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Carlier, Roger; Michel, M.G.; Hussonnois, Michel; Krupa, J.-C.
Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche (ANVAR), 92 - Paris-Defense (France)1975
Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche (ANVAR), 92 - Paris-Defense (France)1975
[en] This invention concerns a new fluorescent and radioluminescent compound responding to X, gamma and ultraviolet ray excitations as well as to those of alpha and beta particles, heavy ions and neutrons and protons. This compound is composed of thorium tetrabromide. According to the invention the ThBr4 can be used in different forms, particularly as powder, in the solid state obained by solidification after fusion, as well as in single crystal form. One use for making a fluorescence standard is characterised in that the thorium tetrabromide is doped with a fluorescent photoactivator mixed with one or more radioelements to excite the fluorescence levels of this photoactivator. The photoactivator can be a fluorescent lanthanide or actinide mixed with a beta radiation source such as 147Pm. Another use is for making a radioisotopic microgenerator, a ThBr4 single crystal being associated with an alpha or beta radioactive source and a photodiode. The third use of the luminescent compound consists in utilising it for the detection and measurement of the energy of alpha and beta particles, heay ions and protons by associating it with a photomultiplier and a conventional electronic spectrometry system, and a fourth use for measuring the intensity or energy of electromagnetic radiations by frequency conversion
La presente invention a pour objet un nouveau compose fluorescent et radioluminescent repondant aux excitations des rayonnements X, gamma et ultraviolets ainsi que des particules alpha, beta, des ions lourds, des neutrons et des protons. Ce compose est constitue par le tetrabromure de thorium. Selon l'invention, ce ThBr4 peut etre utilise sous differents etats et notamment sous forme pulverulente, a l'etat solide obtenu par solidification apres une fusion, ainsi que sous la forme d'un monocristal. Une premiere application a la realisation d'un etalon de fluorescence, se caracterise en ce que l'on dope le tetrabromure de thorium avec un element photoactivateur fluorescent mele a un ou plusieurs radioelements pour exciter les niveaux de fluorescence dudit element. Ce photoactivateur peut etre un element lanthanide ou actinide fluorescent mele a une source de rayons β telle que le 147Pm. Dans une deuxieme application a la realisation d'un microgenerateur radioisotopique, on associe a un monocristal de ThBr4 une source radioactive alpha ou beta et une photodiode. Une troisieme application du compose luminescent consiste a l'utiliser a la detection et a la mesure de l'energie des particules alpha, beta, des ions lourds et des protons en l'associant a un photomultiplicateur et a une chaine electronique de spectrometrie classique; et une quatrieme application a l'utiliser a la mesure de l'intensite ou de l'energie des rayonnements electromagnetiques par conversionOriginal Title
Compose luminescent a base de tetrabromure de thorium
25 Jun 1975; 11 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2315529/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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[en] Thorium tetrabromide in powder or in single crystal state is fluorescent with ultraviolet light (lambda<300 nm) and radioluminescent with γ-rays or α and β- particles. In both cases the emission takes place over a single broad band peaked at 405 nm. Application of luminescent properties of ThBr4 in several fields like electromagnetic rays and charged particles detection or in nuclear energy conversion could be considered
Le tetrabromure de thorium sous forme pulverulente ou monocristalline est fluorescent aux rayons ultraviolets (lambda<300 nm) et radioluminescent aux rayons γ et corpusculaires: α, β-. Dans les deux cas, l'emission a lieu suivant une large bande unique centree a 405 nm. L'utilisation des proprietes de luminescence de ThBr4 dans le domaine de la detection des rayonnements electromagnetiques et des particules chargees, ou de la conversion d'energie nucleaire peut etre envisageeOriginal Title
Decouverte d'un nouveau scintillateur: le tetrabromure de thorium
Record Type
Journal Article
C. R., Ser. C; v. 281(17); p. 671-672
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Rabinovich, D.; Scott, B.L.; Nielsen, J.B.; Abney, K.D.
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States)1999
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States)1999
[en] The molecular structure of ThBr4(DME)2(DME = 1,2-dimethoxyethane), the first structurally characterized thorium complex containing a simple bidentate ether ligand, is described. The eight-coordinate complex presents a distorted dodecahedral geometry, with Th-Br and Th-O bond lengths in the ranges 2.8516(13)-2.8712(13) A and 2.564(8)-2.620(8) A, respectively. ThBr4(DME)2 is monoclinic, space group P21/n, a = 7.672(1), b = 14.581(1), c = 15.847(2) angstrom, β = 102.24(1)degree, V = 1732.4(3) A3, and Z = 4
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Journal Article
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[en] From the solid state physics to the optical spectroscopy of 5 f elements, we have described in details how ThBr4 and ThCl4 are acting an important role in the applied and basic research field. The possible applications are based on the scintillation properties of these crystals while the fundamental aspect is related to their special incommensurate structure which modulates the host properties of these matrices at low temperature. This very small perturbation of bromine atom positions have optical consequences on the absorption and emission of the actinide studied ions which are interpreted in function of the modulated structure parameters determined by inelastic and elastic neutron scattering and by Raman spectroscopy. The structural model proposed shows, for the first time, how the optical properties of the investigated ion are influenced by the sinusoidal displacements of the bromine atoms, leading to an energy continuum in the absorption and reducing the site symmetry from Dsub(2d) to a multisite of D2 symmetry
Primary Subject
1984; 85 p
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[en] Optical absorption and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies have been used to investigate the electronic structure of ThBr4 in relation to ThF4 and ThCl4. The same electronic process appears to be responsible for the Th 4f photoelectron 'shake-up' satellites and the valence to conduction band transition. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions; ISSN 0956-5000; ; CODEN JCFTEV; v. 91(17); p. 2767-2769
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[en] The sublimation of ThBr4(s) was studied by the torsion-effusion and mass spectrometric methods in the range 600--750 K; only monomeric ThBr4 vapor was observed, and the pertinent thermodynamic parameters were derived. The gaseous lower-valent species ThBr3, ThBr2, and ThBr were identified in the bromination of Th(s) at 1500 to 2000 K, and several reaction equilibria involving these species were studied by mass spectrometry over wide temperature ranges for second law analysis. Reaction enthalpies, bond dissociation energies, and standard enthalpies of formation were derived from the results. Unlike ThF4 and ThCl4, the sublimation entropy indicates that ThBr4 may have a distorted tetrahedral structure. Bond dissociation energies and related thermodynamic properties are discussed and compared with values in other thorium and uranium halides
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Journal Article
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Mentz, F.-H.
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Inst. de Physique Nucleaire; Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France)1979
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Inst. de Physique Nucleaire; Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France)1979
[en] A method to synthesize without moisture contamination about 1 kg of very hygroscopic ThCl4 or ThBr4, and to product single crystals of about some mm3 to some cm3 is described. Characteristics of fluorescence and radioluminescence of ThCl4 and ThBr4 are compared. The response of these two scintillators to protons, deutons, alphas of energy range from 0 to 40 MeV has been studied. The knowledge of the band energy gap could explain the internal luminescence of these thorium halides which are supposed to be strongly ionic
Une methode pour synthetiser a l'abri de l'humidite de l'air environ 1 kg de ThCl4 ou ThBr4 tres hygroscopiques, puis pour produire des monocristaux de l'ordre de quelques mm3 a quelques cm3 est decrite. Les caracteristiques de fluorescence et de radioluminescence de ThCl4 sont comparees a celles de ThBr4. La reponse de ces deux scintillateurs a des protons, deutons, alphas, d'energie allant de 0 a 40 MeV, a ete etudiee. La connaissance de la largeur de la bande interdite pourrait expliquer la luminescence intrinseque de ces halogenures de thorium supposes fortement ioniquesOriginal Title
Etude comparative des proprietes de luminescence de ThCl4 et ThBr4
1979; 65 p; These (3e Cycle).
Record Type
Literature Type
Thesis/Dissertation; Numerical Data
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In this work we present a facile, lab scale synthesis for thorium tetrahalides ThX4 (X = Cl, Br, and I). The reaction between the easily available ThO2 and AlX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) and a subsequent in situ chemical vapor transport (CVT) leads to a product of high purity, which is obtained in the form of crystals or large aggregates of crystals. Their identity and purity was evidenced by X-ray powder diffraction and IR spectroscopy. The usage of ThO2 avoids, unlike earlier syntheses, the utilization of scarcely available thorium metal or of other reactants, such as CCl4, which leads to impurities. Furthermore, the reaction tolerates even less pure ThO2. (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Primary Subject
Available from:; With 7 figs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zeitschrift fuer anorganische und allgemeine Chemie (online); ISSN 1521-3749; ; CODEN ZAACAB; v. 643(23); p. 2005-2010
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Genet, M.; Carlier, R.; Hussonnois, M.; Krupa, J.C.; Delamoye, P.; Guillaumont, R.
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Inst. de Physique Nucleaire1977
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Inst. de Physique Nucleaire1977
[en] Most of already known chemical and physical properties of ThBr4 have been reviewed and a survey of new properties investigated at I.P.N. and dealing more with nuclear and spectroscopy field is presented. ThBr4 preparation, single crystal production as well as fluorescent properties are described. Then, nuclear aspect is studied mainly for ThBr4 response to various charged particles versus energy. Attention is drawn on ThBr4 performances and limits in heavy ion detection. Self-excited α spectrum of ThBr4 induced by natural thorium radioactivity is reported. Specific properties of ThBr4 as a matrix for spectroscopic studies are discussed. Preliminary results about absorption and emission spectra at 4K of ThBr4 crystal doped with U+4 (1 per mille) are presented. The projects in spectroscopy field using ThBr4 and other tetravalent actinide dopants (Pa+4, Np+4, Pu+4, etc) are described. Then, theoretical support needed for spectrum interpretation is briefly given. Finally, bibliography about 5 f element spectroscopy in various matrixes is included
Apres avoir rappele les proprietes physico-chimiques de ThBr4 deja connues, un inventaire de nouvelles proprietes mises en evidence a l'IPN et portant sur l'aspect nucleaire et spectroscopique de ThBr4 a ete dresse. La preparation de ThBr4, la production de monocristaux et les proprietes de fluorescence sont presentees. Puis l'aspect nucleaire, en particulier l'etude de la reponse de ThBr4 a differentes particules chargees en fonction de leur energie, a ete largement developpe. L'accent a ete mis sur les performances et les limites de ThBr4 en tant que detecteur nucleaire des ions lourds. Le propre spectre α de ThBr4, produit par l'excitation de la radioactivite naturelle du thorium et de ses descendants a egalement ete decrit. Les proprietes specifiques de la matrice ThBr4 pour des etudes de spectroscopie et l'analyse des premiers resultats concernant les spectres d'absorption et d'emission a 4 K d'un cristal de ThBr4 dope a 1 pour mille avec U4+ ont ete traites. L'ensemble des projets pour l'etude spectroscopique d'autres elements actinides tetravalents (Pa4+, Np4+, Pu4+, etc) dans ThBr4 sont decrits. Le support theorique qui doit permettre l'interpretation de ces spectres a ete brievement aborde. Enfin, une bibliographie traitant de la spectroscopie des ions 5 f deja etudies dans d'autres matrices a ete incluseOriginal Title
Nouvelles proprietes du tetrabromure de thorium
1977; 76 p
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[en] Molecular force field studies of hexabromo-thorates(IV) and -uranatest(IV) have been carried out using four different force field models. Weighted least square adjustment has been used to fit the observed frequencies. Mean amplitudes of vibration have also been calculated at 00K and 2980K. The trends of force constants and mean amplitudes have also been discussed. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Monatshefte fuer Chemie; ISSN 0026-9247; ; v. 110(4); p. 857-860
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