equations. At roots of unity, we further derive closure identities for the functional relations and show that the universal -system closes finitely. The RSOS models are shown to satisfy the same functional and closure identities but with finite truncation. (paper: quantum statistical physics, condensed matter, integrable systems)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Statistical Mechanics; ISSN 1742-5468; ; v. 2019(1); [42 p.]
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Beaton, Nicholas R, E-mail:
[en] We study several models of staircase polygons on the rotated square lattice, which interact with an impenetrable surface while also being pushed towards or pulled away from the surface by a force. The surface interaction is governed by a fugacity a and the force by a fugacity y. Staircase polygons are simplifications of more general self-avoiding polygons, a well-studied model of interacting ring polymers. For this simplified case we are able to exactly determine the limiting free energy in the full a-y plane, and demonstrate that staircase polygons exhibit four different phases, including a ‘mixed’ adsorbed-ballistic phase. (paper)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical (Online); ISSN 1751-8121; ; v. 50(49); [22 p.]
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Arrowsmith, D K; Bhatti, F M; Essam, J W, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] We consider configurations of n walkers each of which starts at the origin of a directed square lattice and makes the same number t of steps from node to node along the edges of the lattice. Bose walkers are not allowed to cross, but can share edges. Fermi walk configurations must satisfy the additional constraint that no two walkers traverse the same path. Since, for given t, there are only a finite number of t-step paths, there is a limit nmax on the number of walkers allowed by the Fermi condition. The value of nmax is determined for six types of boundary conditions. The number of Fermi configurations of nmax walkers is also determined using a bijection to standard Young tableaux. In four cases there is no constraint on the endpoints of the walks and the relevant tableaux are shifted.
Primary Subject
S1751-8113(10)40319-4; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical (Online); ISSN 1751-8121; ; v. 43(14); [13 p.]
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Jiang Luoluo; Zhou Tao; Wang Binghong; Perc, Matjaz; Huang Xin, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] We investigate the emergence of target waves in a cyclic predator-prey model incorporating a periodic current of the three competing species in a small area situated at the center of a square lattice. The periodic current acts as a pacemaker, trying to impose its rhythm on the overall spatiotemporal evolution of the three species. We show that the pacemaker is able to nucleate target waves that eventually spread across the whole population, whereby three routes leading to this phenomenon can be distinguished depending on the mobility of the three species and the oscillation period of the localized current. First, target waves can emerge due to the synchronization between the periodic current and oscillations of the density of the three species on the spatial grid. The second route is similar to the first, the difference being that the synchronization sets in only intermittently. Finally, the third route toward target waves is realized when the frequency of the pacemaker is much higher than that characterizing the oscillations of the overall density of the three species. By considering the mobility and frequency of the current as variable parameters, we thus provide insights into the mechanisms of pattern formation resulting from the interplay between local and global dynamics in systems governed by cyclically competing species.
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
New Journal of Physics; ISSN 1367-2630; ; v. 11(10); [13 p.]
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