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Stefan, Cerba; Jakub, Luley; Branislav, Vrban; Filip, Osusky; Vladimir, Necas
Vietnam Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology VINANST-13. Agenda and Abstracts2019
Vietnam Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology VINANST-13. Agenda and Abstracts2019
[en] Slovakia as one of the world leading countries in the share of nuclear power in electricity production and currently operates 2 nuclear power plants, each with 2 VVER-440 units. In addition to these reactors there are 2 VVER-440 units under construction and 2 units in decommissioning. The VVER-440 technology features thermal neutron spectrum, low enriched uranium dioxide fuel and light-water coolant with diluted boric acid. The reactivity control during normal operation is ensured by the system of emergency reactivity control assemblies (ERC), symmetrically arranged in 37 positions in the reactor core, and by boric acid, homogenously diluted in the moderator. Due to the presence of 10B in the coolant/moderator which has high thermal neutron capture cross-section, the absorption of neutron on these atoms may lead to tritium production. Tritium as the radioactive isotope of hydrogen with half-life of 12.3 years, strongly contributes to the level of radioactivity of the primary coolant, therefore the NPP staff must have appropriate knowledge of its production during operation. The production rate of tritium may be assessed either by experimental measurement or by simulation using state-of-the-art calculation tools. This paper focuses on the estimation of the tritium production for a specific scenario of the operation of the 3rd unit of Mochovce NPP. For simulations the SCALE6 [1] system is used with the detailed calculation model [2] developed at the B&J NUCLEAR ltd. company. The whole-core 3D model of VVER-440 consists of the reactor in-vessel components such as fuel assemblies (including fuel rods, upper spacer grid, intermediate spacer grids, supporting grid, mixing grid, central tube and fuel endings), emergency reactor control assemblies (absorber and fuel part), core basket, barrel and the reactor pressure vessel. The boundaries of the created VVER-440 whole-core model are given by the outer surface of the dry shielding, the level of hot-leg piping and the basement of filtration mechanism. The calculations presented in the paper are performed using self-shielded multi-group cross-section libraries, taking into account the operation conditions of Mochovce unit 3 NPP [3] in the first fuel campaign.(author)
Primary Subject
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, Hanoi (Viet Nam); International Centre of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Quang Ninh Department of Science and Technology (Viet Nam); 266 p; Aug 2019; 9 p; VINANST-13: 13. Vietnam Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology; Hoi nghi Khoa hoc va Cong nghe Hat nhan Toan quoc lan thu 13; Ha Long City, Quang Ninh (Viet Nam); 7-9 Aug 2019; Also available from Division of Information, Department of Planning and R & D Management, VINATOM; 10 refs, 5 figs, 1 tab; This record replaces 50071476
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Turner, R.F.; Simnad, M.T.; Yang, Ling; Kaae, J.L.; Brogli, R.H.
General Atomic Co., San Diego, CA (USA)1981
General Atomic Co., San Diego, CA (USA)1981
[en] This patent deals with the production of tritium from a lithium compound in a nuclear reactor. Small round particles (30-1000 μm) are composed of a lithium compound (lithium oxide or aluminate), an inside lining in a porous substance (pyrolytic carbide), a gas proof coating made of a dense substance (SiC or 2rC) and a new coat of carbon. The coated particles are irradiated with thermal neutrons in a gas cooled nuclear reactor in order to bring about the transmutation of a preponderant proportion of 6Li nuclides to form helium and tritium. The tritium is recovered from the particles by heating them to at least 13000C to bring about diffusion through the external coating. It is also possible to bring these particles to around 13000C in a reactor during a sufficiently long period, for example a week, to ensure the total diffusion of the tritium in the helium atmosphere. The tritium is then eliminated by a recuperation system
Ce brevet traite de la production de tritium a partir d'un compose de lithium dans un reacteur nucleaire. De petites particules spheriques (30-1000μm) sont constituees d'un compose de lithium (oxyde ou aluminate de lithium), d'un revetement interieur fait d'une matiere poreuse (carbone pyrolytique), d'un revetement etanche aux gaz fait d'une matiere dense (SiC ou 2rC) et d'une nouvelle couche de carbone. On irradie les particules enrobees avec des neutrons thermiques dans un reacteur nucleaire refroidi par un gaz pour provoquer la transmutation d'une proportion preponderante des nucleides 6Li pour former de l'helium et du tritium et, on recupere le tritium des particules. On les chauffe a une temperature d'au moins 13000C pour provoquer la diffusion a travers le revetement exterieur. Il est possible egalement de porter ces particules dans un reacteur a environ 13000C pendant une periode suffisante, par exemple une semaine, pour assurer la diffusion de la totalite du tritium dans l'atmosphere d'helium; ce tritium est ensuite elimine par un systeme de recuperationOriginal Title
Procede de production de tritium dans un reacteur nucleaire, reacteur pour la mise en oeuvre de ce procede, elements combustibles et coeur pour de tels reacteurs; lithium spherical coated particles
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26 Jun 1981; 19 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2472251/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Priority claim: 20 Dec 1979, US.
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[en] Faced with mounting safety problems in its military production reactors, the Energy Department will soon ask Congress to fund the construction of at least one new multibillion dollar tritium production reactor. Energy estimates that building such a reactor could take ten years, and it says that in the interim it needs to continue producing tritium at the Savannah River reactors. In fact, it plans to resume operating its Savannah River reactors at full power as soon as possible. The United States must keep producing tritium if the US-Soviet nuclear arms race continues its present course. If the arms race continues, the Energy Department has two basic options: it could run the Savannah River reactors for several more decades or it could use these reactors until it has built a new one. Operating the Savannah River reactors at full or low power may be risky, even if they undergo extensive safety modifications, since no one knows at what power these reactors can be operated safely. Despite these pressing issues, most of the substantive debate about the role of tritium in nuclear weapons and the requirement for more tritium production is taking place in secret. The public debate largely ignores the broader questions of whether the United States needs to produce tritium and what impact possible agreements reducing nuclear arsenals might have on US tritium requirements
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[en] Properties of natural and artificial tritium sources are reviewed and the role of tritium in LWR and PWR is analyzed. (author)
Original Title
Surse de producere a tritiului
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Coensgen, F.H.; Futch, A.H.; Molvik, A.W.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (USA)1989
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (USA)1989
[en] The concept presented here is an adaptation of a recently completed conceptual design of a compact high-fluence D-T neutron source for accelerated end-of-life testing of fusion reactor materials. Although this preliminary assessment serves to illustrate the main features of a linear plasma-based tritium breeder, it is not necessarily an optimized design. We believe that proper design choices for the breeder application will certainly reduce costs, perhaps as much as a factor of two. We also point out that Q (the ratio of fusion power produced to power input to the plasma) increases with system length and that the cost per kg of tritium decreases for longer systems with higher output. In earlier studies of linear two-component plasma systems, Q values as high as three were predicted. At this level of performance and with energy recovery, operating power requirements of the breeder could approach zero. 5 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab
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15 Feb 1989; 9 p; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 - OSTI; 1 as DE89008639; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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[en] The July 17 rupture of a plutonium separation column at the Chelyabinsk-65 facility of the Mayak chemical production enterprise caused no harm to workers or the local population, and there was no contamination of the territory around the plant, according to an inquiry commission of the Russian state committee for emergencies. Examinations of 17 people in the workshop at the time of the incident have revealed no traces of plutonium in their bodies. Monitoring to a distance of 10 km around the plant found no deviation from previously registered radiation levels. The event has been rated as a level 1 incident on the International Nuclear Even Scale
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[en] Slovakia as one of the world leading countries in the share of nuclear power in electricity production and currently operates 2 nuclear power plants, each with 2 VVER-440 units. In addition to these reactors there are 2 VVER-440 units under construction and 2 units in decommissioning. The VVER-440 technology features thermal neutron spectrum, low enriched uranium dioxide fuel and light-water coolant, diluted boric acid and 37 emergency reactivity control assemblies with boron steel absorber. Due to the presence of 10B in the coolant/moderator which has high thermal neutron capture cross-section, the absorption of neutron on these atoms may lead to tritium production. Tritium strongly contributes to the level of radioactivity of the primary coolant, therefore the NPP staff must have appropriate knowledge of its production during operation. This paper focuses on the estimation of the tritium production for a specific scenario of the operation of the 3rd unit of Mochovce NPP. For simulations the SCALE6 system is used with the detailed calculation model developed at the B&J NUCLEAR ltd. company. The calculations presented in the paper are performed using self-shielded multi-group cross-section libraries, taking into account the operation conditions of Mochovce unit 3 NPP in the first fuel campaign. (author)
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Available from Information Centre. VINATOM; 10 refs, 6 figs, 1 tab; Published by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute
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Journal Article
Nuclear Science and Technology (Hanoi); ISSN 1810-5408; ; v. 9(2); p. 10-16
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No abstract available
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Annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society; New Orleans, LA (USA); 3-8 Jun 1984; CONF-840614--; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; ISSN 0003-018X; ; v. 46 p. 241-242
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[en] The purpose of this paper is to examine the essential features of tritium breeding blankets employing helium-3 as the breeding medium. The concept exhibits good tritium breeding potential, attractive safety features, and relatively low development risk. Both near-term and commercial applications are considered. The near-term application is based on using terrestial sources of helium-3, while the commercial application is based on an extra-terrestrial helium-3 source, perhaps the lunar surface. If these helium-3 sources can be realized at costs in the range of -- 100-500 $/g then helium-3 offers an attractive alternative to lithium as a tritium breeding medium for fusion applications
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Secondary Subject
8. topical meeting on technology of fusion energy; Salt Lake City, UT (USA); 9-13 Oct 1988; CONF-881031--
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Gray, P.L.
Westinghouse Savannah River Co., Aiken, SC (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
Westinghouse Savannah River Co., Aiken, SC (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
[en] In late 1995, DOE is schedule to announce a new tritium production unit. Near the end of the last NPR (New Production Reactors) program, work was directed towards eliminating risks in current designs and reducing effects of accidents. In the Heavy Water Reactor Program at Savannah River, the coolant was changed from heavy to light water. An alternative, passively safe concept uses a heavy-water-filled, zircaloy reactor calandria near the bottom of a swimming pool; the calandria is supported on a light-water-coolant inlet plenum and has upflow through assemblies in the calandria tubes. The reactor concept eliminates or reduces significantly most design basis and severe accidents that plague other deigns. The proven, current SRS tritium cycle remains intact; production within the US of medical isotopes such as Mo-99 would also be possible
Primary Subject
15 Feb 1995; 3 p; Winter meeting of the American Nuclear Society; San Francisco, CA (United States); 29 Oct - 1 Nov 1995; CONF-951006--9; CONTRACT AC09-89SR18035; Also available from OSTI as DE95014727; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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