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[en] This work deals with the regulation relative to the non specific wastes of the foundry sector and with those of their transportation. (O.M.)
Original Title
Les dechets de fonderie. Reglementation
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Techniques de l'Ingenieur. Materiaux Metalliques; ISSN 1762-8733; ; v. MC3(M189); p. M3680.1-M3680.14
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Wykes, J.S.; Surzyn, P.M.; Croke, G.M.; Adsley, Ian.
Coal Industry (Patents) Ltd., London (UK)1980
Coal Industry (Patents) Ltd., London (UK)1980
[en] The invention relates to a process for determining the nature of a substance transported, comprising the collimation of the radiation of not less than two energies so that they form beams; the irradiation of the matter transported by the beams, the detection of the non-scattered radiations for the two energies at least, after passing in the transported matter, and the deduction of the nature of the transported matter according to the radiations detected. The radiations are collimated by placing a shield around the gamma source (americium 241 or cesium 137). The detector is protected by a shield so that it prevents any significant interference due to the reactions near the surface provoked by those radiations not of the lowest energy, with detection of those radiations of lesser energy. In a variation, a source of relatively higher energy radiations is placed at a distance from the source of relatively lesser energy radiations. The latter have a component taken from natural ionizing radiation and this component is withdrawn to a predetermined calibration
L'invention concerne un procede de determination de la nature d'une matiere transportee, comprenant la collimation de radiations d'au moins deux energies afin qu'elles forment des faisceaux, l'irradiation de la matiere transportee par les faisceaux, la detection des radiations non diffusees pour les deux energies au moins, apres passage dans la matiere transportee, et la deduction de la nature de la matiere transportee d'apres les radiations detectees. Les radiations sont collimatees par disposition d'un blindage autour de la source gamma (americium 241 ou cesium 137). Le detecteur est protege par un blindage afin qu'il empeche toute interference importante due aux reactions proches de la surface proquees par les radiations qui ne sont pas de la plus faible energie, avec detection des radiations qui ont une energie plus faible. Dans une variante, une source de radiations d'energie relativement elevee est placee a distance de la source de radiations d'energie relativement faible. Ces dernieres ont une composante tiree du rayonnement ionisant naturel, et cette composante est soustraite suivant un etalonnage predetermineOriginal Title
Procede et appareil de determination de la nature de matieres transportees par mesure de radiations transmises
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
8 Aug 1980; 25 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2446477/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Priority claim: 12 Jan 1979, GB.
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Portsmouth, J.H.
Westinghouse Hanford Co., Richland, WA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1994
Westinghouse Hanford Co., Richland, WA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1994
[en] The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Transportation Management Division (TMD) is responsible for managing its various programs via a diverse combination of Government-Owned/Contractor-Operated facilities. TMD is seeking to update it automation capabilities in capturing and processing DOE transportation information. TMD's Transportation Information Network (TIN) is an attempt to bring together transportation management, shipment tracking, research activities and software products in various stages of development. The TMD's Automated Transportation Management System (ATMS) proposes to assist the DOE and its contractors in performing their daily transportation management activities and to assist the DOE Environmental Management Division in its waste management responsibilities throughout the DOE complex. The ATMS system will center about the storage, handling and documentation involved in the environmental clean-up of DOE sites. Waste shipments will be moved to approved Treatment, Storage and Disposal (TSD) facilities and/or nuclear material repositories. An additional investment in shipping samples to analytical laboratories also involves packaging and documentation according to all applicable U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) or International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations. The most immediate goal of effectively managing DOE transportation management functions during the 1990's is an increase in automation capabilities of the DOE and its contractors. Subject-matter experts from various DOE site locations will be brought together to develop and refine these capabilities through the maximum use of computer applications. A major part of this effort will be the identification of the most economical modes of transportation and enhanced management reporting capabilities for transportation analysis. The ATMS system will also provide for increased strategic and shipment analysis during the 1990's and beyond in support of the DOE environmental mission
Primary Subject
Jan 1994; 11 p; Waste management '94; Tucson, AZ (United States); 27 Feb - 3 Mar 1994; CONF-940225--115; CONTRACT AC06-87RL10930; Also available from OSTI as DE94013582; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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[en] This appendix provides a summary of the actions to be taken to establish a national strategy for education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety. It sets out the chronological sequence of actions, including the contribution from the different stakeholders and the role of the steering committee. It provides an example, particularly with respect to the initiation of the process, of the establishment of a national strategy and the role of the steering committee. The actual national context and the actual role of the relevant stakeholders (e.g. the regulatory body) in a specific country might require a different assignment of responsibilities, or different actions in another sequence.
Original Title
Vue d’ensemble des actions à mener pour établir une stratégie nationale de formation théorique et pratique en sûreté radiologique et en sûreté du transport et des déchets. Appendice II
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety, Vienna (Austria); 86 p; ISBN 978-92-0-220621-2; ; Jul 2022; p. 63-68; ISSN 1020-6477; ; Also available on-line:; Enquiries should be addressed to IAEA, Marketing and Sales Unit, Publishing Section, E-mail:; Web site:; Tab.
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Jefferson, R.M.; Allen, G.C.; Cashwell, J.W.
Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (USA)1984
Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (USA)1984
[en] While the technology to transport nuclear wastes is generally viewed to be available, research and development activities in support of nuclear waste management programs are still expected to be required. The status of current base technology activities at the Transportation Technology Center (TTC) and their direction for the future are reviewed in this paper. These activities include tasks in standards and subsystems development, systems technology development, information materials and systems, institutional issue analyses and safety analyses
Primary Subject
1984; 5 p; Waste management '84 conference; Tucson, AZ (USA); 11-15 Mar 1984; CONF-840307--15; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE84009094
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[en] This appendix provides a summary of the actions to be taken to establish a national strategy for education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety. It sets out the chronological sequence of actions, including the contribution from the different stakeholders and the role of the steering committee. It provides an example, particularly with respect to the initiation of the process, of the establishment of a national strategy and the role of the steering committee. The actual national context and the actual role of the relevant stakeholders (e.g. the regulatory body) in a specific country might require a different assignment of responsibilities, or different actions in another sequence.
Original Title
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety, Vienna (Austria); 96 p; ISBN 978-92-0-435921-3; ; Dec 2021; p. 68-75; ISSN 1020-6485; ; Also available on-line:; Enquiries should be addressed to IAEA, Marketing and Sales Unit, Publishing Section, E-mail:; Web site:; Tab.
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Pshenin, E.S.; Sujmenbaev, B.T.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] The problem of nuclear industry waste utilization in space is rather actual, but at the same time, not new one. By the current time there are 217,8 million tones of different radioactive wastes in Kazakstan with total activity about 220 thousand curie. Among them the most dangerous are highly activated wastes of nuclear industry which can be estimated as more 1 thousand tone. Modern space transportation system could bring to the Moon, the Mars, the Sun flight trajectory from 4 tons (Space ship 'Proton' up to 28 (Space ship 'Energy') of net load. It should be noted that USSR and the US were indirectly engaged in problems of radioactive waste utilization in space for more than 20 years. The subject is about space vehicles burial with nuclear power facilities at so called burial orbits. Time of the nuclear power facilities existence at burial orbits is 300-400 years which is enough for decay of the most active and short-lived fission products up to the activated value which is considered as radioactivity non-hazardous. So, 31 Soviet space vehicles with nuclear power facilities and 12 American space vehicles with nuclear power sources have been removed to the space orbit. In spite of low total activity of space 'rubbish' (about 110-130 kilo curie), potential risk from 'dead' nuclear power facilities remains. Radioactive waste burial in open space is faced with strict requirements of container safety moving to the corresponding orbit. The safety concept is to be based on ecological requirements during the execution of such project. Creation of such concept needs involvement of leading scientists from various countries under aegis of U N and IAEA. Development of realization of the program for radioactive waste removal to the open space requires at least 10-15 years
Original Title
Problemy utilizatsii radioaktivnykh otkhodov v otkrytom kosmicheskom prostranstve
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.). Funding organisation: Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041869KZ); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041851KZ); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041949KZ); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); (4205390RU); (7041774RU); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); (7041736RU); 150 p; 1996; p. 63; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya; Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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Krause, H.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (F.R. Germany). Abt. Dekontaminationsbetriebe1973
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (F.R. Germany). Abt. Dekontaminationsbetriebe1973
No abstract available
Original Title
Abteilung Dekontaminationsbetriebe. Jahresbericht 1971
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 1973; 120 p; 28 figs.; 25 tabs.; 17 refs. With abstract in English and German.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Several containers are being developed for isolation and disposal of used fuel from CANDU reactors. Tests have been conducted to show their satisfactory performance, including structural strength, corrosion resistance and so on. To demonstrate the feasibility of using these containers for disposal, it is necessary to demonstrate that the containers can be assembled remotely, using highly automated equipment (with manual override). Preference will be given to the established technology to limit the amount of developmental work in robotics and to ensure that the proposed system offers a reliable solution. The project has been approved for 1985. A long-term project is being proposed here to demonstrate the viability of the remote handling system. Interim reports will be issued for the engineering assessment and feasibility stages
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Secondary Subject
Apr 1985; 19 p
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[en] The Transportation Business Plan is a step in the process of procuring the transportation system. It sets the context for business strategy decisions by providing pertinent background information, describing the legislation and policies governing transportation under the NWPA, and describing requirements of the transportation system. Included in the document are strategies for procuring shipping casks and transportation support services. In the spirit of the NWPA directive to utilize the private sector to the maximum extent possible, opportunities for business ventures are obvious throughout the system development cycle
Primary Subject
Jan 1986; 55 p; Available from NTIS, PC A04/MF A01; 1 as DE86006316; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products. Original copy available until stock is exhausted.
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